Guest User

black screen on call ZTEBLADE-CM9

a guest
May 4th, 2012
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  1. 05-04 22:11:33.700: D/CallNotifier(367): RINGING... (new)
  2. 05-04 22:11:33.700: D/CallNotifier(367): onNewRingingConnection(): state = RINGING, conn = { incoming: true state: INCOMING post dial state: NOT_STARTED }
  3. 05-04 22:11:33.710: D/CallNotifier(367): = 98)...
  4. 05-04 22:11:33.710: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  5. 05-04 22:11:33.710: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 0, mMode 0, mMicMute 0, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted
  6. 05-04 22:11:33.710: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  7. 05-04 22:11:33.730: D/AccelerometerListener(367): enable(false)
  8. 05-04 22:11:33.730: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): disable: < expand icons ALERTS* ticker system_info BACK HOME RECENT CLOCK >
  9. 05-04 22:11:33.770: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  10. 05-04 22:11:33.780: D/CallNotifier(367): showIncomingCall()... phone state = RINGING
  11. 05-04 22:11:33.780: I/power(188): *** set_screen_state 0
  12. 05-04 22:11:33.790: I/Sensors(188): mSensors[2]->enable(0, 1)
  13. 05-04 22:11:33.790: I/AKMD2(122): akmd2 : Compass Opened.
  14. 05-04 22:11:33.810: I/CpuGovernorService(188): intent action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  15. 05-04 22:11:33.840: I/WindowManager(188): Lock screen displayed!
  16. 05-04 22:11:33.850: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  17. 05-04 22:11:33.930: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): Notification has fullScreenIntent; sending fullScreenIntent
  18. 05-04 22:11:33.930: I/ActivityManager(188): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10840000} from pid -1
  19. 05-04 22:11:33.960: E/OMXCodec(116): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
  20. 05-04 22:11:33.960: E/OMXCodec(116): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
  21. 05-04 22:11:33.970: D/InCallScreen(367): onNewIntent: intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10c40000 }, phone state = RINGING
  22. 05-04 22:11:33.990: D/AudioHardwareInterface(116): setMode(RINGTONE)
  23. 05-04 22:11:33.990: I/AudioService(188): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls
  24. 05-04 22:11:34.020: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_HANDSET device_id=1
  25. 05-04 22:11:34.020: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Enabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  26. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Speakerphone
  27. 05-04 22:11:34.050: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 6, mMode 1, mMicMute 0, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted
  28. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_HANDSET device_id=1
  29. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): disabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  30. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_SPEAKER device_id=0
  31. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Enabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  32. 05-04 22:11:34.050: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Speakerphone
  33. 05-04 22:11:34.110: D/OpenGLRenderer(487): Flushing caches (mode 1)
  34. 05-04 22:11:34.140: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): disable: < EXPAND* icons ALERTS ticker system_info BACK HOME RECENT CLOCK >
  35. 05-04 22:11:34.190: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1413120 offset:11509760 fd:44
  36. 05-04 22:11:34.200: D/memalloc(313): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x5472c000 size:12922880 offset:11509760 fd:76
  37. 05-04 22:11:34.330: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1413120 offset:12922880 fd:50
  38. 05-04 22:11:34.340: D/memalloc(313): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x55380000 size:14336000 offset:12922880 fd:83
  39. 05-04 22:11:34.420: D/dalvikvm(367): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 365K, 5% free 12600K/13191K, paused 207ms
  40. 05-04 22:11:34.470: I/Process(188): Sending signal. PID: 367 SIG: 3
  41. 05-04 22:11:34.470: I/dalvikvm(367): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  42. 05-04 22:11:34.550: I/dalvikvm(367): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  43. 05-04 22:11:34.660: I/power(188): *** set_screen_state 1
  44. 05-04 22:11:34.660: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1536000 offset:14336000 fd:53
  45. 05-04 22:11:34.680: D/memalloc(367): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x51d40000 size:15872000 offset:14336000 fd:82
  46. 05-04 22:11:34.750: D/dalvikvm(313): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 546K, 24% free 10666K/13959K, paused 235ms
  47. 05-04 22:11:35.010: D/OpenGLRenderer(487): Flushing caches (mode 0)
  48. 05-04 22:11:35.090: D/SurfaceFlinger(113): Screen about to return, flinger = 0xf918
  49. 05-04 22:11:35.120: D/AccelerometerListener(367): enable(false)
  50. 05-04 22:11:35.190: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1536000 offset:15872000 fd:56
  51. 05-04 22:11:35.210: D/memalloc(367): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x52c64000 size:17408000 offset:15872000 fd:94
  52. 05-04 22:11:35.230: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): disable: < EXPAND icons ALERTS ticker system_info BACK HOME RECENT clock* >
  53. 05-04 22:11:35.540: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x51114000 size:4485120 offset:2949120
  54. 05-04 22:11:35.540: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x5155c000 size:9973760 offset:8437760
  55. 05-04 22:11:35.580: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x54468000 size:11509760 offset:9973760
  56. 05-04 22:11:35.680: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x417d4000 size:1536000 offset:2949120 fd:23
  57. 05-04 22:11:35.680: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x41e87000 size:1536000 offset:9973760 fd:41
  58. 05-04 22:11:35.710: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x41d10000 size:1536000 offset:8437760 fd:29
  59. 05-04 22:11:35.950: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  60. 05-04 22:11:36.810: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  61. 05-04 22:11:37.310: I/dalvikvm(367): Jit: resizing JitTable from 1024 to 2048
  62. 05-04 22:11:39.000: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  63. 05-04 22:11:39.850: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  64. 05-04 22:11:42.060: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  65. 05-04 22:11:42.840: V/AudioManager(367): shouldVibrate, group: d393035d-ea71-4f2a-bdbd-b65f6bf298f1 mode: DEFAULT
  66. 05-04 22:11:43.950: W/ActivityManager(188): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
  67. 05-04 22:11:43.980: W/ActivityManager(188): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{41627f68}
  68. 05-04 22:11:44.390: D/CallNotifier(367): onDisconnect: cause = INCOMING_MISSED, incoming = true, date = 1336158693693
  69. 05-04 22:11:44.400: D/AudioHardwareInterface(116): setMode(NORMAL)
  70. 05-04 22:11:44.400: I/AudioService(188): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls
  71. 05-04 22:11:44.410: D/CallNotifier(367): = 98)...
  72. 05-04 22:11:44.420: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  73. 05-04 22:11:44.420: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 0, mMode 0, mMicMute 0, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted
  74. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_SPEAKER device_id=0
  75. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): disabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  76. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_HANDSET device_id=1
  77. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Enabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  78. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  79. 05-04 22:11:44.430: I/PowerManagerService(188): clearUserActivity for 10000ms from now
  80. 05-04 22:11:44.640: D/dalvikvm(313): GC_CONCURRENT freed 299K, 23% free 10876K/13959K, paused 4ms+27ms
  81. 05-04 22:11:44.690: D/dalvikvm(367): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1095K, 10% free 12060K/13319K, paused 9ms+9ms
  82. 05-04 22:11:44.710: D/InCallScreen(367): delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()... Phone state = IDLE
  83. 05-04 22:11:44.710: D/InCallScreen(367): endInCallScreenSession(false)... phone state = IDLE
  84. 05-04 22:11:44.710: I/ActivityManager(188): moveTaskToBack: 8
  85. 05-04 22:11:44.910: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1536000 offset:2949120 fd:23
  86. 05-04 22:11:44.950: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x51114000 size:4485120 offset:2949120 fd:56
  87. 05-04 22:11:44.970: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): disable: < expand* icons ALERTS ticker system_info BACK HOME RECENT CLOCK* >
  88. 05-04 22:11:45.050: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1536000 offset:8437760 fd:29
  89. 05-04 22:11:45.070: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x5155c000 size:9973760 offset:8437760 fd:59
  90. 05-04 22:11:45.120: D/AccelerometerListener(367): enable(false)
  91. 05-04 22:11:45.160: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x42427000 size:1536000 offset:15872000 fd:56
  92. 05-04 22:11:45.170: D/memalloc(367): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x52c64000 size:17408000 offset:15872000
  93. 05-04 22:11:45.170: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x422b0000 size:1536000 offset:14336000 fd:53
  94. 05-04 22:11:45.180: D/memalloc(367): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x51d40000 size:15872000 offset:14336000
  95. 05-04 22:11:45.220: D/PhoneStatusBar(313): disable: < expand icons alerts* ticker system_info BACK HOME RECENT CLOCK >
  96. 05-04 22:11:45.360: D/InCallTouchUi(367): - triggerPing: InCallScreen no longer in foreground; ignoring...
  97. 05-04 22:11:47.470: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): set device to SND_DEVICE_HANDSET device_id=1
  98. 05-04 22:11:47.470: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): disabling post proc features with mask 0x0000
  99. 05-04 22:11:48.080: D/dalvikvm(313): GC_CONCURRENT freed 499K, 22% free 10917K/13959K, paused 6ms+9ms
  100. 05-04 22:11:55.350: I/power(188): *** set_screen_state 0
  101. 05-04 22:11:55.350: D/SurfaceFlinger(113): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0xf918
  102. 05-04 22:11:55.360: I/Sensors(188): mSensors[2]->enable(0, 0)
  103. 05-04 22:11:55.380: I/AKMD2(122): akmd2 : Compass Closed.
  104. 05-04 22:11:55.480: D/dalvikvm(188): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1381K, 12% free 12755K/14471K, paused 88ms
  105. 05-04 22:11:55.540: I/CpuGovernorService(188): intent action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  106. 05-04 22:11:55.570: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(116): Routing audio to Handset
  107. 05-04 22:11:55.570: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x41ffe000 size:1413120 offset:11509760 fd:44
  108. 05-04 22:11:55.580: D/memalloc(313): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x5472c000 size:12922880 offset:11509760
  109. 05-04 22:11:55.590: D/memalloc(313): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x55380000 size:14336000 offset:12922880
  110. 05-04 22:11:55.590: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x42157000 size:1413120 offset:12922880 fd:50
  111. 05-04 22:11:55.620: D/AccelerometerListener(367): enable(false)
  112. 05-04 22:11:55.650: D/memalloc(113): /dev/pmem: Allocated buffer base:0x41504000 size:1536000 offset:9973760 fd:41
  113. 05-04 22:11:55.680: D/memalloc(487): /dev/pmem: Mapped buffer base:0x54468000 size:11509760 offset:9973760 fd:71
  114. 05-04 22:11:55.730: V/TransportControlView(188): Create TCV
  115. 05-04 22:11:55.860: D/dalvikvm(188): GC_CONCURRENT freed 177K, 8% free 13437K/14471K, paused 6ms+13ms
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