
"hEp ME"

Nov 17th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)23:03 No.33840120 | /co/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >your fluffy pony loves to draw
  4. >you knew she was special when you saw her fluffy mark - a large crayon
  5. >you still smile when you remember how she lit up the day you got her those crayons
  6. >every day she spends hours making picture after picture
  7. >she concentrates so hard when she thinks you're not looking - it's absolutely adorable
  8. >usually they're just random squiggles or blobs, and a lot of them look the same to you, but she works so hard to make them, and she's always so happy when you say how much you like them
  9. >one night, you find fluffy pony in the living room
  10. >she fell asleep while drawing again
  11. >gently pick her up and put her in her bed, trying not to wake her
  12. >on your way to your room, you see the picture she was drawing
  13. >big squiggles in lots of colors
  14. >that's funny - if you turn your head just right... they almost look like letters.
  15. >h3q...ME?
  16. >you shrug and go to hang it up on her "picture wall" with the others
  17. >glance over them, and realize a lot of them have the same shapes.
  18. >her coordination isn't the best - they're all different sizes, colors and configurations but always the same shapes.
  19. >Eh3dM
  20. >3EydE
  21. >h33EP
  22. >Strange - you never noticed this before.
  23. >look at one she made almost a month ago
  24. >You thought she was drawing you and her when you went to the park last month
  25. >look closer
  26. >"hEp ME"
  28. >it suddenly hits you
  29. >"Help Me"
  30. >she's been doing this for months, and you've been walking past them, thinking they were tables or birds or trees
  31. >but why?
  32. >why would she do this?
  33. >the next day, you watch fluffy pony drawing
  34. >when she finishes, she takes it in her mouth and trots over to you, all smiles
  35. >"I dwoo yu a piktur!" she says in her half-formed babytalk
  36. >now that you know what to look for, you see it again; "help me."
  37. >look down at fluffy pony, jittering in place as she waits for you to say something, smiling adoringly up at you
  38. >force yourself to smile and say it's beautiful
  39. >she looks so happy, dancing in place with a "yay" that used to melt your heart, before trotting along behind you as you go to hang it up, humming happily
  40. >that night you make fluffy pony's favorite food for her dinner
  41. >tell her it's because she's been such a good pony and you love her so much
  42. >she gasps with joy when she sees it, happily tucking in.
  43. >"Yummy! Tank 'oo!"
  44. >you don't tell her how many sleeping pills you ground into it - she doesn't have to know that
  46. >soon it starts to kick in, and she starts to feel woozy
  47. >set her on your lap, petting her fluffy head as she starts to drift away
  48. >murmur comfortingly to her, tell her to get some sleep now - everything will be all right.
  49. >fluffy pony doesn't hear you
  50. >she babbles quietly as her eyes close
  51. >tell her you love her and you're sorry
  52. >before she stops breathing, you swear you hear her say "...wub 'oo too... tank 'oo..."
  53. >she smiles a little as she stops breathing
  54. >you hold her fluffy little body close to you, and cry
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