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Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. 1 pixel hat worth 1,100 each for a total of 1,100
  2. 1 pixel sword worth 1,100 each for a total of 1,100
  3. 1 mummy mask worth 1,100 each for a total of 1,100
  4. 10 silver tongue charrrms worth 110 each for a total of 1,100
  5. 20 handfuls of sawdust worth 55 each for a total of 1,100
  6. 8 tip jars worth 140 each for a total of 1,120
  7. 45 black pixels worth 25 each for a total of 1,125
  8. 5 denim axes worth 225 each for a total of 1,125
  9. 15 rocky raccoons worth 75 each for a total of 1,125
  10. 3 Maxwell's Silver Hammers worth 375 each for a total of 1,125
  11. 1 twist of lime worth 1,125 each for a total of 1,125
  12. 38 stones of eXtreme power worth 30 each for a total of 1,140
  13. 1 gnauga hide buckler worth 1,150 each for a total of 1,150
  14. 10 honey-dipped locusts worth 115 each for a total of 1,150
  15. 11 oversized pizza cutters worth 105 each for a total of 1,155
  16. 4 pairs of pants of the Slug Lord worth 290 each for a total of 1,160
  17. 9 f3d0r45 worth 130 each for a total of 1,170
  18. 47 sets of Knob Goblin tongs worth 25 each for a total of 1,175
  19. 14 sausage pizzas worth 84 each for a total of 1,176
  20. 1 blackberry combat boots worth 1,180 each for a total of 1,180
  21. 2 scratch 'n' sniff UPC stickers worth 590 each for a total of 1,180
  22. 1 massive sitar worth 1,190 each for a total of 1,190
  23. 3 stuffed spooky mushrooms worth 400 each for a total of 1,200
  24. 3 drum machines worth 400 each for a total of 1,200
  25. 3 cans of spinach worth 400 each for a total of 1,200
  26. 1 clownskin harness worth 1,200 each for a total of 1,200
  27. 8 ovoid leather thingies worth 150 each for a total of 1,200
  28. 7 dwarvish magazines worth 173 each for a total of 1,211
  29. 1 hamethyst ring worth 1,217 each for a total of 1,217
  30. 41 ice-cold Willers worth 30 each for a total of 1,230
  31. 6 giant discarded bottlecaps worth 205 each for a total of 1,230
  32. 10 shiny tribal beadss worth 123 each for a total of 1,230
  33. 9 Angry Farmer candies worth 137 each for a total of 1,233
  34. 19 Knob Goblin stink bombs worth 65 each for a total of 1,235
  35. 1 tiny Mountie hat worth 1,240 each for a total of 1,240
  36. 5 tenderizing hammers worth 250 each for a total of 1,250
  37. 1 heavy metal sonata worth 1,250 each for a total of 1,250
  38. 5 bits-o-cactus worth 250 each for a total of 1,250
  39. 1 blackberry slippers worth 1,250 each for a total of 1,250
  40. 5 Big Books of Pirate Insults worth 250 each for a total of 1,250
  41. 11 chunks of chrome ore worth 114 each for a total of 1,254
  42. 12 spiked femurs worth 105 each for a total of 1,260
  43. 7 bottles of Supernova Champagne worth 180 each for a total of 1,260
  44. 1 nasty rat mask worth 1,270 each for a total of 1,270
  45. 16 pairs of Orcish cargo shorts worth 80 each for a total of 1,280
  46. 20 icy katana hilts worth 64 each for a total of 1,280
  47. 32 Cherry Cloaca Colas worth 40 each for a total of 1,280
  48. 32 Regular Cloaca Colas worth 40 each for a total of 1,280
  49. 1 hamethyst necklace worth 1,300 each for a total of 1,300
  50. 10 flaming crutches worth 132 each for a total of 1,320
  51. 8 wolf masks worth 165 each for a total of 1,320
  52. 2 Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kits worth 665 each for a total of 1,330
  53. 18 rums and cola worth 75 each for a total of 1,350
  54. 1 tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker worth 1,350 each for a total of 1,350
  55. 2 blackberry polites worth 679 each for a total of 1,358
  56. 16 tubes of dread wax worth 85 each for a total of 1,360
  57. 39 tomatoes worth 35 each for a total of 1,365
  58. 39 bottles of whiskey worth 35 each for a total of 1,365
  59. 55 green pixels worth 25 each for a total of 1,375
  60. 3 balls worth 463 each for a total of 1,389
  61. 9 drywall axes worth 155 each for a total of 1,395
  62. 2 star swords worth 698 each for a total of 1,396
  63. 4 bejeweled pledge pins worth 349 each for a total of 1,396
  64. 28 Mr. Mediocrebars worth 50 each for a total of 1,400
  65. 1 Zim Merman's guitar worth 1,400 each for a total of 1,400
  66. 2 sleaze wads worth 711 each for a total of 1,422
  67. 3 star hats worth 475 each for a total of 1,425
  68. 46 stalks of asparagus worth 31 each for a total of 1,426
  69. 21 plain pizzas worth 68 each for a total of 1,428
  70. 48 bottles of Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir worth 30 each for a total of 1,440
  71. 12 lucky rabbits' feet worth 120 each for a total of 1,440
  72. 58 blue pixels worth 25 each for a total of 1,450
  73. 29 lines worth 50 each for a total of 1,450
  74. 1 flowing hippy skirt worth 1,450 each for a total of 1,450
  75. 3 pygmy spears worth 484 each for a total of 1,452
  76. 6 armguns worth 244 each for a total of 1,464
  77. 2 barskin loincloths worth 735 each for a total of 1,470
  78. 5 pairs of bolt cutters worth 294 each for a total of 1,470
  79. 1 can of starch worth 1,480 each for a total of 1,480
  80. 1 Roo trading card worth 1,481 each for a total of 1,481
  81. 1 junk trunks worth 1,495 each for a total of 1,495
  82. 34 stacks of white chocolate chip cookies worth 44 each for a total of 1,496
  83. 3 cactus fruits worth 499 each for a total of 1,497
  84. 15 star charts worth 100 each for a total of 1,500
  85. 3 hamethysts worth 500 each for a total of 1,500
  86. 3 porquoises worth 500 each for a total of 1,500
  87. 1 New Cloaca-Cola worth 1,500 each for a total of 1,500
  88. 2 cheap cigar butts worth 750 each for a total of 1,500
  89. 15 physiostim pills worth 100 each for a total of 1,500
  90. 4 pear tarts worth 378 each for a total of 1,512
  91. 8 crowbarrrs worth 191 each for a total of 1,528
  92. 17 miner's helmets worth 90 each for a total of 1,530
  93. 14 rice bowls worth 110 each for a total of 1,540
  94. 4 poison pens worth 389 each for a total of 1,556
  95. 15 palm fronds worth 105 each for a total of 1,575
  96. 2 happinesses worth 790 each for a total of 1,580
  97. 3 skeleton key rings worth 530 each for a total of 1,590
  98. 3 pointed sticks worth 530 each for a total of 1,590
  99. 20 pairs of filthy corduroys worth 80 each for a total of 1,600
  100. 4 glasses of carbonated soy milk worth 400 each for a total of 1,600
  101. 11 fat stacks of fat stacks of cash worth 150 each for a total of 1,650
  102. 22 icy-hot katanas worth 75 each for a total of 1,650
  103. 1 ancient unspeakable fruitcake worth 1,650 each for a total of 1,650
  104. 11 gas balloons worth 150 each for a total of 1,650
  105. 56 pairs of Knob Goblin pants worth 30 each for a total of 1,680
  106. 14 draggin' ball hats worth 120 each for a total of 1,680
  107. 1 longhaired hippy wig worth 1,697 each for a total of 1,697
  108. 2 cans of shaving cream worth 849 each for a total of 1,698
  109. 4 hippy medical kits worth 425 each for a total of 1,700
  110. 1 silver tongue charrrm bracelet worth 1,700 each for a total of 1,700
  111. 1 circular CRIMBCOOKIE worth 1,700 each for a total of 1,700
  112. 15 chunks of linoleum ore worth 114 each for a total of 1,710
  113. 1 Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags worth 1,712 each for a total of 1,712
  114. 33 cans of Mountain Stream soda worth 52 each for a total of 1,716
  115. 39 stacks of Trollhouse cookies worth 44 each for a total of 1,716
  116. 23 fish-liver oils worth 75 each for a total of 1,725
  117. 27 shots of grapefruit schnapps worth 64 each for a total of 1,728
  118. 27 bottles of fine wine worth 64 each for a total of 1,728
  119. 27 shots of tomato schnapps worth 64 each for a total of 1,728
  120. 6 piles of dehydrated caviar worth 290 each for a total of 1,740
  121. 1 Hell ramen worth 1,750 each for a total of 1,750
  122. 1 wind-up Whatsian robot worth 1,759 each for a total of 1,759
  123. 4 bunches of dry noodles worth 444 each for a total of 1,776
  124. 2 chrome crossbows worth 888 each for a total of 1,776
  125. 1 icicle katana worth 1,798 each for a total of 1,798
  126. 24 cold ninja masks worth 75 each for a total of 1,800
  127. 3 nothings-in-the-box worth 600 each for a total of 1,800
  128. 12 patchouli oil bombs worth 150 each for a total of 1,800
  129. 9 bottles of fancy bath salts worth 200 each for a total of 1,800
  130. 25 whiskeys and cola worth 74 each for a total of 1,850
  131. 12 ridiculously huge swords worth 155 each for a total of 1,860
  132. 15 chaos butterflies worth 124 each for a total of 1,860
  133. 62 Daffy Taffies worth 30 each for a total of 1,860
  134. 9 tomato juices of powerful power worth 209 each for a total of 1,881
  135. 1 round green sunglasses worth 1,889 each for a total of 1,889
  136. 20 lihc faces worth 95 each for a total of 1,900
  137. 1 toy crazy train worth 1,900 each for a total of 1,900
  138. 1 super ka-bob worth 1,900 each for a total of 1,900
  139. 5 giant cactus quills worth 380 each for a total of 1,900
  140. 1 copper ha'penny charrrm bracelet worth 1,900 each for a total of 1,900
  141. 19 pails worth 103 each for a total of 1,957
  142. 2 spooky bicycle chains worth 980 each for a total of 1,960
  143. 1 nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear worth 1,960 each for a total of 1,960
  144. 6 carbonated water lilies worth 329 each for a total of 1,974
  145. 45 Knob Goblin seltzers worth 44 each for a total of 1,980
  146. 15 disturbing fanfics worth 132 each for a total of 1,980
  147. 2 vials of lion oil worth 990 each for a total of 1,980
  148. 14 Gnollish casserole dishes worth 142 each for a total of 1,988
  149. 10 lemon meringue pies worth 200 each for a total of 2,000
  150. 5 giant foam fingers worth 400 each for a total of 2,000
  151. 4 solid gold peglegs worth 500 each for a total of 2,000
  152. 1 immense cyborg hand worth 2,000 each for a total of 2,000
  153. 1 CRIMBCOIDS mints worth 2,000 each for a total of 2,000
  154. 27 piles of powdered organs worth 75 each for a total of 2,025
  155. 3 big bad voodoo masks worth 680 each for a total of 2,040
  156. 1 shrinking powder worth 2,044 each for a total of 2,044
  157. 1 dense meat staff worth 2,050 each for a total of 2,050
  158. 27 taco shells worth 76 each for a total of 2,052
  159. 38 Tasty Fun Good rice candies worth 54 each for a total of 2,052
  160. 16 furry furs worth 129 each for a total of 2,064
  161. 23 frozen nunchaku worth 90 each for a total of 2,070
  162. 20 tiny houses worth 107 each for a total of 2,140
  163. 6 bullet-proof corduroyses, preciousss worth 357 each for a total of 2,142
  164. 6 pairs of leather chaps worth 359 each for a total of 2,154
  165. 1 toy ray gun worth 2,166 each for a total of 2,166
  166. 15 papayas worth 146 each for a total of 2,190
  167. 1 C.H.U.M. chum worth 2,199 each for a total of 2,199
  168. 1 Meat detector worth 2,200 each for a total of 2,200
  169. 1 tuning fork worth 2,200 each for a total of 2,200
  170. 2 tree-eating kites worth 1,100 each for a total of 2,200
  171. 1 tarrrnished charrrm bracelet worth 2,200 each for a total of 2,200
  172. 2 Lockenstocken sandals worth 1,101 each for a total of 2,202
  173. 1 eye-pod worth 2,250 each for a total of 2,250
  174. 16 Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rubs worth 141 each for a total of 2,256
  175. 6 magilaser blastercannons worth 385 each for a total of 2,310
  176. 1 vampire duck-on-a-string worth 2,323 each for a total of 2,323
  177. 15 Mohawk wigs worth 155 each for a total of 2,325
  178. 1 booty chest charrrm bracelet worth 2,360 each for a total of 2,360
  179. 6 wicker shields worth 394 each for a total of 2,364
  180. 19 syringes of Knob Goblin steroids worth 125 each for a total of 2,375
  181. 5 Jolly Roger charrrm bracelets worth 475 each for a total of 2,375
  182. 3 sawblade fragments worth 795 each for a total of 2,385
  183. 1 polyalloy shield worth 2,433 each for a total of 2,433
  184. 7 abominable snowcones worth 350 each for a total of 2,450
  185. 4 wonderwall shields worth 615 each for a total of 2,460
  186. 4 guano coffee cups worth 620 each for a total of 2,480
  187. 1 rat tooth polish worth 2,499 each for a total of 2,499
  188. 1 special sauce glove worth 2,500 each for a total of 2,500
  189. 1 NG worth 2,500 each for a total of 2,500
  190. 5 baconstones worth 500 each for a total of 2,500
  191. 1 tube sock worth 2,500 each for a total of 2,500
  192. 1 beer-a-pult worth 2,500 each for a total of 2,500
  193. 5 grungy bandanas worth 500 each for a total of 2,500
  194. 2 vibrating cyborg knifes worth 1,279 each for a total of 2,558
  195. 20 probability potions worth 128 each for a total of 2,560
  196. 57 flareguns worth 45 each for a total of 2,565
  197. 19 awful poetry journals worth 136 each for a total of 2,584
  198. 2 catskin bucklers worth 1,297 each for a total of 2,594
  199. 1 nothing-in-the-box-in-the-box worth 2,595 each for a total of 2,595
  200. 1 nanite-infested eggnog worth 2,600 each for a total of 2,600
  201. 23 chunks of asbestos ore worth 114 each for a total of 2,622
  202. 9 black polka-dot oyster eggs worth 295 each for a total of 2,655
  203. 13 amulets of extreme plot significance worth 205 each for a total of 2,665
  204. 7 hippy protest mindys worth 382 each for a total of 2,674
  205. 1 sewer turtle worth 2,695 each for a total of 2,695
  206. 3 party hats worth 900 each for a total of 2,700
  207. 1 cannonball charrrm bracelet worth 2,700 each for a total of 2,700
  208. 1 solid baconstone earring worth 2,722 each for a total of 2,722
  209. 2 chunks of rock salt worth 1,394 each for a total of 2,788
  210. 7 black swords worth 399 each for a total of 2,793
  211. 28 meat stacks worth 100 each for a total of 2,800
  212. 1 bat-ass leather jacket worth 2,800 each for a total of 2,800
  213. 2 tubes of panty raider camouflage worth 1,400 each for a total of 2,800
  214. 1 nurse's hat worth 2,800 each for a total of 2,800
  215. 1 candy kneecapping stick worth 2,800 each for a total of 2,800
  216. 3 bottles of McMillicancuddy's Special Lager worth 935 each for a total of 2,805
  217. 21 white candy hearts worth 135 each for a total of 2,835
  218. 1 SPF 451 lip balm worth 2,850 each for a total of 2,850
  219. 8 reinforced beaded headbands worth 357 each for a total of 2,856
  220. 3 cold wads worth 953 each for a total of 2,859
  221. 1 rum barrel charrrm bracelet worth 2,900 each for a total of 2,900
  222. 10 plates of Knob stuffed shells worth 293 each for a total of 2,930
  223. 4 asshats worth 735 each for a total of 2,940
  224. 1 bone collar worth 2,940 each for a total of 2,940
  225. 32 yeti furs worth 92 each for a total of 2,944
  226. 1 gingerbread horror worth 2,979 each for a total of 2,979
  227. 1 bag of lard worth 2,990 each for a total of 2,990
  228. 3 cups of hippy herbal tea worth 999 each for a total of 2,997
  229. 3 green beers worth 1,000 each for a total of 3,000
  230. 8 Crimbo pies worth 378 each for a total of 3,024
  231. 30 skeleton bones worth 101 each for a total of 3,030
  232. 101 scratch 'n' sniff rock band stickers worth 30 each for a total of 3,030
  233. 54 Spam Witch sammiches worth 58 each for a total of 3,132
  234. 9 beer helmuts worth 349 each for a total of 3,141
  235. 4 hot wads worth 787 each for a total of 3,148
  236. 21 Cloaca grenades worth 150 each for a total of 3,150
  237. 2 snowcones blue worth 1,589 each for a total of 3,178
  238. 49 strawberry daiquiris worth 65 each for a total of 3,185
  239. 10 stacks of slime convention flyers worth 319 each for a total of 3,190
  240. 1 tomb ratchet worth 3,200 each for a total of 3,200
  241. 1 licorice root worth 3,200 each for a total of 3,200
  242. 3 sets of wooden stakes worth 1,100 each for a total of 3,300
  243. 3 jumbo olives worth 1,100 each for a total of 3,300
  244. 3 cherries worth 1,100 each for a total of 3,300
  245. 22 beer bombs worth 150 each for a total of 3,300
  246. 5 energy drink IVs worth 660 each for a total of 3,300
  247. 6 tubs of Oil of Parrrlay worth 550 each for a total of 3,300
  248. 32 skeleton keys worth 104 each for a total of 3,328
  249. 1 astronaut pants worth 3,400 each for a total of 3,400
  250. 2 gingerbread mutant bugbears worth 1,700 each for a total of 3,400
  251. 8 bottle opener belt buckles worth 430 each for a total of 3,440
  252. 115 ice-cold Sir Schlitzen worth 30 each for a total of 3,450
  253. 25 procrastination potions worth 138 each for a total of 3,450
  254. 1 junk-mail shirt worth 3,475 each for a total of 3,475
  255. 10 tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski worth 348 each for a total of 3,480
  256. 10 stacks of slime convention coupons worth 350 each for a total of 3,500
  257. 10 slime convention pins worth 350 each for a total of 3,500
  258. 1 hippopotamus kilt worth 3,519 each for a total of 3,519
  259. 10 round purple sunglasses worth 357 each for a total of 3,570
  260. 9 black shields worth 399 each for a total of 3,591
  261. 3 gimlis worth 1,198 each for a total of 3,594
  262. 12 pans of ghuol guolash worth 300 each for a total of 3,600
  263. 3 yohohoyos worth 1,200 each for a total of 3,600
  264. 4 overclocked avian microprocessor worth 900 each for a total of 3,600
  265. 2 CRIMBCOLOAVES worth 1,800 each for a total of 3,600
  266. 2 chrome swords worth 1,811 each for a total of 3,622
  267. 1 fez of etymology worth 3,740 each for a total of 3,740
  268. 15 valuable trinkets worth 250 each for a total of 3,750
  269. 23 giant needles worth 165 each for a total of 3,795
  270. 1 kickback cookbook worth 3,800 each for a total of 3,800
  271. 1 Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration worth 3,800 each for a total of 3,800
  272. 1 Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire worth 3,800 each for a total of 3,800
  273. 11 tiny plastic Barons von Ratsworth worth 348 each for a total of 3,828
  274. 11 tiny plastic Bonerdagons worth 348 each for a total of 3,828
  275. 11 tiny plastic The Men worth 348 each for a total of 3,828
  276. 15 phonics downs worth 259 each for a total of 3,885
  277. 1 furry kilt worth 3,894 each for a total of 3,894
  278. 10 perforated paddle battles worth 390 each for a total of 3,900
  279. 1 bottle of Mystic Shell worth 3,949 each for a total of 3,949
  280. 10 black helmets worth 399 each for a total of 3,990
  281. 19 shots of elven cellocello worth 210 each for a total of 3,990
  282. 4 Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizers worth 999 each for a total of 3,996
  283. 1 orange peel hat worth 4,000 each for a total of 4,000
  284. 1 cursed bottle of black-label rum worth 4,000 each for a total of 4,000
  285. 2 square CRIMBCOOKIEs worth 2,000 each for a total of 4,000
  286. 3 tubes of protein paste worth 1,380 each for a total of 4,140
  287. 5 stench wads worth 829 each for a total of 4,145
  288. 130 hot wings worth 32 each for a total of 4,160
  289. 12 distressed denim pantses worth 349 each for a total of 4,188
  290. 1 tiny balloon knife worth 4,190 each for a total of 4,190
  291. 6 unstable DNAs worth 699 each for a total of 4,194
  292. 3 beer bongs worth 1,400 each for a total of 4,200
  293. 2 squares of nanofiber cloth worth 2,100 each for a total of 4,200
  294. 14 golden rings worth 300 each for a total of 4,200
  295. 14 loaves of dwarf bread worth 301 each for a total of 4,214
  296. 33 plot holes worth 128 each for a total of 4,224
  297. 5 pieces of Crimbo peppermint bark worth 845 each for a total of 4,225
  298. 15 filthy poultices worth 284 each for a total of 4,260
  299. 122 lemons worth 35 each for a total of 4,270
  300. 11 PADL Phones worth 390 each for a total of 4,290
  301. 11 sets of communications windchimes worth 394 each for a total of 4,334
  302. 5 eXtreme nose rings worth 869 each for a total of 4,345
  303. 4 milks of magnesia worth 1,087 each for a total of 4,348
  304. 66 bottles of soda water worth 66 each for a total of 4,356
  305. 11 oversized pipes worth 400 each for a total of 4,400
  306. 1 cyborg doll worth 4,400 each for a total of 4,400
  307. 2 passable elf masks worth 2,200 each for a total of 4,400
  308. 17 bottles of Meleegra™ pills worth 260 each for a total of 4,420
  309. 3 bananas worth 1,500 each for a total of 4,500
  310. 13 tiny plastic Boss Bats worth 348 each for a total of 4,524
  311. 13 tiny plastic conservationist hippies worth 348 each for a total of 4,524
  312. 1 makeshift turban worth 4,545 each for a total of 4,545
  313. 1 makeshift cape worth 4,545 each for a total of 4,545
  314. 1 makeshift skirt worth 4,545 each for a total of 4,545
  315. 4 jungle drums worth 1,140 each for a total of 4,560
  316. 1 gnatloaf casserole worth 4,635 each for a total of 4,635
  317. 4 macrame nets worth 1,160 each for a total of 4,640
  318. 16 glasses of herringcello worth 290 each for a total of 4,640
  319. 9 bottles of natural fennel soda worth 520 each for a total of 4,680
  320. 12 pairs of black greaves worth 399 each for a total of 4,788
  321. 2 cans of CRIMBCOLA worth 2,399 each for a total of 4,798
  322. 1 penguin skin buckler worth 4,900 each for a total of 4,900
  323. 1 meatspout staff worth 4,900 each for a total of 4,900
  324. 1 pirate skull worth 4,950 each for a total of 4,950
  325. 1 toy space helmet worth 5,000 each for a total of 5,000
  326. 1 square sponge pants worth 5,000 each for a total of 5,000
  327. 6 dry vodka martinis worth 845 each for a total of 5,070
  328. 3 displaced fishes worth 1,700 each for a total of 5,100
  329. 21 gauze garters worth 245 each for a total of 5,145
  330. 8 didgeridookas worth 650 each for a total of 5,200
  331. 15 tiny plastic Knob Goblin Kings worth 348 each for a total of 5,220
  332. 52 Yummy Tummy beans worth 101 each for a total of 5,252
  333. 17 tiny plastic beanbats worth 317 each for a total of 5,389
  334. 17 tiny plastic scary clowns worth 317 each for a total of 5,389
  335. 9 furniture dollies worth 600 each for a total of 5,400
  336. 1 cool cat elixir worth 5,496 each for a total of 5,496
  337. 11 boxen worth 500 each for a total of 5,500
  338. 10 keg shields worth 550 each for a total of 5,500
  339. 16 tiny plastic Beelzebozoz worth 348 each for a total of 5,568
  340. 1 hippopotamus pants worth 5,599 each for a total of 5,599
  341. 1 gnauga hide skirt worth 5,700 each for a total of 5,700
  342. 3 disembodied smiles worth 1,900 each for a total of 5,700
  343. 4 fire poi worth 1,435 each for a total of 5,740
  344. 40 thin black candles worth 144 each for a total of 5,760
  345. 1 MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech worth 5,800 each for a total of 5,800
  346. 39 leathery cat skins worth 150 each for a total of 5,850
  347. 168 strawberries worth 35 each for a total of 5,880
  348. 4 pocketwatches on chains worth 1,480 each for a total of 5,920
  349. 5 teqiwila slammers worth 1,198 each for a total of 5,990
  350. 2 toy maglev monorails worth 2,999 each for a total of 5,998
  351. 120 chewing gums on strings worth 50 each for a total of 6,000
  352. 8 rubber axes worth 750 each for a total of 6,000
  353. 2 frigid motes worth 3,000 each for a total of 6,000
  354. 8 banana peels worth 750 each for a total of 6,000
  355. 6 wool hats worth 1,000 each for a total of 6,000
  356. 8 mylar scout drones worth 750 each for a total of 6,000
  357. 3 irradiated candy canes worth 2,000 each for a total of 6,000
  358. 6 glasses of baboon milk worth 1,000 each for a total of 6,000
  359. 5 cans of imp air worth 1,200 each for a total of 6,000
  360. 19 tiny plastic Spunky Princesses worth 317 each for a total of 6,023
  361. 241 Imp Ales worth 25 each for a total of 6,025
  362. 67 strips of unidentified jerky worth 90 each for a total of 6,030
  363. 4 flanges worth 1,537 each for a total of 6,148
  364. 81 skewers worth 76 each for a total of 6,156
  365. 1 diamond-studded fronts worth 6,200 each for a total of 6,200
  366. 1 Can-Can skirt worth 6,200 each for a total of 6,200
  367. 5 furry skirts worth 1,250 each for a total of 6,250
  368. 62 yellow candy hearts worth 101 each for a total of 6,262
  369. 7 kix-ass kix worth 900 each for a total of 6,300
  370. 20 tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boys worth 317 each for a total of 6,340
  371. 13 mesh caps worth 489 each for a total of 6,357
  372. 4 glasses of sham champagne worth 1,600 each for a total of 6,400
  373. 12 glowing red eyes worth 535 each for a total of 6,420
  374. 1 sea salt scrubs worth 6,500 each for a total of 6,500
  375. 11 elven suicide capsules worth 595 each for a total of 6,545
  376. 33 cans of reodorant worth 200 each for a total of 6,600
  377. 21 tiny plastic angry bugbears worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  378. 21 tiny plastic handsome mariachus worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  379. 21 tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counters worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  380. 21 tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girls worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  381. 21 tiny plastic Spam Witches worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  382. 21 tiny plastic warwelves worth 317 each for a total of 6,657
  383. 3 poultrygeists worth 2,222 each for a total of 6,666
  384. 17 cans of Monstar energy beverage worth 399 each for a total of 6,783
  385. 10 shiny hood ornaments worth 690 each for a total of 6,900
  386. 20 tiny plastic Feloniae worth 348 each for a total of 6,960
  387. 22 tiny plastic drunk goats worth 317 each for a total of 6,974
  388. 22 tiny plastic taco cats worth 317 each for a total of 6,974
  389. 3 beer lenses worth 2,325 each for a total of 6,975
  390. 7 strings of Gaia beads worth 999 each for a total of 6,993
  391. 1 nanite-infested fruitcake worth 6,999 each for a total of 6,999
  392. 1 fake blood worth 7,000 each for a total of 7,000
  393. 2 leaves of grass worth 3,500 each for a total of 7,000
  394. 64 super-spiky hair gels worth 112 each for a total of 7,168
  395. 107 handfuls of frigid ninja stars worth 67 each for a total of 7,169
  396. 25 piles of ancient spice worth 290 each for a total of 7,250
  397. 486 spooky mushrooms worth 15 each for a total of 7,290
  398. 23 tiny plastic lobsterfrogmen worth 317 each for a total of 7,291
  399. 23 tiny plastic zmobies worth 317 each for a total of 7,291
  400. 23 tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester worth 317 each for a total of 7,291
  401. 23 tiny plastic Axe Wounds worth 317 each for a total of 7,291
  402. 156 wads of dough worth 47 each for a total of 7,332
  403. 48 bottles of vinegar worth 154 each for a total of 7,392
  404. 2 pairs of night-vision goggles worth 3,700 each for a total of 7,400
  405. 1 incredibly creepy marionette worth 7,500 each for a total of 7,500
  406. 35 secret blends of herbs and spices worth 216 each for a total of 7,560
  407. 84 twinkly wads worth 90 each for a total of 7,560
  408. 24 tiny plastic 7-foot dwarves worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  409. 24 tiny plastic Gnollish dresscrossers worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  410. 24 tiny plastic goth giants worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  411. 24 tiny plastic smarmy pirates worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  412. 24 tiny plastic spiny skeleltons worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  413. 24 tiny plastic spooky vampires worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  414. 24 tiny plastic undead elbow macaronus worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  415. 24 tiny plastic senile lihc worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  416. 24 tiny plastic Trouser Snakes worth 317 each for a total of 7,608
  417. 51 handfuls of ferret bait worth 150 each for a total of 7,650
  418. 224 bottles of rum worth 35 each for a total of 7,840
  419. 1 plastic passion fruit worth 7,875 each for a total of 7,875
  420. 25 tiny plastic bloopers and practical jokes worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  421. 25 tiny plastic briefcase bats worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  422. 25 tiny plastic demoninjae worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  423. 25 tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientists worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  424. 25 tiny plastic G Imps worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  425. 25 tiny plastic cubist bull worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  426. 25 tiny plastic Protagonistas worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  427. 25 tiny plastic Hellions worth 317 each for a total of 7,925
  428. 26 tiny plastic anime smileys worth 317 each for a total of 8,242
  429. 26 tiny plastic fiendish cans of asparagi worth 317 each for a total of 8,242
  430. 26 tiny plastic lemon-in-the-boxen worth 317 each for a total of 8,242
  431. 26 tiny plastic fluffy bunnies worth 317 each for a total of 8,242
  432. 2 bottles of distilled fortified wine worth 4,200 each for a total of 8,400
  433. 1 meat golem worth 8,448 each for a total of 8,448
  434. 5 slabs of long pork worth 1,700 each for a total of 8,500
  435. 27 tiny plastic apathetic lizardmen worth 317 each for a total of 8,559
  436. 27 tiny plastic brainsweepers worth 317 each for a total of 8,559
  437. 27 tiny plastic whitesnakes worth 317 each for a total of 8,559
  438. 27 tiny plastic giant pairs of tweezers worth 317 each for a total of 8,559
  439. 3 handfuls of star throwing stars worth 2,900 each for a total of 8,700
  440. 44 hellion cubes worth 200 each for a total of 8,800
  441. 28 tiny plastic astronomers worth 317 each for a total of 8,876
  442. 28 tiny plastic Knott Yetus worth 317 each for a total of 8,876
  443. 28 tiny plastic Iiti Kitties worth 317 each for a total of 8,876
  444. 28 tiny plastic Black Knights worth 317 each for a total of 8,876
  445. 28 tiny plastic fruit golems worth 317 each for a total of 8,876
  446. 1 blob-shaped Crimbo cookie worth 8,995 each for a total of 8,995
  447. 11 sausage bombs worth 825 each for a total of 9,075
  448. 29 tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry makers worth 317 each for a total of 9,193
  449. 29 tiny plastic topiary golems worth 317 each for a total of 9,193
  450. 1 LED block worth 9,198 each for a total of 9,198
  451. 1 clockwork key worth 9,273 each for a total of 9,273
  452. 2 goblin autoblowguns worth 4,695 each for a total of 9,390
  453. 1 bishop cookie worth 9,499 each for a total of 9,499
  454. 1 zen motorcycle worth 9,500 each for a total of 9,500
  455. 30 tiny plastic ninja snowmen worth 317 each for a total of 9,510
  456. 30 tiny plastic XXX pr0ns worth 317 each for a total of 9,510
  457. 55 handfuls of cranberries worth 174 each for a total of 9,570
  458. 4 glasses of goat's milk worth 2,400 each for a total of 9,600
  459. 1 teddy bear sewing kit worth 9,604 each for a total of 9,604
  460. 1 tiny plastic animelf worth 9,700 each for a total of 9,700
  461. 1 Ye Olde Navy Fleece worth 9,800 each for a total of 9,800
  462. 12 bottles of gremlin juice worth 829 each for a total of 9,948
  463. 10 tiny plastic turtle tamers worth 998 each for a total of 9,980
  464. 5 chunks of Crimbo fudge worth 1,998 each for a total of 9,990
  465. 1 tiny maracas worth 9,999 each for a total of 9,999
  466. 1 Cerebral Cloche worth 10,000 each for a total of 10,000
  467. 1 Cerebral Culottes worth 10,000 each for a total of 10,000
  468. 1 Cerebral Crossbow worth 10,000 each for a total of 10,000
  469. 67 molotov cocktail cocktails worth 150 each for a total of 10,050
  470. 47 meat vortices worth 214 each for a total of 10,058
  471. 2 black and white crackers worth 5,038 each for a total of 10,076
  472. 1 The Snake trading card worth 10,086 each for a total of 10,086
  473. 7 pairs of war tongs worth 1,449 each for a total of 10,143
  474. 6 filets of tangy gnat ("fostelif") worth 1,700 each for a total of 10,200
  475. 1 fire flower worth 10,500 each for a total of 10,500
  476. 18 grouchy restless spirits worth 590 each for a total of 10,620
  477. 14 funky dried mushrooms worth 765 each for a total of 10,710
  478. 54 empty Cloaca-Cola bottles worth 200 each for a total of 10,800
  479. 2 frat bratses worth 5,443 each for a total of 10,886
  480. 11 tiny plastic bitchin' meatcars worth 998 each for a total of 10,978
  481. 6 tins of henna face paint worth 1,894 each for a total of 11,364
  482. 38 tiny plastic cocoabos worth 300 each for a total of 11,400
  483. 7 cans of deodorant worth 1,700 each for a total of 11,900
  484. 3 throwing wrenches worth 3,999 each for a total of 11,997
  485. 3 detective skulls worth 4,000 each for a total of 12,000
  486. 42 tiny plastic baby gravy fairies worth 300 each for a total of 12,600
  487. 8 tiny bottles of absinthe worth 1,575 each for a total of 12,600
  488. 13 tiny plastic pastamancers worth 998 each for a total of 12,974
  489. 3 disembodied brains worth 4,400 each for a total of 13,200
  490. 44 tiny plastic mosquitos worth 300 each for a total of 13,200
  491. 44 tiny plastic coffee pixies worth 300 each for a total of 13,200
  492. 3 divine champagne poppers worth 4,455 each for a total of 13,365
  493. 45 tiny plastic grues worth 300 each for a total of 13,500
  494. 3 little round pebbles worth 4,550 each for a total of 13,650
  495. 4 gyroscopes worth 3,430 each for a total of 13,720
  496. 46 tiny plastic spooky pirate skeletons worth 300 each for a total of 13,800
  497. 46 tiny plastic ghost pickles on a stick worth 300 each for a total of 13,800
  498. 46 tiny plastic Cheshire bats worth 300 each for a total of 13,800
  499. 14 tiny plastic saucerors worth 998 each for a total of 13,972
  500. 14 dense meat stacks worth 1,000 each for a total of 14,000
  501. 40 ghost cucumbers worth 350 each for a total of 14,000
  502. 2 green smoke bombs worth 7,100 each for a total of 14,200
  503. 3 heavy metal thunderrr guitarrrs worth 4,750 each for a total of 14,250
  504. 95 gobs of wet hair worth 150 each for a total of 14,250
  505. 1 tiny knife and fork worth 14,321 each for a total of 14,321
  506. 1 flaming mushroom wine worth 14,399 each for a total of 14,399
  507. 14 guard turtle shells worth 1,045 each for a total of 14,630
  508. 49 tiny plastic levitating potatoes worth 300 each for a total of 14,700
  509. 49 tiny plastic ghuol whelps worth 300 each for a total of 14,700
  510. 49 tiny plastic star starfish worth 300 each for a total of 14,700
  511. 1 adhesive tape dolly worth 14,999 each for a total of 14,999
  512. 1 tiny plastic trollipop worth 15,450 each for a total of 15,450
  513. 1 Jarlsberg's key lime worth 15,600 each for a total of 15,600
  514. 52 tiny plastic howling balloon monkeys worth 300 each for a total of 15,600
  515. 11 goatskin umbrellas worth 1,425 each for a total of 15,675
  516. 16 Iiti Kitty phone charms worth 980 each for a total of 15,680
  517. 9 Knob sausages worth 1,750 each for a total of 15,750
  518. 53 tiny plastic blood-faced volleyballs worth 300 each for a total of 15,900
  519. 4 nanite-infested candy canes worth 3,975 each for a total of 15,900
  520. 16 tiny plastic disco bandits worth 998 each for a total of 15,968
  521. 16 tiny plastic hermits worth 998 each for a total of 15,968
  522. 4 ghost pickles on a stick worth 4,000 each for a total of 16,000
  523. 4 licorice garrotes worth 4,000 each for a total of 16,000
  524. 54 tiny plastic leprechauns worth 300 each for a total of 16,200
  525. 1 Boris's key lime worth 16,290 each for a total of 16,290
  526. 1 Sneaky Pete's key lime worth 16,499 each for a total of 16,499
  527. 55 tiny plastic killer bees worth 300 each for a total of 16,500
  528. 1 black eyedrops worth 16,500 each for a total of 16,500
  529. 9 bunch3s of gr8ps worth 1,848 each for a total of 16,632
  530. 56 tiny plastic pairs of fuzzy dice worth 300 each for a total of 16,800
  531. 17 tiny plastic accordion thieves worth 998 each for a total of 16,966
  532. 57 tiny plastic barrrnacles worth 300 each for a total of 17,100
  533. 58 tiny plastic sabre-toothed limes worth 300 each for a total of 17,400
  534. 1 tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf worth 17,495 each for a total of 17,495
  535. 1 roboduck-on-a-string worth 17,999 each for a total of 17,999
  536. 60 tiny plastic stab bats worth 300 each for a total of 18,000
  537. 3 vials of scented massage oil worth 6,016 each for a total of 18,048
  538. 39 blocks of megatofu worth 485 each for a total of 18,915
  539. 1 tiny plastic stocking mimic worth 19,000 each for a total of 19,000
  540. 1 badger badge worth 19,500 each for a total of 19,500
  541. 66 tiny plastic angry goats worth 300 each for a total of 19,800
  542. 9 sweet mochi balls worth 2,200 each for a total of 19,800
  543. 20 tiny plastic seal clubbers worth 998 each for a total of 19,960
  544. 1 porquoise necklace worth 19,999 each for a total of 19,999
  545. 1 sponge helmet worth 20,000 each for a total of 20,000
  546. 1 spongy shield worth 20,000 each for a total of 20,000
  547. 4 sets of candy knuckles worth 5,000 each for a total of 20,000
  548. 1 tiny plastic hobo elf worth 20,000 each for a total of 20,000
  549. 6 Crimbo candied pecans worth 3,340 each for a total of 20,040
  550. 17 scrolls of drastic healing worth 1,225 each for a total of 20,825
  551. 3 possessed tomatoes worth 7,000 each for a total of 21,000
  552. 1 tiny plastic colollilossus worth 21,000 each for a total of 21,000
  553. 141 water pipe bombs worth 150 each for a total of 21,150
  554. 23 titanium assault umbrellas worth 950 each for a total of 21,850
  555. 55 mummy wrappings worth 400 each for a total of 22,000
  556. 1 tiny plastic mutant elf worth 22,000 each for a total of 22,000
  557. 1 Vaso De Agua trading card worth 22,990 each for a total of 22,990
  558. 1 tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku worth 22,990 each for a total of 22,990
  559. 1 blundarrrbus worth 23,000 each for a total of 23,000
  560. 1 tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll worth 23,000 each for a total of 23,000
  561. 23 stuffed gray blobs worth 1,000 each for a total of 23,000
  562. 7 potato sprouts worth 3,300 each for a total of 23,100
  563. 16 red pixel potions worth 1,447 each for a total of 23,152
  564. 8 scrolls of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil worth 2,899 each for a total of 23,192
  565. 5 stuffed alien blobs worth 4,750 each for a total of 23,750
  566. 6 flasks of oil of oiliness worth 3,994 each for a total of 23,964
  567. 224 orange candy hearts worth 107 each for a total of 23,968
  568. 4 Skullhead's Screws worth 6,000 each for a total of 24,000
  569. 162 tequila grenades worth 150 each for a total of 24,300
  570. 1 tiny plastic Crimbomination worth 24,400 each for a total of 24,400
  571. 3 unstable laser batteries worth 8,140 each for a total of 24,420
  572. 1 metallic foil cat ears worth 24,500 each for a total of 24,500
  573. 1 tiny plastic fax machine worth 24,995 each for a total of 24,995
  574. 1 clockwork sheet worth 25,000 each for a total of 25,000
  575. 7 llama lama gongs worth 3,572 each for a total of 25,004
  576. 12 white Canadians worth 2,100 each for a total of 25,200
  577. 169 sake bombers worth 150 each for a total of 25,350
  578. 48 Knob Goblin superseltzers worth 545 each for a total of 26,160
  579. 2 cupcakes-in-cups worth 13,990 each for a total of 27,980
  580. 1 tiny plastic fat stack of cash worth 28,000 each for a total of 28,000
  581. 2 obnoxious riddles worth 14,000 each for a total of 28,000
  582. 1 handful of numbers worth 28,999 each for a total of 28,999
  583. 1 tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram worth 29,000 each for a total of 29,000
  584. 1 fancy chocolate car worth 29,000 each for a total of 29,000
  585. 4 oversized fish scalers worth 7,299 each for a total of 29,196
  586. 1 tiny plastic Mr. Mination worth 29,400 each for a total of 29,400
  587. 4 oozenogs worth 7,445 each for a total of 29,780
  588. 3 pairs of cement sandals worth 9,960 each for a total of 29,880
  589. 9 toothsome rocks worth 3,500 each for a total of 31,500
  590. 646 handsful of hand chalk worth 50 each for a total of 32,300
  591. 1 tiny plastic abominable fudgeman worth 33,200 each for a total of 33,200
  592. 38 rolls of toilet paper worth 890 each for a total of 33,820
  593. 46 viking helmets worth 740 each for a total of 34,040
  594. 5 bottles of sewage schnapps worth 7,300 each for a total of 36,500
  595. 50 clusters of sewer nuggets worth 739 each for a total of 36,950
  596. 20 loaves of penguin focaccia bread worth 1,875 each for a total of 37,500
  597. 1 BGE tiny plastic toy worth 37,500 each for a total of 37,500
  598. 46 handfuls of dill worth 820 each for a total of 37,720
  599. 1 clockwork trench coat worth 38,999 each for a total of 38,999
  600. 8 bowls of mixed wildflower greens worth 4,900 each for a total of 39,200
  601. 2 towels worth 19,949 each for a total of 39,898
  602. 14 cocoa eggs worth 2,850 each for a total of 39,900
  603. 1 mad scientist's sock monkey worth 40,000 each for a total of 40,000
  604. 2 gilded ancient cursed keys worth 20,000 each for a total of 40,000
  605. 4 gatorskin umbrellas worth 10,250 each for a total of 41,000
  606. 1 intriguing puzzle box worth 42,000 each for a total of 42,000
  607. 1 porquoise ring worth 42,400 each for a total of 42,400
  608. 339 stars worth 126 each for a total of 42,714
  609. 3 parasitic claws worth 14,600 each for a total of 43,800
  610. 6 gator skins worth 7,500 each for a total of 45,000
  611. 1 beet-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar worth 45,000 each for a total of 45,000
  612. 76 soft green echo eyedrop antidotes worth 595 each for a total of 45,220
  613. 1 sword behind inappropriate prepositions worth 46,000 each for a total of 46,000
  614. 5 facehugging aliens worth 9,200 each for a total of 46,000
  615. 51 chef's hats worth 939 each for a total of 47,889
  616. 6 cans of maces worth 7,999 each for a total of 47,994
  617. 20 tattered scraps of paper worth 2,456 each for a total of 49,120
  618. 1 tiny plastic Big Candy worth 49,987 each for a total of 49,987
  619. 1 tiny plastic Mob Penguin worth 49,991 each for a total of 49,991
  620. 2 toy mercenaries worth 25,000 each for a total of 50,000
  621. 1 tiny plastic Crimbo Casino worth 50,000 each for a total of 50,000
  622. 1 tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ worth 50,000 each for a total of 50,000
  623. 2 oriole-feather headdresses worth 27,200 each for a total of 54,400
  624. 40 sunken chests worth 1,374 each for a total of 54,960
  625. 1 duck-on-a-string worth 55,000 each for a total of 55,000
  626. 1 tiny plastic MechaElf worth 55,555 each for a total of 55,555
  627. 3 opera masks worth 18,899 each for a total of 56,697
  628. 1 ornate ancient cursed key worth 57,998 each for a total of 57,998
  629. 32 bus passes worth 1,815 each for a total of 58,080
  630. 52 leathery bat skins worth 1,129 each for a total of 58,708
  631. 4 red plastic babies worth 15,000 each for a total of 60,000
  632. 1 tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire worth 61,000 each for a total of 61,000
  633. 1 parasitic headgnawer worth 61,282 each for a total of 61,282
  634. 1 tropical paperweight worth 63,000 each for a total of 63,000
  635. 1 really dense meat stack worth 65,000 each for a total of 65,000
  636. 33 exploding hackensacks worth 1,999 each for a total of 65,967
  637. 1 borg sock monkey worth 67,620 each for a total of 67,620
  638. 76 scrumptious reagents worth 900 each for a total of 68,400
  639. 1 shimmering rainbow sand worth 70,000 each for a total of 70,000
  640. 10 mafia arias worth 7,350 each for a total of 73,500
  641. 2 tiny plastic skeletal reindeers worth 37,000 each for a total of 74,000
  642. 1 deck of tropical cards worth 75,000 each for a total of 75,000
  643. 5 bottles of antifreeze worth 15,000 each for a total of 75,000
  644. 1 tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ worth 75,000 each for a total of 75,000
  645. 8 prismatic wads worth 9,500 each for a total of 76,000
  646. 2 jawbruisers worth 39,993 each for a total of 79,986
  647. 1 glow-in-the-dark dart gun worth 80,000 each for a total of 80,000
  648. 74 limes worth 1,100 each for a total of 81,400
  649. 44 tiny plastic sweet nutcrackers worth 1,861 each for a total of 81,884
  650. 1 tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite worth 83,000 each for a total of 83,000
  651. 1 Inndya trading card worth 86,212 each for a total of 86,212
  652. 6 costume swords worth 14,406 each for a total of 86,436
  653. 1 Das Überkühlraum trading card worth 88,209 each for a total of 88,209
  654. 1 tiny plastic 11 Dealer worth 95,000 each for a total of 95,000
  655. 2 synthetic stuffings worth 47,998 each for a total of 95,996
  656. 16 evil golden arches worth 6,000 each for a total of 96,000
  657. 10 decaying goldfish livers worth 9,604 each for a total of 96,040
  658. 1 tiny plastic strand of DNA worth 99,495 each for a total of 99,495
  659. 4 unfinished fruitcakes worth 24,949 each for a total of 99,796
  660. 1 tiny plastic Don Crimbo worth 99,999 each for a total of 99,999
  661. 1 marionette collective worth 100,000 each for a total of 100,000
  662. 1 tiny plastic Fudge Wizard worth 100,000 each for a total of 100,000
  663. 6 bottles of mushroom fermenting solution worth 16,900 each for a total of 101,400
  664. 11 pet rocks worth 9,970 each for a total of 109,670
  665. 2 linoleum staves worth 54,999 each for a total of 109,998
  666. 3 cabbage-flavored Mr. Mediocrebars worth 37,700 each for a total of 113,100
  667. 6 pretty bouquets worth 19,500 each for a total of 117,000
  668. 15 tambourines worth 7,800 each for a total of 117,000
  669. 10 ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapons worth 12,000 each for a total of 120,000
  670. 1 natty blue ascot worth 135,000 each for a total of 135,000
  671. 1 broken carburetor worth 137,700 each for a total of 137,700
  672. 1 Ice-Cold Aluminum Necklace worth 139,000 each for a total of 139,000
  673. 1 Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword worth 140,000 each for a total of 140,000
  674. 163 bowls of delicious salad worth 920 each for a total of 149,960
  675. 1 lollipop cufflinks worth 150,000 each for a total of 150,000
  676. 4 transparent nog worth 39,999 each for a total of 159,996
  677. 10 slime convention t-shirts worth 17,000 each for a total of 170,000
  678. 1 X-37 gun worth 180,000 each for a total of 180,000
  679. 2 BGE 'cuddly critter' shirts worth 94,000 each for a total of 188,000
  680. 2 copies of Lars the Cyberian worth 95,000 each for a total of 190,000
  681. 1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) worth 195,000 each for a total of 195,000
  682. 3 phish sticks worth 65,000 each for a total of 195,000
  683. 1 Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot worth 196,000 each for a total of 196,000
  684. 2 toy deathbots worth 100,000 each for a total of 200,000
  685. 1 handful of Crotchety Pine needles worth 200,000 each for a total of 200,000
  686. 14 Ent ciders worth 14,500 each for a total of 203,000
  687. 47 tiny plastic Crimbo elves worth 4,694 each for a total of 220,618
  688. 13 teddy borgs worth 17,700 each for a total of 230,100
  689. 1 tiny plastic Best Game Ever worth 240,000 each for a total of 240,000
  690. 3 sweet-corn-flavored Mr. Mediocrebars worth 80,000 each for a total of 240,000
  691. 14 evil teddy bears worth 17,400 each for a total of 243,600
  692. 13 Jumbo Dr. Lucifers worth 18,925 each for a total of 246,025
  693. 1 glow-in-the-dark wristwatch worth 249,000 each for a total of 249,000
  694. 1 parasitic tentacles worth 250,000 each for a total of 250,000
  695. 1 misfit teddy bear worth 250,000 each for a total of 250,000
  696. 17 tiny plastic Uncle Crimbos worth 15,000 each for a total of 255,000
  697. 35 rogue swarmers worth 7,500 each for a total of 262,500
  698. 3 pink plastic babies worth 95,750 each for a total of 287,250
  699. 1 depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick worth 299,800 each for a total of 299,800
  700. 3 cyborg stompin' boots worth 100,000 each for a total of 300,000
  701. 4 powdered candy sushi sets worth 84,000 each for a total of 336,000
  702. 1 colored-light "necklace" worth 340,000 each for a total of 340,000
  703. 1 tree skirt worth 340,000 each for a total of 340,000
  704. 19 wads of fake plastic grass worth 18,000 each for a total of 342,000
  705. 29 bottles of agua de vida worth 11,975 each for a total of 347,275
  706. 18 tiny plastic Crimbo wreaths worth 20,000 each for a total of 360,000
  707. 1 tiny plastic Scream Queen worth 390,000 each for a total of 390,000
  708. 48 piles of brine worth 8,298 each for a total of 398,304
  709. 45 tiny plastic Crimbo reindeers worth 10,000 each for a total of 450,000
  710. 14 jars of traffic jam worth 33,000 each for a total of 462,000
  711. 1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) worth 490,000 each for a total of 490,000
  712. 2 parasitic strangleworms worth 250,000 each for a total of 500,000
  713. 14 teddy bears worth 38,000 each for a total of 532,000
  714. 1 depleted Grimacite grappling hook worth 550,000 each for a total of 550,000
  715. 11 BGE shotglasses worth 50,000 each for a total of 550,000
  716. 6 peace-sign necklaces worth 96,039 each for a total of 576,234
  717. 1 depleted Grimacite astrolabe worth 599,999 each for a total of 599,999
  718. 1 depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt worth 600,000 each for a total of 600,000
  719. 14 jars of toe jam worth 42,999 each for a total of 601,986
  720. 14 Bulky Buddy Boxen worth 44,000 each for a total of 616,000
  721. 2 coconut bikini tops worth 335,600 each for a total of 671,200
  722. 2 cans of fake snow worth 340,000 each for a total of 680,000
  723. 1 depleted Grimacite ninja mask worth 740,000 each for a total of 740,000
  724. 1 depleted Grimacite hammer worth 750,000 each for a total of 750,000
  725. 1 Tropical Crimbo Hat worth 800,000 each for a total of 800,000
  726. 1 Tropical Crimbo Shorts worth 800,000 each for a total of 800,000
  727. 1 Tropical Crimbo Sword worth 800,000 each for a total of 800,000
  728. 3197 pieces of toast worth 275 each for a total of 879,175
  729. 1 depleted Grimacite shinguards worth 990,000 each for a total of 990,000
  730. 2 radio button candies worth 945,000 each for a total of 1,890,000
  731. 13 chunks of depleted Grimacite worth 190,000 each for a total of 2,470,000
  732. 14 jars of space jam worth 200,000 each for a total of 2,800,000
  733. 1 depleted Grimacite gravy boat worth 3,000,000 each for a total of 3,000,000
  734. 5 spooky hockey masks worth 798,000 each for a total of 3,990,000
  735. 1 tiny plastic Ed the Undying worth 3,999,999 each for a total of 3,999,999
  736. 1 tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven worth 3,999,999 each for a total of 3,999,999
  737. 1 tiny plastic Dr. Awkward worth 3,999,999 each for a total of 3,999,999
  738. 1 tiny plastic Susie worth 19,200,000 each for a total of 19,200,000
  739. 1 time helmet worth 40,000,000 each for a total of 40,000,000
  740. 1 time trousers worth 40,000,000 each for a total of 40,000,000
  741. 1 time sword worth 40,000,000 each for a total of 40,000,000
  742. 1 Mr. Eh? worth 65,000,000 each for a total of 65,000,000
  743. Liquid meat: 353,184
  744. Display case worth: 39,194,369
  745. Mall store worth: 4,600
  746. Total net worth: 263,219,905
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