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Feb 13th, 2017
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  1. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:43 PM
  2. Zamrock word in the streets is you can't take L while laddering
  3. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:43 PM
  4. No Martin
  5. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:43 PM
  6. o
  7. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:43 PM
  8. Project Mods give limited mod powers in the forum
  9. Celticpride - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  10. if you agree to suspect pheromosa cbb then sure
  11. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  12. @locoghoul u exactly right.
  13. Vertex - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  14. I miss the old celticpride
  15. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  16. Too far Celtic
  17. Vertex - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  18. No lie
  19. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  20. i mean i CAN take an L if u outplay me
  21. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  22. god damn celtic with the bribing
  23. CrashingBoomBang - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  24. guess ill be just fine with only project mods
  25. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  26. Too far
  27. CrashingBoomBang - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  28. o well
  29. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  30. but if u hax me or some bullshit or try fuckign w/ me
  31. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  32. lol rejected
  33. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  34. that aint my L to take.
  35. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  36. My friend has beaten you 3 times and said all of those you raged like a teenage girl
  37. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:44 PM
  38. congrats to ur friend then
  39. lol
  40. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  41. I saw the logs
  42. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  43. the ladder means nothing and if he has made me rage in the past
  44. he most likely lucked me
  45. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  46. Very amusing
  47. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  48. so there is that
  49. but if he didn't
  50. then i guess i had a bad day
  51. idk what to tell u
  52. idc tho, the ladder is just for my personal practice
  53. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  54. Just trying to confirm
  55. Gingy - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  56. zamrock is in fact
  57. a teenage girl
  58. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  59. its ok he raged like a teenage girl because he is a teenage girl
  60. Gingy - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  61. from mongolia
  62. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  63. FUCK
  64. locoghoul - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  65. Not judging
  66. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:45 PM
  67. i am
  68. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  69. actually if you got haxed you still took an L
  70. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  71. my pussy blowns like a flower when u rub it
  72. p2 - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  73. L
  74. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  75. Martin Project Mods usually give the power to delete and close threads etc
  76. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  77. hate to break it to you
  78. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  79. lol
  80. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  81. i see
  82. CrashingBoomBang - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  83. gingy has an ass like his avy
  84. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  85. doesn't that make up like
  86. 90% of mod activity within a forum anyway
  87. lol
  88. Gingy - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  89. it is my ass cbb(edited)
  90. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  91. if you then get super mad about hax on the ladder that's an additional L
  92. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  93. ok yes i did take an L if i was haxed
  94. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  95. so 2 for every time that happened zamrock
  96. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  97. but it wasn't a proper L
  98. it was just the RNGs that beat me
  99. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  100. If youre haxed and take an L
  101. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  102. not the player
  103. but i guess
  104. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:46 PM
  105. Shouldnt it be a
  106. l
  107. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  108. l
  109. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  110. Like a half L
  111. p2 - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  112. niggas whomst'd take an average L due to ladder hax
  113. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  114. whomst'd
  115. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  116. Nigga that deep
  117. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  118. i usually perform well on the ladder tho
  119. it's just ladder is full of nonsense
  120. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  121. im gonna put it out there that im ass on ladder
  122. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  123. i never enjoyed playing on it
  124. so i stopped bothering
  125. i would only care for it if it's suspect testing or OLT
  126. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  127. winning to this dude w/ freeze hax yesterday felt good tho
  128. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:47 PM
  129. or i'd be running dumbshit like
  130. specs moltres
  131. p2 - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  132. comfey
  133. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  134. or somethin
  135. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  136. Comfey
  137. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  138. nah nah i wont go near comfey
  139. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  140. Specs Moltres the GOD
  141. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  142. The GOAT
  143. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  144. can't believe i allowed njnp
  145. to bring that shit
  146. thank god we won
  147. that wekk
  148. SIGH
  149. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  150. nah colonel M
  151. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  152. specs moltres rain best rain y/y
  153. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  154. Ls are absolute
  155. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  156. Shit
  157. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  158. i tried it in rain
  159. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  160. but you can take them without being at fault
  161. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  162. wasn't that great
  163. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  164. like if you walk along a street
  165. and someone trips you for no reason
  166. that's an L
  167. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  168. ,
  169. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  170. the thing about moltres rain
  171. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  172. .
  173. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  174. Fair
  175. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:48 PM
  176. that is true
  177. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  178. Very fair
  179. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  180. is that volcanion gives it competition now
  181. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  182. the only thing im still not sure on mr pride is
  183. "A Moderator will almost never be demoted or threatened with demotion on their very first offense"
  184. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  185. how's that an L if it's no reason
  186. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  187. as a rain fire
  188. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  189. :thinking:
  190. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  191. go beat the shit out of that nigga
  192. wtf
  193. it's not an L if u didn't ask to fuckin compete
  194. that's retarded
  195. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  196. Well
  197. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  198. like that's not logical at all
  199. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  200. Then you go to court or something and pay a fine
  201. So still an L there
  202. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:49 PM
  203. ,
  204. yeah cuz
  205. u are going to court cuz u did
  206. something wrong
  207. so no shit that's an L
  208. but if an asshole trips u
  209. p2 - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  210. at the end of the day you still took an L
  211. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  212. w/o warning
  213. or anything
  214. and u can't control that happening
  215. that's no L
  216. p2 - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  217. well if you get your wincon crit and lose the game
  218. thats still an L
  219. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  220. its an L
  221. but u didnt
  222. take an L
  223. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  224. that's just some fuckboy that took too many L's in his lifetime and need to get his confidence back but being a dick to someone else
  225. that's not an L
  226. nah nah
  227. get that
  228. Celticpride - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  229. as a pmod you're on a shorter leash, but again you can get pmods back like tomorrow
  230. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:50 PM
  231. out ur minds
  232. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  233. this is some Serious Discussion right here
  234. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  235. stop sayin leash man
  236. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  237. Tfw we compare Ls from Pokemon to real life
  238. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  239. that's the most retarded way of thinking
  240. my goodness
  241. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  242. LEASH
  243. blunder - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  244. u make it sound like ppl contributing
  245. like urself
  246. are dogs
  247. tht aint right
  248. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  249. :dog:
  250. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:51 PM
  251. u take Ls if u did something wrong
  252. or u lost to someone else
  253. or u fuck up something when it could have been controlled
  254. not from outside uncontrollable forces
  255. lol
  256. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:52 PM
  257. Ill take this deep discussion over what happened this morning
  258. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:52 PM
  259. lol i can't beleive people are actually arguing about the specifics of an L
  260. Celticpride - Last Saturday at 12:52 PM
  261. whatever word you want to use then, leeway or whatever
  262. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:52 PM
  263. woof woof
  264. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:52 PM
  265. martin i felt that it needed to be explained
  266. cuz people apparently
  267. didn't get it
  268. lol
  269. glad i gave a proper education.
  270. phew lad
  271. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:53 PM
  272. as far as im concerned an L is an L
  273. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:53 PM
  274. :thinking:
  275. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:54 PM
  276. i set my own boundaries for when something is an L
  277. most of my jokes are Ls
  278. salty ladderers need to take an L
  279. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 12:54 PM
  280. Beating Baton Pass requires the Baton Pass user to take two Ls
  281. Fax(edited)
  282. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  283. you dont take an L if a shitfuck trips u for no reason
  284. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  285. BP generally just drops to whatever types it doesn't resist
  286. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  287. the person tripping u
  288. takes an L
  289. for being a dick
  290. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  291. i never said that was taking an L
  292. lol
  293. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  294. and deserves to get fucked up
  295. it's just how it is
  296. if u allow him to control then ur a pussy
  297. it's that simple
  298. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  299. if an asshole trips u up then they don't take an L they take a snap
  300. *smack
  301. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  302. dont let someone else
  303. control ur life
  304. fuck that
  305. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  306. they take
  307. Mazinger - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  308. nah fam you still took the L
  309. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:55 PM
  310. a very hard punch
  311. to the face
  312. the L taken w/ tripping goes to both sides
  313. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:56 PM
  314. no such thing mazinger
  315. sorry to tell u
  316. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:56 PM
  317. the tripper for looking silly
  318. Zamrock - Last Saturday at 12:56 PM
  319. but believe what u want
  320. Martin - Last Saturday at 12:56 PM
  321. *tripped dude
  322. and the tripper
  323. for being an asshole
  324. and looking like an asshole
  325. WATSKY - Last Saturday at 1:37 PM
  326. Getting tripped doesn't give you an L
  327. That's just like
  328. A fact of life :b:
  329. Aec - Last Saturday at 1:39 PM
  330. k
  331. Colonel M - Last Saturday at 1:47 PM
  332. :regional_indicator_l:
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