
Misfit Love

Sep 16th, 2014
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  1. The battle approached. Dawn's first light spilled over the forest and the encampment of both armies. Fires were extinguished, and watches were exchanged. The armies were roused as quickly as possible, thousands rising and groaning as they prepared to fight and die for their causes. Of course, on a less grim note most of them had to prepare to actually fight, and it was Robin's job to make sure that everyone was actually prepared and not slacking off again. From helping Vaike secure his weapons to securing Kjelle's armor plating, sorting out the tomes for Tharja and Noire to use and carefully delivering them without making too much eye contact or any sudden movements, Robin slid through the camp like a helpful wraith, speeding up the operation of the army all on his own. Eventually he came upon Nowi's tent. She hadn't woken yet, as evidenced by the snores gently floating from her tent. His eyes rolled. What was it about manakete that made them sleep so much? Three quick raps on the taut wall of the tent and Nowi jolted awake with an 'eep!' "Sorry, sorry! I'm sorry, I overslept!" Her panicking voice echoed from inside the tent and he chuckled. Two minutes of scrambling and clanking passed before he decided enough was enough.
  2. "Nowi, what's going on in here-" He pulled a flap aside and ducked his head in -- and froze. Nowi looked back at him, entirely naked and in the process of pulling on the light plate specially made for her wyvern riding armor. In all of his days he never moved as quickly as he did right there, pulling his head out of the tent so fast that his head swum and his legs stumbled, too much young dragon-flesh embedded in his mind. "Oh, gods, Nowi, I am so sorry." "Oh, it's alright, I know you didn't mean to! But you still shouldn't walk in on a lady while she's changing, you know." Somehow her voice remained ever cheerful, unaffected by Robin's actions. "I-I have to go." Ignoring Nowi's confused protests, Robin fled the scene while trying to not look like he was fleeing, turning and walking (quickly) towards his tent, face flushed and a hand over one eye.
  3. Who he met in front of his tent was not who he expected. Frederick, wanting to go over their weaponry one last time or Chrom needing help reviewing their battle plan. Perhaps Olivia needing some words of encouragement or even Tharja, with a pathetically flimsy excuse to come talk to him. (She was married! Why was she still following him around?) Who he almost ran into was Nah, the other short dragon-girl that they had recruited from both the past and the future. A moment of finding his bearings from leaping backwards away from her passed before he actually, properly looked at her. She couldn't be more than twelve, although Lucina had assured him that she was seven and ten years of age, and she was smiling, wide with just a bit of teeth visible and her eyes screamed 'Got you.' "So, Robin..." she said, voice overflowing with the essence of smug, "Why were you peeping on my mother?" "W-wait, I-I wasn't -- What?" he stuttered, voice stumbling as he tried to pierce the layers of half-truths and accusations present in that statement. "How did you--" "I saw you peer into her tent -- while she was changing." Her voice was thick with mock-accusation, humor flickering in her eyes.
  4. "I-- No, nevermind." Robin's voice hardened along with his face, and he stared the manakete in the eyes. "What do you want, Nah?" A finger tapped her chin, coy smile playing over her face. "Well, I came here to ask you about the battle, but I just got a better idea. How about... You meet me in my tent after the battle." Her grin turned downright wicked. "Or I'll tell everyone you like little girls." Man stared at dragon, and dragon at man, her grin growing with each moment and his face getting grimmer. "Who would believe you." "Well, I'm just a little girl, and I'm sure if I went crying to the others they would believe me over you. Come on, a crying girl comes up to you and says that a man was peeping on her, and you're going to believe him?" Robin made a wordless sound of anger, fists clenching. "What, so this is blackmail for something that never happened?" "Yeah, pretty much. See you after the battle." With a giggle, wink and a wave, Nah vanished among the tents, leaving Robin alone and infuriated in front of his own tent. He stilled his breath and his heart as best as he could, but his mind was afire, trying to find a solution that wouldn't get him outed as a pedophile in front of the entire army. But with the battle not but an hour away and the last fifteen minutes of events, he couldn't see any way out that didn't involve murder most foul or just doing as Nah said and hoping that it wasn't too embarrassing.
  6. The battle itself was fairly unremarkable -- another army led by an upstart Valmese commander hoping to prove himself in the eyes of his emperor was broken upon the rock that was the shepherds. The soldiers scattered or slaughtered after being routed, most of the day had been spent running soldiers down, recovering their wounded (all three of them) and burying the enemy dead. The last task took nearly until nightfall, the dead stacked like cordwood in mass graves. This day had been exhausting enough for Robin, and he nearly forgot his 'promise' to Nah after departing the command post for the comfort of his own tent. Gritting his teeth and suppressing a sigh, Robin began the long march through the campsite to the children's tents. Most of them (read; All of them but for perhaps Gerome) would be busy with one of their various tasks or with spending time with their family (what little they had) at dinner. He hoped this would be over with quickly so that he would be free to spend time with the others as well.
  7. Robin brushed aside the tent flap and ducked inside, low roof of the tent forcing him to half-stand, half-bend. The manakete was watching him with a smirk even smugger than it had been earlier that day. Robin said, mustering the confidence he didn't have "Get on with it, Nah. Today has not been the best. What do you want?" "Grumpy, aren't we? Have a seat." She leaned forward and patted a cushion across from where she sat, and watched him with an appraising grin as he folded himself to fit properly onto the cushion. She stared at him, sweaty face and bruised body, bandages on his left shoulder where an arrow had pierced him and he still felt more in danger here than he had on that bloody field. She eyed him like he was a slab of meat while he twitched uncomfortably on the cushion and became uncomfortably aware of how warm this tent was. Nah stood and he motioned to stand too before she pressed lightly down on his shoulder. "Stop or I'll scream." His teeth gritted themselves involuntarily when she began running her hands up and down his body. Tiny, warm hands ran themselves up and down his chest, feeling the insides of his coat and torso, gripping where they could and stroking lightly elsewhere. She pulled herself into his lap with her legs on either side of him (bare, smooth and pale) so that she could feel him closer. She stared mischievously into his eyes while she groped him, her stare met with a venomous one and stony silence that was soon broken.
  8. "Why are you doing this, Nah?" She hugged him, bare arms wrapped around his cloaked torso and the buds of her young breasts pressing into his stomach. "Well," she said, trailing off for a moment before regaining it's firm tone. "Has anyone ever told you how firm you are? You're like a rock that got up and started walking!" Robin gave her a 'stop dodging the question' look, eyes askance. "W-well, you're really attractive, Robin. And I've always wanted a piece of you, and you gave me an idea when you peeped on my mom like that." She had begun rubbing against him slowly, staring at him with lustful eyes while her nubile hips slowly pressed against his and the heat was nearly unbearable. "Aside from the fact that I didn't actually peep on your mother, you know this is wrong. You want to get someone to like you by blackmail?" She smiled and a blush spread over her face like a dusting of pink. "Oh, I never said I wanted you to like me, although that would be nice. This is strictly for your body. We're going to have sex or Iā€™m gonna tell everyone that you raped me." His teeth ground against one another, and he tried to push her off of him -- but she was just too strong. How was a little girl that strong? "Ooh, eager aren't we, you beast. No, hold still and do like I say and you can get out of this with your reputation intact. Besides, I know you want this, you little girl lover." His body shamefully reacted to her violation of his space, a tent forming in his pants that she was grinding so eagerly along.
  9. She stood up, away from him and the heat left him in the air that suddenly wasn't so warm anymore. His body wanted more, but he shoved it down. This was not his will, and if possible he wouldn't be here. Her little white dress was almost seethrough in the light from the sun, shining dimly through the tent walls even as low in the sky as it was. And then Nah began to strip. Not that there was much to remove in the first place, but she put on a surprisingly sensual dance worthy of Olivia or Inigo while she peeled the dress off her body, sticky as it was with sweat and -- something else. It fell to her knees and she kicked it to one side, revealing that she wore nothing underneath. His eyes and head immediately snapped to the side but not before, for the second time that day, pale young dragon-flesh filled his view. "Come on, look at me Robin. You know you waaant to. Hey, look at me or I'll scream for the others." Her voice was sultry as she could make it in her childish tones, despite her devilish intent. His head slowly forced it's way back towards her untainted flesh, and he found he couldn't look away from her when she slowly stepped back towards him, swaying her complete lack-of-hips and displaying her bare crotch to him. She was in the 'flower of womanhood' stage of her development, his mind uselessly provided while she began roughly pulling at his clothing and moving his limbs when necessary, smiling from ear to ear. His coat gave way first, the purple and black clothing that marked him tossed carelessly to the side before she dove back in to yank off his shirt and leave him exposed to the world. His arms crossed his chest automatically before she pulled them apart, pressing them to his sides with her surprising strength. He could have stopped her, but something told him how that would have been met when she began humming tunelessly as his belt gave way.
  10. She nearly pounced on him there when his cock sprang out of his smallclothes to greet her, a small gasp escaping Nah's mouth. "See, I knew you wanted this. Why don't you give up and just accept it?" Her eyes gleamed while she watched it twitch slightly under her gaze, and Robin had never felt so violated in his short memory. She pushed him roughly on the shoulders and knocked the wind out of him, limbs sprawling while she clambered on top of him. Nah sat, his cock resting on her stomach while she gazed down at it with a sort of reverent awe, his length going past her belly button. "W-wow. I guess those rumors were true. I'd be having second thoughts right now normally, but you gotta be brave to get what you want." "Wait, what about ru-" Robin's train of thought derailed when she stood on her knees and slowly stroked his member with both of her tiny manakete hands. It wasn't enough to elicit more than a small jump in his breathing, but Nah looked surprisingly pleased with himself when he looked away from her. "Come oooon, Robin. Look at what you've done to me, I'm all messy. Take responsibility." Again he forced his view back to Nah in time for her to rub her dripping cleft against his cockhead, blush spread to both of her pointed ears and dying her face bright red while she positioned herself above him. He could hear a quiet "'m not scared, 'm not scared" from her, nearly muffled by her breathing.
  11. "Nah, wai-" he managed to gasp out before being cut off by her young body plunging down onto his cock. She made a sound like she had been punched in the stomach, eyes bugging out even though just the head of his cock was in her. He tried to move, tried to comfort her, tried to do something other than have one of the soldiers under his command gasp in near-pain, attempted blackmail all but forgotten until she shoved him away back onto the ground. "Screaming. Stop moving and just let me... or-or I'll scream." she squeezed out of her vocal cords. Nah breathed deeply twice before she steeled her face and began pressing down again. She was unbelievably, painfully tight, and her heat nearly burned him. The wetness cushioning him was not quite enough to stop the friction and dragging sensation along his cock, which felt much better than it had any right to while it plundered a young girl's innocence, even if she was doing the plundering. She gasped and moaned like a wild thing, eyes rolling back in her head and her legs giving out, shoving her down another inch to reach his hips. She swayed there for a moment, hands pressed firmly against his stomach before she regained her senses, and the strange wide mouthed face she put on replaced once again with the wicked grin. "Oh, look at what you've done to me, you little girl lover."
  12. She was smaller than him by two heads and it showed, her entrance stretched as wide as it could and her stomach bulging with his length -- he could see it through the skin, an unnatural growth up past her belly button distending the skin and swelling her. It ruined her tiny, taut image, stretched wide as she was by his cock buried inside her, sweaty and smiling, the picture of a ruined girl. He tried to speak but she patted a hand over his mouth twice, silencing him again. Her sudden movement caused him to twitch and groan as she slowly slid up his cock, pushing herself off of him with both hands. She pulled herself nearly off of him, standing up on her knees, staring him in the eye just in time to drop herself back down, her inner folds tugging at him and gripping him. Robin felt like he was on fire, and his face was surely as red as hers while Nah panted and gasped over him and tried to squeeze moans out of Robin with her thighs. She had begun rubbing him through her stomach on the downstroke, the added pressure nearly too much to bear. His stomach tightened like a spring as he neared his finish. "Come on, Robin. I need you to come in me..." Nah gasped out, smiling like a cat with a grip on it's prey.
  13. To his credit, Robin managed to hold out for another two minutes before her combination assault brought him to his climax, seed spurting out but finding nowhere to go, so instead it was forced deeper into her core or out around the base, dripping out of her ruined entrance. She continued to bounce along his shaft while he lay there drained before she too came, thighs clenching and a sob and wail escaping her mouth, her tiny body rigid as a board while she clutched at his cock through her stomach, her depths dragging at him to inspire an orgasm that had already come. She carefully lifted herself off of him and stumbled over to her bedroll to drag a blanket to him, dropping onto his chest where his juices and hers spilled onto his stomach and intermixed as a background to the kiss she gave him -- long and deep, like a lovers kiss, her tongue violating his mouth. She dragged the blanket over them with one hand and pulled him close with the other, settling down to sleep on his prone form. "You know," she said, dreamily, "I've changed my mind. Let's get married and be together forever."
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