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May 25th, 2021
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  1. Episode 9:
  2. >Yomogi has weird dream about Gauma. Talk over breakfast "Have I met you somewhere before?" cue staring contest
  3. >Yomogi goes to school, hears story about Kano, gets triggered. Yume just stares at him.
  4. >Meanwhile, new failed kaiju appears but grows faster this time, Sizumu mentions this is more stable than the last *evil grin*
  5. >Chise acting weird, runs off, Koyomi getting suspicious, follows her
  6. >sees her spying on Gauma who is sitting around depressed
  7. >Gauma: "something something, why does seeing Yume and Yomogi together bother me, etc"
  8. >Sizumu distracts the eugenicists again, but Juuga bitches about it "what am I forgetting?"
  9. >kaiju starts wrecking shit
  10. >dynazenon battle go!
  11. >Yomogi starts feeling connected to this kaiju too, combined with the kano story he shuts down and won't fight
  12. >then the kaiju smashes into dyna solider and knocks it into the ocean, river, etc
  13. >YOMOGIIIIIIIII Dyna Diver to the rescue
  14. >Koyomi: Oh shit, let's do something Yume
  15. >Yume says eh Gauma can handle it
  16. >Koyomi: "wtf don't you like this guy?" gets triggered
  17. >Yume just starts bullying the kaiju instead
  18. >meanwhile Yomogi is drowning and can't get out of Dyna Solider in time, parallel to the fact he's "drowning in his emotions"
  20. >Gauma rescues him but he won't wake up
  21. >Koyomi trying to contact Gauma but the signal isn't going through, cut to Chise making suspicious face
  22. >Gauma losing his shit, decides he has to do the thing "cue corny CPR kiss"
  23. >Kaiju is quite literally screaming and Yume is still bullying it
  24. >Gridknight finally steps in "Are you torturing this kaiju?" cut to concerned/angry 2nd face
  25. >Yume: "So what if I was?"
  26. >Gridknight circular beam, puts it out of it's misery
  27. >Yomogi feels the kaiju die and it wakes him up while Gauma is still on him
  28. >cue emotional Gauma and Yomogi scene with dramatic music, "I had the same feeling all along, like I knew you from somewhere, etc etc"
  29. >Koyomi interrupts
  30. >When Gauma and Yomogi get out of Dyna Diver, Yume rushes over to Yomogi and hugs him "I was so worried"
  31. >cucked Gauma face
  32. >Yume makes smug face in Gauma's direction behind Yomogi's back
  33. >"oh so that's how it is".jpg
  34. >Anti and 2nd discuss there is "something wrong" with that girl
  35. >Chise runs off again soon after, Koyomi follows
  36. >turns out Chise was spying on everyone for Sizumu, shows off some kind of arm band that looks like an Acceptor but has a dragon crest on it
  37. >Koyomi sees it all and is shocked
  38. >but so does Juuga and finally realizes something is very wrong, uh oh
  39. >"It's best to live honestly with your feelings" Gauma recognizes his feelings for Yomogi, decides if Yume wants to go to war over Yomogi's heart then that's what she'll get
  40. >last shot is Yomogi curled up in bed like he was in the beginning, blushing "Did I really do that with Gauma? What does this all mean?"
  41. >cue credits
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