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a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. Prefix: '&7[&cZombies&7] '
  2. MySQL:
  3. Enabled: false
  4. LocalFile: false
  5. Hostname: localhost
  6. Port: 3306
  7. Database: database
  8. Username: username
  9. Password: password
  10. MultiArena:
  11. Enabled: false
  12. SignLayout:
  13. Line1: '&b[&8Zombies&b]'
  14. Line2: '%name%'
  15. Line3: '&f%players%&8/&f%maxPlayers%'
  16. Line4: '%state%'
  17. LobbyTimer: 20
  18. RestartTimer: 20
  19. RandomMap: false
  20. StartMap: Bad Blood
  21. QuitRejoinEnabled: true
  22. FillEmptySlots: false
  23. PremiumKickEnabled: false
  24. ChatFormatEnabled: true
  25. HidePlayers: true
  26. HideChat: true
  27. Commands:
  28. Start:
  29. Enabled: true
  30. Permission: zombies.start
  31. Stats:
  32. Enabled: true
  33. Permission: zombies.stats
  34. Leave:
  35. Enabled: true
  36. Permission: zombies.leave
  37. MotdDisplay:
  38. Enabled: true
  39. Custom: true
  40. Lobby: '&a&lLobby &7- &f%players% &7| &f%time%s'
  41. InGame: '&c&lInGame &7- &f%map% &7| &f%time%'
  42. Restarting: '&c&lRestarting'
  43. ChatFormat:
  44. Enabled: true
  45. State:
  46. Lobby: '&aLobby'
  47. InGame: '&cInGame'
  48. Restarting: '&4Restarting'
  49. Sound:
  50. Countdown: ANVIL_LAND
  53. RepairedWindow: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
  56. WeaponReload: ENTITY_HORSE_GALLOP
  58. PowerSwitchActivated: ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH
  59. UltimateMachineUpgrade: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP
  63. WeaponsChestOpen: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN
  64. WeaponsChestClose: BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE
  65. Window:
  66. BarrierWall: false
  67. Revive:
  68. Time: 25.0
  69. SneakTime: 1.5
  70. Hologram:
  71. - '&eâ– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– '
  72. - '&e&lHOLD SNEAK TO REVIVE!'
  73. - '&eâ– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– '
  74. - '&c%time%s'
  75. MapMenuEnabled: true
  76. BlockCommands:
  77. Enabled: false
  78. ByPassAllowed: false
  79. BlockMessageAllowed: false
  80. ByPassPermission: zombies.bypass
  81. BlockMessage: '&cYou are not allowed to perform Commands while playing Zombies.'
  82. AllowedCommands:
  83. - /zombies
  84. Entities:
  85. DelayedTeleportTicks: 20
  86. LocalStats:
  87. DelayedUpdateTicks: 1000
  88. GoldStart:
  89. Default: 0
  90. Permissions:
  91. '1':
  92. PermissionName: zombies.permissionsGold
  93. GoldValue: 0
  94. '2':
  95. PermissionName: zombies.morePermissionGold
  96. GoldValue: 0
  97. Rewards:
  98. Enabled: false
  99. GameLoose:
  100. - insert commands here that should be executed on loosing the game
  101. GameWin:
  102. - insert commands here that should be executed on winning the game
  103. Rounds:
  104. '1':
  105. - insert commands here that should be executed on surviving round 1
  106. '2':
  107. - insert commands here that should be executed on surviving round 2
  108. WeaponBuilder:
  109. Damage: ' &8â–Ş &7Damage: &a%damageValue% HP'
  110. Ammo: ' &8â–Ş &7Ammo: &a%ammoValue%'
  111. ClipAmmo: ' &8â–Ş &7Clip Ammo: &a%clipAmmoValue%'
  112. FireRate: ' &8â–Ş &7Fire Rate: &a%fireRateValue%s'
  113. Reload: ' &8â–Ş &7Reload: &a%reloadValue%s'
  114. Lores:
  115. - '&eLEFT-CLICK &7to reload.'
  116. - '&eRIGHT-CLICK &7to shoot.'
  117. UltimateWeaponBuilder:
  118. Damage: ' &8â–Ş &7Damage: &8%oldDamageValue% HP âž” &a%damageValue% HP'
  119. Ammo: ' &8â–Ş &7Ammo: &8%oldAmmoValue% âž” &a%ammoValue%'
  120. ClipAmmo: ' &8â–Ş &7Clip Ammo: &8%oldClipAmmoValue% âž” &a%clipAmmoValue%'
  121. FireRate: ' &8â–Ş &7Fire Rate: &8%oldFireRateValue%s âž” &a%fireRateValue%s'
  122. Reload: ' &8â–Ş &7Reload: &8%oldReloadValue%s âž” &a%reloadValue%s'
  123. Lores:
  124. - '&eLEFT-CLICK &7to reload.'
  125. - '&eRIGHT-CLICK &7to shoot.'
  126. Weapon:
  127. Knife:
  128. DisplayName: '&aKnife'
  129. Material: IRON_SWORD
  130. Lores: []
  131. Pistol:
  132. DisplayName: '&6Pistol'
  133. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Pistol'
  134. Material: WOOD_HOE
  135. Lores:
  136. - '&7This is your starter gun. You''re'
  137. - '&7gonna want to upgrade this at'
  138. - '&7some point, or may Notch save'
  139. - '&7your soul.'
  142. Particle: CRIT
  143. Damage: 6.0
  144. Ammo: 300
  145. ClipAmmo: 10
  146. FireRate: 0.5
  147. Reload: 1.5
  148. UltimateDamage: 6.0
  149. UltimateAmmo: 360
  150. UltimateClipAmmo: 12
  151. UltimateFireRate: 0.4
  152. UltimateReload: 1.0
  153. WeaponsChest: false
  154. Rifle:
  155. DisplayName: '&6Rifle'
  156. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Rifle'
  157. Material: STONE_HOE
  158. Lores:
  159. - '&7Shoots at a faster rate than the'
  160. - '&7Pistol.'
  163. Particle: FIREWORKS_SPARK
  164. Damage: 4.0
  165. Ammo: 256
  166. ClipAmmo: 32
  167. FireRate: 0.2
  168. Reload: 1.5
  169. UltimateDamage: 5.0
  170. UltimateAmmo: 280
  171. UltimateClipAmmo: 35
  172. UltimateFireRate: 0.2
  173. UltimateReload: 1.0
  174. WeaponsChest: false
  175. Shotgun:
  176. DisplayName: '&6Shotgun'
  177. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Shotgun'
  178. Material: IRON_HOE
  179. Lores:
  180. - '&7Shoots at barrage of bullets.'
  181. - '&7Good for close range combat.'
  184. Particle: SMOKE_NORMAL
  185. Damage: 6.5
  186. Ammo: 65
  187. ClipAmmo: 5
  188. FireRate: 1.4
  189. Reload: 1.5
  190. UltimateDamage: 6.5
  191. UltimateAmmo: 80
  192. UltimateClipAmmo: 5
  193. UltimateFireRate: 1.0
  194. UltimateReload: 1.0
  195. WeaponsChest: false
  196. Flamethrower:
  197. DisplayName: '&6Flamethrower'
  198. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Flamethrower'
  199. Material: GOLD_HOE
  200. Lores:
  201. - '&7Sprays fire on enemies. Less'
  202. - '&7effective on fire zombies.'
  204. ShootSound: BLOCK_FIRE_AMBIENT
  205. Particle: FLAME
  206. Damage: 2.0
  207. Ammo: 350
  208. ClipAmmo: 50
  209. FireRate: 0.1
  210. Reload: 3.0
  211. UltimateDamage: 2.0
  212. UltimateAmmo: 500
  213. UltimateClipAmmo: 50
  214. UltimateFireRate: 0.1
  215. UltimateReload: 1.8
  216. WeaponsChest: true
  217. ZombieSoaker:
  218. DisplayName: '&6Zombie Soaker'
  219. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Zombie Soaker'
  220. Material: DIAMOND_HOE
  221. Lores:
  222. - '&7Deals bonus damage to fire'
  223. - '&7zombies!'
  225. ShootSound: ENTITY_SLIME_ATTACK
  226. Particle: WATER_DROP
  227. Damage: 4.0
  228. Ammo: 256
  229. ClipAmmo: 32
  230. FireRate: 0.3
  231. Reload: 1.5
  232. UltimateDamage: 4.0
  233. UltimateAmmo: 280
  234. UltimateClipAmmo: 50
  235. UltimateFireRate: 0.1
  236. UltimateReload: 1.0
  237. WeaponsChest: true
  238. RocketLauncher:
  239. DisplayName: '&6Rocket Launcher'
  240. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Rocket Launcher'
  241. Material: STONE_SPADE
  242. Lores:
  243. - '&7Launches fire rockets that'
  244. - '&7explode on impact.'
  246. ShootSound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT
  247. Particle: ''
  248. Damage: 15.0
  249. Ammo: 20
  250. ClipAmmo: 4
  251. FireRate: 2.0
  252. Reload: 3.0
  253. UltimateDamage: 20
  254. UltimateAmmo: 32
  255. UltimateClipAmmo: 4
  256. UltimateFireRate: 1.5
  257. UltimateReload: 2.0
  258. WeaponsChest: false
  259. ElderGun:
  260. DisplayName: '&6Elder Gun'
  261. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Elder Gun'
  262. Material: SHEARS
  263. Lores:
  264. - '&7Shoots a long beam that can'
  265. - '&7penetrate multiple enemies,'
  266. - '&7stunning them.'
  269. Particle: ''
  270. Damage: 10.0
  271. Ammo: 60
  272. ClipAmmo: 4
  273. FireRate: 1.0
  274. Reload: 2.0
  275. UltimateDamage: 15.0
  276. UltimateAmmo: 100
  277. UltimateClipAmmo: 4
  278. UltimateFireRate: 1.0
  279. UltimateReload: 2.0
  280. WeaponsChest: true
  281. BlowDart:
  282. DisplayName: '&6Blow Dart'
  283. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Blow Dart'
  284. Material: STONE_SPADE
  285. Lores:
  286. - '&7Shoots poisonous darts, briefly'
  287. - '&7poisoning and slowing any hit'
  288. - '&7enemies!'
  290. ShootSound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT
  291. Particle: SLIME
  292. Damage: 10.0
  293. Ammo: 100
  294. ClipAmmo: 10
  295. FireRate: 0.5
  296. Reload: 3.0
  297. UltimateDamage: 15.0
  298. UltimateAmmo: 150
  299. UltimateClipAmmo: 5
  300. UltimateFireRate: 0.4
  301. UltimateReload: 1.5
  302. WeaponsChest: true
  303. Sniper:
  304. DisplayName: '&6Sniper'
  305. UltimateDisplayName: '&6&lUltimate Sniper'
  306. Material: WOOD_SPADE
  307. Lores:
  308. - '&7Deals high damage from long'
  309. - '&7distances. Bullets can penetrate'
  310. - '&7multiple enemies.'
  313. Particle: FIREWORKS_SPARK
  314. Damage: 20.0
  315. Ammo: 40
  316. ClipAmmo: 4
  317. FireRate: 1.0
  318. Reload: 2.0
  319. UltimateDamage: 30.0
  320. UltimateAmmo: 60
  321. UltimateClipAmmo: 5
  322. UltimateFireRate: 1.0
  323. UltimateReload: 1.5
  324. WeaponsChest: false
  325. PerksRemoveCooldownEnabled: false
  326. PerksRemoveCooldown: 30000
  327. Perks:
  328. Speed:
  329. DisplayName: '&9&lSpeed'
  330. Material: SUGAR
  331. Lores:
  332. - '&7Gain Speed I.'
  333. - ''
  334. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  335. ExtraHealth:
  336. DisplayName: '&9&lExtra Health'
  337. Material: GOLD_NUGGET
  338. Lores:
  339. - '&7Gain an extra &a10 HP of'
  340. - '&7maximum health.'
  341. - ''
  342. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  343. FastRevive:
  344. DisplayName: '&9&lFast Revive'
  345. Material: COOKIE
  346. Lores:
  347. - '&7Revive fallen teammates twice as'
  348. - '&7fast.'
  349. - ''
  350. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  351. FlameBullets:
  352. DisplayName: '&9&lFlame Bullets'
  353. Material: BLAZE_POWDER
  354. Lores:
  355. - '&7All your bullets set enemies on fire,'
  356. - '&7including enemies immune to fire.'
  357. - ''
  358. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  359. FrozenBullets:
  360. DisplayName: '&9&lFrozen Bullets'
  361. Material: GHAST_TEAR
  362. Lores:
  363. - '&7All your bullets are ice cold,'
  364. - '&7slowing enemies down briefly'
  365. - ''
  366. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  367. ExtraWeapon:
  368. DisplayName: '&9&lExtra Weapon'
  369. Material: IRON_INGOT
  370. Lores:
  371. - '&7Adds one weapon slot'
  372. - '&7to your inventory.'
  373. - ''
  374. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  375. QuickFire:
  376. DisplayName: '&9&lQuire Fire'
  377. Material: BLAZE_ROD
  378. Lores:
  379. - '&7Increase the fire rate'
  380. - '&7of all Weapons by 25%.'
  381. - ''
  382. - '&8&oActive until death.'
  383. Powerups:
  385. Duration: 30
  386. INSTA_KILL:
  387. Duration: 10
  388. WeaponsChest:
  389. ClaimDuration: 10.0
  390. GoldPrice: 1000
  391. TeamMachine:
  392. Price:
  393. AmmoSupply: 1000
  394. FullRevive: 2000
  395. DragonsWrath: 3000
  396. Messages:
  397. PremiumKick: '%prefix%&cYou got kicked from the Game because a higher ranked player
  398. joined the server.'
  399. Leaderboard:
  400. PlaceRegistered: '&aPlace &7%placeId%&a. &e%player% &7(&c%formattedTime%&7)'
  401. PlaceUnregistered: '&aPlace &7%placeId%&a. &e<?> &7(&c%formattedTime%&7)'
  402. LeaveArena: '%prefix%&cYou left the arena.'
  403. LeaveArenaFailed: '%prefix%&cYou are not in a arena.'
  404. MultiArenaJoinFailed: '%prefix%&cThe arena is full.'
  405. MultiArenaJoinEndFailed: '%prefix%&cThe arena has already ended.'
  406. MultiArenaRejoinFailed: '%prefix%&cThere aren''t Maps you could rejoin.'
  407. MultiArenaMapsFailed: '%prefix%&cThere aren''t Maps available!'
  408. BungeeKickFullArena: '%prefix%&cThe arena is full.'
  409. ChatFormat:
  410. Normal: '%prefix%&a%player%: &f%message%'
  411. Spectator: '%prefix%&7(&cSPEC&7) &a%player%: &f%message%'
  412. GameStartChatPrefixHigh: '&6'
  413. GameStartChatPrefixMedium: '&c'
  414. GameStartChatPrefixLow: '&c'
  415. GameStartTitlePrefixHigh: '&a'
  416. GameStartTitlePrefixMedium: '&e'
  417. GameStartTitlePrefixLow: '&c'
  418. GameStopChatPrefixHigh: '&c'
  419. GameStopChatPrefixLow: '&c'
  420. GameStartCountdown: '%prefix%&eThe game starts in %time% &eseconds!'
  421. GameStopCountdown: '%prefix%&cThe game restarts in %time% &cseconds!'
  422. DoorHologram:
  423. - '&a&l%doorName%'
  424. - '&6%gold% Gold'
  425. NotEnoughGold: '%prefix%&cYou don''t have enough Gold to purchase that!'
  426. EarnGold: '%prefix%&6+ %gold% Gold'
  427. WindowRepairInformation: '&eHold SNEAK to repair.'
  428. WindowRepair: '%prefix%&aRepairing windows. Keep holding SNEAK to continue repairing.'
  429. WindowRepairStopped: '%prefix%&cStopped repairing. Hold SNEAK to continue repairing!'
  430. WindowRepaired: '%prefix%&aYou have fully repaired this window!'
  431. WindowRepairFailed: '%prefix%&cYou can''t repair windows while enemies are nearby!'
  432. WeaponReloadInformation: '&c&lRELOADING'
  433. Round: '&c&lRound %round%'
  434. GameOver: '&c&lGame Over'
  435. OpenDoor: '%prefix%%displayName% &7opened &a&l%doorName%'
  436. EmptyPlayer: '&7Empty'
  437. QuitState: '&cQUIT'
  438. DeadState: '&cDEAD'
  439. ReviveState: '&eREVIVE'
  440. TitleWin: '&aYou Win!'
  441. SubTitleWin: '&7You made it to Round %round%!'
  442. TitleLoose: '&cGame Over!'
  443. SubTitleLoose: '&7You made it to Round %round%!'
  444. BossSpawn: '%prefix%%name% &7has spawned!'
  445. BossKill: '%prefix%%displayName% &7killed %name%&7!'
  446. BombieName: '&6&lBombie'
  447. InfernoName: '&c&lInferno'
  448. TheBroodmotherName: '&5&lThe Broodmother'
  449. KingSlimeName: '&a&lKing Slime'
  450. KingWitherName: '&8&lKing Wither'
  451. HerobrineName: '&4&lHerobrine'
  452. SantaClausName: '&c&lSanta Claus'
  453. KnockedDownTitle: '&f%displayName% &7was knocked down!'
  454. ReviveTitle: '&aYou are beeing revived...'
  455. ReviveActionBar: '&aYou will die in &c%time%s'
  456. Revive: '%prefix%&f%displayName% &ewas knocked down by &7%name%&e! You have &c%time%s
  457. &eto revive them!'
  458. Revived: '%prefix%&f%displayName% &erevived &f%revivedDisplayName%&e!'
  459. ReviveDead: '%prefix%&f%displayName% &7was killed by %name%&7!'
  460. ReviveDeadUnknown: '%prefix%&f%displayName% &7died.'
  461. DeathTitle: '&cYou died!'
  462. DeathSubTitle: '&7You will respawn next round.'
  463. OutOfAmmo: '%prefix%&c&lThis weapon is out of ammo! You can refill ammo at the place
  464. that you purchased the weapon or through collecting the &9&lMax Ammo Power up&c&l.'
  465. Spectator:
  466. Teleporter:
  467. InventoryName: '&7Teleporter'
  468. ItemName: '&7Teleporter'
  469. Shop:
  470. Armor:
  471. LEATHER:
  472. UP: '&aLeather Helmet & Chestplate'
  473. DOWN: '&aLeather Leggings & Boots'
  474. GOLD:
  475. UP: '&aGold Helmet & Chestplate'
  476. DOWN: '&aGold Leggings & Boots'
  477. IRON:
  478. UP: '&aIron Helmet & Chestplate'
  479. DOWN: '&aIron Leggings & Boots'
  480. DIAMOND:
  481. UP: '&aDiamond Helmet & Chestplate'
  482. DOWN: '&aDiamond Leggings & Boots'
  483. Unlocked: '&6UNLOCKED'
  484. NotUnlocked: '&6%goldValue% Gold'
  485. Purchase: '%prefix%&aYou purchased &9%armorName%&a!'
  486. AlreadyWearing: '%prefix%&cYou are already wearing that armor!'
  487. Downgrade: '%prefix%&cThis armor is a downgrade from your current armor.'
  488. Weapon:
  489. Name: '&a%weaponName%'
  490. NotUnlocked: '&6%goldValue% Gold'
  491. AmmoName: '&a%weaponName% Ammo'
  492. Purchase: '%prefix%&aYou purchased &9%weaponName%&a!'
  493. AlreadyMaxAmmo: '%prefix%&cYou already have max ammo for this weapon!'
  494. WrongClick: '%prefix%&cClick with one of your gun slots to purchase a gun!'
  495. SwapWeapon: '%prefix%&cYou already have this weapon! Swap to that weapon and
  496. click to refill your ammo.'
  497. Perks:
  498. Purchase: '%prefix%&eYou activated the &9%perkName% Perk&e!'
  499. AlreadyPurchased: '%prefix%&cYou already have %perkName% activated!'
  500. RequiresPower: '%prefix%&cPerk Machines requires Power to use! Find and activate
  501. the &6Power Switch &cin the &a&lPower Station &cfirst!'
  502. MaxPerks: '%prefix%&cYou can only have 3 Perks active at a time. Switch to an
  503. active Perk in your hotbar and click the Perk Machine again to replace that
  504. Perk!'
  505. Unlocked: '&6UNLOCKED'
  506. HologramHeader: '&b%perkName%'
  507. InactiveHologramFooter: '&7&oRequires power!'
  508. ActiveHologramFooter: '&6%goldValue% Gold'
  509. PowerSwitch:
  510. Title: '%displayName% &7activated the Power!'
  511. SubTitle: '&7You can now use machines!'
  512. HologramHeader: '&6&lPower Switch'
  513. InactiveHologramFooter: '&6%goldValue% Gold'
  514. ActiveHologramFooter: '&7&oActivated!'
  515. AlreadyActivated: '%prefix%&cThe Power has already been activated!'
  516. Powerups:
  518. Message: '%prefix%%displayName% &eactivated &6&lDouble Gold &efor &c%duration%s&e!'
  519. Title: '&6Double Gold'
  520. Hologram: '&6&lDOUBLE GOLD'
  521. BarTag: '&6&lDouble Gold &7- &a&l%doubleGoldDuration%s'
  522. MAX_AMMO:
  523. Message: '%prefix%%displayName% &eactivated &9&lMax Ammo&e!'
  524. Title: '&9Max Ammo'
  525. Hologram: '&9&lMAX AMMO'
  526. INSTA_KILL:
  527. Message: '%prefix%%displayName% &eactivated &c&lInsta Kill &efor &c%duration%s&e!'
  528. Title: '&cInsta Kill'
  529. Hologram: '&c&lINSTA KILL'
  530. BarTag: '&c&lInsta Kill &7- &a&l%instaKillDuration%s'
  531. WeaponsChest:
  532. Inactive:
  533. Hologram:
  534. - '&5Weapons Chest'
  535. - '&e&l%goldValue% Gold'
  536. Active:
  537. Hologram:
  538. - '&5Weapons Chest'
  539. - '&e&l%displayName% is rolling...'
  540. - '%weaponName%'
  541. ActiveFinished:
  542. Hologram:
  543. - '&c%time%s'
  544. - ' '
  545. - '&5Weapons Chest'
  547. - '%weaponName%'
  548. NotActive: '%prefix%&cThis Weapons Chest is not active right now!'
  549. InUse: '%prefix%&cSomeone else is using the Weapons Chest right now. Try again
  550. when they are finished!'
  551. Moved: '%prefix%&7The &5Weapons Chest &7has moved to a new location!'
  552. FoundWeapon: '%prefix%%displayName% &7found %weaponName% &7in the &5Weapons Chest&7!'
  553. PersonalFoundWeapon: '%prefix%&7You found %weaponName% &7in the &5Weapons Chest&7!
  554. &7You have &c%claimDuration%s &7to claim it before it disappears!'
  555. Claimed: '%prefix%&7You claimed %weaponName% &7in the &5Weapons Chest&7!'
  556. WrongClick: '%prefix%&cClick with one of your gun slots to claim the gun!'
  557. AlreadyAvailable: '%prefix%&cYou already have the Weapon!'
  558. UltimateMachine:
  559. HologramHeader: '&a&lUltimate Machine'
  560. InactiveHologramFooter: '&7&oRequires power!'
  561. ActiveHologramFooter: '&6%goldValue% Gold'
  562. Upgraded: '%prefix%&eYou have upgraded your &9%weaponName% &eto &9Ultimate&e!'
  563. AlreadyUpgraded: '%prefix%&eYou already upgraded your weapon to &9Ultimate&e!'
  564. HoldingInvalidWeapon: '%prefix%&cYou are not holding a weapon!'
  565. RequiresPower: '%prefix%&cUltimate Machines requires Power to use! Find and activate
  566. the &6Power Switch &cin the &a&lPower Station &cfirst!'
  567. TeamMachine:
  568. HologramHeader: '&a&lTeam Machine'
  569. InactiveHologramFooter: '&7&oRequires power!'
  570. ActiveHologramFooter: '&eRIGHT-CLICK TO OPEN!'
  571. RequiresPower: '%prefix%&cTeam Machines requires Power to use! Find and activate
  572. the &6Power Switch &cin the &a&lPower Station &cfirst!'
  573. InventoryName: Team Machine
  574. AmmoSupply:
  575. Purchaseable:
  576. DisplayName: '&aAmmo Supply'
  577. Lores:
  578. - '&7Gain max ammo for all of yours'
  579. - '&7and your teammates'' weapons.'
  580. - ' '
  581. - '&7Cost: &6%ammoSupplyGoldValue% Gold'
  582. - ' '
  583. - '&eClick to purchase!'
  584. NotPurchaseable:
  585. DisplayName: '&cAmmo Supply'
  586. MotPurchaseable:
  587. Lores:
  588. - '&7Gain max ammo for all of yours'
  589. - '&7and your teammates'' weapons.'
  590. - ' '
  591. - '&7Cost: &6%ammoSupplyGoldValue% Gold'
  592. - ' '
  593. - '&cYou don''t have enough Gold!'
  594. FullRevive:
  595. Purchaseable:
  596. DisplayName: '&aFull Revive'
  597. Lores:
  598. - '&7Revives all downed and dead'
  599. - '&7teammates.'
  600. - ' '
  601. - '&7Cost: &6%fullReviveGoldValue% Gold'
  602. - ' '
  603. - '&eClick to purchase!'
  604. NotPurchaseable:
  605. DisplayName: '&cFull Revive'
  606. Lores:
  607. - '&7Revives all downed and dead'
  608. - '&7teammates.'
  609. - ' '
  610. - 'Cost: &6%fullReviveGoldValue% Gold'
  611. - ' '
  612. - '&cYou don''t have enough Gold!'
  613. DragonsWrath:
  614. Purchaseable:
  615. DisplayName: '&aDragon''s Wrath'
  616. Lores:
  617. - '&7Kills all enemies within a &a15'
  618. - '&7block radius after a short'
  619. - '&7delay.'
  620. - ' '
  621. - '&7Cost: &6%dragonsWrathGoldValue% Gold'
  622. - ' '
  623. - '&eClick to purchase!'
  624. NotPurchaseable:
  625. DisplayName: '&cDragon''s Wrath'
  626. MotPurchaseable:
  627. Lores:
  628. - '&7Kills all enemies within a &a15'
  629. - '&7block radius after a short'
  630. - '&7delay.'
  631. - ' '
  632. - '&7Cost: &6%dragonsWrathGoldValue% Gold'
  633. - ' '
  634. - '&cYou don''t have enough Gold!'
  635. KillMessage: '%prefix%&aKilled %killedEnemies% enemies!'
  636. CloseItem:
  637. DisplayName: '&cClose'
  638. Lores: []
  639. Activate: '%prefix%%displayName% &7activated &a&l%purchasedType% &7from the &aTeam
  640. Machine&7!'
  641. StatsHologram:
  642. Header:
  643. - '&b&l%mapName%'
  644. - '&7Fastest Win'
  645. - ' '
  646. Players: '&e%placeId%. &7%name% &7- &e%time%'
  647. Mode:
  648. Endless: '&cEndless'
  649. Normal: '&aNormal'
  650. Difficulty:
  651. Normal: '&aNormal'
  652. Hard: '&cHard'
  653. RIP: '&4RIP'
  654. MenuInventory:
  655. MainInventory:
  656. Title: Play Zombies
  657. CloseItemTitle: '&cClose'
  658. CloseItemLores:
  659. - '&7Click here to close the Menu'
  660. BackItemTitle: '&aBack'
  661. BackItemLores:
  662. - '&7Click here to go back'
  663. RejoinItemTitle: '&cRejoin'
  664. RejoinItemLores:
  665. - '&7Rejoin your last arena'
  666. RandomJoinItemTitle: '&cRandom Join'
  667. RandomJoinItemLores:
  668. - '&7Click here to join a random arena'
  669. NormalModeItemTitle: '&aNormal Mode'
  670. NormalModeItemLores:
  671. - '&7Click here to choose Maps'
  672. EndlessModeItemTitle: '&cEndless Mode'
  673. EndlessModeItemLores:
  674. - '&7Click here to choose Maps'
  675. NormalDifficultyItemTitle: '&aNormal Difficulty'
  676. NormalDifficultyItemLores:
  677. - '&7Click here to select &aNormal &7Difficulty'
  678. HardDifficultyItemTitle: '&cHard Difficulty'
  679. HardDifficultyItemLores:
  680. - '&7Click here to select &cHard &7Difficulty'
  681. RIPDifficultyItemTitle: '&4RIP Difficulty'
  682. RIPDifficultyItemLores:
  683. - '&7Click here to select &4RIP &7Difficulty'
  684. MapInventory:
  685. Title: Choose Map..
  686. MapInformation:
  687. - ''
  688. - '&7Players: &e%players%&7/&e%maxPlayers%'
  689. - '&7State: %state%'
  690. - '&7Time: &e%time%'
  691. - '&7Round: &f%round%'
  692. ItemType: STAINED_CLAY
  693. DataId:
  694. EmptyArena: 5
  695. FilledArena: 13
  696. FullArena: 1
  697. StartedArena: 9
  698. StoppedArena: 14
  699. Color:
  700. EmptyArena: '&a&l'
  701. FilledArena: '&2&l'
  702. FullArena: '&6&l'
  703. StartedArena: '&7&l'
  704. StoppedArena: '&c&l'
  705. EnemyDetectorActionBar: '&7Nearest Enemy is beeing tracked &a%xCoordinateDifference%&7X
  706. &8/ &a%yCoordinateDifference%&7Y blocks away.'
  707. Effects:
  709. Amplifier: 0
  711. Amplifier: 2
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