
Kiran discovers texting

Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. [1:11 AM] Swad: ----------------------- Session Continue ------------------------
  2. [1:11 AM] Jack: "Libra is very tough."
  3. [1:12 AM] Jack: drops to one knee, rooting through his gear.
  4. "Anyone mind if I take a quick minute? Got something I need to do."
  5. [1:12 AM] Lous of ASStora: "He's a good lad, that Sir Damien."
  6. [1:12 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Seriously, Adalet's sword friggin' hurts. Huge hunk of celestial gold finely wrapped in molten rock for extra concussive force."
  7. [1:12 AM] Sandra_Hart: "I can sympathize now with everyone who's been hit by the trident."
  8. [1:12 AM] Senshi_Blake: "What's up, Kiran?"
  9. [1:12 AM] Lous of ASStora: "Aurite? Lovely stuff."
  10. [1:12 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Is that the name?"
  11. [1:13 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Kiran's already a little bit obsessed with it after seeing it."
  12. [1:13 AM] Kiran: "Testing something. Also I will ask you several questions about aurite later, yes."
  13. [1:13 AM] Lous of ASStora: "It is a good thing that I spent eight hundred years as a blacksmith."
  14. [1:13 AM] Kiran: takes out his notebook, and shakes out one arm as though trying to get feeling back into it, then snaps his fingers twice, and picks up a pen - beginning to write.
  15. [1:13 AM] Sandra_Hart: furrows her eyebrows and observes this.
  16. [1:14 AM] Kiran: You observe that Kiran is methodically writing out something in... kriendyh.
  17. [1:15 AM] Lous of ASStora: "Huh. Abstract art."
  18. [1:15 AM] Lous of ASStora: "That is... very interesting, Kiran."
  19. [1:15 AM] Kiran: is sticking his tongue out slightly as he tries to keep the lines and angles in the characters correct.
  20. [1:16 AM] Kiran: finishes off his third line of script, before finishing, leaving the pentip against the page and looking back up at the others.
  21. [1:16 AM] Kiran: "I'm sorry, eight hundred years what now?"
  22. [1:16 AM] Sandra_Hart: "He was being sarcastic."
  23. [1:16 AM] Kiran: "How was I supposed to know that?"
  24. [1:17 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Kiran."
  25. [1:17 AM] Lous of ASStora: "Good point."
  26. [1:17 AM] Sandra_Hart: getsures around her.
  27. [1:17 AM] Senshi_Blake: "Trying to decode Kriendyh or something, Kiran?"
  28. [1:17 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Name a blacksmith who can do this."
  29. [1:18 AM] Kiran: "Fair. I'd need a lot more time."
  30. [1:19 AM] Kiran: glances down at the page.
  31. [1:19 AM] Lous of ASStora: "What are you doing?"
  32. [1:20 AM] Kiran: "And uh. No. I was... maybehopingtosendamessage."
  33. [1:20 AM] Sandra_Hart: "To who?"
  34. [1:20 AM] Kiran: "Well. You guys remember how the Grand Master could sense stuff we were doing with our mutated body parts, right?"
  35. [1:21 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Through the mutations he gave you guys, yeah."
  36. [1:21 AM] Kiran: "Well I figured maybe Allyah could too. So I asked Gemini to teach me some Kriendyh so I could say hello."
  37. [1:22 AM] Kiran: closes the notebook and stows it.
  38. [1:22 AM] Lous of ASStora: "Did I ever tell you that you are adorable?"
  39. [1:22 AM] Sandra_Hart: "...Oh gods, don't tell me it's what I think it is."
  40. [1:22 AM] Senshi_Blake: "Want me to stare at it, Kiran? If I remember correctly, the grandmaster could see through my eye mutation."
  41. [1:23 AM] Kiran: frowns.
  42. [1:23 AM] Kiran: "I- I guess?"
  43. [1:23 AM] Lous of ASStora: "Are you blushing?"
  44. [1:23 AM] Kiran: carefully locates the page and holds it up to Blake.
  45. [1:23 AM] Senshi_Blake: stares at the page for a solid 30 seconds
  46. [1:24 AM] SwaDM: You can vaguely deduce that these are indeed Kriendyh squiggles.
  47. [1:24 AM] Senshi_Blake: "I can't read Kriendyh, so I won't tease you about what's written here."
  48. [1:24 AM] Senshi_Blake: "I wouldn't tease you anyway though, because you're my friend."
  49. [1:24 AM] Kiran: grimaces slightly.
  50. [1:24 AM] Kiran: "Okay."
  51. [1:24 AM] Kiran: puts the book away again.
  52. [1:24 AM] Kiran: "Thank you."
  53. [1:24 AM] Sandra_Hart: "I wouldn't tease but I'm gonna judge a little. Only a little, because Allyah's at least a nice lady."
  54. [1:25 AM] Senshi_Blake: "I take it the writing isn't something you'd want to share with us?"
  55. [1:25 AM] Kiran: "It's nothing unusual. Just saying hello. And not to worry if we disappear again, and saying I hope she's okay."
  56. [1:26 AM] Senshi_Blake: smiles "That's very noble of you."
  57. [1:26 AM] Lous of ASStora: "He's a good lad, that Kiran."
  58. [1:26 AM] Sandra_Hart: "Nicer greeting than I've seen from some guys at least."
  59. [1:27 AM] Kiran: "Thank you. I think."
  60. [1:27 AM] Sandra_Hart: "It's a compliment, I promise."
  61. [1:28 AM] Kiran: "So uh. Yeah. I guess that's all I wanted to do."
  62. [1:28 AM] Kiran: looks around at the others.
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