
Worldmerged Post 3

Jul 14th, 2012
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  1. [B][SIZE=3]> Calhad: View Greathall[/SIZE][/B]
  2. [IMG][/IMG]
  4. You are now in your great hall, the hall of feasting, the largest room in your hive. You are dismayed to find it filled with junk
  6. [SPOILER][color=#646464]-- gallantHidalgo [color=#0055aa][GH][/color] began trolling musicalMobocracy [color=#829314][MM][/color]--[/color]
  7. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Wench![/color]
  8. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- What are these metal boxes!?[/color]
  9. [color=#829314]MM: (@) yore serving wench hass no idee-yah![/color]
  10. [color=#829314]MM: (@) but cheque out all the krazy masheen stuff in thar now[/color]
  11. [color=#829314]MM: (@) the gowsts are trying 2 mayk a portul to anothur dimension.... en yore hive!!![/color]
  12. [color=#829314]MM: (@) eye have seen these masheens befour, i wud know[/color]
  13. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- These ghosts hide in these metal boxes?[/color]
  14. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- What do they do?[/color]
  15. [color=#829314]MM: (@) they aur trying tew contact the land uf the ded[/color]
  16. [color=#829314]MM: (@) weth.....witchkraft!!!!![/color]
  17. [color=#829314]MM: (@) butt i bet you kan mess all there planz uhp >:)[/color]
  18. [color=#829314]MM: (@) interusted??[/color]
  19. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Say no more![/color]
  20. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I shall destroy these demon engines![/color]
  21. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I shalt not permit witchcraft in mine own hive![/color][/SPOILER]
  23. [B][SIZE=3]> Assault Totem lathe [/SIZE][/B]
  24. [IMG][/IMG]
  26. You make a furious charge at the devilish device, slaying it. It stands no chance against your lance, being immobile and unable to fight back. You gain +2 prestige for your valiant efforts.
  28. [SPOILER][color=#829314]MM: (@) that shet es recked! good jawb[/color]
  29. [color=#829314]MM: (@) but yoo know that thee own-lee way to stop them, is by opening the portul yoreself and telling thee ded to go fukk themselves[/color]
  30. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- What is this madness?[/color]
  31. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Truely that game was cursed[/color]
  32. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Worse than those emails that doth bestow ill fortune lest thy send them on[/color]
  33. [color=#829314]MM: (@) ughhhhh, yore so slow[/color]
  34. [color=#829314]MM: (@) sow out uf date!!![/color]
  35. [color=#829314]MM: (@) just hurrey up und c if the machines have enny banishing spells[/color]
  36. [color=#829314]MM: (@) puzzle et out, yoo weirdo! >:o[/color][/SPOILER]
  38. [B][SIZE=3]> Aeviss: Deconstruct castle[/SIZE][/B]
  39. [IMG][/IMG]
  41. You delete a part of the hive, regaining 10 BUILD GRIST. This will let you replace the totem lathe Sir Calhad gallantly slew.
  43. Uh oh, looks like that part of the castle was actually needed.
  45. [B][SIZE=3]==>[/SIZE][/B]
  46. [IMG][/IMG]
  48. A brave companion gets underfoot of the avalanche of masonry
  50. [B][SIZE=3]> Brave Companion: Be not quite dead yet[/SIZE][/B]
  52. You live, just barely.
  54. You think you're getting better.
  56. Nope, you're gone. Dead. It's the glue factory for you
  58. [SPOILER][color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Hark I hear somemthing![/color]
  59. [color=#829314]MM: (@) wooooops[/color]
  60. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- What ooops?[/color]
  61. [color=#829314]MM: (@) you broek their mashean, uf kourse theyre gonna want paybakk![/color]
  62. [color=#829314]MM: (@) paybakk en thee form..........[/color][/SPOILER]
  64. [B][SIZE=3]>Aeviss: Bring out your dead[/SIZE][/B]
  65. [IMG][/IMG]
  67. [SPOILER][color=#829314]MM: (@) of a plaht tweest!!!!!!![/color]
  68. [color=#829314]MM: (@) that wasnt acktually ment to happun[/color]
  69. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- What hath been wrought now?[/color]
  70. [color=#829314]MM: (@) the ghosts watch waaaaaaaye two much godfathur, that's what[/color]
  71. [color=#829314]MM: (@) those bahsturds![/color]
  72. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- The what now?[/color]
  73. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Ah forget it, to the respiteblock![/color]
  74. [color=#829314]MM: (@) oh rite[/color]
  75. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I am here now[/color]
  76. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Oh no, dear sweet Umbra![/color]
  77. [color=#829314]MM: (@) i don't think thay ment to kill yore loosus, thay were just dicking arownd[/color]
  78. [color=#829314]MM: (@) et was just a thing thaut happened randumly[/color]
  79. [color=#829314]MM: (@) planning is four losers! murder is in the heat of thee moment!!!! >:I[/color]
  80. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Thing do not happen randomly, least of all loyal steeds and companions![/color]
  81. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- The fates must have a greater plan thy simply cannot comprehend[/color]
  82. [color=#829314]MM: (@) i meen, look!!!! yore lushus iz soe lame he isnt evun worth culling[/color]
  83. [color=#829314]MM: (@) nobuddy wood cull in on purpuss, ok????[/color]
  84. [color=#829314]MM: (@) but sure, beleaf that[/color]
  85. [color=#829314]MM: (@) make his dehth wurth sumthing!!! figure owt those masheens >:/[/color]
  86. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- He will not hath died in vain![/color]
  87. [color=#829314]MM: (@) it's nawt going 2 b easy![/color]
  88. [color=#829314]MM: (@) the muh-chine names doen't make enny sense! they aurn't even wurth saying[/color]
  89. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I need not know their names![/color]
  90. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Let us banish some apparitions![/color][/SPOILER]
  92. [SIZE=3][B]> And later...[/B][/SIZE]
  93. [IMG][/IMG]
  95. [SPOILER][color=#0055aa]GH: ---- This plan is plainly not working![/color]
  96. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I wanted to rid me of these spirits, not summon more of them![/color]
  97. [color=#829314]MM: (@) whar's it goeing??? ghost allert! ghost alurt!![/color]
  98. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Who art we to call?[/color]
  99. [color=#829314]MM: (@) somewun hoo can bust aull these spihrits![/color]
  100. [color=#829314]MM: (@) ahahahahaha[/color]
  101. [color=#829314]MM: (@) folloe it yew dumbass[/color]
  102. [color=#829314]MM: (@) et's towtally getting away[/color]
  103. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Let it flee![/color]
  104. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I am more concerned regarding these metal boxes and the smaller boxes they hath created[/color]
  105. [color=#829314]MM: (@) wow yoo need two werk on your geomehtree[/color]
  106. [color=#829314]MM: (@) did yoo notice yew might need sumthing else?[/color]
  107. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Art thee saying I need to create triangles?[/color]
  108. [color=#829314]MM: (@) no, nooooo, octo-gahns![/color]
  109. [color=#829314]MM: (@) obbviusly yoo aurnt taking thes ghost enfistashun verry seariuslee[/color]
  110. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Bah I care not for the workings of these contraptions[/color]
  111. [color=#829314]MM: (@) didunt yoo agree too play rae's game? humph[/color]
  112. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- This is not what I had in mind[/color]
  113. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Aha wait![/color]
  114. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- A card of capture with strange holes in it![/color]
  115. [color=#829314]MM: (@) the korpse did a thing! krazy[/color]
  116. [color=#829314]MM: (@) oooh whut is it? i wundur where that came frum[/color]
  117. [color=#829314]MM: (@) i gess we'll nevar know[/color]
  118. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Tis a sign![/color]
  119. [color=#829314]MM: (@) frum...................god?!?!?! >:o[/color]
  120. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Mayhaps tis the key to unlocking these infernal machines before the animated remains of my lusus decend upon me![/color]
  121. [color=#829314]MM: (@) pshhh, yore lusus es a pussy, nekromansee or not[/color]
  122. [color=#829314]MM: (@) mine fights othar luscii! so isnt half as yooseless[/color]
  123. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I ride mine into battle![/color]
  124. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Rode I should say[/color]
  125. [color=#829314]MM: (@) TROUL SLUMZ REPRECENT, BITCH[/color]
  126. [color=#829314]MM: (@) yeyeahhhh[/color]
  127. [color=#829314]MM: (@) wait whut were wee doing ahgain[/color]
  128. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Playing with forces we do not understand[/color]
  129. [color=#829314]MM: (@) go play weth them sum moar! let's b the ferst to make these bitches neel two the living[/color][/SPOILER]
  131. [SIZE=3][B]> Even more later...[/B][/SIZE]
  133. You have gone through the whole alchemy process again and this time instead of PERFECTLY GENERIC OBJECTS you have created a blue door way. It stands straight up in the middle of the room. You've checked both sides of it.
  135. [SPOILER][color=#829314]MM: (@) the pour-tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
  136. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Verily![/color]
  137. [color=#829314]MM: (@) face yore worst feer, night boy[/color]
  138. [color=#829314]MM: (@) kommune w/ the dead!![/color]
  139. [color=#829314]MM: (@) oh and a bunch of yore hive is super trashed[/color]
  140. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Wilt these phantasms not cease in their seige on my hive?[/color]
  141. [color=#829314]MM: (@) not ef you doent fuck this up....! >:D[/color]
  142. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Very well, I shalt enter this portal to who knows where[/color]
  143. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Tonight we dine in hell![/color]
  144. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- FORWARD!!!!![/color][/SPOILER]
  146. [SIZE=3][B]> CHARGE!!![/B][/SIZE]
  148. You rush forward at the gateway. One this side, your hive and the realm of mortals.
  150. [IMG][/IMG]
  152. On the otherside is also your hive and the realm of motals. Dismayed, you lean against the door while you puzzle out what went wrong in your life
  154. [SPOILER][color=#829314]MM: (@) yoo totaully fucked up[/color]
  155. [color=#829314]MM: (@) awwww[/color]
  156. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Tis most queer[/color]
  157. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I was sure that would work[/color]
  158. [color=#829314]MM: (@) well as my KAYOS THEORY always says[/color]
  159. [color=#829314]MM: (@) repeeting the same aktion over and ovur is sure to produce a differunt result![/color]
  160. [color=#829314]MM: (@) keep doing that & leht mee zoom owt[/color]
  161. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- That is folly[/color]
  162. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Doth thee truely want to know what I think of thine chaos theory?[/color][/SPOILER]
  164. Then, a bright flash. A meteor smashes into the ground where your hive was moments before. If you hadn't been pre-occupied with ghosts that were haunting your castle you might have noticed it and been concerned. Instead you have been completely ignorant of the actual danger you faced.
  166. [IMG][/IMG]
  168. [SPOILER][color=#829314]MM: (@) i wuz kidding, geeeeez![/color]
  169. [color=#829314]MM: (@) ...................................[/color]
  170. [color=#829314]MM: (@) EN YORE FACE[/color]
  171. [color=#829314]MM: (@) i half no idea whar you are!! and its awesome >:DDD[/color]
  172. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Unknown unexplored lands![/color]
  173. [color=#829314]MM: (@) looook looek look owtside omg omg yes[/color]
  174. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Aha![/color]
  175. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Another realm![/color]
  176. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- And His Majesty said there was no where left to conquer[/color]
  177. [color=#829314]MM: (@) yew aur in the land uf the dead, aul thanks two mai help[/color]
  178. [color=#829314]MM: (@) best game evarrr[/color]
  179. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I hath seem some amazing sights in my travels but this is truely astonishing[/color]
  180. [color=#829314]MM: (@) thars deemons owtside yoor kah-sul! holeyyyy shit[/color]
  181. [color=#829314]MM: (@) this nonsensikal plot is getting evun moar noncents-ical! kick reazun too da curb!!!![/color]
  182. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- Get thee gone from my hive![/color]
  183. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- No troll should hath to suffer univited guests in his castle[/color]
  184. [color=#829314]MM: (@) kan yoo handul these guys alown?????[/color]
  185. [color=#829314]MM: (@) don't die liek a wimp, bro[/color]
  186. [color=#829314]MM: (@) we have a lot moar MAYHEM to dew, lozar!! and this es towtally going to get tyranur's horns en a twist[/color]
  187. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- I care not about His Graces troubles[/color]
  188. [color=#0055aa]GH: ---- And I can handle myself against a few demons[/color]
  189. [color=#829314]MM: (@) i do! i live four them! he forgets hoo i am, thats nawt ok[/color]
  190. [color=#829314]MM: (@) liek, evun a leetle bit![/color]
  191. [color=#829314]MM: (@) soooow tuh-wisted, yoo don't evun know[/color]
  192. [color=#829314]MM: (@) eye hope hee cries >:)[/color]
  193. [color=#829314]MM: (@) then aye'll finaw-ley have a reeson to l00k for my goblet 2 drink them owt uff![/color]
  194. [color=#646464]-- musicalMobocracy [color=#829314][MM][/color] gave up trolling gallantHidalgo [color=#0055aa][GH][/color] --[/color][/SPOILER]
  196. You slay a few imps that have invaded your hive. It feels good to fight something solid instead of invisible ghosts and puppetmasters. But you put clearing out the rest of your hive off for later. First you survey this new realm.
  198. An icy chill blows through the open window that feels like it goes straight through cloth and skin to grab your very bones. You were born into a hot world and think you have a fiery heart to match. This is different. Very different.
  200. "Winter is coming"
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