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May 23rd, 2019
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  1. #Général
  3. on script load:
  4. clear {coke::*}
  5. clear {cannabis::*}
  7. #Bananes
  12. on join:
  13. if {cannabis::%player%} is set:
  14. clear {cannabis::%player%}
  16. on right click on 1202:
  17. if {cannabis::%player%} is not set:
  18. set {cannabis::%player%} to 1
  19. send "&aRécolte en cours ."
  20. wait 3 seconds
  21. send "&aRécolte en cours .."
  22. wait 3 seconds
  23. send "&aRécolte en cours ..."
  24. wait 3 seconds
  25. clear {cannabis::%player%}
  26. if chance of 100%:
  27. give 1 6506 named "&aFeuille de Cannabis" with lore "&eInformation &6• &eVa traiter cette feuille ||&epour qu'elle soit vendable" to player
  28. send "&7[&aRécolte&7] &7Tu viens de recolte une feuille de cannabis"
  29. stop
  30. else:
  31. send "&cAh, tu n'a rien trouvé !"
  32. stop
  33. if {cannabis::%player%} is set:
  34. send "&7[&cOwnLineRp&7] &cTu es déja occupé a récolté !" to player
  35. stop
  38. on join:
  39. if {coke::%player%} is set:
  40. clear {coke::%player%}
  42. on right click on 1206:
  43. if {coke::%player%} is not set:
  44. set {coke::%player%} to 1
  45. send "&aRécolte en cours ."
  46. wait 3 seconds
  47. send "&aRécolte en cours .."
  48. wait 3 seconds
  49. send "&aRécolte en cours ..."
  50. wait 3 seconds
  51. clear {coke::%player%}
  52. if chance of 100%:
  53. give 1 6515 named "&aSachet de Cokaine" with lore "&eInformation &6• &eVa traiter ce sachet ||&epour qu'elle soit vendable" to player
  54. send "&7[&aRécolte&7] &7Tu viens de recolte un sachet de Cokaine"
  55. stop
  56. else:
  57. send "&cAh, tu n'a rien trouvé !"
  58. stop
  59. if {coke::%player%} is set:
  60. send "&7[&cOwnLineRp&7] &cTu es déja occupé a récolté !" to player
  61. stop
  63. options:
  64. Traitementfinis: &2{&aTraitement Finis &2} &aBravo tu viens de finir de traiter
  65. TraitementFail: &2{&cTraitement Erreur &2} &cDommage ton traitement n'est pas finis
  67. on script load:
  68. clear {traitementcoke::*}
  69. clear {traitementcannabis::*}
  72. command /traitement <text>:
  73. trigger:
  74. if arg 1 is "cannabis1":
  75. open chest with 1 rows named "&2{ &aTraiteur &2}" to player
  76. make a gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 and 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&2{ &aTraiteur &2}" to do nothing
  77. make a gui slot 8 of player with 166 named "&c&lFermer" to do nothing
  78. make a gui slot 4 of player with 6506 named "&aTraiter" with lore "&f&l[&cInformation&f&l] ||&81 Feuille de cannabis contre 1 Feuille de cannabis traiter" to run:
  79. if player's contains 1 6506 named "&aFeuille de Cannabis" with lore "&eInformation &6• &eVa traiter cette feuille ||&epour qu'elle soit vendable":
  80. if {traitementcannabis::%player%} is not set:
  81. set {traitementcannabis::%player%} to 1
  82. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a10 %"
  83. wait 1 second
  84. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a20 %"
  85. wait 2 second
  86. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a30 %"
  87. wait 2 second
  88. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a40 %"
  89. wait 2 second
  90. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a50 %"
  91. wait 2 second
  92. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a60 %"
  93. wait 2 second
  94. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a70 %"
  95. wait 2 second
  96. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a80 %"
  97. wait 2 second
  98. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a90 %"
  99. wait 2 second
  100. send "&7&l{&eTraitement&7&l] &a100 %"
  101. send "{@Traitementfinis}"
  102. else:
  103. send "{@TraitementFail}"
  104. if {traitementcannabis::%player%} is set:
  105. send "&7[&cOwnLineRp&7] &cTu es déja occupé a récolté !" to player
  106. stop
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