
CompSci HoD interview

Nov 9th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. * Learn from COVID:
  2. * develop resources - particularly programming, which suffered the words from distance learning - to be self-paced, so that they can be picked-up and followed independantly.
  3. * A lot of work has already gone into this for A-level.
  4. * Need to do the same for GCSE.
  5. * Explore opportunities for cross-curricular intergration:
  6. * Maths, Physics, DT seem the most obvious.
  7. * Look at unit delivery, are there opportunities for sync, so that we're not all teaching same thing at different points.
  8. * Can skills be taught in one place and then consolodated in the others?
  9. * Using feedback from teachers of ICT in Lower School and in line with recommendations from ISI and with School's strategic vision. Develop ICT curriculum to be:
  10. * (A) more enaging - this is difficult, no easy-access silver bullets - word processing is boring!
  11. * My current thinking on this, is to try to do more cross curricular stuff.
  12. * Eg. do some creative writing in English, then Word Process this in ICT, then make an interactive presentation using PowerPoint.
  13. * (B) fit for purpose (are we teaching the right skills at the right time?).
  14. What ICT skills do each dept. (a) assume (b) require, and when?
  16. Back-burner
  17. * iMedia GCSE vocational course.
  18. * IB CompSci.
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