

Feb 4th, 2019
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  1. Kuso has this feeling that lived inside f him for sometime now, he couldn't pinpoint this feeling, this strange feeling was it madness? Kuso had this feeling for a while and he tried to overcoming this feeling that had brought so much pain into his life. Kuso has caused himself harm before, the whispers had taken over his mind though Kuso tries his best to fit in and remain calm with a sense of justice and fight to protect...the whispers seem to have other plans. It sounded almost as his a cool breeze brushed across his neck as faint whispers spoke into his ears, they told him to return back to dawn so he could unlock his true potential.
  3. Kuso questioned himself and the whispers the only thing that stuck out to Kuso was true potential. Did being in here hold him back? were the whispers actually right? This has to be a withdrawal from breaking the small connection he has with the arcane arts. The occult, Chaos it wanted to corrupted Kuso in his weaken state forced him to bend to it's own will that of evil nature and harming others. Kuso wasn't always a kind person he even destroyed so many of his friendship along the years and over what, a woman? The occult took control over his feelings and caused him to do and say wicked things and force him to remain in a Constance state of sadness even after three years had passed Kuso was finally able to admit it. The kitsune dove into a magic art he had no business in thus the results of his actions were finally starting to show, he'd need help to overcome his own nature if he ever wanted a chance to over come this self proclaimed madness.
  5. Kuso slapped himself hard a few times only to being sweating this had to be the draw back of having occult magic. The evil nature was power and manifested its way into the mind of Kitsune, would he give in to the whispers or seek help to have them removed? That seemed to be the only two options he was left with at the time. Kuso didn't want to believe that nor does he want to fall victim nor does he want to feel weak and have to remove his occult magic from his body...there had to be another way. If there was another way could Kuso even achieve it, he was skilled in many different things ranging from combat, to holding a decent conversation but this was on a totally different level.
  7. Kuso never heard anybody speak of controlling occult magic, was that even possible? most people would rather rid it from people or kill people who use such a magic, but have they thought of a third way? This left Kuso in deep though only able to come up with little to no answers about the subject. Would he be able to admit his shortcomings of falling victim to occul madness? or would he suck it up and ignore them? he couldn't even pinpoint that answer himself. If there was a way to control occult magic, how would one go about doing such a thing? What would that include? and what would one have to give up in order to control such a magic?
  9. Kuso lived in a town of holy mages that wish to purge occult magic from this world, yet they accepted him even with his occult magic. Could they help the man or give him advice behind how such a thing could be possible? Kuso only had one way to find out, he'd have to ask and possible be set up for death in the long run. Kuso had made so much progress in becoming a member of the fourfold including getting praised by the commander and the Shogun for his skill. If things make a bad turn he could be cast out of the city but that was a risk he was willing to take in order to gain a better understanding over such a magic.
  11. Kuso had and idea and which he spoke it aloud "Occult is a dark magic that over times corrupted the minds of the user and caused them to do things they won't normally do, that being said Occult has a huge influence over ones lively hood. Though could it be that the person that learned the magic had such a weak will that the occult was able to take advantage and control them? If said individual were able to over come occult, could that be the true power of the magic? not letting it control you but you it. I should express these feelings with another person and hope they understand my point of view on the subject and maybe, just maybe I can over coming this growing and chilling feeling."
  13. Kuso being to take notes of different times when he was sure that he was in control over his occult magic that being said there weren't very many account of this only a few and even those aren't note worthy. The first would be saving the woman from dawn in a short story he'd turn his back on his home in order to rescue a woman that needed help. He'd note that in the mist of the situation that occult madness would do the opposite of his split second decision. The second account would be the fact that he was in a state of grieving in which occult madness could have influenced him to cause harm to the person that caused him a great pain, yet on that account he did noting. Based of these two different accounts this gave him hope that there is a slight chance this is possible, but he would need outside help from different people in order to gain a true understanding over occult magic.
  15. Kuso tapped his longer finger nails against the table, he had a problem and he truly wanted to resolve it without coming to any rash decisions there was only a small glimmer of hope but not much. He'd take a sigh of relief now thinking of who he could ask to get the ball rolling, Britta came to mind but she would most like true on him and try to get him kicked out again. The commander seemed to be found of Kuso a bit she could also be a very good source of information relating to the subject of occult magic. He had so many different people to ask though it was more so if they had the time or would they be willing to help Kuso now that was the biggest problem of all.
  16. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  18. Kuso had this feeling entering his body after the war were he attempted to numb the feeling of emotions. It felt almost as if the occult magic, the whisper felt the change in his mind and body and they wanted to prevent him from progressing any further that he already has. Kuso remained silent and strong trying his best to drown out any whispers that entered his mind, he wasn't allowed to pay them attention, or give them recognition for being there. He slowly attempted to numb himself fully with no regrets yet the occult magic started to surround his body giving off nothing but a chilling feeling, then the voices spoke clearly.
  20. Do you wish to continue to win? yet you want to take control over our dark power? you will become a mad man at this rate, I will tell you why you always win most of your battle.
  22. I carve words like a weapon
  23. Attack with no questions
  24. In my own section
  25. And they still disconnected
  26. Cuz their minds been infected
  27. And they're filled with objection
  28. Too filled for recollection
  29. So we're losing all attention
  31. I go off on the enemy
  32. That's what makes them scared of me
  33. Make my plans carefully
  34. Then execute them daringly
  36. They say I act recklessly
  37. But that's why I'm effective see
  38. You can't predict my tendencies
  39. I offer no transparency....
  41. The voices finally faded away after a certain amount of time...Kuso tried his hardest to ignore the voices and if he ever wanted to fully control himself he must remain numb to them. Not giving them and fuel to burn brighter he was the one in control not them, now and only now Kuso seen why Koume said that others went mad or died by the hands of a enemy....this wasn't going to be easy Kuso now attempted to speak back showing the voices he had no intentions on giving in to the petty corruption.
  43. I have little reason to put my faith into something I can't see, I have no feeling towards you voice and what ever you plan to do stop it. I'm going to remove you from my mind and body and take control over the occult as my own, not you attempt to make me say or do will influence me in any way. I'm starting to become numb to all feelings relating anything occult related, no longer will the occult magic receive praise for something I commanded it to do.
  45. Kuso then started at the wall closing his eyes entering a state of deep meditation, he'd need to focus on this numbing of his emotions if he was ever to achieve his goal. Yesterday at the battle for the city was a good start he left the man to take in defeat while he walked away, he didn't pay attention to him but that feeling didn't last...Kuso could have done much better. There well be other chances to numb the body from the pain, and other feelings that Kuso has in due time he will control this occult magic making it more useful to him. The whispers tired their best to breach Kuso and cause him to fail and they got through most of the time, but Kuso remained seated twitching from time to time he had to find away to drown out the voices for good and that would take some time.
  47. His flames now surrounds his body they were there to help that the edge off a bit, they did just that putting Kuso at ease giving a warm sensation that could be felt across his entire body. A slow and deep sigh came from the Kistune as he felt he was slowly wining the war going on within his body, this would surely take time but as of now he had a good idea of what needed to be done. That being said he wraps up for the time being to go outside and clear the remaining thoughts from his mind, he couldn't fail after coming so far already, he needed more outside advice having a second opinion in the matter couldn't hurt.
  49. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  51. Kuso was alone in his home again going through his thoughts yet the whispers this time around were very faint almost as if they were getting weaker. He'd remain in a constance state of mediation clearing his mind of all thoughts and feelings relating to occult whispers. He'd continue this for a couple of hours within this process he'd being to attempt to force his mind to go numb, this was always the hardest part for him in his process to control the occult magic.
  53. The faith sound of the whispers could be heard only briefly but not enough to disrupt his concertation and it finally hit him. He'd being to wonder who else would be able to give him a better outlook on occult magic and controlling it. So many names begin running through his head of people around the city though there weren't any that came to mind right now.
  55. He'd being to focus again trying to numb his body of all feelings and shut out all of his thoughts that entered his mind.., if he was able to do this then he'd be one step closer to achieving his goal. He'd be working on his second hour sitting in the corner silent he still was in the process of clearing his mind of everything that was a worldly distraction. This process was indeed not easy and it took him two hours to even feel the tiny affect it had on him.
  57. As more time passed a sigh would leave Kuso mouth one of a relaxed state, was this progress? the man couldn't be sure it might be better have a check up with Koume before anything else arises that could be helpful before he spoke to another. That's if she had time of course but for now Kuso was till battling his inner demons that wish him to cause harm to all those around him and live a life of chaos, Kuso was still trying to shut them up through the deep mediation this would be a long journey for the man.
  59. I'm my own person and magic does not control me, but I it and that final I hope your ready to lose whatever little hold you believe you have over my body whispers. I will rid you from my mind and use this magic to the peek of it potential not the small amount of power you think that you allowed me to use, I feel nothing for you or the action you want me to commit. You'd be better off leaving in peace because when the time comes I will force you out weather you like it or not and that will be the day of my retribution.
  60. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  62. Kuso finally made his way back home, but this wasn't a pleasant visit this time it would get deep and very dangerous. Kuso was planning on losing a part of himself in this process and he didn't plan on turning back right now. Kuso would allow his dark past to take over while he was in his home letting all the despair enter in all at the same time, in the process creating a madman. Kuso knew the risk but he was still willing to take it no matter how far gone he would become he accepted to risk to better himself and take control over his occult magic.
  64. Kuso would begin falling into despair, he'd remember the time where is was going crazy from being heart broken. He remembered the time his sister died at a young age and how he let his father down. This left a ill feeling with in the man but he kept going, his smile turned to a frown as he begin to stare blankly into the wall. The whispers were back and attack at full malice, they'd laughed at the man bef speaking.
  66. We knew it was a matter of time before yo decided to give into our will. Now be a good boy and you will finally get reward for all your pain hehe.
  68. The voices taunted him for hours cause Kuso to break things, tear pictures down from the walls, set a few things on fire. Tears finally rolled down his face from all the thoughts that were rushing though his mind, all the painful events coming down all at one. The man would be on the floor with his hands coving his head shaking a bit, this was even too much for him to handle...could he survive it?
  71. (Kuso Hitoshi)
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