
#political: The impulsivity of Fearful

Jan 9th, 2018
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  1. 4:54:22 AM→ Simd has joined
  2. 4:54:22 AMⓘ Welcome to the #political :) where it's ok to agree to disagree and not get banned for it | Now safe to join while in #politics
  3. 4:56:39 AM→ Carla23 has joined
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  5. 5:01:53 AM→ Ennuey has joined
  6. 5:11:57 AM← Ennuey has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
  7. 5:17:35 AM@Fearfulwhy would anybody want oprah over bernie sanders?
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  14. 5:18:10 AMⓘ Fearful set mode +b nodebot*!*@*
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  18. 5:18:36 AMⓘ Fearful set mode +b *!*titihz5@*
  19. 5:18:39 AMⓘ nba set mode +l 398
  20. 5:32:12 AM+hornestyou don't sleep, do you?
  21. 5:34:36 AM@Fearfulhornest: who needs sleep?
  22. 5:35:21 AM+hornestkali bees and bears
  23. 5:47:14 AM@Fearfulhornest: sleep is for the dead.
  24. 5:53:38 AMSimdThe dead do not sleep.
  25. 5:53:47 AMSimdSleep is a mode for living brains.
  26. 6:00:12 AM→ dogsrcool has joined
  27. 6:14:17 AMfierygtthey mostly come at dawn. mostly.
  28. 6:15:52 AMSimdPerching birds?
  29. 6:23:53 AMfierygtmostly
  30. 6:24:02 AM→ totto has joined
  31. 6:24:15 AMtottociao
  32. 6:24:23 AM← totto has left
  33. 6:24:28 AM+hornestowls
  34. 6:24:45 AMSimdfierygt: I have defeated you in debate many times.
  35. 6:25:07 AMSimdYour propensity for intense emotions is your primary cognitive flaw in this context.
  36. 6:25:17 AMSimdI have the saved records of many of our debates, naturally.
  37. 6:26:03 AMSimdThese records are available upon request, consistent with the dataism of Harari.
  38. 6:27:44 AMfierygtoh, ok.
  39. 6:28:46 AM→ i47i has joined
  40. 6:28:47 AMfierygtyou are a masterdebater, no doubt.
  41. 6:29:17 AM→ totto has joined
  42. 6:29:19 AMSimdI am.
  43. 6:29:23 AMSimdI am one of the smartest people on Efnet.
  44. 6:29:47 AMtottociao
  45. 6:29:56 AMtotto!list
  46. 6:30:07 AM← totto has quit (Client Quit)
  47. 6:32:26 AMfierygtyou are a 'stable genius'.
  48. 6:33:27 AMSimd
  49. 6:33:59 AMSimdWill this album ever be not good?
  50. 6:34:02 AMSimdI am a genius, yes.
  51. 6:34:13 AMSimdWe'd have to explicate 'stable' in this context before I'd claim that.
  52. 6:35:01 AMSimdHere's something I wrote off the cuff in response to David Clarke's tweets that led to his temporary suspension.
  53. 6:35:27 AMSimdThis will demonstrate my off-the-cuff analytical level:
  54. 6:35:45 AMSimdI previously researched this topic somewhat, but certainly below the lawyer level. It was difficult to find case law explicating the imminency component of Brandenburg. My current intuition, based off the Brandenburg v. Ohio, is that the imminency must be tightly coupled to a clear plan and target, for which the plan probably needs to start something like the same day as the speech, even if the plan were to occur over an extended period of time before the violence occurred.
  55. 6:36:12 AMSimdLooks like Hess v. Indiana helps refine the notion of imminency:
  56. 6:36:20 AMSimd"As the sheriff was passing Gregory Hess, one of the members of the crowd, Hess uttered, "We'll take the fucking street later" or "We'll take the fucking street again." Hess was convicted in Indiana state court of disorderly conduct..."
  57. 6:36:33 AMSimd"The Supreme Court reversed Hess's conviction because the statement at worst "amounted to nothing more than advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time. This is not sufficient to permit the State to punish Hess' speech."[3]"
  58. 6:36:43 AMSimdFrom what I can tell, Clarke's target was the "LYING LIB MEDIA" which isn't a specific target, and I think would probably be dismissed prima facie by a court. Courts are very interested in protecting any speech which may political content, and saying you want to make the "LYING LIB MEDIA... TASTE THEIR OWN BLOOD" has political content, e.g. it expresses frustration at an organization/community.
  59. 6:37:08 AMSimdFrom what I can tell, it is very, very, very difficult to meet the Brandenburg test. From my intuition, even if Clarke had said something like "The media is so corrupt -- people like Jake Tapper. If they keep this guy, we may have no choice but bloody Tapper's nose", I think he would probably ultimately be protected by Brandenburg, though it make sense for him to be indicted, i.e. it's probably getting close to the line and deserves full investigation/due process. From what I can tell, Brandenburg and the subsequent rulings have the goal of basically protecting all speech on the basis of content, and only keeping open the possibility of prosecuting that speech which is essentially an early behavior in an escalation of violence, e.g. something akin to a police office using force on a person reaching for a gun, even though they haven't yet done any violence with that gun -- the reaching for the gun is accepted as the early steps in a program which results in violence. An observation of human civilization and history indicates there is non-zero speech which can also be considered as even earlier steps in such a program.
  60. 6:38:09 AMSimdMy intuition is that stochastic terrorism, which Clarke's tweet might be considered an example of, is not fully handled/considered by Brandenburg and the subsequent rulings modifying it. Stochastic terrorism pushes on some of the core foundations of our 18th century republic, and it seems we're not yet sure what to do with it. It seems being able to handle stochastic terrorism will require us to modify or replace our notions of will, choice, and responsibility as being rooted in the self, v. a more statistical/sociological/scientific model of causality that doesn't give special significance to the agent's boundary.
  61. 6:38:15 AMSimdI wrote the above in eight minutes.
  62. 6:38:23 AMSimdMy verbal IQ is stupendous.
  63. 6:38:55 AM@Fearfulmotormouth
  64. 6:39:07 AMSimdSome ideas require many words to express.
  65. 6:39:18 AMSimdIf this idea is above your preference, you may find it annoying.
  66. 6:39:41 AMSimdFurther, you can look a distribution of human preferences for topic, WPM, verbosity, etc.
  67. 6:40:20 AMSimdStochastic terrorism is interesting to me.
  68. 6:40:25 AMSimdI'll discuss it with anybody who is interested.
  69. 6:40:51 AMSimdI have another short writing that I think is very important -- it instantly demonstrates why philosophy is important:
  70. 6:41:12 AMSimd1 - Hey, man, Hitler was pretty bad
  71. 6:41:18 AMSimd2 - I know, man, right. His actions had the German state kill tens of millions
  72. 6:41:27 AMSimd3 - Hey, man. Killing tens of millions is pretty bad. Don't you think it would make sense to just kill Hitler?
  73. 6:41:34 AMSimd4 - Yeah, man. I would have killed Hitler
  74. 6:41:39 AMSimd5 - Hey, man. What do you think is the threshold for killing the sovereign? How many people do you have to kill?
  75. 6:41:57 AMSimd6 - Interesting question, man. What other criteria would be sufficient? Do you have to kill people? Would a threat be sufficient?
  76. 6:42:12 AMSimd7 - When should the American system kill their president?
  77. 6:42:34 AMSimdYou start with Hitler being bad, and you end up having to determine principles under which you should kill the current president.
  78. 6:42:48 AMSimdPhilosophy is dangerous for systems that support faction while denigrating truth.
  79. 6:44:24 AMSimd"No nuclear conflagration without representation" - South Koreans objecting to the current American president's impulsivity
  80. 6:44:41 AM@Fearfulmotormouth
  81. 6:44:43 AM@Fearfulmotormouth
  82. 6:44:45 AM@Fearfulmotormouth
  83. 6:44:47 AM@Fearfulmotormouth
  84. 6:45:20 AM Ignoring Fearful!*@*
  85. 6:45:24 AMSimdFearful: I put you on ignore.
  86. 6:45:30 AMSimdReason: Dislike of philosophy.
  87. 6:45:59 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful (ignore this)
  88. 6:47:04 AM→ Simd has joined
  89. 6:47:12 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful (motormouth)
  90. 6:48:34 AM→ Simd has joined
  91. 6:48:35 AMSimd
  92. 6:48:41 AM← roasticle has quit
  93. 6:49:31 AMSimdI will share this link in the future when I subjectively determine the need to socially level Fearful.
  94. 6:52:10 AMfierygtyou are like one of them 'those who can't, teach' people, aren't you?
  95. 6:53:32 AMSimd
  96. 6:53:51 AMSimd"I don't need to see it"
  97. 6:54:19 AMSimd
  98. 6:54:37 AMSimd
  99. 6:55:09 AMfierygtyeah, you are.
  100. 6:56:12 AM Ignoring fierygt!*@*
  101. 6:56:19 AMSimdfierygt: I put you on ignore.
  102. 6:56:36 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful (what's the point of ignore?)
  103. 6:56:43 AM→ Simd has joined
  104. 6:58:35 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful ( tell us about how fiery sucks at debating)
  105. 6:59:32 AM→ Simd has joined
  106. 7:00:40 AMⓘ <Laniakea> Fearful, I am a revolutionary philosopher with no moral taboos. | <Laniakea> Fearful, I am a revolutionary philosopher with no moral taboos.
  107. 7:01:19 AMⓘ <Laniakea> Fearful, I am a revolutionary philosopher with no moral taboos. | <Laniakea> Also, I have a high IQ and a mistrust of authority.
  108. 7:01:39 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful (<Laniakea> Fearful, I am a revolutionary philosopher with no moral taboos. | <Laniakea> Fearful, I am a revolutionary ph)
  109. 7:01:54 AM→ Simd has joined
  110. 7:02:24 AM← rosaeba has left
  111. 7:03:08 AM→ rosaeba has joined
  112. 7:04:30 AMSimd
  113. 7:04:41 AM← rosaeba has left
  114. 7:05:10 AMSimdThis album is excessively good.
  115. 7:05:43 AMⓘ Fearful set mode +v fierygt
  116. 7:06:02 AMⓘ Welcome to the #political :) where it's ok to agree to disagree and not get banned for it | Now safe to join while in #politics
  117. 7:09:47 AMSimdYFW you see the quality of a couple of operators in #political:
  118. 7:10:16 AM× You have been kicked by Fearful (looks like a smart dog.)
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