
AiE: Poly-Prometheus (Part 1)

Sep 21st, 2012
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  1. >All you wanted to do was help.
  2. >How you ended up in this world, you had no idea, but soon after you made contact with the creatures who called themselves p0nies, you made it your mission to improve their lives. Seeing them toiling away under the punishing rays of the Sun, performing back breaking manual labour just to provide a subsistence lifestyle, broke your heart.
  3. >At first, it was hard for them to overcome their fear of you. After all, you were the first human they had ever seen and, most likely, would ever see for years to come. Most of them thought you were some sort of otherworldly demon, though you regarded them as the freaks. Magic was a hard concept to grasp; the idea that actions could be performed at a distance with just a flicker of thought caused you to have a few mental crises of your own.
  4. >After the trepidation had worn off, you set about accomplishing your noble task. You had a computer full of a wide variety of human knowledge. Making a point of staying away from the the more destructive inventions, you opted to provide the p0nies with tools (altered to suit their quadruped physiology) to help with living in a pre-Industrial society. They were welcomed and celebrated, which grew more and more so with each new gift.
  5. >When their rulers, princesses by the names of Celestia and Luna, granted you citizenship in honour of your deeds, it was easily the happiest day of your life. Respect is something to be earned, not given, and you sure did get your fair share.
  7. >Once your supply of physical work supplements had dried up, it was time to move onto more advanced technologies.
  8. >Unfortunately, providing the p0nies with the internal combustion engine was out of the question. Not because of some concern for the environment, though that did factor into it somewhat, but because the land had no supply of petroleum. Crude oil had never been discovered in Equestria, most likely due to the fact that the world had never experienced a catastrophic loss of life due to a solar flare or an asteroid impact in its distant past, due in part to having two beings literally capable of controlling the heavens, meaning no liquified dinosaurs to extract and burn.
  9. >So you did the next best thing: provide renewable energy.
  10. >Finding a suitable river, you had the p0nies construct a dam over it. It took a considerable amount of time but a generator was soon constructed and eventually, electricity was available.
  11. >The problem was how to harness it.
  12. >The suggestion of high-voltage power lines was immediately denied, the Princesses not wishing to have their kingdom blighted by the sight of towering steel frames, strung together by dark cables. To be honest, you didn't blame them for not wanting the eyesores.
  13. >There was another method you knew of, though you had no idea how to implement it: wireless power transmission. Of course, you knew of Tesla and his experiments but instructions on how to make transmitting and receiving coils were beyond you.
  14. >That didn't stop the Princesses from wanting them.
  16. >Trial and error was the only option open at this point.
  17. >Many p0nies volunteered to assist in the endeavor. All were eager to become part of the future.
  18. >Some even gave their lives doing so. You made a point of listing the names of those who died in the search for a better life, in order that once the haphazard method of discovery landed on the correct solution, you would inscribe their identities on each new pair of coils made in the future so that their sacrifices would never be forgotten.
  19. >It took nearly a year but eventually, an answer was found.
  20. >The Princesses ordered the founding of a town near to the dam in order to test the new system. It was named P0nyville, in order that it may be used as a benchmark for all settlements in Equestria.
  21. >In the space of a few weeks, homes were constructed and settlers soon moved in.
  22. >The old magic based technology, previously powered by p0nies who had to sit in booths all day channeling their innate energy to all sorts of appliances, was retrofitted to accept electricity as its new power source, micro receiving coils installed in the roofs of all the buildings provided it. So as not to betray the rustic aesthetic the p0nies had developed over the course of centuries, they were disguised as chimneys and weather vanes.
  23. >Then the moment of truth came. Both Celesta and Luna were present when you closed the breakers at P0nyville's step-down transformer array.
  24. >A second later, all the street lights switched on, this time without magic, and a loud cheer of applause erupted through the streets.
  26. >It wasn't long before other towns and cities wished to have the new technology installed.
  27. >There was one problem however: most, if not all, of those establishments weren't situated by a river or if they were, it was a river that didn't have a high enough flow of water to push the turbines effectively.
  28. >Not that there would be an opportunity to build more dams anyway.
  29. >Two months later, p0nies downriver of the dam at P0nyville complained that they could no longer irrigate their crops as the little water that did flow downstream was heavily silted and no longer suitable for any sanitary use, whether personal or professional.
  30. >The Princesses, not angry as you would have expected human feudal leaders to be, were dismayed that the dam was causing such a dramatic effect. Though they couldn't deny the benefits the hydro-electric dam had provided, their obligation to care benevolently for all their subjects came first.
  31. >There wasn't any way to describe how crushed you were when they ordered the power plant to be mothballed and the turbines removed. Watching the water storm out of the spillways was like watching those days of pain and effort over your creation be torn apart and scattered in a tempest, never to be reclaimed.
  32. >The p0nies quickly reverted to their original mode of existence but all agreed that they preferred it when the dam was operational.
  33. >Petitions were drawn up and envoys were sent to the capitol city of Canterlot to bargain with the Princesses.
  34. >A compromise was soon reached.
  36. >It wasn't long before you were invited to meet with the Princesses. Celestia and Luna asked you if there was some other way to generate electricity.
  37. >You went through renewable sources first. Wind power was immediately out of the question. If they didn't want power pylons, they definitely didn't want wind turbines. Solar was also a non-option, as the amount of mining for rare-earth materials would outstrip the benefits of harvesting energy from the Sun in the first place, not to mention they lacked the ability to manufacture the panels. As a knock-on, this also discounted geothermal sources as devastating the natural beauty landscape was not desirable. Tidal power was also discounted as the energy generated would not be enough to provide enough electricity for every p0ny.
  38. >You then went onto the non-renewable sources of fuel. Coal was off the table, citing pollution as the one and only factor. As was the case of oil, there was next to no natural gas to burn.
  39. >That left only one option.
  40. "Your highnesses," You began, "I must stress that this is highly dangerous."
  41. >"It is the only door left open to us." Celestia replied.
  42. >This was the equivalent of going from when fire was first discovered to the creation of the steam engine.
  43. >You were going to give the p0nies nuclear power.
  45. >Despite your concerns, the Princesses pressed on the creation of a reactor. To say you were out of your depth was an understatement. All you had to go on were cut-away diagrams and mathematical equations from the Internet.
  46. >There were a variety of designs to choose from but yet again, the p0nies' level of development hampered your ability to pick the safest generator. A molten salt reactor using thorium as fuel or a pebble bed reactor would have been perfect, minimising the risk of a meltdown and keeping the production of radioactive waste low, but Equestria lacked the manufacturing capabilities to build such facilities, not unless you wanted to wait a few centuries for them to develop.
  47. >That pretty much left boiling water reactors as the go-to design.
  48. >Plans were fashioned and construction began immediately. You felt your heart sink lower and lower as the nuclear facility grew nearer to completion.
  49. >You had hoped that a lack of suitable fuel would have prevented the project from continuing at the breakneck pace it was proceeding at. An unpleasant surprise kicked that hope in the shins. It turned out that Equestria had an abundance of uranium ore, though it was always cast aside as it held no practical use for the p0nies.
  50. >Until your arrival changed that fact.
  51. >Enough fissile material was soon collected. Using the p0nies' magic, it was quickly purified and molded into fuel rods.
  52. >Days later, the coil system was wired into the reactor and it was ready to be fired up.
  53. >The day Equestria changed.
  55. >It was a day like any other. The p0nies had cleared the skies of bad weather and the Sun, which had prompted you to work for the equines' benefit, shone brightly.
  56. >The opening ceremony had gone on longer than you would have preferred. Celestia's speech about how Equestria was about to enter a new age was truly inspiring, though it did drag on somewhat, Luna's bored expression confirming that.
  57. >If only Celestia knew then how right she was, though not in the way she wanted to be.
  58. >You were sitting in the control room of the power plant, along with the two Princesses, a multitude of dignitaries and so many other p0nies, you couldn't keep track of how many there were.
  59. >The technicians, trained solely by you and your computer, brought the reactor up to speed.
  60. >One by one, the power rods were carefully slid into place and the power output monitor gradually creeped upwards. There was a gentle tirade of stamping hooves as the p0nies applauded the successful start-up.
  61. >If only they knew beforehand how bad things were going to get...
  62. >All of a sudden, klaxons started blaring and emergency lights flashed on.
  63. >The 'trained' staff immediately flew into a panic. You rushed over and looked at the controls. Everything seemed normal, until the temperature gauge jumped up and broke.
  65. >Those names repeated in your head, getting louder each time they did.
  66. "MELTDOWN!" You yelled.
  68. >Celestia instantly appeared at your side.
  69. >"What is it Anonymous? What's happening?" She beseeched.
  70. "Oh God, I warned you Celestia!" You yelled over the sirens, "I warned both of you! I said this could happen and it has!"
  71. >"Calm thyself Anonymous." Luna boomed in her royal voice, "What hast happened to cause such consternation?"
  72. >Where to begin? It wasn't like you explained how nuclear fission worked in any great detail to any of the p0nies.
  73. "It's a run away reaction. There are too many collisions happening between the uranium atoms. That means there's too much energy being released, too much for the reactor to handle. It's going to explode!"
  74. >Your last word was all they needed to know.
  75. >"What can we do to stop it?" The Princesses asked in unison.
  76. >You shook your head sullenly.
  77. "If I knew how, I would have done it already. We can't stop it."
  78. >"If that's the case, then we need to evacuate." Celestia didn't so much suggest as order.
  79. "There's no point, we won't get away in time."
  80. >Celestia's eyes narrowed. A second later, they lit up and her horn started discharging bolts of magic.
  81. >One by one, p0nies panicking behind her started disappearing. Soon, the control room was completely empty save for you, Celestia and Luna.
  82. >"Be still Anonymous. I wouldn't want your death to be on my hooves."
  83. >You didn't know what she meant by that until you, her and Luna rematerialised about a hundred miles away next to the crowd that had been with you.
  84. "What happened?" You asked, trying to keep your balance.
  85. >"Teleportation." She replied, "For emergencies only."
  87. >The entire company was perched on a mountain. All the p0nies were extremely distraught by the sudden change of events.
  88. >"Is everyp0ny accounted for?" Luna inquired, just as loud as she had been at the plant.
  89. >All of the relocated guests of honour answered in confirmation.
  90. >"Good. With that taken care of, perhaps we can-"
  91. >Luna was cut off by the sound of the power station exploding. Even from this distance, you could see the plume of smoke and ash fly out from the top of the reactor.
  92. >You watched in horror as it started to spread out in all directions.
  93. >"What is that?" Celestia asked, too shocked to ask anything else.
  94. "Best guess? Hydrogen explosion mixed with tons of radioactive material."
  95. >"What does that mean?" A pony from the crowd asked.
  96. >You sighed, "It means we're in for a world of hurt."
  98. >It took years before the effects of the fallout were made manifest.
  99. >At first it seemed as if Equestria had miraculously escaped the worst nightmare humanity had experienced numerous times in the space of a few decades.
  100. >Then the reports of birth defects started coming in.
  101. >Ponies, though smaller than the ones you were familiar with, bore nearly no resemblance to the creature from Earth, save for the muted earth tones their coats and manes were shaded.
  102. >For starters, they all had wings and horns as if they were some sort of mix of the mythical pegasus and unicorns.
  103. >Now though, newborns were being born without horns or wings, or sometimes lacking both at the same time.
  104. >To make matters worse, these foals were now brightly coloured, coming out in shades of red, blue and green instead of grey and brown.
  105. >To say there was outrage would have been putting it lightly.
  107. >Angry mobs protested in the streets of Canterlot for weeks, calling for your immediate banishment.
  108. >You didn't blame them for feeling the way they did. You singlehandedly mutated an entire generation of an intelligent species, not to mention all the other animals out there that lived in Equestria. If radiation did this to the p0nies, who know what it might have done to other creatures like cows and sheep? For all you knew, they could have begun talking and formed societies of their own.
  109. >"It's not your fault."
  110. >Celestia made attempts day after day to quell your conscience, often ending with you marching out, your blood boiling with anger.
  111. "Whose fault is it then?" You replied on automatic.
  112. >Then the conversation diverged from its regular route.
  113. >"Mine." The Princess said remorsefully, "I was so enthralled buy what you had to offer Equestria, I didn't see the destruction we were heading for. I and Luna shouldn't have pushed you like that. I... I'm sorry Anonymous."
  114. "Sorry isn't going to help all those kids or their parents, will it?" You retort, "They all want justice for what happened. If you don't exert your authority soon, you're going to have a riot on your hands."
  115. >"But what can I do? I can't punish you for something you weren't responsible for!"
  116. You sigh, "I hate to say it but you're going to have to."
  117. >"No, I can't!"
  118. "You have to, otherwise there'll be chaos! I already caused one disaster, I don't want another hanging over me because you were too scared of upsetting someone!"
  120. >The Princess left quietly after your outburst, your words cutting her deeply.
  121. >It was true though. Celestia hated upsetting anyone. If a confrontation could be avoided, she'd take that avenue, even if it meant the detriment of all parties involved.
  122. >It wasn't too long before you found out she bit the bullet and put on a trial, with you as the star attraction.
  123. >"Anonymous, before all in Equestria, I find you guilty and sentence you banishment for your crimes against p0nykind."
  124. >You could her the twinge of sadness in her voice as she uttered the verdict.
  125. >As you were taken away by the guards, they put on a show of treating you roughly in front of the masses, before promptly stopping once you and they were out of sight.
  126. >"Princess' orders sir." One of the guards said, "I know you didn't mean for that accident to happen, Celestia knows that too."
  127. "Tell me something I don't know."
  128. >The guard chuckled, "You'll see. Come on, we have to take you to the dungeon now."
  129. >They led you to the innermost parts of the castle, section you had no reason to visit before this day.
  130. >You were escorted inside a cell and shackled to the wall. The guard, however, made sure they weren't on too tight.
  131. >"Celestia and Luna will be down to visit you soon sir." The guard said, before shutting and locking the door.
  132. >You wished the Princess would have just shot you straight at the Sun then and there after she pronounced you guilty. All this skulking in the shadows out of sight from the general public was beginning to annoy you.
  134. >It was a few hours before the Princesses came to the cell.
  135. >"Guard! Release him!" Celesta commanded.
  136. >Your warden came in and quickly removed your restraints, allowing you to stand.
  137. >"You haven't been mistreated while you've been here, have you?" She asked.
  138. >Nice to meet you too, Celestia. How was your day? Mine? Eh, could have been worse, you know how it goes.
  139. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. No, haven't had any beatings or been spat on or forced to eat grass, they've been first class officers."
  140. >The Princess smiled, "Good, I wouldn't have anything untoward happen to you."
  141. >You look at her, then at Luna. Both of them have a serious look in their eyes.
  142. "So what happens now? Zip, Zoom, straight to the Moon?"
  143. >Luna chortles, "Hardly Anonymous, neither of us wishes you dead."
  144. "You didn't forget the mob clamoring for my blood, did you?"
  145. >"Anonymous, let me explain." Celestia began, "We are going to expell you from Equestria."
  146. "Then why the cloak and dagger action? Why not just teleport me to the Everfree Forest and be done with it?"
  147. >"Please, let me finish. I and Luna... We..."
  148. >She tried to continue but kept stumbling over her words.
  149. "What are you going to do?"
  150. >"What Celestia means to say Anonymous," Luna interjected, "This is not to be a typical banishment."
  151. "What do you mean?"
  152. >"The two of us will attempt to send you back to your world."
  153. >You pause for a second, taking it in.
  154. "You said that was impossible!" You bellow, not believing what you just heard.
  156. >"Please Anonymous." Luna said, raising a hoof, "We did say 'attempt'. There is no certainty that you will return to your world of origin."
  157. "But I could end up anywhere!" You argued, "You could be sending to a world where the air is so acidic, it would melt me down before I'd have a chance to realise what's happening! Or I might turn up on a world where the atmospheric pressure is so high, it would crush me to the size of a brick!"
  158. >"Would you rather stay in this cramped cell for the rest of your days? You know we cannot simply release you back into Equestria. If anyp0ny saw you, they'd immediately bring retribution upon you."
  159. >As much as you hate to admit it, she did make sense. Death would have been preferable to life imprisonment but being in prison is much better than getting killed.
  160. >The classic catch-22.
  161. "So how does this work?" You asked.
  162. >"Just stay still Anonymous." Celestia announced, getting her bearings back, "We'll do everything."
  163. >You did as she says as the Princesses stand at either side of you. They lowered their heads, pointing their horns at you, which then began sparking.
  164. >You began to feel tingly all over.
  165. >"May you find happiness and meaning wherever you emerge." Celestia whispered.
  166. "Sure thing, I'll send you a post card.
  167. >A few seconds later, everything went white and you lost the ability to hear or feel anything.
  168. >The full stop on that chapter of your life.
  169. >Bye bye Equestria...
  171. >...Hello... Equestria?
  172. >No doubt about it. It was the same pastel coloured landscape and sky and everything.
  173. >You briefly thought whether Celestia lied to you in order to make you agree to being beamed only a few miles away.
  174. >As you were about to march in the direction of Canterlot, an angry growl distracted you.
  175. >Turing around, you saw a dog, a Border Collie to be accurate, upset that you had just materialised in its territory.
  176. >You were at the edge of an orchard. Rows upon rows of apple trees faded off into the distance.
  177. >"Winona, where are ya?"
  178. >You recognised the language that was spoken, definitely p0ny speak.
  179. >"There ya are girl! What have I told... What in tarnation?!"
  180. >An orange p0ny appeared from behind a clump of trees, one without a horn or wings and wearing a cowboy's hat.
  181. >"Howdy there stranger. Who might ya'll be?" The p0ny, a girl, asked, eying you up.
  182. "Anonymous." You answer, "What's your name?"
  183. >"Applejack. Ya know the entrance tuh Sweet Apple Acres is 'bout two miles thataway." She said, pointing a hoof, "What are ya doin' out here? Yer not stealin' are ya? "
  184. "No of course not, I just... Wait, did you say Sweet Apple Acres? The farm?"
  185. >"That's right."
  186. "Near P0nyville?"
  187. >"The same."
  188. "My God, they actually did send me away! This place shouldn't be here otherwise, it was the most contaminated place after the accident!"
  189. >"What're ya talkin' about? What accident?"
  190. "Applejack, Celestia and Luna? Know them.
  191. >"Course I know 'em, they rule Equestria! Why?"
  192. "I need to speak with them now! It's of the utmost importance."
  193. >Today was the day you found meaning in life again.
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