

Nov 26th, 2012
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  1. Т.к. многих сбивает с толку знания о том, какие предметы известны всем, а какие - нет, следующие правила дают узнать, как иденфицировать контрабанду.
  4. Содержание:
  5. 1 Предметы Синдиката
  6. 1.1 ИИ и киборги
  7. 1.2 Предметы
  8. 1.2.1 Револьвер и патроны .357 калибра
  9. 1.2.2 Арбалет
  10. 1.2.3 Энергомеч
  11. 1.2.4 EMP гранаты
  12. 1.2.5 Усыпляющая ручка
  13. 1.2.6 Мыло синдиката
  14. 1.2.7 Катридж Detomatrix
  15. 1.2.8 Костюм-хамелеон
  16. 1.2.9 Обувь Синдиката
  17. 1.2.10 Карта агента
  18. 1.2.11 Модулятор голоса
  19. 1.2.12 Термальные очки
  20. 1.2.13 Хамелеон-проектор
  21. 1.2.14 Универсальный штамп
  22. 1.2.15 Емаг
  23. 1.2.16 Хактул
  24. 1.2.17 Красный-черный тулбокс
  25. 1.2.18 Радио-ключ трейтора
  26. 1.2.19 Ключ-переводчик в бинарную систему
  27. 1.2.20 Красный костюм
  28. 1.2.21 Взломанный модуль ИИ
  29. 1.2.22 C-4
  30. 1.2.23 Мало и высоко мощные бомбы с детонатором
  31. 1.2.24 Паверсинк
  32. 1.2.25 Маяк для сингулярности
  33. 1.2.26 Плата телепортер
  34. 1.2.27 Импланты
  35. 1.3 Фирменный шарик синдиката
  36. 2 Синдикат
  37. 3 Культ
  38. 4 Маг
  39. 5 Малф
  40. 6 Генокрад
  41. 7 Меме
  43. Предметы Синдиката
  45. Предметы Синдиката тщательно скрываются от публики, и большинства членов НТ. Эти предметы наиболее нелегальны. Некоторые предметы, однако, распознаваемы после некоторой тренировки.
  47. Раскрытие этих объектов НЕ означает, что они из Синдиката, только что это, и что делает. Некоторые предметы просто модифицированные версии существующих предметов, а некоторые предметы замаскированы.
  49. Киборги, и ИИ
  50. ИИ способен только увидеть вещи через свою камеру, но распознать их будет очень сложно. Все предметы, замаскированны как другие - абсолютно неиденфицируемы, кроме случаев, если использованы (например емаг, хактул, бомба, зажигалка-детонатор, и.т.д.)
  52. ИИ способен сказать, когда используется очевидная контрабанда (например Револьвер, энергомечи и пр.).
  53. В связи с допущением (?), ИИ имеет ограниченные знания об контрабанде, но рассказать о них может только после введения соответствующей команды.
  55. Киборги следуют таким же правилам как и их человеческие аналоги, но они могут спросить ИИ об любом странном объекте.
  57. Предметы:
  58. Далее идет лист предметов Синдикат, и то, кто может его распознать. Если предмета не в списке, то по умолчанию только ХоС и капитан имеют расплывчатые знания.
  60. Револьвер и патроны к нему:
  61. Любой знает, что никто из охраны не имеет револьвер (кроме детектива), и каждый также знает, что они не будут использовать летальные оружия на людях.
  63. Арбалет:
  64. Каждый знает, что это нелегальное оружие, но не как он убивает, пока не протестирует на себе.
  66. Энергомеч:
  67. Для всех - он игрушка (разве что он выглядит немного странно, имея другой цвет), пока не про экзамайнится, или человек начнет убивать им кого-то, после этого - он абсолютно нелегален
  69. ЭМП гранаты:
  70. Любой знает, что это граната, охрана и ученые знают, что это ЭМП граната. Никто иной не знает, как оно действует, и даже если гранату разберут - то будет ничего не понятно, будет только лишь кусочек платы и неважно, какая у вас работа.
  72. Усыпляющая ручка
  73. Для всех - обычная ручка, но если РнД разберет её, то они увидят, что там внутри - гипоспрей.
  75. Мыло синдиката
  76. Это мыло. Никто не знает, что это мыло синдиката (ЧЕРТ ПОБЕРИ, ЧИТАЙТЕ ЭТО 6 РАЗ).
  78. Detomatix катридж
  79. Странный катридж для ПДА, если вы засунете его в свой ПДА, то вы увидите какие-то кнопочки, которые взрывают чужие ПДА. Иденфицируемо любым, кто исследует это на своем ПДА.
  81. Костюм-хамелеон
  83. Just a jumpsuit, unless you see it changing, in which case that'd be pretty weird, and suspicious if it's to a department/head jumpsuit.
  85. If you investigate it you'd be able to tell that it's not of NT origin, science are able to figure out (with investigation) that it can turn into other jumpsuits and also scan jumpsuits. After science investigates it security would know it's contraband.
  86. No-Slip Syndicate Shoes
  88. A pair of brown shoes with extra tread on the bottom, there's no real reason for these to be identifyable as illegal.
  89. Agent ID card
  91. Normal ID to most people. Normal to Heads unless they investigate it (and have a reason to do so), in which case it's an illegally modified ID card. Science can investigate and find that it can change itself on the fly.
  92. Voice Changer
  94. An ordinary gas mask, until you talk with it on without an ID, or if you switch IDs infront of someone (or if they recognise a distinguishing feature that isn't on your head of that person, such as being the wrong gender), in which case (assuming you're talking) it would be recognisable as messing with your voice. Security know that it's illegal if they get a good look at it (i.e. in their hands), science know its purpose.
  95. Thermal Imaging Glasses
  97. Sunglasses until you put them on, then you'd be able to tell that they let you see people through walls, and that they're illegal.
  98. Chameleon-Projector
  100. An odd and suspicious device, security know it's illegal and science know it puts out a cloaking field etc.
  101. Stamp Remover and Forger
  103. It's looks like an eraser. There's no real reason to be suspicious of it.
  104. Cryptographic Sequencer
  106. Everyone can immediately see it's a modified ID card (and doing that is illegal), engineers and scientists would know that it would screw up electronics like in doors.
  107. Hacktool
  109. Modified door debugger, engineers can use it on a door to know it's highly illegal and for opening doors etc, everyone else just thinks it's pretty suspicious.
  110. Fully Loaded Toolbox
  112. It's an odd looking toolbox. That's it.
  113. Traitor Radio Key
  115. Ordinary radio key, until you put it in a radio, in which case you'd be able to know that it goes onto an unknown radio channel. Not illegal by itself, but anything on the radio might be.
  116. Binary Translator Key
  118. As above, except onto the silicon talk thing instead of an unknown radio channel.
  119. Space Suit
  121. It's a red space suit, you're not meant to have space suits without authorisation (which engineers have). People should not have space suits without EVA authorisation.
  122. Hacked AI Upload Module
  124. Everyone knows it's an upload board, and that it's been modified. That in itself is illegal and suspicious, but roboticists would be able to tell that it would slightly corrupt the AI's laws.
  125. C-4
  127. Everyone knows it's an explosive. And illegal.
  128. Low Power Explosive Charge, with Detonator
  130. It looks like a normal parcel, bar a few markings, so it's not too suspicious, but security can investigate to know it's a bomb.
  132. The lighter portion looks like a normal lighter until you try to open it, then it looks a lot like a detonator in those spy movies, and really suspicious.
  133. Powersink
  135. Everyone knows it's not of NT origin, engineers know it's going to suck power out of the ship and is therefore illegal.
  136. Singularity Beacon
  138. Everyone knows it's not of NT origin, and looks pretty odd. Engineers and scientists know it's going to try to pull the singularity over to it.
  139. Teleporter Circuit Board
  141. Everyone can tell it's a circuitboard and what it builds, and knows that these ones are meant to stay in tech storage and the teleporter room. If you go and use it to make a teleporter to get into high security areas then security is well within their rights to pull the thing down and confiscate the circuitboard.
  142. Freedom Implant, Compressed Matter Implant, Explosive Implant, Uplink Implant
  144. Having an implant without it noted in medical records is suspicious, so it should be investigated.
  146. Implanters aren't meant to be outside of medbay, so if one's just lying around that's worth investigating for security.
  147. Syndie Balloon
  149. It's just a balloon with an S on it.
  150. The Syndicate
  152. All staff may know the Syndicate as a dangerous organisation, working against NanoTrasen.
  154. Security forces, such as Security Officers, Detectives, and Wardens have been briefed vaguely about Syndicate forces, but only as much as is detailed above in items.
  156. All Heads of Staff have been briefed to the extent of the CentComm report.
  158. Only the Captain or Head of Security have been given any detailed knowledge of the Syndicate. These people are REQUIRED to make the charge of Syndicate Collaboration viable.
  159. Cult
  161. The Order of Nar'Sie is a secret and secluded cult, and is therefore not known by the crew.
  163. The Chaplain/Counselor has limited knowledge, up to knowing that the cult is evil, should probably be stopped, and that his null rod will deconvert those influenced by the cult.
  165. However, it is (and should be) hard to convince anyone else of this.
  166. Wizard
  168. The Space Wizard Federation is a known organisation, but it's members, methods, and dealings are not known by the crew.
  170. Only Wizards which are outright hostile, or caught hampering the efforts of the station or NanoTrasen should be dealt with. Otherwise, careful observation is the standard practice.
  171. AI Malfunction
  173. AI's and Cyborgs are not normally known to malfunction.
  175. With the exception of overwhelming evidence, outright declaration by the AI, or from the 'Hostile runtimes' message from CentCom, the AI and Cyborgs should not be presumed hostile.
  176. Changeling
  178. Changelings are not unknown, though no research or data has ever been collected from them. The threat they pose is also unknown.
  180. It is highly likely that only research members would know anything about them.
  182. They should be treated as any first contact alien being should be, if they reveal themselves through actions, words, or otherwise.
  183. Meme
  185. Memes are a completely unknown entity. No one has any knowledge about it. Even science staff would only have a theory as to how this lifeform could exist.
  187. It is not normal, and would probably be quite distressing to come into contact with it.
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