

Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. Being that I am the Officer that fired the shots, I'd like to post my side.
  2. Myself and Colin were headed towards DOC and got a call that there was a red vehicle traveling at high rates of speed south bound from Smallville. Being interceptor 1, I called back stating that we would attempt to perform a traffic stop and issue a citation. Bare in mind, moments before I get the call about said vehicle, there was a lot of chaos in both Smallville and near DOC. Once I got behind the vehicle and hit my takedown to signal him to pull over, he continues driving erratically, at high rates of speed and also in the wrong lane of travel. At this point, I'm under the assumption that this vehicle was involved in some form of criminal activity and had no intentions of stopping. Moments after I signal him a SECOND time, the driver crashes into a concrete structure outside of the racetrack. I pull behind him and just before I get out of my vehicle, my partner and I BOTH see him exit with a pistol, turn away and in the process pull a rifle, at which point you hear us in the video exclaim "WHOAH". Now, it may have been desync, but at the point I fired my shots at his chest, Mr. McFestive was in the process of swinging that rifle to point directly at my partner and I. Given the situation, I didn't want to have ANY risk of us losing our lives, and only fired what I felt necessary to immobilize the subject. If the rest of the footage is shown, you'd see that I apologized, called EMS and waited to be sure this man was okay and able to continue about his day.
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