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cp mascot_messages 2015-04-15

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Apr 15th, 2015
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  1. [{"mascotName":"Sensei","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Greetings","categoryActive":true,"script":["Greetings grasshoppers ","Hello and good day ","Bows ","Hello my students ","Good day ninjas ","Welcome ","It is good to see you my students","Happy Haiku Day!"]},{"category":"EPF Hide and Seek","categoryActive":true,"script":["Let us talk of the EPF","Both spies and ninjas...","protect the island from enemies...","but sometimes they compete...","with giant games of hide and seek!","The ninjas hide and the spies seek","Ninjas are superior at hiding...","Who else can turn invisible?","But spies have many tricks and gadgets...","so Ninjas must find new hiding places...","if they are to truly win!","What are you favorite places to hide?","Very clever...","I think you will be found...","Are you with the EPF?","Are you more ninja or spy?","Very good","Haha do not worry","We all play important roles","Will you join the game?","Good luck ninjas!"]},{"category":"Food","categoryActive":true,"script":["Come students ","Thank you young grasshopper ","Do you like raw fish? ","Sushi is a delicacy...  ","...made better by hot sauce! ","Will you fetch more ingredients? ","May I suggest... ","pizza emotes! ","We need sushi chefs!"]},{"category":"Card-Jitsu","categoryActive":true,"script":["Prepare to prove your Card-Jitsu skills! ","Which element will you choose? ",". ","Fire is bold, vivid ","Its power fierce and intense ","We will need patience ",". ","Water is soothing ","Its power wild and untamed ","We will need control  ",". ","Snow is cold, remote  ","Its power is unmoving  ","We will need our strength ",". ","Which element will triumph?  ","Let it be decided ","Are you ready, my students? ","Prepare for battle! ","On the count of three  ",". ","One ","Two  ","Three! ","Begin! ",". ","Aha! ","Excellent move!  ","Again! ","Well done Water! ","Impressive Fire!","Excellent Snow!","Demonstrate that move again ","Persistence is rewarded  ",". ","Water ninjas are needed!  ","Fire ninjas join the battle!  ","Snow ninjas assemble!","Summon more ninjas! ",".    ","Fire beats snow! ","Water beats fire! ","Snow beats water!  ","Well done grasshoppers ","A most engaging battle"]},{"category":"Ninja Philosophy","categoryActive":true,"script":["Ninjas... ","Your battles have been fierce ","You have fought bravely ","With much honor ","Remember... ","The fierce ninja values action ","But the wise ninja knows when to rest  ",". ","We draw our power from nature ","The elements must be respected  ",".  ","Gather around my students ","Let us celebrate your triumphs ","Who will pour some tea?","Does anyone have noodles?","They help gather strength...","and they taste scrumptious!"]},{"category":"Generic Phrases","categoryActive":true,"script":["Like the great earthquake, you rock the house! ","Let us discuss the ways of the ninja ","Where is your favorite place to be invisible? ","Hide and Seek is also great fun ","It is easy for ninjas to win Hide and Seek  ","Come face me in the Dojo later ","Turning invisible tires me out. Phew! ","How are my ninjas?"]},{"category":"Directions","categoryActive":true,"script":["Gather around my students! ","Let me see your skills ","Put on your masks","Please have a seat","Ninjas CONCENTRATE","Ninjas APPEAR!","Ninjas RUN!","Ninjas run to the left!","Ninjas run to the right!","Ninjas VANISH!","To the Forest!","To the Dojo Courtyard!","To the Plaza!","To the Forts!","To the School!","This way","Follow me students"]},{"category":"Answers","categoryActive":true,"script":["Yes Ninja that is correct  ","Yes young grasshoppper ","We will see my ninjas ","I do not believe so ninja  ","You must see me in the Dojo ","To claim your cards ","As ninjas we are...  ","Beyond any friend list ","Always united  ","As ninjas we are always united ","I would be honored to be your friend","Please send a friend request","I enjoy watching Card-Jitsu  ","I spend much time in the wilderness ","I learn much from puffles  ","To this day I still train to get better  ","A ninja's work is never done  ","My favorite game is Card-Jitsu ","What is yours grasshopper?  ","My favorite music is calming flutes  ","I also enjoy the sounds of nature  ","I also like the sound of beating drums and gongs ","My favorite hobby is making tea...  ","It is an art form  ","This is true my student  ","There are always ninja mysteries","Each student mush learn as much as they can!"]},{"category":"Haiku","categoryActive":true,"script":["Let's make a haiku!","Would you like to hear a haiku?","It's Haiku Day!","A time to enjoy short poems","with friends","We must train our minds...","as well as our bodies","Haiku are good training!",".","To write a haiku  ","You just need to write three lines ","Of five, seven, five ",". ","Dojo mystery ","History old and clouded ","Like the stormy sky ",". ","A great challenge is ","Mastering the elements","Like waves against rocks",".","Amulets are key","Ninja must open the door","To start the journey",". ","Long is the journey ","With many wins and losses  ","We must learn from both",".","This Haiku is new ","One thing in life is most true ","We all like Haiku",".","Water Fire Snow","Three elements of our world","But what hides beyond?",".","A bowl of noodles","Is worthy of a haiku","And enjoyed while hot",".","If the falling snow","Muffles the sound of a fox","Then what does it say?"]},{"category":"Training","categoryActive":true,"script":["Are you continuing to train each day?  ","That is good to hear ","You must continue your training  ","Practice your invisibility","Master the ways of the ninja ","There is always more to learn  ","A ninja must always be ready ","The ninja's power rests in the ability to learn  ","If you train today you will be ready for tomorrow  ","Your training has only begun, my students ","There are always more skills to learn  ","Tell me, how have you been training?  ","I have been traveling in the wilderness learning more skills ","The wilderness has taught me much ","Like the giant iceberg it's pretty cool ","Tea is like the great ocean ","Relaxing to watch, but mighty in strength"]},{"category":"Compliments","categoryActive":true,"script":["I am proud to see so many ninjas ","You are all very skilled ","Well done my students! ","I see you have practiced! ","You have come a long way in your training!  ","Together your strength is like the mighty waterfall  ","Strong and constant! ","Together your strength is like a powerful flame ","Brilliant and bright! ","Together your strength is like a avalanche ","Fierce and unstoppable! ","Your skills have improved ninjas  ","Have you been drinking enough tea?  ","Wisdom lies at the bottom of your teacup  ","I have watched your progress ","I am proud of the ninjas that you have become"]},{"category":"Games","categoryActive":true,"script":["Let us play a different game ","I will say an element ","You say what defeats it ","As fast as possible ","Ready? ","Fire! ","Water! ","Snow! ","Cheese!","Sushi!","Shark!","I must be hungry!","Well done, I see you have ninja speed ","Heh heh! We shall all have to train harder, yes?  ","Heh heh Nothing defeats sushi ","Heh heh perhaps I have made up some new ones","Nothing but a hungry ninja of course"]},{"category":"Farewell","categoryActive":true,"script":["Farewell, my students ","Keep practicing ","I must go now, take care ","Bows ","SENSEI VANISH! ","I have more to prepare!  ","Continue your training"]}]},{"mascotName":"??????","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Greetings","categoryActive":true,"script":["Ah","Hi","Hello","bear hugs","Oops!","Sasquatch sorry"]},{"category":"Answers","categoryActive":true,"script":["Uh huh!","Ummm","Uh nope","shakes head","nods head","shrugs","That good question",".","Sasquatch not have name...","what good name?",".","Sasquatch come from Wilds","The Wilds good","Waterfalls fun to slide on","Puffles nice family","Sasquatch grow up with puffles","Sasquatch thought he was puffle!","That seem funny now...","Sasquatch bigger than puffles...","and have more limbs","waves arms","Sasquatch not remember","Sasquatch sleep in ice for long time","When sasquatch wake up...","Sasquatch have pointy hat","So happy to meet you!","Sasquatch meet lots of new friends","So many!","Sasquatch not remember all names...","but sasquatch try!","Sasquatch like...","fishing","climbing","eating","exploring","Sasquatch always speak","but sasquatch nervous...","Sasquatch didn't know penguins yet"]},{"category":"Exploring","categoryActive":true,"script":["Where we going?","Are you puffle guide?","Sasquatch follow you","What this place called?","Oooh","Is there food here?","Can we climb here?","Sasquatch like to climb","climbs","swings","What does this do?","Ahhh!","Uh oh","Sasquatch should not touch maybe?","Sasquatch go inside?","This much bigger than puffle hut","Sasquatch go out?","Sasquatch think you good guide","Sasquatch been here!","Sasquatch like the Forest","It like Wilds but tiny","Tiny Wilds hehe","Can Sasquatch fish here?"]},{"category":"Eating","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Mmmmmm","Omnomnom","eats noisily","This so good!","Better than o'berries!","What is this?","Can sasquatch eat this?","Yum!","Yuck!","Nope!","hahaha","You want some?","shares","It good right?","Club Penguin have many foods!","Sasquatch like it"]},{"category":"PH","categoryActive":true,"script":["PH is nice","PH helped sasquatch get fish...","and Rodney","That fishing rod's name","PH know all kinds of puffles!","She know more than sasquatch...","And sasquatch WAS a puffle!",".","PH","Hello","Sasquatch exploring with friends","Sasquatch saw...","the Town","the Ski Village","the Forest","the Pizza Parlour","Pizza Parlour full of food!","That brilliant penguin idea...","putting food in one place","Much better than searching...","for wild o'berries","Sasquatch learn...","how to make pizza","how to hop hydro","about fake boulder in Forest"]},{"category":"Reactions","categoryActive":true,"script":["roars","claps","jumps back","WOAH!","AHH!","pets puffle","scratches belly","yawns","stretches","blinks","shakes off snow","nice puffle","that good puffle"]},{"category":"Bye","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Sasquatch need food","Bye for now","Thanks for showing Sasquatch...","fun island places","Sasquatch going to Wilds","Big family dinner tonight"]}]}]
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