
The eyes of malice and envy.

Aug 21st, 2017
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  1. Uchiha, Kazuya says: ...
  2. Uchiha, Kazuya the boy was deaf so he wasn't able to hear the girl speaking to him. He was sitting on the steps starting straight forward, however he'd look over to her and notice her eyes being directed at him. He would assume that means she either said something and was awaiting an awnser or simply was just looking at him. The teenager would begin scribbling down on a paper with his pencil then turning the paper pad to her so that she could communicate with him. After doing so, he'd pass the pencil and paper pad to her so that she could write to him. "I am deaf. If your speaking to me I can't hear you and if your just staring at me, that's weird and you should stop it."
  3. Heterochromia white hair girl glanced down towards the paper frowning. Oh. How rude of her! She would shuffle over to sit on the steps next to the boy, writing upon the paper, before handing it back to him! Of couse she didn't sit too close, because she was still covered in what was now mostly dried blood. "Hello! I am Senju, Chiyo! Are you part of the mafia? Or are you planning on joining them?"
  4. Uchiha, Kazuya would shrug. It wasn't that big of a deal anyways. Atleast it wasn't anything worthy of him resenting her for, it was a nice change for one that someone was trying to speak to him atleast and that would lead to him wanting to continue this conversation. Points earned by Chiyo it seemed. He'd begin writing speedily then passing it back. After a while of practicing this when communicating, he was able to do this rapidly and read through messages sent to him rapidly aswell, his sight was far better than normal now due to it being his main sense. "Hello, I am Uchiha, Kazuya. As for the mafia? If your speaking of that gang business then no. I don't deal with those folks and I don't have any plans to. I like being alone anyways. How about you?"
  5. Heterochromia white hair girl took the note, reading it over quickly, nodding her head with a smile. She would write as quickly as she could before handing it back! "It is nice to meet you! I do not wish to be with them. They are bad. I was actually hoping to collect those people who don't want to join them, in order to throw them out of the village. They are not good people."
  6. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (brb gonna wash dishes)
  7. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (Kay!)
  8. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (ight back)
  9. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (Welcome back!)
  10. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( zygmin you're a heck )
  11. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (Egads why?)
  12. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( 'cause they won't FITE me )
  13. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (XD)
  14. Zygmin OOCs: (you're overconfident lol)
  15. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( and you're nude and bald )
  16. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (Oh snap)
  17. Zygmin OOCs: (and you're a lil puny berd)
  18. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( come at me )
  19. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (Dangerous words)
  20. Uchiha, Kazuya would keep his head down dawdling with his fingers until recieving back the pencil and paper for him to respond back quickly. The young boy would read the message but take a while to awnser. On one hand he wanted to kill them just for the fun of it but on the other hand he wasn't a fan of groups. He'd write once again. "Nice to meet you too..I guess? I don't have any animosity towards them or anything either. I just wish to crush them to prove I am the greatest shinobi..However I also don't like teaming up with people. Once again, I am prefer being alone..I'll help you but it comes with a price."
  21. Heterochromia white hair girl accepted the paper back once more, tilted her head while she read the returned paper. Her head nodded slowly, a smile spreading across her face. Once more she wrote upon the document, before handing it back! "Alright. What sort of price?"
  22. Uchiha, Kazuya would stare at the paper. It seemed he would get what he wanted. He simply wanted a simple payment aswell as the freedom to do whatever he wanted with his victims. He'd pass the paper to her. "Find me two thousand Ryo and give me the freedom to kill whoever is in the Mafia. I can give you the gurantee they will be gone one by one and by the time I'm done. They'll be gone, also our partnership will cease after. Deal?
  23. Some teenager blows smoke from his cig and looks over to Ayao, sitting on the bench and sighing softly, he then opens his mouth to strike up a conversation since he's bored. "Yo Ayao, where'd ya get your fan from?" He'd ask eyeing her fan that she had on her back.
  24. Skinny-heeled girl says: I.. umh.
  25. Skinny-heeled girl whispers faintly.
  26. Skinny-heeled girl whispers faintly.
  27. Some teenager whispers faintly.
  28. Heterochromia white hair girl nodded slowly, giving the boy a thumbs up, before she wrote upon the paper again! Then she handed it back! "I don't have that much! But if I manage to get that much I'll come back and talk to you about it! Please let me know if you need anything, or want anything! I need to speak with someone quick!"
  29. Some teenager whispers faintly.
  30. Skinny-heeled girl whispers faintly.
  31. Skinny-heeled girl says: But.. I'm going to go meet up with my sister.
  32. Skinny-heeled girl says: She should be around soon enough.
  33. Some teenager whispers faintly.
  34. Heterochromia white hair girl yells: W-wait I wanna speak with you Ayao!
  35. Uchiha, Kazuya would nod his head. He would then write back to her, leaving the paper pad and taking his pencil and walk away. "See me when you have it."
  36. A disruptive detective OOCs: (yes)
  37. A cig smoking teen OOCs: (den rp)
  38. A disruptive detective says: Hey.
  39. A disruptive detective asks: Aren't you a little too YOUNG to be smoking up like the devil in a church?
  40. Skinny-heeled girl says: He had it ripped away from him eariler when he disowned his brother, so I don't think he cares mister detective..
  41. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( he heckin' died )
  42. A bandaged detective says: Ouch.
  43. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( 'tis offical )
  44. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( I am now a murdered. heckin' lagged someone out )
  45. A disruptive detective asks: Your dad gave you the cigarettes?
  46. A cig smoking teen says: No, smoking at a young age, haven't seen that bastard since I was eight.
  47. Skinny-heeled girl looked about, quiet. She had nothing to say for the moment.
  48. A disruptive detective says: ...
  49. A disruptive detective says: Stop smoking dummy, you don't need to follow him.
  50. A cig smoking teen says: Can't. It's kinda like I inherited it. I regret inheriting it, but it keeps coming back to me. Like a curse.
  51. A disruptive detective says: I don't think you inherit that kind of thing.
  52. A disruptive detective says: I think you should just stop.
  53. A cig smoking teen asks: You don't think I've tried?
  54. A disruptive detective says: I don't think you've tried hard enough.
  55. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( she's asleep rn )
  56. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( she has basically my scheudual (
  57. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( expect not as late-nighty as I am )
  58. A monochrome shark OOCs: (Alright.)
  59. Uchiha, Kazuya says: ...
  60. A monochrome shark OOCs: (Welp, she's in a bit of trouble ICly.)
  61. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( I heckin' witnessed that )
  62. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( though unh, can you come over here oocly real fast? )
  63. A monochrome shark whispers faintly.
  64. Skinny-heeled girl whispers faintly.
  65. Uchiha, Kazuya would pat the Shark man on his shoulder signalling for him to follow along with a wag of a finger. Suddenly he would begin walking away assuming the Shark would follow suit, he was heading somewhere and soon once they arrived, the man would get the idea.
  66. Skinny-heeled girl whispers faintly.
  67. A monochrome shark whispers faintly.
  68. Skinny-heeled girl OOCs: ( alright )
  69. The raven haired male gave a signal to follow and thus, the shark did. He understood that the mute and deaf male wanted to speak about something, and found no reason to do anything but follow.
  70. (A monochrome shark)
  71. Uchiha, Kazuya would lead him to the arena within the village. He would pull his gunbai and he'd turn the fan as he'd see on the revealed side that there was a note on it pre-written, he would see that the note reads. "I challenge you to a match. I wish to become strong and from what I can see, you are probably the strongest in this village. I may be wrong also but It's just a hunch based on what I see." He'd raise the fan and swipe it down causing the pressure off it the blow the paper off, leaving it swaying and flowing in the air.
  72. The child desired to become a combatant-- something that the man could respect. Alas, Belphegor never backed from a fight requested. He just hoped that the child could survive. In a second, the hand reached blade and took it from sheath using just a singular hand. Nonetheless it looked ridiculous. The skinny shark held the claymore as if a stick and then, moved his other hand upon it. A strength unrecognized in many of the people around this village stood before the Uchiha. And whilst he couldn't hear him, he could definitely see his lips. "Your move."
  73. (A monochrome shark)
  74. Uchiha, Kazuya would nod as he'd jump back several times, giving a nice distance between the two of them. He'd watch the man reached for a gigantic blade and pulled it out swinging it like it wasn't nothing, it was surprising for the Uchiha that one could have that much strenght but he didn't mind. He wanted the abnormal, being exteremely strong was something he'd hope this shark was because that would push Kazuya to his limits. ".." He'd rush the shark then jumping mid air, as he was in the air the Gunbai would be cocked back behind him held with one hand before being slung down on the shark with a powerful strike as the pressure of the wind stirred up by the Fan would collaspe on the Shark along with the blunt force of the Uchiha Clans Gunbai.
  75. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (how do I show my str?
  76. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (i think its control I need for this doe, amirite?
  77. A monochrome shark OOCs: (you type the stat in the bar)
  78. A monochrome shark OOCs: (see)
  79. See, a head-on attack against someone stronger than oneself seemed quite out of the mind. When the wind reached, vapor moved from the mouth of the shark. It rose up, and plagued the air in a smog. In that moment, Belphegor rose up his blade and in an instant dragged it across the air to break into the gunbai-- breaking it if the male did not move out of the path. Therein the fact he ran across the field to gain an advantage-- assuming the assault had succeeded, of course. In the wind jutsu he used his blade as a shield, combined with his natural endurance to stand his ground against it before making the slash.
  80. (A monochrome shark)
  81. Uchiha, Kazuya would be surprised by the fact that the man was able to protect against his wind. Many shinobi's he downed would fall to the ground but instead he was able to defend and then counter with a slash. Kazuya would use his fast reflexes and try to jump back so that he didn't get clapped and lose his weapon immediately. "..." It was quite a situation he was in considering he would now be stuck in a shroud of mist and now a bit uneasy as he couldn't hear anything or see. However he may be dumb but he wasn't stupid, he'd spin around in a 360 spinning the gunbai, it would not only protect him from the next attack but the wind pressure let off would blow back the mist a bit, giving him a clear vision for a limited time.
  82. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (shit endurance damn it LOL
  83. It seemed he did not quite learn his lesson. See, blindly using chakra wasn't much of a blessing to the reserves. When the male attempted to send a flurry of fuuton he'd simply put his blade into the ground and perform several handseals. An eagle formed from water leapt out of his mouth and towards the male-- only to be sent directly into his eyes to blind him. Once that was done, he'd grip his blade and send himself forth into the air. Launching it through the weight of the metal, he'd slash it straight through his gunbai. There was no escape, for the mist and the bird as a distraction all was calculated to send him into a frenzy-- causing defeat.
  84. (A monochrome shark)
  85. Uchiha, Kazuya would finish spinning and now out of his form also a bit tired from all that action. He was trying to win this battle desperately and suddenly, he would realize his one weapon was gone. Suddenly a splash of water came for his eyes as he was now thrown off guard completely, he'd hold up his Gunbai and use it as defense. Once the slash hits the Gunbai to carve right through it, he'd wipe his eyes and roll back away from the slash to avoid getting hit by a deadly blade but losing his blade in the attack. He was under extreme stress and he didn't want to lose, he wanted to prove that he was strong, stronger than most males. He wanted to prove a point to this Hoshigake. As he wiped his eyes and revealed his eyes. They'd flash crimson while he would awaken a new level of focus and his determination was at all time high. He was not going to give up and for the first time, the shark would hear him speak but it would come out in uncontrolled volumes due to not being able to hear himself. "I will not lose!!" His pupils were pitch black with no signs of life within them and his irises crimson, as one comma like symbol spun around before halting into place. "..." The young man would rush wrecklessly into him throwing while punches and kicks while his body was in a state where he would just broken down. He was tired of losing, the thoughts of being beaten and left defenseless by his father flashed in his mind and his mind was blank without any reason.
  86. A monochrome shark OOCs: speed?)
  87. Heterochromia white hair girl thinks: Oooh. Fight!
  88. Failure. Once more he had proven himself useless before the shark. But, to admit one was better than most. When the Uchiha jumped into the fray to punch the shark without strategy the tall man put his hand upon the Uchiha's face and lifted him up. The blade was planted into the ground whilst he did so. "You will never be as strong as you want to be if you allow emotion to take control of you." The shark said, knowing even though he could not be heard-- that the Uchiha would get the gist. With all force he could draw the body was thrown like a rag doll against the ground head-first. Much like a ball. "Come back in a thousand years-- or come alongside me, to learn from your mistakes."
  89. (A monochrome shark)
  90. Heterochromia white hair girl says: W-woah.....strong.
  91. Uchiha, Kazuya was defeated as expected, the red eyes of the Uchiha would peep through the fingers of the Hoshigaki before being thrown away beside his broken Gunbai. He was defeated and as he curdled up beside the tree, he's remember the pain he suffered and all the power that he lacked, he still wanted more power and to get stronger. He'd stare at the shark with newly awaken eyes. "..." He'd read the lips of the Shark trying to understand and all he could understand was something about coming alongside him? The boy would pull out a paper and begin writing quickly before showing him. "Two things..Did you say you want me to come alongside you? Also...What's this strange feeling in my eyes..Better yet..Two more things..What is that weapon, why are you so strong and are you going to fix my Gunbai?"
  92. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (how do I get elemental training-fire?
  93. A monochrome shark OOCs: (You don't, get proficiency instead.)
  94. Uchiha, Kazuya OOCs: (oh kay)
  95. A paper was picked up, scribble scribble, so did the pen sound as a message was written upon the parchment. When he unraveled what he said-- it might shock the Uchiha. "You've far to go, that gunbai shall be broken until you can fight without it. You rely too much on emotion and brute force. You're weak and light years behind me. Come with me on my mission, I shall teach you."
  96. (A monochrome shark)
  97. Heterochromia white hair girl OOCs: (XD)
  98. Uchiha, Kazuya would now be without his prized clan weapon. It was a prized weapon that he took from his father after slaying him with it. Kazuya was a dark child and he had a lot of emotions within him. Writing back on the paper now in response to him being invited on a mission. "A mission..I'm down...I need to get stronger..I'll try my best..with the progress I've made through this battle.."
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