
The Defector

Dec 13th, 2021
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  1. "You're positive, Idalla?"
  3. "How many people covered in green scales do you know of around these parts?" the succubus took a big gulp of the tea in front of her, rudely swashing it around her mouth a bit before swallowing with a satisfied 'pah.' "It was certainly Officer Kalina."
  5. Stella sat back in her chair, raising the front end legs slightly off the floor, balanced in a thoughtful posture. They sat in silence for what felt like a full minute, the only interruptions being the creaking of the chairs old legs and the last sip of tea Idalla took before Stella suddenly set the legs back down.
  7. "I do not have reason to distrust you after all your work, but you understand how this sounds, right? An entire village gone in an instant, and a Wyrmbreaker officer responsible. What are we to do?"
  9. "Relax," said Idalla, with a tone more akin to someone warning you of coming unpleasant weather than of the massacre of innocent locals under the watch of the castle. "I've already spread the rumors that it was just a blitz by the last of the hobgoblins in these parts. Luckily they've caused enough trouble to make it buyable, and young ratcatchers are happy to take the quests to clear them out."
  11. "She must be found and stopped, and brought to give an explanation. She is my long time friend, she would not do something like this without cause." Idalla nodded as she got up to refill her cup. "If there is no just reason, than friend or no, we shall bring her to justice."
  13. "Well, she won't be hard to find. She set out from the town southwest, and there's only one thing down that way. She's heading back to the old lair of the Ghostlord."
  15. "Why?"
  17. "No clue. Figured you might know better than me." Stella, still wearing a serious expression, shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "Well, your guess is as good as mine, but you know she's been a bit strange since you all fought that rhinestone dragon or whatever before you let out the Tiamat. Probably related."
  19. Stella stood up, and turned to leave. "I shall inform the other officers and junior officer Solomon. This information is not to leave this room."
  21. "You got it boss." Idalla kicked her feet up and leaned her chair back in a similar way as Stella had, almost losing balance and falling before quickly setting the front legs down and hiding the look of surprise on her face, attempting to cover it with a quick sip of tea. "You know I'm good for it!"
  23. Stella waved back over her shoulder, closing the door, a look of anger and frustration crossing her face. "First no return of our junior officers. Now this. What in the vast sea of stars is going on."
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