
VCPB7a12 to PB7a15 Changelog

Oct 12th, 2022 (edited)
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  2. Taller hurtboxes added to the following classes: Air Man, Dive Man, Gravity Man, Stone Man, Blizzard Man, Junk Man, Burst Man, Cloud Man, Tengu Man, Concrete Man, King, Hyper Storm H
  3. -Mega Ball now appears in maps
  5. Aqua Man:
  6. -Aerial altfire column launching hitbox size increased: 64 > 80, damage decreased: 20 > 18 (launching), 3 > 2 (lingering)
  7. -Ult reworked: Now summons five columns in a line straight ahead
  9. Bass:
  10. -Window for boosted double jump increased by 35 tics
  11. -Mainfire now has three damage levels, damage starts at 3 and decreases by 1 per level
  12. -Thirdfire kick now starts with a forwards lunge
  13. -Ult altfire speed increased: 35 > 40, damage increased: 25 > 35
  14. -Ult thirdfire distance increased: 20 > 35, damage increased: 20 > 25
  16. Shade Man:
  17. -Altfire now returns half of the ammo cost on hit
  18. -Flight mode altfire can now be steered
  19. -Thirdfire now initiates flight, double jump initiation removed
  20. -Ult form now has 50% knockback resistance
  22. Toad Man:
  23. -Thirdfire can now be used during Ult
  25. Mars:
  26. -New passive ability, Violence Meter: Gaining frags fills a meter which repeatedly buffs ammo regen rate after 2 stacks and movement speed by 5% after 1 stack, can now hit altfire during mainfire animation for homing missiles, all moves except the homing missiles grant 1 meter stack on frag
  28. Oil Man:
  29. -Mainfire puddle debuff no longer allows enemies to gain additional speed
  31. Wood Man:
  32. -Mainfire shield activation ammo cost increased: 0 > 2
  33. -Ult shots are now fired in a rising arc
  35. Tornado Man:
  36. -Ult total duration halved, damage increased: 1 > 2
  38. Acid Man:
  39. -Thirdfire cooldown increased: 125 > 195
  40. -Ult can no longer be used during Acid Barrier
  42. Ground Man:
  43. -Health tier decreased: Strong > Semi-strong (137 > 116)
  45. Cut Man:
  46. -Mainfire travel speed increased: 30 > 40
  48. Proto Man:
  49. -Ult invincibility now takes longer to activate: 0 > 6
  51. Pluto:
  52. -Wall stick now only cancels within 2 tics of pressing the jump key
  54. Blade Man:
  55. -Assist now has 35 tics of cooldown after a bullet spray during which it cannot be attacked again
  56. -Wall stick now only cancels within 2 tics of pressing the jump key
  58. Metool:
  59. -Suited form now has 25% knockback resistance
  61. Hyper Storm H:
  62. -Now has 25% knockback resistance
  64. Guts Man:
  65. -Thirdfire into altfire now breaks over user's head, boulder fragment angle and bouncing behavior changed
  66. -Ult form now has 50% knockback resistance
  68. Saturn:
  69. -Mainfire ring now has an ammo bar for bounce duration, can now be recalled with altfire, ring damage changed: 5 ripping > 22 single-hit, ring speed decreased: 40 > 30, slide damage increased: 10 > 24, slide speed increased: 40 > 50
  70. -Altfire spiral shot damage increased: 15 > 20, now has protection on hit
  71. -Now has a thirdfire: Summon a field of heavy gravity that lowers the jump height of foes inside, detonates when another is summoned
  73. Cloud Man:
  74. -Aerial altfire damage increased: 10 > 15
  75. -Thirdfire ammo gain increased: 1 > 2
  77. Elec Man:
  78. -Charged mainfire melee now hits after altfire shield stun, damage per hit in this context is 1 instead of 3
  79. -Ult bolt now repels projectiles, startup decreased: 9 > 3, charge tier decreased: 3 > 2
  81. Doc Robot:
  82. -Assist active time decreased: 1050 > 525, can now have more than one active at a time
  83. -Altfire now charges 1.5x faster, now has 18 tics of protection after getting hit during which he cannot lose a level of charge
  85. Slash Man:
  86. -Mainfire wall dash startup decreased: 4 > 1
  87. -Altfire egg toss startup increased: 0 > 4, cooldown decreased: 18 > 14
  88. -Ult invincibility moved to the start of the attack
  90. Heat Man:
  91. -Synthfire now has 1 second of afterburn (14 extra damage) outside Ult mode
  93. Metal Man:
  94. -Altfire ride gear can now be controlled manually and cancelled by tapping the jump key, thirdfire can now be used while riding
  96. Venus:
  97. -Altfire now charges 1.5x faster
  98. -Now has a thirdfire: Summon a line of ground suds in a wave pattern that lowers jump height and movement speed on hit
  99. -Ult reworked: Now gets three uses at max, now has a range cap of 600, each waterfall lasts for 3 seconds, charge tier increased: 1 > 2
  101. Neptune:
  102. -Mainfire cooldown decreased: 22 > 21
  104. Centaur Man:
  105. -Mainfire full charge sound can no longer be heard by opponents while invisible
  106. -Ult duration shortened by 2 seconds
  108. Cold Man:
  109. -Mainfire can now be charged for more launch speed
  111. Mercury:
  112. -Altfire now allows user to pass through and damage enemies
  114. Enker:
  115. -Thirdfire now grants ammo on kill
  117. Star Man:
  118. -Ult duration shortened by 2 seconds
  120. Alien:
  121. -Altfire drops hit the ground faster
  123. Time Man:
  124. -Mainfire damage increased: 8 > 9
  125. -Thirdfire now has 4 seconds of cooldown on use
  127. Dust Man:
  128. -Health tier increased: Semi-weak > Normal (92 > 100)
  129. -Mainfire max capacity shot is now done with thirdfire
  131. Air Man:
  132. -Charged mainfire deals full hitstun to enemies in the air
  134. Ra Thor:
  135. -Altfire grants more health on kill: 15 > 30
  137. Shadow Man:
  138. -Uncharged mainfire gains an extra 7 damage when done out of a thirdfire cloak (no extra poison damage)
  139. -Grounded altfire gains an extra 3 damage when done out of a thirdfire cloak
  140. -Aerial altfire gains an extra 7 damage when done out of a thirdfire cloak
  142. Gyro Man:
  143. -Altfire can now pass through enemies
  145. Plant Man:
  146. -Altfire turret flowers can now attach to teammates, flowered teammates gain 42 health over time, health gained from touching grounded turret flowers in team modes increased: 2 > 10 (user), 8 > 20 (teammates)
  148. Uranus:
  149. -Ult wall dimensions changed: 15x2 > 7x7
  151. Concrete Man:
  152. -Altfire can be charged for a forwards leap and pressed again during the leap to drop downwards
  153. -Ult Paozo can now turn to face targets
  155. Pharaoh Man:
  156. -Ammo regenerates 1 tic slower
  158. Blizzard Man:
  159. -Mainfire cooldown decreased: 20 > 16
  160. -Thirdfire speed increased: 30 > 40, damage increased: 24 > 28
  162. Skull Man:
  163. -Altfire invincibility duration increased after blue barrier is destroyed: 3 > 10
  165. Magic Man:
  166. -Fully charged altfire grants less Ultimate ammo on hit: 60 > 40
  168. Crystal Man:
  169. -Charged mainfire speed increased: 70 > 90
  170. -Altfire can now be charged for larger crystals that split
  172. Spark Man:
  173. -Now has a thirdfire: Perform a slash that knocks back and partially stuns enemies while refilling all your ammo below max charge, launch a spread of electric crosses that stuns and creates an electric field to damage enemies nearby on hit at max charge
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