
Jonas A. L.

Aug 14th, 2018
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  1. Jonas was a seemingly normal man. He used to live on a farm near Warlop until one day he disappeared for a full 10 years. When he came back, his merchant carrier seemed to take off rapidly to the point where he was at one time the richest man in the city. Not many people would've normally cared about this was it not for the fact that Jonas, despite being over 60 years old, always seemed like he was a lad of 30 to 40. Locals however didn't think much of it, and he just blamed it on a good lifestyle. After he reached a full century of age however, people grew more and more suspicious of him. They begun to question the strange chemicals that arrived at his farm almost every week, but because people mostly liked him they begun thinking that the man was some kind of medical genius, commonly asking him for help with disease. The ill people were usually given chemicals of weird color, taste and smell which unfortunately rarely helped them much. By the time he reached 150 years of age people finally had enough. This started when a family moved close to Jonas' farm where they often complained about strange noises coming from the farm, mostly being either chanting, followed by ethereal lights, dogs barking, thunderstorms, whip-poor-wills gathering around the property and other weird events, or barely audible speech and screaming in a couple of different voices and languages. The neighbors didn't understand most of them, but the few "conversations" they did understand mostly sounded like an interrogation or torture; they said Jonas was asking unknown people about events that were sometimes centuries or even eons in the past. This is when people started secretly investigating him, but Jonas soon found out about it. He was always an outstanding citizen, but for the next few days he always stuck to only his best behavior and gave a lot, if not most of his money to helping Warlop's culture and development. Probably in the last attempt to get people on his side, or maybe just to start his legacy, he got married and had a child. Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, people saw right through his facade. His weird admiration for graves, the rituals and the chemicals he commonly imported were things that were quite hard to put aside and soon the locals begun preparing for a raid on his farm. They knew they couldn't or lock him up as he technically hasn't done anything illegal, and exiling him would only transfer the problem from one city to another, so, his wife and son were transported to a house inside the city, and the raid was soon laid out- 3 groups of 20 people were to surround the house and attack simultaneously. Jonas apparently heard about the raid, as he completely barricaded his house. The rest of the details about the attack were lost and only his neighbors description remains. They said it begun with a whistle, signaling all the groups to move in, then aggressive screaming and other sounds of battle, then those ethereal lights that commonly came from his farm. After that for some time there was silence, until the screams started again. This time however, there were less screams of battle and more screams of terror, as a thunderous voice said something in some weird, unknown language. A cold, stench filled breeze went off from the farm as the battle seemingly came to an end. A messenger came to the neighbors looking absolutely terrified. He didn't say a thing about the raid, instead he told them that Jonas is dead and never to mention his name again. All of the weird things he's done were since erased from history, only leaving a handful of vague documents behind. Even his last wish was fulfilled: when he died he wanted his ashes to be turned into a painting of himself. An expensive artist was hired to do the job and apparently he faithfully portrayed Jonas' face. The painting was passed down his family, until it was stolen one day. The thief was soon found dead but the painting was never retrieved...
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