
How Zenith Started...

Dec 2nd, 2015
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  5. Server: Zenith
  7. Owner: xbl9e ( Max Lebsack ), Fake Name: ( Drew Phelan )
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  13. Hello! If you have these files, either Zenith is gone by now or you have ratted the owner ( me ). This will be a brief introduction of how
  14. Zenith the server got to the standing point it's at now. The server started out in mid summer of 2012. It was private without a name for three months with only a few friends ( 10 ) offering no more than simple dashboard spoofing and Cod5:World At War offhost. After the three months during this time, the server's name was Xbox Live Jelly also known as XBLJ. ( no joke.. ).
  15. Anyways, the server progressed and went through great stages. I hired two other's to help me out with selling only. We had just got to the point of using SQL tables for adding clients.
  16. The seller's were XeXGhosts, and ImVersed. Both are retards and against me. I have then moved on to making the stealth server website a forum. For improvement on the server ofcourse, as well as reputation and a dab of popularity. We hit about 78 clients. New dashes came out, we were down for quite a while.. I'd say a full 2 years year. Both of them left after no more sales and all customer's moved over to NiNJA, the original XBLS. I had attempted to work there, and ended up supporting them with bypass management. It was a great opportunity to be working on the DL and assisting so many. I then decided to implement my own ideas into my server again. I figured.. If I had the sources and the advantage of knowledge above other's then I could either make a decent profit margin or comletely fuck up.. What could go wrong? I ended up naming this version, Apollo or Apollo Live. I had joined this website prior to Apollo's development to learn PhP. I could STAND and I mean CAN NOT STAND SQL TABLES ANYMORE! I learned how to make my own PhP panel conencting with an API condescent to the actual xenon xecutable. (Short for XeX ). Everything started rolling, this was 2014.. I was by myself and then joined along with a YouTuber named BuzzableHD.. He helped me out and we became so much of great friends that I ended up giving him my source. I had too.... I went to camp.. I have him the source to update to next dash if I was gone. The dash never came.. We ended up being mean to eachother, he released my source and I took his 100$.. I then had Red the moderator on Se7enSins join in to help me out.. He was great at advertising, well he wa sa Super Moderator on! Of course you'd want him! He ended up leaving as well, due to XBL NiNJA beatin down on us and bullying.. Which I receive that everyday! And he couldnt handle it so he left respectfully. Anyways..... The server ended up being named Zenith after he gave me the idea. SO now the server is called Zenith.. XBLZenith. You can guess what happened from here............ Cant you?
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