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a guest
Apr 5th, 2021
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  1. $ brew install libusb-compat
  2. ==> Downloading
  3. ############################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%############################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
  4. ==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libusb-compat/0.1.5
  5. ==> make install
  6. /usr/local/Cellar/libusb-compat/0.1.5: 12 files, 144K, built in 41 seconds
  7. $ git clone
  8. Cloning into 'novacomd'...
  9. remote: Enumerating objects: 19, done.
  10. remote: Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
  11. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
  12. remote: Total 111 (delta 7), reused 14 (delta 6), pack-reused 92
  13. Receiving objects: 100% (111/111), 135.11 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
  14. Resolving deltas: 100% (31/31), done.
  15. $ cd novacomd
  16. $ make host
  17. HOST compiling src/main.c
  18. HOST compiling src/log.c
  19. HOST compiling src/socket.c
  20. HOST compiling src/transport.c
  21. HOST compiling src/transport_inet.c
  22. HOST compiling src/transport_usb.c
  23. HOST compiling src/novacom/lib.c
  24. HOST compiling src/novacom/mux.c
  25. HOST compiling src/novacom/packet.c
  26. HOST compiling src/novacom/buf_queue.c
  27. HOST compiling src/novacom/commands.c
  28. HOST compiling src/novacom/commands_device.c
  29. HOST compiling src/lib/cksum/adler32.c
  30. HOST compiling src/lib/cksum/sha1.c
  31. HOST compiling src/lib/buffer.c
  32. HOST compiling src/host/device_list.c
  33. HOST compiling src/host/usb-linux.c
  34. HOST compiling src/host/tokenstorage.c
  35. HOST compiling src/host/commands_service.c
  36. HOST compiling src/host/recovery.c
  37. HOST compiling src/platform_pthreads.c
  38. src/platform_pthreads.c:391: warning: ignoring #pragma warning gcc
  39. HOST linking build-novacomd-host/novacomd
  40. $ cd build-novacomd-host/
  41. $ sudo ./novacomd
  42. Password:
  43. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] Got bad USB packet. Make sure your novacomd versions match.
  44. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] Got packet with newer usb transport header than we support, please upgrade to newer version
  45. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] novacom_usb_read:278 -- received bad packet, set received packet size=98
  46. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] novacom_usb_rx_thread:400 -- usbll(00000000) error: reading packet, result(0), errno 0
  47. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] Got bad USB packet. Make sure your novacomd versions match.
  48. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] Got packet with newer usb transport header than we support, please upgrade to newer version
  49. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] novacom_usb_read:278 -- received bad packet, set received packet size=98
  50. [2021/4/5 9:06:18] novacom_usb_rx_thread:421 -- usbll(00000000) reading packet, reads(1), duration(113ms), result(0), last_errno 60
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