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- $ git clone -b dev
- Cloning into 'accel-sim-framework'...
- remote: Enumerating objects: 6723, done.
- remote: Counting objects: 100% (439/439), done.
- remote: Compressing objects: 100% (246/246), done.
- remote: Total 6723 (delta 235), reused 358 (delta 186), pack-reused 6284
- Receiving objects: 100% (6723/6723), 376.46 MiB | 10.94 MiB/s, done.
- Resolving deltas: 100% (4035/4035), done.
- $ cd accel-sim-framework/
- $ source ./gpu-simulator/
- Cloning into '/home/mahmood/test/accel-sim-framework/gpu-simulator/gpgpu-sim'...
- remote: Enumerating objects: 16881, done.
- remote: Counting objects: 100% (985/985), done.
- remote: Compressing objects: 100% (394/394), done.
- remote: Total 16881 (delta 720), reused 810 (delta 591), pack-reused 15896
- Receiving objects: 100% (16881/16881), 34.92 MiB | 10.29 MiB/s, done.
- Resolving deltas: 100% (11953/11953), done.
- Already on 'dev'
- Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev'.
- GPGPU-Sim version 4.1.0 (build gpgpu-sim_git-commit-84c4f46fb78b529ab2447d7a676f5b3ac2d9c05f-modified_568.0) configured with GPUWattch.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INFO - If you only care about PTX execution, ignore this message. GPGPU-Sim supports PTX execution in modern CUDA.
- If you want to run PTXPLUS (sm_1x SASS) with a modern card configuration - set the envronment variable
- $PTXAS_CUDA_INSTALL_PATH to point a CUDA version compabible with your card configurations (i.e. 8+ for PASCAL, 9+ for VOLTA etc..)
- For example: "export $PTXAS_CUDA_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1"
- The following text describes why:
- If you are using PTXPLUS, only sm_1x is supported and it requires that the app and simulator binaries are compiled in CUDA 4.2 or less.
- The simulator requires it since CUDA headers desribe struct sizes in the exec which change from gen to gen.
- The apps require 4.2 because new versions of CUDA tools have dropped parsing support for generating sm_1x
- When running using modern config (i.e. volta) and PTXPLUS with CUDA 4.2, the $PTXAS_CUDA_INSTALL_PATH env variable is required to get proper register usage
- (and hence occupancy) using a version of CUDA that knows the register usage on the real card.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- setup_environment succeeded
- $ git push https://privategithub/mahmood/accelsim-chiplet
- Username for 'https://privategithub': mahmood
- Password for 'https://mahmood@privategithub':
- Enumerating objects: 5379, done.
- Counting objects: 100% (5379/5379), done.
- Delta compression using up to 16 threads
- Compressing objects: 100% (1902/1902), done.
- Writing objects: 100% (5379/5379), 920.79 KiB | 153.46 MiB/s, done.
- Total 5379 (delta 3368), reused 5379 (delta 3368)
- remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3368/3368), done.
- To https://privategithub/mahmood/accelsim-chiplet
- * [new branch] dev -> dev
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