
(Moth) A Moth's Song - 3

Dec 9th, 2013
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  1. >The sounds of cannons firing and a moth angrily squeaking and tapping on a table rouse you from your sleep.
  2. "Actias? What're you doing?"
  3. >"I wanted to listen to something else, and I really liked this one, but then this happened!"
  4. "So turn it off!"
  5. >"I don't know how!"
  6. >Groaning as you sit up, you reach over and lift the needle off of the record.
  7. >Actias sits in silence for a moment, looking away from you.
  8. >"I'm sorry. I didn't know that happened."
  9. "The cannons?"
  10. >She nods sheepishly.
  11. "It's alright. I used to use that as an alarm."
  12. >This elicits a soft chuckle from her.
  13. >"I don't see how you slept through all of the other loud stuff."
  14. >You shrug and smile.
  15. "So, were you looking for another song to learn?"
  16. >"Sort of. I was getting a little frustrated with the other one."
  17. "Gloria."
  18. >"Who?"
  19. "That's the name of the song. Gloria, by Vivaldi."
  20. >"Oh! Well, what was this one?"
  21. "1812 Overture, by Tchaikovsky."
  22. >"I've never heard of any of these composers."
  23. "You said you were never big on music."
  24. >"Well! That was before I heard this stuff. I like it."
  25. "We'll have plenty of time to listen to all of it."
  26. >"Really?"
  27. "Really. Anyways, I'm kind of in the mood for some breakfast. What about you?"
  28. >She presses against your arm and hugs it tightly as she yawns.
  29. >"I'm actually kind of tired. I was up all night."
  30. "Practicing, I hope."
  31. >With a blush, she hides her face in the crook of your arm.
  32. >"I-I was actually just listening, and watching you."
  33. >Watching you?
  34. >Sleep?
  35. >Well that's creepy.
  36. "Okay, well. Uncomfortableness aside, I'm going to grab something to eat. What time is it anyway?"
  37. >"Seven in the morning."
  38. >You stop in the middle of getting up from the couch.
  39. "Seven?"
  40. >"Seven."
  41. "I was done sleeping anyway."
  42. >"Well! I'm going to sleep."
  43. "Do you want the couch or the bed?"
  44. >The moth pony answers by leaping onto you and wrapping her hooves and wings around your torso.
  45. >"Is this okay?"
  47. >It actually isn't.
  48. >You were planning on practicing your piano or violin today.
  49. >Maybe if you play really softly, you can still practice.
  50. >Better safe than sorry though, you need to tell her to get off.
  51. "Yeah, it's fine."
  52. >Your words betray you, much like your heart when she hugs you even tighter.
  53. >Looks like you won't be doing anything productive today.
  54. "I actually might have to do some running around town today though. Will the sun bother you, if you stay with me?"
  55. >"A little bit."
  56. >Great.
  57. >You won't even be able to go get groceries.
  58. >Unless...
  59. "Your eyes kind of look like sunglasses. I have an idea, hang on."
  60. >She squeaks and buzzes as you jog through the house, to your bedroom.
  61. >On your desk lays a pair of sunglasses.
  62. >Perfect.
  63. "Alright, look up at me and hold still."
  64. >Actias wriggles as you unfold the glasses and place them over her eyes.
  65. "Good?"
  66. >"I can't see anything."
  67. "It should block most of the sunlight from bothering you while you sleep."
  68. >"Will it work outside?"
  69. "Yeah, hopefully."
  70. >"Okay. Good morning, then."
  71. >She nestles her face into your chest.
  72. >You haven't had a chance to shower or change your clothes.
  73. >Too late for that, she's held fast and probably already asleep.
  74. >Her squeaks and slight twitching of her wings show that she is.
  75. "Well that was fast. I wish I could do that."
  76. >Looks like you're going to be alone on your journey today.
  77. >Or, she's with you, but asleep.
  78. >That's just as bad.
  79. >You can deal with it.
  80. >Not like you've had much company on your shopping trips before.
  82. >Actias squirms against you as you walk through town, under the cool morning sun.
  83. >She's warm, you'll give her that, but she must be cold.
  84. >Buttoning your coat might be a good idea, but it might make her uncomfortable.
  85. >You don't know if she's claustrophobic.
  86. >You don't know a lot about her actually, just that she's fond of lights, eating your clothes and spitting the fabric out, and listening to your music.
  87. >Maybe you could spend the night getting to know her.
  88. >Or whenever she wakes up.
  89. >Is she nocturnal?
  90. >"Do you need nectar, sonny?"
  91. "Huh?"
  92. >"You've got a wandering look in your eye. And judging by the little moth wrapped around your middle, I'd say you could use a little advice."
  93. >Looking around, you find yourself standing in front of a fruit stand.
  94. "I guess. I don't really know what her diet is."
  95. >"Mmm. They like nectar, honey... Things like that."
  96. "I guess that makes sense. About how long would four jars of honey and four of nectar last me?"
  97. >"A few days, depending on her appetite."
  98. "Well, here's hoping she won't down them all before the weekend."
  99. >The stall-keeper snickers and passes your order as you drop your payment in a jar on the stand.
  100. >"You have a good day, sonny."
  101. "You too."
  102. >Placing the bottles in your satchel, you wander around the market square.
  103. >Time to get some groceries for yourself.
  104. >You don't even know why you bought nectar for Actias.
  105. >She probably isn't going to stay forever.
  106. >As you place a hand on the back over her head, you start to stroke her short green mane.
  107. "I'm going to cherish whatever time we'll have together."
  108. >She squeaks softly and nuzzles into your chest.
  109. >As you venture further into the square, though, she begins to stir and squeak angrily.
  110. >"August, it's too loud."
  111. >She looks up at you with a sad expression on her face, those sunglasses still hiding her eyes.
  112. "I'm sorry. I'm not finished here."
  113. >"I'll meet you back at the house then."
  114. "Be careful."
  115. >She flashes a soft smile before fluttering back toward the house.
  117. >Alone, as usual.
  118. >On the bright side, you can get your shopping done quicker.
  119. >You jog around, purchasing everything you need, as quickly as you can.
  120. >A bulletin board outside of one of the main-street shops catches your eye.
  121. >Not for the usual job offers, or help wanted listings.
  122. >But for one single leaflet.
  123. "Amateur musicians and singers wanted. Open auditions, inquire at the concert hall."
  124. >That sounds interesting.
  125. >And it could be fun!
  126. >Especially since Actias was interested in learning how to... squeak.
  127. >She can speak, so she should be able to sing properly.
  128. >Maybe you can teach her to do that.
  129. >Her voice is beautiful enough.
  130. >You shake your head and chuckle as you take the leaflet with you.
  131. >She might find humor in this.
  132. >She might even take to it and decide to try out.
  133. >You ponder the leaflet all the way home.
  134. "Only three days to prepare. Might as well get crackin'."
  135. >As you enter your house, you flick one of the light switches on.
  136. >Then off.
  137. >Then on again.
  138. "She took the bulbs, didn't she?"
  139. >The tinkering sounds coming from the "Light Room" answer that question perfectly.
  140. >You check the light in the foyer, the living room, and the hallway.
  141. >Every single one of those bulbs is missing.
  142. "What's she even doing? She was asleep for barely an hour."
  143. >You open the door to the room she's in and stand on the threshold.
  144. >One adorable moth pony sits in the middle of the room, lights lighting up as she taps them.
  145. >"Oh! H-hi August!"
  146. "What're you doing? Why aren't there any light-bulbs in the house?"
  147. >"I took them."
  148. "You took them. For what reason?"
  149. >"I had an idea."
  150. "Was it a good idea?"
  151. >"Maybe."
  152. >Benefit of the doubt, August.
  153. "Show me."
  154. >"O-oh. Hang on."
  155. >She scoots along the floor to your record player and gently places the needle onto a record.
  156. >Vivaldi's Gloria plays again.
  157. >"Okay, watch."
  159. >Actias's face scrunches up as she sticks her tongue out in concentration.
  160. >Her hooves and feelers begin tapping the light-bulbs to the beat of the song.
  161. >They light up as she touches them, and turn off as she moves to the next bulb.
  162. >You tilt your head at this display.
  163. >Despite being off-beat, and her squeaks being mistimed or the wrong note, she's impressing you.
  164. >Her head lowers and she blushes as she finishes the song.
  165. >"I'm sorry it was so bad."
  166. "No, it was... You need to practice and work on it, but that wasn't bad. I liked it."
  167. >"Really?"
  168. "Yeah. Where'd you think to use the light-bulbs like that though?"
  169. >She shrugs and smiles.
  170. >"The big strings of light hanging from the walls. They light up to Pachelbel's Canon."
  171. "You noticed that?"
  172. >"Yes! So I figured I could take that same principal, but instead of the bulbs automatically lighting up in time, I could make a set of my own that light up when I touch them!"
  173. "Interesting. Where'd you learn how to wire something like that?"
  174. >She shrugs again.
  175. >"You pick up on a few things when you're traveling around."
  176. >She taps on the lights a little bit more and squeaks softly.
  177. "Well, since you're so intent on practicing, I have a little bit of incentive for you to work toward."
  178. >She stops everything she's doing to look up at you.
  179. >Her head tilts as she stands up and trots over to you.
  180. >"What is it?"
  181. >You hold the leaflet out to her and smirk.
  182. >"It's a... musician's guild? I'm not a musician. I can't try out."
  183. "But you love music, and you're trying to learn. Come on, it'll be fun."
  184. >She places a hoof over her mouth and looks away for a moment.
  185. >"I guess it couldn't hurt. What would I do for the audition?"
  186. "Sing, squeak, tap those bulbs. Music's what you make of it."
  187. >"Would they take that though?"
  188. "If you're good enough, I don't see why not."
  189. >"Then, yeah. Let's do this. How long do we have?"
  190. "Three days."
  191. >Actias swallows hard and nods softly.
  192. >"I can do this."
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