
Sneaking's Demon Energy APP

Dec 16th, 2019
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  1. Key: SneakingCreeper
  3. Name: Hychist Eique Dullahiast
  5. Race: Kistune
  7. Age: (Unknown in RP)
  9. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Demon Energy
  11. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: KOM (King of Monsters)
  13. Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge:
  14. -To give more depth to my character
  15. - Give my Character a bit more to catch up (Maybe that's a lie XD)
  16. - To improve RP
  17. - Maybe Teach Spiritual Energy in RP
  19. RP:
  20. Hychist had entered his castle as he had taken a deep breath and entered his own chambers, as he had decided to lock himself inside his bedroom to learn more about the magic inside of him and become more of a better mage and help his people as best as he had could. He had sat down on his bed as he had taken a deep breath and held an aura of lighting in his arms by forming it. He was going to keep it up for the longest he could. He had sat down and cleared his mind, as he had been in the same positions for weeks.
  22. Hychist's servants had worried about him and if he was okay...considering he didn't come out of his room for weeks so they had gone to check on him and they had seen him levitating off the bed it had seemed that the powerful mage had gained a new ability but it wasn't exactly magic but something very similar to it. His lighting was slowly changing into something very new, but he hadn't noticed until he was awake which wasn't going to be for a long time. It was very dark energy which had frightened the servants away from their King as they had rushed away.
  24. Several months had slowly passed, Hychist had been covered into a new dark aura as his servants scared...would check on him every day as his power would slowly increase and increase. Until the last drop of the new energy had formed inside of his palm as Hychist had slowly opened his blank eyes to see his orb into a different color as he had slowly put on a grin and absorbed the newly formed energy he had gathered by using his mana.
  26. Hychist had a bit of a hard time absorbing it but finally, he gets the energy back inside of his body. He attained new energy, flowing inside his body except for mana it was the energy that the world had used for evil called "Demon Energy" it was an extension of mana if you can call it that and it was pretty much stronger. He had walked out of the castle with a crooked smile on his face radiating a new smile on his face as he had screamed a message, of course, no was around but he had laughed in a demonic voice and afterward got a boot thrown at his face by sleeping people. He had walked over to the house as he had almost shot it down with his blast but he had stopped himself in a last-ditch effort...It looked like something took over him for a bit, evil energy as the being had quickly returned and continued the laughing.
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