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a guest
Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. # Prefixo das mensagens
  3. P: &6[&9&lBC&6]
  4. # Inventário deve estar vazio? #! True = Sim | False = Não !#
  5. InventárioVazio: true
  6. # Regiao do WorldGuard onde esta a arena chain
  7. Regiao: chain
  9. command /chain [<text>]:
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg 1 is set:
  12. if arg 1 is "setspawn":
  13. if player has permission "Chain.set.*":
  14. send "{@P} &bSpawn marcado!"
  15. set {Chain.Local} to location of player
  16. else:
  17. send "{@P} &cVocê não tem permissão para utilizar este comando."
  18. if arg 1 is "setsaida":
  19. if player has permission "Chain.set.*":
  20. send "{@P} &bSaida marcada!"
  21. set {Chain.Saida} to location of player
  22. else:
  23. send "{@P} &CVocê não tem permissão para utilziar este comando."
  24. if arg 1 is "entrar":
  25. if {@InventárioVazio} is true:
  26. loop items in player's inventory:
  27. add loop-item to {_temporary::*}
  28. if {_temporary::*} is set:
  29. send "{@P} &cVoce precisa envaziar o inventario antes de entrar."
  30. stop
  31. else:
  32. teleport player to {Chain.Local}
  33. send "{@P} &aVocê entrou na arena chain."
  34. broadcast "&6[&9&lBC&6] &a%player% entrou no chain"
  35. wait 2 tick
  36. equip player with all Chainmail armour
  37. give 1 iron sword to player
  38. give 2 enchanted golden apple to player
  39. give 1 bow to player
  40. give 10 golden apple to player
  41. give 10 arrow to player
  42. else:
  43. teleport player to {Chain.Local}
  44. send "{@P} &aVocê entrou na arena chain"
  45. if arg 1 is "sair":
  46. send "{@P} &cVocê saiu da arena chain."
  47. clear player's inventory
  48. teleport player to {Chain.Saida}
  49. else:
  50. send "&eArgumento inválido."
  51. if player has permission "Chat.admin":
  52. send ""
  53. send "&c/chain setspawn - marque o spawn do chain"
  54. send "&c/chain setsaida - marque a saida do chain "
  55. send "&c/chain sair - saia do chain"
  56. send "&c/chain entrar - entre no chain"
  57. send ""
  58. else:
  59. send ""
  60. send "&c/chain entrar - entre no chain"
  61. send "&c/chain sair - saia do chain"
  62. send ""
  64. on join:
  65. if "%region at player%" contain "{@Regiao}":
  66. clear player's inventory
  67. teleport player to {Chain.Saida}
  68. send "{@P} &cVocê saiu da arena chain."
  70. on region leave:
  71. if "%region%" is "{@Regiao}":
  72. clear player's inventory
  73. send "{@P} &cVocê saiu da arena chain."
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