

Mar 24th, 2014
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  1. THE LIST OF CLASSES! The skills are your primary skills with your first one being your first skill and the second and third being secondary skills. A First Primary skill grows 2 points every level no matter how you distribute points and the second get 1 and you add a number every level effected by your Intellect stats slightly.
  3. Gunslinger: Firearms, Survival, Mechanics: Use your guns and skills on the land to survive.
  5. Mechanic: Mechanic, Science, Scavenging: You find yourself best suited as support, hoping your abilities at repairing both technology of the new and old in working order is good enough to barter.
  7. Scientist: Science, Mechanic, Medicine: You are a vast learner of old sciences allowing you to access caches of information others can't and utilize them to your advantage.
  9. Ninja: Sneak, Lockpicking, unarmed: You use your skills at staying hidden and your fists to solve your problems or avoid them entirely.
  11. Tribal: Melee, thrown, survival: You have learned the ways of the Tribal-people and can survive minimally with a simple weapon and the land.
  13. Wasteland Doctor: Medicine, science, scavenging: You have the want to help others, or to have an important skill to help yourself, and have learned how to scavenge old medical supplies and how to best utilize them.
  15. Boomer: Explosives, Thrown, Survival: You are best alone and know your way around a stick of dynamite.
  17. Traveling Merchant: Charisma, Survival, Scavenging: You use your wits and abilities to find and sell items others need to your advantage.
  19. Science: Scientific knowledge, used in energy weapons.
  20. Mechanic: Your skills in fixing things.
  21. Survival: Your ability to produce and find food as well as survive off the land.
  22. Scavenging: Your ability to find useful items in debris.
  23. Medicine: Your ability to utilize medicine and conduct medical operations.
  24. Charisma: Your speaking and bartering skills.
  25. Sneak: Your ability to go unnoticed.
  26. Lockpicking: Your ability to pick a lock.
  27. Firearms: Your ability to aim and utilize firearms and energy weapons.
  28. Melee: Your ability to use physical melee weapons.
  29. Unarmed: Your skill in using your fists and body as a weapon.
  30. Explosive: Your knowledge on explosives and their use as a weapon.
  31. Thrown: Your ability to aim and throw items and weapons.
  33. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  35. Traits: Pick 2 or none.
  37. Heavy Handed: Deal 20% more damage with melee and unarmed but do 50% less critical damage.
  39. Uncontrollable Rage: If you are fail your first save you automatically pass it and come back "Enraged", doing 50% more damage in melee and Unarmed.
  41. Fiery Temper: If your health is below 50% you gain the difference from your health and your maximum health (In percent) in your damage. So at 30% health you do 70% more. But, you take 20% more damage at all times.
  43. Claustrophobic: +1 to all Base stats when outside and -1 when inside.
  45. Destructive power: You have a 10% chance more of a chance to critical hit, but now have a 5% chance to critically fail.
  47. Nightwatcher: Your perception at Night is increased by 2 points but during the day your agility is reduced by 2.
  49. Uncontrolled Fire: All guns have a reduced cost of 1 AP but you can't aim.
  51. Controlled Fire: All guns have a +1 to AP cost but you are 5% more likely to hit.
  53. Good Natured: You get a +5 to all non-combat stats and a -10 to all combat stats.
  55. Destructive Behavior: You get a +10 to all combat stats but a -5 to all non-combat stats.
  57. Chemically Inbalanced: When you use Chems you gain a temporary 20 Health, but while off of chems you have 20 less health. (Meaning a base 50 health, on chems you have 70 and off you have 30.)
  59. Fair Doctor: You are 20% more effective at healing others but 20% less effective at healing yourself.
  61. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BASE STATS
  63. Constitution: Effects health and survival.
  64. Perception: Effects Charisma, Scavenging, and Explosives.
  65. Intelligence: Effects Science, Medicine, and Level-up Skill upgrades.
  66. Strength: Effects your melee, throwing, and carrying weight
  67. Agility: Effects Sneak, Unarmed, and AP points.
  68. Luck: Effects crits and everything slightly.
  69. Dexterity: Effects Mechanics and Firearms
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