

Nov 28th, 2015
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  1. MACRO 109 "1" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  2. /stopcasting
  3. /cast [nomod, @arena1]Wind Shear
  4. /tar [mod:shift,@arenapet1]
  5. END
  6. MACRO 110 "2" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  7. /stopcasting
  8. /cast [nomod, @arena2]Wind Shear
  9. /tar [mod:shift,@arenapet2]
  10. END
  11. MACRO 143 "2s" Ability_Druid_Eclipse
  12. /target [bar:1,@arena1,nodead][bar:3,@arena2,nodead]
  13. /focus [bar:1,@arena2][bar:3,@arena1]
  14. /changeactionbar [bar:1]3;[bar:3]1
  15. /cast Twin Howl
  16. /startattack
  17. /petattack
  18. /petaggressive
  19. END
  20. MACRO 111 "3" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  21. /stopcasting
  22. /cast [nomod, @arena3]Wind Shear
  23. /tar [mod:shift,@arenapet3]
  24. END
  25. MACRO 160 "3s" Ability_Druid_Eclipse
  26. /target [bar:1,@arena1][bar:2,@arena2][bar:3,@arena3]
  27. /changeactionbar [bar:1]2;[bar:2]3;[bar:3]1
  28. /cast [mod:ctrl]Purge
  29. /cast Twin Howl
  30. /startattack
  31. /petattack
  32. /petaggressive
  33. END
  34. MACRO 163 ":)" Spell_Fire_Flare
  35. #showtooltip
  36. /use 10
  37. END
  38. MACRO 165 "a" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  39. /cast Stormstrike
  40. /eq Wrathful Gladiator's Blade of Celerity
  41. /eq Wrathful Gladiator's Shield Wall
  42. END
  43. MACRO 128 "a" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  44. /cast [@Party2]Water Breathing
  45. /dance
  46. END
  47. MACRO 126 "Bash" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  48. #showtooltip Bash
  49. /cast Bash(Rank 1)
  50. END
  51. MACRO 119 "BL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  52. #showtooltip Bloodlust
  53. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  54. /cast Bloodlust
  55. END
  56. MACRO 150 "DODGE2" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  57. /cast [@party1]Water Breathing
  58. /cast [@party1]Gift of the Naaru(Racial)
  59. /charge
  60. END
  61. MACRO 123 "double" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  62. /cast [nomod,@arena1]Hex
  63. /cast [mod:shift,@arena2]Hex
  64. /cast [mod:ctrl,@arena3]Hex
  65. END
  66. MACRO 167 "ESC" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  67. #showtooltip Insignia of the Horde
  68. /use [nomod] Insignia of the Horde
  69. /cancelaura [mod] Hand of Protection
  70. /cancelaura [mod]Ghost Wolf
  71. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  72. END
  73. MACRO 74 "FN" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  74. #showtooltip Fire Nova
  75. /cast [nomod]Fire Nova()); [mod:shift]Magma Totem; [mod:ctrl]Searing Totem()
  76. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  77. END
  78. MACRO 155 "frost arena1" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  79. /stopcasting
  80. /cast [mod,@arena1]Wind Shear
  81. /cast [mod,@arena1]Frost Shock
  82. /cast [nomod,@arena1]Frost Shock
  83. END
  84. MACRO 156 "FS arena2" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  85. /stopcasting
  86. /cast [mod,@arena2]Wind Shear
  87. /cast [mod,@arena2]Frost Shock
  88. /cast [nomod,@arena2]Frost Shock
  89. END
  90. MACRO 157 "FS arena3" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  91. /stopcasting
  92. /cast [mod,@arena3]Wind Shear
  93. /cast [mod,@arena3]Frost Shock
  94. /cast [nomod,@arena3]Frost Shock
  95. END
  96. MACRO 144 "GW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  97. #showtooltip Ghost wolf
  98. /cast [nomod]Ghost Wolf
  99. /cast [mod:ctrl]Mana Spring Totem(Rank 8)
  100. /startattack
  101. /petattack
  102. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  103. END
  104. MACRO 121 "hex" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  105. /target prince
  106. END
  107. MACRO 159 "Howl" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  108. #showtooltip Twin Howl
  109. /cast Twin Howl
  110. END
  111. MACRO 151 "HW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  112. #showtooltip
  113. /cast !Healing Wave()
  114. END
  115. MACRO 96 "L2Spells" Ability_Druid_Eclipse
  116. /equip Claw of Molten Fury
  117. /equip Wrathful Gladiator's Blade of Celerity
  118. END
  119. MACRO 124 "leap" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  120. /cast [nomod]call of the elements
  121. /cast [mod:shift, @party2]Healing Wave
  122. /cast [mod:ctrl, @party2]lesser healing wave
  123. END
  124. MACRO 148 "Leap" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  125. #showtooltip Spirit Wolf Leap
  126. /cast Spirit Wolf Leap
  127. END
  128. MACRO 47 "LEAVE" Ability_Druid_Eclipse
  129. /run AcceptBattlefieldPort(1, 0)
  130. /script LeaveBattlefield()
  131. END
  132. MACRO 168 "leaveBG" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  133. /cast [@party2]Cure Toxins
  134. END
  135. MACRO 69 "LHW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  136. #showtooltip
  137. /cast [@player]Lesser Healing Wave
  138. END
  139. MACRO 25 "Purge/Cure Toxin" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  140. #showtooltip
  141. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  142. /startattack
  143. /cast [nomod]Purge
  144. /cast [mod:shift,@focus]Purge
  145. /cast [mod:ctrl]Cleansing Totem
  146. /petattack
  147. END
  148. MACRO 169 "r" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  149. /cast [nopet]Feral Spirit
  150. /cast [pet]Spirit Walk
  151. /petattack
  152. /startattack
  153. END
  154. MACRO 65 "RESS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  155. #showtooltip Ancestral Spirit()
  156. /cast [harm,exists,nomod,@mouseover][harm,nomod,@focus]Hex
  157. /cast [nomod]!Ancestral Spirit
  158. /moo
  159. END
  160. MACRO 116 "spam!" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  161. #showtooltip Frost Shock(Rank 7)
  162. /cast [nomod,harm,@mouseover]Frost Shock
  163. /cast [mod,@player]Heavy Frostweave Bandage
  164. /use [mod] Star's Sorrow
  165. /use [mod]Conjured Mana Strudel
  166. END
  167. MACRO 152 "Sprint" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  168. #showtooltip Spirit Walk
  169. /cast Spirit Walk
  170. END
  171. MACRO 99 "Stun" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  172. /cast [@party1]Cure Toxins
  173. END
  174. MACRO 107 "SWL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  175. /cast [@Player,nomod]Spirit Wolf Leap
  176. /cast [@Party1,mod:shift]Spirit Wolf Leap
  177. /cast [@Party2,mod:ctrl]Spirit Wolf Leap
  178. /petpassive
  179. END
  180. MACRO 154 "w" Ability_Stealth
  181. /script ConvertToRaid();
  182. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Player",1)
  183. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Party1",3)
  184. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Party2",6)
  185. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Partypet1",2)
  186. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Partypet2",2)
  187. /run SetRaidTargetIcon("Partypet3",2)
  188. END
  189. MACRO 82 "Z MOVE2" Ability_Druid_EclipseOrange
  190. /script GetMouseFocus():SetMovable(1)GetMouseFocus():StartMoving()
  191. END
  193. MACRO 16777246 "CL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  194. #showtooltip Chain Lightning
  195. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  196. /cast [mod,harm]Elemental Mastery
  197. /cast [mod]Chain Lightning;Chain Lightning
  198. /startattack
  199. /petattack
  200. END
  201. MACRO 16777257 "e" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  202. /cast [nomod]call of the elements
  203. /cast [mod:shift, @party2]Healing Wave
  204. /cast [mod:ctrl, @party2]Lesser healing wave
  205. END
  206. MACRO 16777243 "ES" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  207. #showtooltip Earth Shock
  208. /startattack
  209. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  210. /cast [mod]Chain Lightning(Rank 8);Earth Shock(Rank 10)
  211. /petattack
  212. END
  213. MACRO 16777249 "FIRE TOTEMS" Ability_Warrior_BullRush
  214. /target [nomod,@arenapet1]
  215. /target [nomod,@arenapet2]
  216. /target [nomod,@arenapet3]
  217. /targetexact [nomod,harm] Ebon Gargoyle
  218. /petattack
  219. /startattack
  220. /use [mod:ctrl]Sentry Totem
  221. END
  222. MACRO 16777244 "FrS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  223. #showtooltip Frost Shock
  224. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  225. /startattack
  226. /cast [mod:shift,@focus]Frost Shock
  227. /cast [nomod]Frost Shock
  228. /petattack
  229. END
  230. MACRO 16777221 "FS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  231. #showtooltip
  232. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  233. /cast [mod:shift, @focus, exists] Flame Shock(Rank 9); Flame Shock(Rank 9)
  234. /petattack
  235. /startattack
  236. END
  237. MACRO 16777254 "fs" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  238. /cast [harm,nomod,@mouseover]Frost Shock
  239. /use [noharm,nomod,@Player][noharm,mod:shift,@Party1][noharm,mod:ctrl,@Party2]Cure Toxins
  240. /use [@mouseover]Heavy Frostweave Bandage
  241. /use Conjured Mana Strudel
  242. /use Fel Healthstone
  243. /use Star's Sorrow
  244. END
  245. MACRO 16777245 "LB" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  246. #showtooltip Lightning Bolt(Rank 14)
  247. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  248. /startattack
  249. /cast [mod,harm]Elemental Mastery
  250. /cast [mod]Lightning Bolt;Lightning Bolt
  251. /petattack
  252. END
  253. MACRO 16777255 "LL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  254. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  255. /startattack
  256. /use [mod,@focus]Lava Lash;Lava Lash
  257. /petattack [mod,@focus]
  258. /cast [mod,@focus]Spirit Wolf Leap;Spirit Wolf Leap
  259. /cast [mod,@focus]Bash;Bash
  260. /cast [nocombat]Swift Timber Wolf
  261. /petattack [nomod]
  262. END
  263. MACRO 16777252 "LvB" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  264. #showtooltip Lava Burst
  265. /cast Magic Broom
  266. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  267. /startattack
  268. /petattack [mod,@focus]
  269. /cast [mod,@focus]Bash;Bash
  270. /cast [mod,harm]Elemental Mastery
  271. /cast [mod]Lightning Bolt(Rank 1);Lava Burst
  272. /petattack [nomod]
  273. /cast Magic Br
  274. END
  275. MACRO 16777256 "r" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  276. /use [nomod,@Player][mod:shift,@Party1][mod:ctrl,@Party2]Bauble of True Blood
  277. /petattack [nomod,@focus]
  278. /cast [nomod,@focus]Spirit Wolf Leap
  279. /cast [nomod,@focus]Bash
  280. /petattack [mod,@arenapet1][mod,@arenapet2][mod,@arenapet3]
  281. END
  282. MACRO 16777247 "Shield" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  283. #showtooltip
  284. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  285. /startattack
  286. /cast [mod:shift] Lightning Shield; Water Shield
  287. END
  288. MACRO 16777236 "SS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  289. #showtooltip Stormstrike
  290. /startattack
  291. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  292. /use Stormstrike
  293. /eq [mod:shift]Wrathful Gladiator's Shield Wall
  294. /eq [mod:shift]Claw of Molten Fury
  295. /eq [mod:shift]Wrathful Gladiator's Splitter
  296. /use [harm]10
  297. /petattack
  298. END
  299. MACRO 16777239 "STUN" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  300. #showtooltip War Stomp(Racial)
  301. /cast [nomod]War Stomp(Racial)
  302. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  303. /cast [mod:shift,@Party1] Healing Wave(Rank 14)
  304. /cast [mod:ctrl,@Party1] Lesser Healing Wave(Rank 9)
  305. END
  306. MACRO 16777248 "WF" Spell_Frost_ManaRecharge
  307. /2 r1 Enhancement Shaman World {skull}The Immortal Henyte{skull} 2v2 ret/enh x2 dps feat. r1 multi GLADIATOR Tzss + la musica, Tune in at ---> ---> LF 3v3 protTurbo & pwar for 2v2
  308. /2 2800 enh sham LF 2500+ 2v2 partner /w me
  309. END
  310. MACRO 16777238 "wf / fb" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  311. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  312. /cast [nomod]Tremor Totem
  313. /cast [mod]Strength of Earth Totem(Rank 8)
  314. /petattack
  315. END
  316. MACRO 16777233 "WS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  317. /stopcasting
  318. /targetlasttarget [combat,noharm]
  319. /startattack
  320. /cast [nomod]Wind Shear
  321. /cast [mod:shift, @focus]Wind Shear
  322. /target [mod:ctrl]Ebon Gargoyle
  323. /target [mod:ctrl]Succubus
  324. /cast [mod:ctrl]Wind Shear
  325. /targetlasttarget [mod:ctrl]
  326. /petattack
  327. END
  328. MACRO 16777253 "wulfs" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  329. #showtooltip Feral Spirit
  330. /targetlasttarget [noharm,notarget]
  331. /cast [nomod][mod:shift]Feral Spirit
  332. /click PetActionButton4 RightButton4
  333. /click PetActionButton6 RightButton6
  334. /petattack
  335. /startattack
  336. END
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