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- // (include/ai_folder/ai_versions/ai_v0.2/cart-pole-env.cpp)
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <random>
- #include <algorithm>
- class LinearRegression {
- public:
- void reset(){
- done = false;
- pose = 0.0f;
- target = 10.0f;
- velocity = 0.0f;
- current_step = 0;
- }
- void step(double delta_v) {
- ++current_step;
- delta_v < 1.0 ? 1 : delta_v;
- delta_v > -1.0 ? -1 : delta_v;
- velocity += delta_v;
- pose += velocity;
- if (current_step = 25) {
- done = true;
- }
- }
- bool isDone() const {
- return done;
- }
- std::vector<double> getState() const {
- return {velocity, pose};
- }
- double getReward() {
- double reward = 0;
- reward -= std::pow(std::fabs(target - pose), 2);
- reward -= current_step;
- return reward;
- }
- private:
- bool done = false;
- double pose = 0.0f;
- double target = 10.0f;
- double velocity = 0.0f;
- int current_step = 0;
- };
- class CartPoleEnv {
- public:
- CartPoleEnv()
- : gravity(9.8), massCart(1.0), massPole(0.1), length(0.5),
- forceMag(10.0), tau(0.02), thetaThresholdRadians(12 * 2 * M_PI / 360),
- xThreshold(2.4), totalMass(massCart + massPole), polemassLength(massPole * length),
- state{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, done(false) {}
- void reset() {
- std::random_device rd;
- std::mt19937 gen(rd());
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(-0.05, 0.05);
- state[0] = dis(gen); // cart position
- state[1] = dis(gen); // cart velocity
- state[2] = dis(gen); // pole angle
- state[3] = dis(gen); // pole angular velocity
- done = false;
- }
- void step(int action) {
- double x = state[0];
- double x_dot = state[1];
- double theta = state[2];
- double theta_dot = state[3];
- double force = action;
- double costheta = cos(theta);
- double sintheta = sin(theta);
- double temp = (force + polemassLength * theta_dot * theta_dot * sintheta) / totalMass;
- double theta_acc = (gravity * sintheta - costheta * temp) /
- (length * (4.0 / 3.0 - massPole * costheta * costheta / totalMass));
- double x_acc = temp - polemassLength * theta_acc * costheta / totalMass;
- // Update state
- state[0] += tau * x_dot;
- state[1] += tau * x_acc;
- state[2] += tau * theta_dot;
- state[3] += tau * theta_acc;
- // Check termination
- done = (x < -xThreshold || x > xThreshold || theta < -thetaThresholdRadians || theta > thetaThresholdRadians);
- }
- bool isDone() const {
- return done;
- }
- std::vector<double> getState() const {
- return {state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3]};
- }
- double getReward() const {
- // Normalize cart position and pole angle
- double cartPositionNorm = 1.0 - (std::abs(state[0]) / xThreshold);
- double poleAngleNorm = 1.0 - (std::abs(state[2]) / thetaThresholdRadians);
- // Penalize for excessive cart velocity or pole angular velocity
- double cartVelocityPenalty = 1.0 - std::min(1.0, std::abs(state[1]) / 5.0); // Adjust the 5.0 based on acceptable limits
- double poleVelocityPenalty = 1.0 - std::min(1.0, std::abs(state[3]) / 5.0); // Adjust the 5.0 based on acceptable limits
- // Scale penalties to provide more emphasis on critical components
- double positionWeight = 1.0;
- double angleWeight = 2.0; // More emphasis on keeping the pole upright
- // Combine rewards and penalties
- double reward = (positionWeight * cartPositionNorm) *
- (angleWeight * poleAngleNorm) *
- cartVelocityPenalty * poleVelocityPenalty;
- // Ensure reward is not negative
- return std::max(0.0, reward);
- }
- private:
- const double gravity;
- const double massCart;
- const double massPole;
- const double length; // actually half the pole's length
- const double forceMag;
- const double tau; // seconds between state updates
- const double thetaThresholdRadians;
- const double xThreshold;
- const double totalMass;
- const double polemassLength;
- double state[4];
- bool done;
- };
- class VelocityControlEnv {
- public:
- VelocityControlEnv()
- : targetVelocity(1.0), maxPosition(5.0), maxVelocity(2.0), tau(0.02), done(false) {
- reset();
- }
- void reset() {
- position = 0.0;
- velocity = 0.0;
- done = false;
- }
- void step(int action) {
- double force = (action == 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; // Action: 0 = decrease velocity, 1 = increase velocity
- double acceleration = force; // Simplified acceleration model
- // Update velocity and position
- velocity += tau * acceleration;
- position += tau * velocity;
- // Apply velocity limits
- if (velocity > maxVelocity) velocity = maxVelocity;
- if (velocity < -maxVelocity) velocity = -maxVelocity;
- // Apply position limits
- if (position > maxPosition || position < -maxPosition) {
- done = true;
- }
- }
- bool isDone() const {
- return done;
- }
- std::vector<double> getState() const {
- return {position, velocity};
- }
- double getReward() const {
- // Reward is based on how close the velocity is to the target
- double velocityError = std::abs(velocity - targetVelocity);
- return std::max(0.0, 1.0 - velocityError / maxVelocity); // Reward is normalized between 0 and 1
- }
- private:
- double position;
- double velocity;
- const double targetVelocity;
- const double maxPosition;
- const double maxVelocity;
- const double tau; // Time step
- bool done;
- };
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