
Matt Ward Ruins Sister of Battle

Apr 8th, 2014
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  1. Sister Chasity could hear her own scream of rage over her bolter as it belched explosive rounds into the greenskinned aliens pouring into the courtyard.
  3. They were being overrun, and fast.
  5. They were the rearguard, the remainder of combined PDF and Ecclesiarchy forces that defended the fat bellied troop carriers that struggled to gain altitude behind them. Each was packed to the brim with civilians, having tossed erroneous gear to make as much room as possible, and still not having enough room for every refugee. The rest of the people had been left behind with the soldiers, given old autoguns and las weaponry that were picked up off bodies.
  7. Truly it was a glorious death, but Chasity didn't want it.
  9. Her scream was no bellowing warcry of holy rage, but a plea to her Emperor for help.
  11. And help was sent... but not by her God.
  13. The sky began to darken as the last lander hit atmosphere, dark clouds roiling in place of the normally smog covered sky, and a great peal of thunder came from overhead. Chasity's head craned upward, ignoring the bestial warriors that mercilessly cut down her comrades, and she watched as the clouds started to swirl. It was almost as if a tornado was starting, this great gap opening up for the eye, but there was no wild swirls of grey air. Instead the dark clouds began to display a kaleidoscope of colors, a spectacular lightshow as a great spear of lightning hit the middle of the Ork formation, sending green bodies cascading into the air.
  15. More lightning hit directly afterward, the bolts striking everywhere around her, killing human and alien alike as both sides scattered. Chasity herself ran, bolter clamping on it's mag-plate as she dove into the smashed window of a clothing store, tattered purple silk landing on her scratched black carapace. As she pulled the dirty cloth off herself, her eyes darted back up to the sky, and her mouth formed an "O" as the storm worsened, and a great comet came streaking out of the sky.
  17. It landed with a loud crump in front of the courtyard, and with a metallic whine it's spiderey legs unfurled, raising it's chassis off the ground as it roared out a warbled groan.
  19. An engine of CHAOS!
  21. The machine mimicked a human from the waist up, metal torso gleaming with pulsing runes and it's "arms" replaced with sleek gun barrels. It even had a head, the strange equine shaped feature snorting purple-black smoke as it's weapons came online, sending neon-pink flames into the fleeing Orks. It didn't stay put for long, chasing it's quarry on those eight pistoning limbs.
  23. As she fumbled for the rosary on her armor, more comets landed, all of them bearing a different type of passenger, from daemonic to humanesque to mechanical. Each of them setting off in a distant direction to kill whatever they could find. Mumbling a curse, Chasity noticed her rosary was gone, likely lost during the fighting, and she silently prayed that it would show itself before she was cut down by the Chaos forces.
  25. Suddenly, a loud screech cut through the air, and Sister Chasity's eyes flew open as she caught sight of a small comet straking toward the courtyard.
  27. Only... as it got closer she noticed it wasn't a comet at all...
  29. It was a motorcycle... being ridden by a man.
  31. The vehicle spiraled down through the air, leaving a trail of white flame behind it's rear tire. The form riding it was definitely a man, a man in power armor she noticed as he got closer. The fear spiked through her again as the thought that a member of a Traitor Legion had landed on the planet, but as the bike softly made landfall she noticed the figure was much smaller than an Astartes.
  33. In fact, he was the size of a normal man.
  35. The armor wasn't like a Space Marine's either, the sheer royal purple armor trimmed with exquisite gold coloring seeming more... form-fitting than the normal bulky plate an Astartes wore.
  37. And she couldn't lie that his face wasn't becoming... despite the horns.
  39. His skin was pale, but not gaunt, instead he displayed a masculine jawline and strong chin. His hair was flame colored, orange at the roots that bled into red, fashioned into a small ridge in-between two black horns that followed the curve of his forehead.
  41. Chasity reprimanded herself for letting herself "adore" this monster... this abomination of Chaos...
  43. But... something about him pulled her toward him inexplicably.
  45. Letting out a loud cough, the man looked around before pulling a Y-shaped instrument off the side of his bike, plugging a small cord from his gauntlet into it and smiling as it let out a small hum.
  47. Then... then he played... and Chasity's fears were gone.
  49. She didn't know the song, the lyrics unknown to her, but she did know it caused her body to heat up. Without thinking she began to disrobe, unclamping armor seals and tugging the clunky metal off, discarding pieces across the shop floor as she reveled in both the cool air of the now-empty courtyard and the way his soft voice tugged her to take him home. Discarding the last bit of armor, she slowly stepped towards the shop door, body clad in naught but a simple shirt and breeches.
  51. As she stepped out of the shop his song ceased, and he turned to her with a smile. Unplugging the machine, he set it against the bike before slowly crossing the body-strewn field towards her, stopping to pick something up along the way. She felt the breath catch in her throat as he got closer, the heat shifting to a burning in her core, one she'd naught felt since the first days of her pubescence.
  53. "You dropped this,"
  55. His voice was like a pure melody, harmonic and soft to her ears, and she let out a small sigh as his hand brought up her (myseriously clean) rosary. Placing her hand on his, she attempted to find her curiously absent voice as her clamped his other hand over hers, golden eyes staring directly into hers. He said nothing, but nothing needed to be said as she rose onto her tiptoes, chapped lips making contact with his silky-smooth pair. She let out a loud moan, knees buckling as a wave of pleasure flowed over her, and she felt herself begin to collapse to the dirty ground when he caught her.
  57. "Careful beautiful, can't have you passing out just yet," he chuckled, picking her up bridal style and bringing her to the motorcycle.
  59. He set her down carefully behind his seat, the blacked leather already warm to the touch, before taking his place at the helm of the now-rumbling machine. As they began to ascend into the sky, Chasity felt a wave of knowledge pass over her, and looked down to see her armor materialize over her skin once again. Only now it matched the colors of his, and she felt a giggle escape her as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
  61. Their speed picked up as the closed in on the Warp Gate over the courtyard, and Chasity thanked Slaanesh that she'd been chosen to serve the Doomrider, for however long that he need her.
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