
Day of training

Jun 24th, 2019
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  1. [20:43] "Well...…I thought I should at least say something and not leave it lingering any longer than it did."
  3. He was suddenly cut off by the hug and chuckled a bit only returning the hug offering her a smile. This was nice spending some quality time with his close friend.
  5. "Yeah and I'll always be here for you though the good moments and the bad, for all the love and lost. I'll make sure to return that same kindness to you ten fold."
  7. He'd finish his pie wondering what the future would hold form them, he had really high hopes and could see them all being a positive force within the city.
  8. (Ichida Rikiya)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [20:59] "I appreciate it.. truly" even if she didn't express it openly, she was more than grateful for the apology in her heart.
  13. "Haha~. Yeah I don't doubt that you will" she'd give him a playful little nudge in his side.
  15. She pats at her chin a few times. "Hmm~" thinking something over with herself for a moment. Epona pulls out a different piece of paper, more crumpled up than what she had out prior. Reviewing it and looking over a few of the things she wrote on it earlier on. She had crossed out most of the things on it, there was just one thing remaining and it was written in bold 'Sparring with papa'.
  17. "You haven't done any training today right Ichida?"
  18. (Epona Maple)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [21:02] "Now that you mention it...…I haven't really had any practice today. Did you want to head to the dojo and have a few spars?; I'd be more than happy to help you out ya know.
  23. We both could use the practice...…especially me, heheh~"
  25. He'd take her up with him in the air and float towards the dojo assume that she wanted to spar that was.
  26. (Ichida Rikiya)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [21:11] "O-Oh~ Yeah sure let's go" She was moreso just curious but had never really been one to decline a spar regardless, agreeing because truthfully she could use the practice as well.
  31. "Ahh~ Nah i'm sure we both could use the practice at this point"
  33. With her now being taken up into the air as they drifted over towards the dojo, she thought about how much flying reminded her of her father, instinctively holding on tight, not wanting to fall off.
  34. (Epona Maple)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [21:15] Ichida smiled as he finally placed her on the mat gentle while flying to his corner. He'd draw his black steal blade with a smile and them flash his ninja tools for her to see it seems he was ready to practice and gather more information. He took a few smoke bomb placing them in the palm of his hand for later use and with all the research he's been doing he has a decent idea of how these work.
  39. Ichida wasn't sure how blinding her would do in battle, however, he still make the attempt to use them in battle to grab the win from her this time around. He wouldn't let her know his tactic until after it successes or fails the timing was up to him and speed was truly key at this point.
  41. he'd conjure wind magic around his body while holding his blade in a fashion that would graceful. The cool winds coming form Ichida were pleasant despite them being a little chilly.
  43. Offering a smile towards Epona.
  45. "I'm ready when you are. I always enjoy sparring with you it's helps us both get better~"
  46. (Ichida Rikiya)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [21:20] The dojo, quiet as it usually was had been no different today. When Ichida placed her on the mat at the other end and starting to prepare himself, she did the same.
  51. Retrieving Bone Shaker from her back though leaving her trusty helmet behind this time, it felt like it got in her way a lot the last time so she'd wait to wear it until she had more practice using gear such as that.
  53. Regardless she prepared herself, static immediately clinging to her form shifting all about her, crackling as it did so.
  55. "As do I~. Good luck" she'd bow her head slightly, bringing her sword up to her chest waiting for him to either make the first move or to hopefully catch him somewhat off guard.
  56. (Epona Maple)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [21:30] They would clash blades and the battle came really close as always, but this time he manage to best her though it's only cause he was older of course.
  61. he knew when she got older she'd beat him real good even more than she was doing now, but he didn't focus on that he'd conjuror the winds around his body to increase his swinging speed.
  63. His extreme speed allowed him to instantly dashed towards her and swing his blade several times before she retreaded. He'd send his blade during an overhead to catch her off guard and followed it with a fatal blow it wasn't really fatal jsut a good training shot. He'd tossed the smoke bombs on the ground blinding her vision enough for him to strike her enough times to bring her down, this was a rather huge improvement for him though it was close.
  65. He'd take a deep breath feeling the tingling sensation in his body, he'd eye here up in down as his speeds die down for now.
  67. "T-that was really close...…you're amazing~"
  68. (Ichida Rikiya)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [21:41] Down to the wire, as it was with these too, the blink of an eye, the imbalance of wood in the sparring area, a ladybug pitching on one of the pillars?! Anything could have set either of them up for victory.
  73. She swung Bone Shaker hoping to secure her victory, while managing to resist a few choice assaults due to her scales suddenly emerging yet again during the fight. Though her swing was far too high, giving Ichida the ease with which to slip beneath her landing a few of his sword swipes. Once Epona staggered back in an attempt to garner some distance she soon found herself stepping right into Ichida's attack, knocking her down and winning him the spar.
  75. Epona lays on the ground for a moment just catching her, lifting up the upper half of her body then shortly after standing to her feet. "Ahh~ Don't sell yourself so short, you did just as well"
  77. It was good having someone on par with her abilities, it made sparring feel like an actual fight that she wanted to win, rather than an opponent that was too easy or too strong, this was just right.
  79. "Care to go again~?"
  80. (Epona Maple)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [21:41] Ichida Rikiya says, "Sure."
  84. [21:54] She'd managed to catch him slightly off guard, Ichida wasn't necessarily used to people being as quick as him and why should he. But Epona had a different kind of tactic when it came to speed, her flash step technique. Being able to without a moments notice appear behind, above, or below her opponent came in very handy. Bombarding him with a flurry of attacks coming from all angles.
  86. Within the context of the second round, having taken quite the beating she was expecting wholly to be brought to her knees, and the match in and of itself had been set up in that light. Epona was cornered with nowhere to run and her opponent barrelling towards her and break neck speeds.
  88. It only left her with one real option, if she couldn't run she'd merely have to attack head on and hope for the best. In typical Shonen fashion, Ichida readied his blade to commit to the final strike, as Epona desperately accumulated her mana as quickly as she could in her palm, a solid ball of lightning now positioned ready to strike. In a flash of light, both fighters attacked, Ichida hitting the ground mere moments before she had, a small smile on her features.
  90. "Seems like neither of us are going to keep consistently winning~"
  91. (Epona Maple)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [21:59] Damn he didn't even manage to do good this time around it was rather pitiful performance on his part for missing so many strokes. He'd pick himself up from the mat wiping off some of the dust.
  96. "You make a valid point I was too laxed this time around and make it far to easy for you to hit me...…Gah I need to practice some more.
  98. You ready for another one?; please say yes~"
  100. He'd chuckle drawing his blade again.
  101. (Ichida Rikiya)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [22:00] Epona Maple says, "Sure~ Guess this'll decide it for the day."
  105. [22:12] The battle was long and hard it seems they would clash blades, but Ichida would focus more on the speed of his swings. He managed to it her a few timed with the blade following up with that powerful overheard strike he does. He threw various tools at her during battle with his smoke bombs included he wanted to go all out since this was the last spar of the day for them. He wanted to use everything at his despoil to take the win.
  107. This was his trademark being able to dash around his opponent and land a furry of strikes. He used her blind spots as opportunity to lands a barrage of slashes before retreating and unleashing another barrage of attacks.
  109. "Man...…you're so good Epona watch when your my age you'll be kicking my butt all up and down this dojo mat. I have just a light advantage over you because I'm a little other, but wait up till you grow into that blade....
  111. It's scary to think about, but I know you can do it and I'll help you do it~"
  113. He'd put his blade
  114. (Ichida Rikiya)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [22:21] Perhaps the dojos orientation had shifted in the time between their final spar, or just winded from the fights that came before. Whatever the case was she was soon overwhelmed by the flurry of attacks that came from Ichida, battering the younger teen with a series of well timed jabs, an above head strike as well as a myriad of other sword techniques that Ichida had developed over his time.
  119. Eventually it had become too much and she conceded defeat, falling to the ground and letting out an exhausted sigh.
  121. "At this point I sure hope so~" she giggled mainly out of just.
  123. "There's no rush to it, i'll get there when I get there and I appreciate the helping hand"
  125. She'd eventually get to her feet, putting her weapon away and dispelling her aura. Epona was starting to feel the exhausting from the day slowly start to seep in.
  127. "That was enough training for me~, sooo I think i'm going to head home and get some rest, im starting to feel particularly tired" Waving her hand at Ichida smiling towards him. "Have a good rest of your night and safe travels if you end up going anywhere"
  129. Lingering for a moment to hear what Ichida had to say before making her way out of the dojo and to her home.
  130. (Epona Maple)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [22:22] Ichida gave her a hug
  134. (Ichida Rikiya)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [22:22] Ichida Rikiya says, "Be safe~"
  138. [22:22] Ichida Rikiya exclaims, "I'll see you tomorrow!"
  139. [22:22] Epona returns the hug. "O-Oh~, and yes you will" And through the door she went.
  140. (Epona Maple)
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