
AdVenture Capitalism

Mar 8th, 2019
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  1. Day 1
  3. Finally got somewhere with a signal to post
  4. >inb4 phoneposter
  5. Sorry my pack mule doesn't have space for muh PC
  6. >be me
  7. >2 and a halfish years after /k/onvergence
  8. >spent most of the first 9 months being a freedom fighter
  9. >stops being fun when there stops being an effective government to fight
  10. >ended up being traveling gun merchant since then
  11. >mostly in the high plains and near the Rockies
  12. >Colorado got way less shitty after all the weedbros and college progressives left
  13. >along with a lot of the other humans when all the Gobs and Orcs moved into the front range
  14. >theregoestheneighborhood.jpg
  15. >the threat of being burninated by one of the dragons living further in didn't help either.
  17. >on my way back southish from Cheyenne
  18. >loaded down with a selection of PMAGs factory direct
  19. >hitting up a bunch of the tiny towns and farms
  20. >Swinging by a farm that I always go to
  21. >Owner, Dave, Nam vet and bretty cool dude
  22. >always needs ammo for his SP1
  23. >usually trade him for feed for my mule, Molly, and some of his wife's canned veggies
  24. >early evening when I get to the driveway and shit seems off
  25. >no movement at the house, no dogs barking
  26. >front door wide open, looks broken in
  27. >Fuck
  28. >start sweeping the house, AUG at the ready
  29. >empty
  30. >blood stains in the living room, maybe a couple days old
  31. >stinks like goblins
  32. >5.56 casings near the stairs
  33. >at least Dave had a fighting chance
  34. >trail of blood leading out the back door
  35. >truck is gone so Dave and wife probably got away
  36. >probably won't mind if I whole up here for the night
  37. >Gobs took their dead and the house was picked over, so they won't be back
  38. >not staying in the house, front door unsecured
  39. >lead Molly over to the old barn
  40. >hear something moving inside
  41. >go in through side door quiet like
  42. >far side mostly straw bales, some bags of grain
  43. >work bench and a couple stalls this side
  44. >first stall empty
  45. >round corner to second stall, AUG up
  46. >Hello shotgun barrel, nice to meet you.
  47. >behind my new 12 Gauge friend is a girl laying against the divider
  48. >well, half of one, horse from the waist down
  49. >Easy, Shebiscuit
  50. >Mexican standoff continues for a minute or two
  51. >we both lower our guns.
  53. First time running into a centaur out here. Always heard they keep to themselves, and always travel in groups. She hasn't actually put the shotgun down, just not pointing it at me. Is it gonna get awkward with me using a mule as a pack animal. Don't want to end up with the Kurt Cobain special because “slavery”
  55. >step one, communication.
  56. >”hi I’m anon, what's a horse girl like you doing in a place like this.”
  57. >so fucking smooth
  58. >but apparently she no habla English
  59. >still stoic, almost no expression on her face
  60. >just watching me
  61. >try a greeting in the bad elvish I know
  62. >throw in that I'm just here for a place to shelter for the night
  63. >she tilts her head, seeming to understand
  64. >no emotion still, but she at least leans the shotgun against the wall
  65. >progress
  66. >clear a spot in the center of the floor for a small fire
  67. >climb up in the loft to open one of the windows
  68. >*creak*
  69. >oh fug
  70. >*snap*
  71. >manage to land ass first, but miss the straw by about a yard
  72. >a chuckle from the corner
  73. >so Hojack Horsewoman is capable of emotion
  74. >”Man hurt?”
  75. >apparently she does speak English too, albeit poorly
  76. >”Just my pride and my ass, you speak English?”
  77. >she looks a bit confused, but seems to get the gist of it
  78. >”Little, you speak elvish? ” -in elvish
  80. Gonna paraphrase anything else I can get from her. I doubt direct translation will be possible.
  82. Through a combination my bad elvish, her bad English, some pictures drawn in the dirt, and some charades, I've managed to piece together her story, and a name
  83. >Veyraneshrah
  84. >or something like that
  85. >they don't have written language so I'm guessing on spelling
  86. >agrees to being called Veyra, but finds shortening names strange
  87. >she doesn't know what happened to Dave
  88. >only got here an hour or so before me
  89. >figured I lived here when she heard me
  90. >tried to dig deeper, asking why she's out here alone, but she just went back to the stoic silence.
  91. >touchy subject I guess
  92. >limp back up to the loft
  93. >more careful this time, staying on the beams
  94. >get window propped open
  95. >hang tarp between fire spot and window
  96. >should keep some of the light from getting out
  97. >bring Molly the mule in before closing up the barn doors
  98. >surprisingly not awkward
  99. >put her in the other stall
  100. >drag a few bales of straw over and spread them out
  101. >find a bag of oats as well
  102. >if Dave's alive, I'll pay him back.
  103. >with the fire lit, I can actually get a better look at Veyra
  104. >wearing a mix of hides and what looks like linen
  105. >chestnut coat on the horse part
  106. > slightly darker hair on her head, long and loosely braided.
  107. >fair skin, sharp facial features
  108. >she winces as she moves closer to the fire
  109. >notice patches of dried blood near where the horse shoulder and human waist meet
  111. >I offer her my first aid kit and to take a look at it
  112. >she starts taking her hide top off
  113. >’woah lady, I haven't even bought you dinner yet’
  114. >notice she has another spot of blood on her tunic
  115. >’Oh’
  116. >grab some alcohol and gauze from my bag
  117. >cuts are pretty deep
  118. >can't help but notice she's also kinda ripped
  119. >6 pack, pretty well defined arms
  120. >”So, you work out?”
  121. >did I actually just fucking say that
  122. >thank the /k/ube she didn't understand
  123. >she winces as I clean her wounds with the alcohol
  124. >probably should have warned her
  125. >ask her how she got the cuts in elvish
  126. >ran into a barbed wire fence, running from feral dogs
  127. >almost ask why she didn't shoot them
  128. >realize the shotgun is probably empty
  129. >tape some clean gauze over the cuts
  130. >probably needs stitches
  131. >not a doctor
  132. >go over to shotgun
  133. >beautiful Ithaca 37 Featherlite
  134. >also completely empty
  135. >at least she didn't try to rob me
  136. >hold the trigger, rack the pump
  137. >*click*
  138. >Dat Slam Fire
  139. >Beautiful
  140. >I think I'm actually salivating
  141. >could just be hunger
  142. >the half chub is definitely for the gun though.
  143. >get a couple cans of Pork & Beans on the fire cooking
  145. >she basically inhaled the can
  146. >should have figured she would want more
  147. >all that body mass needs a lot of food
  148. >DatMass
  149. >All i have left to spare is some hard tack
  150. >I have never seen someone genuinely enjoy hard tack
  151. >starving Ethiopian kids would call you a dick
  152. >she seems to like it
  153. >she ate 6 of the hockey puck sized buscuits
  154. >so uncivilized
  155. >getting late, bring up sleeping in shifts
  156. >offer to take the first watch
  157. >because I’m a gentleman
  158. >also offer a blanket
  159. >barely big enough to cover her
  160. >it's the thought that counts
  162. Day 2
  164. >my watch was nice and quiet
  165. >just the wind and the sound of 1.5 equines sleeping
  166. >wake Veyra up after 5 hours
  167. >take my trip to dream land
  168. >nice to actually have someone else on watch for a night
  169. >best nights sleep on a pile of straw I’ve had in weeks
  171. >wake up with the sudden feeling I’ve been fucked, and not in the good way
  172. >horse girl and Molly are missing
  173. >did she just Harriett Tubman my my pack mule?
  174. >notice the Ithaca still leaned against the wall
  175. >jump back into my boots, grab my AUG, ready to reclaim my property
  176. >Open door, get hit in the face with a blast of cold air
  177. >now I’m wide awake
  178. >doesn’t take long to solve the mystery
  179. >Veyra is standing near the entrance to Dave’s Pasture
  180. >can see Molly further in, grazing
  181. >no underground mule railroad today
  182. >go back to the barn, grab a hammer, some scrap wood, and nails
  183. >head over to the house
  184. >”Fix” Dave’s front door
  185. >Leave him note
  186. “Dave,
  187. Hope you made it somewhere safe. Gonna borrow some supplies. I’ll some M193 next time I’m through. I fixed your door.
  188. -Anon”
  189. >Grab a backpack, a blanket, start raiding Dave’s pantry
  190. >mostly beans
  191. >like a shit load of damn beans, canned and dry
  192. >Dave might have a problem
  193. >grab a couple cans, some Spam, and some canned pasta
  194. >head back to the barn
  195. >rooting through the bags from the pack saddle
  196. >really just a couple of ALICE packs rigged together
  197. >grab some extra first aid supplies and 30 rounds of 12 gauge buck
  198. >20 of 00, 10 of #4
  199. >Start loading up all my gear
  200. >MOLLE belt with a Safariland for my Glock 40, 2 rifle and pistol mags, IFAK, couple Nalgene bottles and a buttpack
  201. >Chest rig with a few more mags
  202. >Woodland MOLLE II pack
  203. >Veyra leads Molly back in
  204. >I offer her the backpack
  205. >”I don’t know where you’re headed, but there’s some supplies and ammo for you, should last a couple days”
  207. >”Ay-non…”
  208. >She looks extremely conflicted
  209. >’It’s anon.’
  210. >”Have you seen others? Home?”
  211. >’Other Centaurs? Your home?’
  212. >”Family-Tribe-Home, all same to us.”
  213. >’Never seen another Centaur out here, heard talk of them from others’
  214. >Sigh
  215. >’I’m heading to Boulder, probably the biggest trading town around, if anyone has seen your people, that’s your best bet for info.’
  216. >She nods, grabs bag and Ithaca
  217. >Remind her to actually load it this time
  219. >Morning travel is quiet, heading southish
  220. >back to a mainish road
  221. >repaved not long before the /k/alamity
  222. >beat back the silence teaching Veyra more english
  223. >mostly how to swear
  224. >she’s actually picking it up pretty quickly
  225. >look at me, Civilizing tribals like 18th century Englishman
  226. >we come to a bridge
  227. >don’t like it, choke point
  228. >we get halfway across, two start walking towards us from opposite end, guns up
  229. >another coming from behind
  230. >tell Veyra to follow my lead while they’re still out of earshot
  231. >put hands up
  232. >Bubba with a TAPCOed SKS and a dark elf with a Taurus Judge in front
  233. >Mexican with 1911 behind
  234. >Bubba speaks
  235. >”Drop the guns and all your shit and we’ll let you live.”
  236. >Play along, unhook sling from AUG, lay it down
  237. >”Faster, we ain’t got all day.”
  238. >Fuck you bubba, I respect my guns
  239. >Unholster Problem Solver and lay it down
  240. >drop my pack
  241. >Bubba tells the other two to check us, he covers
  242. >”Guys, I just want to tell you how proud I am too see such tolerance in 20merge + 2, Multi-ethnic, multi-species, and you’ve got a gay.”
  243. >”The fuck you on, none of us is gay.” -Bubba
  244. >Dark Elf is patting me down
  245. >”Then why’s his breath smell like cock?”
  246. >As expected, darkie goes for a gut punch
  247. >step into him, gets more into the side than gut
  248. >pull FN Barracuda from the holster tucked behind my buttpack
  249. >catch Bubba in chest with 2
  250. >push off from the darkie
  251. >he goes for his Judge
  252. >not fast enough, .357 gets him in the throat and he drops
  253. >turn to help Veyra with the beaner
  254. >he’s dangling about 18 inches off the ground, legs kicking
  255. >Veyra’s got one arm around his neck, other trapping his gun and right at his waist
  256. >he’s turning all kinds of pretty colors
  257. >kicking stops, and she drops him
  258. >She spits on him
  259. >”Cock Fucking Bitch”
  260. >close enough
  262. >choking and gurgling sound reminds me Bubba isn't dead.
  263. >too busy trying not to drown in his own blood to continue being a threat.
  264. >or maybe I nicked the the spine
  265. >start scavenging while Veyra covers
  266. >total haul from the rainbow highwayman coalition
  267. >one TAPCO SKS, 84 rounds of wolf steel case
  268. >one Judge, 3 rounds of .410 birdshot, 7 of winchester PDX1, 5 .45 Long.
  269. >chrome 1911, 3 mags of .45
  270. >2 fixed blade knives, 1 folder, all gas station quality.
  271. >2 pairs of decent boots that don't fit me, 1 pair of shitty sneakers that might
  272. >take the Mexican’s coat, the only one doesn't have holes or isn't covered in blood
  273. >gotta be more
  274. >find their stash under the far side of the bridge
  275. >couple duffle bags
  276. >mostly clothes, some packaged food
  277. >a bag filled with about 150 rounds of assorted ammo that doesn't fit any of their guns
  278. >only decent stuff is a few pans
  279. >the trio’s shit taste extends to more than guns
  280. >13 cans of Pibb Xtra
  281. >if they weren't dead, I'd go shoot them again for keeping garbage soda
  282. >use gas station knife to remove untermensch soda
  283. >take the duffle bags back to the road
  284. >Veyra is staring back north
  285. >think she's staring at the corpses we made
  286. >then I hear it too
  287. >hooves, multiple sets
  288. >didn't see her face, didn't need to
  289. >could tell she was disappointed when it got close enough to see it was a team of four oxen
  290. >pulling something looking like a cross between a Conestoga Wagon and a Vietnam gun truck.
  291. >Oxen don't get slowed down by the trio of bodies on the bridge
  292. >Orc driving doesn't care either
  293. >crude drawing of the /k/ube painted on the side
  294. >well they probably won't kill us then.
  296. >the /K/onestoga comes to a stop in front of us
  297. >clearly made from a heavy duty pickup frame and suspension, stripped down, with an armored box mounted where the passenger compartment and bed used to be
  298. >the former engine bay mounts a seat, surrounded by more armor plate slopping down from the box behind
  299. >seat is occupied by an Orc in a coyote brown IBA and fishermans hat, complete with lures.
  300. >AMD-63 hung on one side of him, Milkor MGL on the other, 4 fishing rods in the corner
  301. >the Orc gives a gruff “Ave Nex Alea”
  302. >before I can even begin to respond, a voice from the /k/onestoga begins shouting
  303. >”Brother Sal, what new truthseekers has Nex Alea placed upon our path? Have they heard the truth of the /k/ube’s lessons? To ignore it’s truth is too ignore the nature of life, for Strife is Life. It is only through preparation for this unending struggle we may hope to beat back the false promise that is peace, for true peace is only found in Death.”
  304. >orc shakes his head
  305. >”Brother Gary, perhaps you should let our fellow travelers introduce themselves before beginning your ministry?”
  306. >Guy in his mid 20s, human, shaved head, steps out from under the canvas covering the middle of the armored wagon and continues speaking
  307. >”Nonsense, Brother Sal, for like the fire from its creations, the truth of the /k/ube pays no heed to the preparedness of those upon the receiving end. It simply demands to be spread. How can you not shout the truth at all you see a mere month after we have departed from the Holy Monolith? Will you expect me to do all the work once we return to the San/k/tum?
  308. >Orc sighs
  309. >”You’re better off just tuning Gary out. He has yet to realize the /k/ube cares not for flowery and flowing sermons, but simple deeds. I am Brother Sal’kek, but most call me Sal.”
  310. >Why not Brother Kek?
  312. >”I assume the 3 on the bridge were your doing, if so you have no need of being taught the /k/ube’s lessons.”
  313. >”Saluto Nex Alea, they picked a fight when they shouldn’t have, and now their dead. I’m Anon, this is Veyra.”
  314. >Gary has already started into another sermon, and judging by word choices, he has a non-consensual relationship with a thesaurus
  315. >Follow Sal’s advice and tune it out
  316. >Veyra doesn’t even know most of the words he is using
  317. >I don’t even know some of them
  318. >Sal asks
  319. >”Where are you two truth seekers headed on this fine day?”
  320. >Gary interupts
  321. >”For any day in which blood has been spilled in the name of the /K/ube is a magnificent day indeed!”
  322. >”Boulder”
  323. >”Convenient, our path to our Denver San/k/tum will take us near your destination. The /K/ube must intend for you to accompany us, to fate our meeting like this.”
  324. >”We appreciate the offer, but I don’t think there’s room for all of us in the wagon.”
  325. >Veyra gives me a shove
  326. >probably intended as a gentle nudge, but I’m learning how freakishly stronk she is
  327. >”You ride, take packs of mule. Two legs too slow. We keep up with steel cart.”
  328. >Don’t need to tell me twice, ass is still kinda sore from falling last night
  329. >Takes a few minutes to unload everything from Molly’s pack saddle and situate it on the /K/onestoga
  330. >front wall is lined with a stack of ammo cans, labeled for almost every caliber I could consider common
  331. >more cans and wooden munitions crates sit under the simple benches on either side
  332. >M1919 Browning in a ring mount in the back left corner
  333. >Empty ring mount front right
  334. >Its gun sits partially disassembled on the bench under, tan scaled Kobold deeply focused on cleaning it
  335. >Before I can go introduce myself, Gary speaks up
  336. >”Please do not interrupt Apprentice Neiro, this is an important part of his training to serve the /K/ube.”
  338. >I settle in, laying out on one of the benches for a nap
  339. >uneventful day, and the /K/onestoga is a decently smooth ride.
  340. >wake up after a couple hours, late in the afternoon
  341. >Kobold sitting on the bench across from me
  342. >Owen Gun at his side
  343. >”Where did you manage to dig up that old thing?”
  344. >”I made it. We are no closer to the /k/ube than when we make weapons with our own hands. It is the first step on the path to becoming a /K/leric.”
  345. >Gary interrupts again
  346. >”Many choose simpler weapons, Slamfire Shotguns, humble bludgeons, blades and spears. Those with a truly great connection to the /k/ube, like Neiro, choose more complicated implements.”
  347. >Gary really likes the sound of his own voice.
  348. >Does the /K/ube need martyrs, because I volunteer Gary.
  349. >Neiro is staring staring at my AUG.
  350. >”May I see your rifle? Familiarity with all the /k/ube’s gifts is an important part of my path.”
  351. >pull the mag, clear the chamber, lock the bolt, and hand it over.
  352. >’Go nuts kid’
  353. >he immediately begins field stripping it, then detail stripping it
  354. >I think he removed every trace of fouling from it.
  355. >made me look like an unclean slob, and I cleaned it 4 days ago
  356. >I should have him clean my whole stock
  357. >reminds me I should take inventory
  358. >with the 3 guns from the rainbow coalition, I've got 3 rifles and 3 pistols for trading
  359. >plenty of spare parts
  360. >about 2k in assorted ammo.
  361. >ton of PMAGs
  362. >if I ever get somewhere to trade I can probably come out pretty good on this trip.
  363. >as if on cue, Sal shouts about a town up ahead
  364. >says it looks like a good place to stop for the night.
  365. >looks like a typical medieval village, complete with a couple windmills
  366. >maybe 20 or 30 buildings
  367. >looks pretty /k/ozy
  369. Places like this are common, random areas that swapped during the merge. Played hell with most of the infrastructure. Communications backbone, high voltage transmission lines, railroads and even highways suddenly had huge gaps. We got lucky I guess. Heard a rumor that part of the Three Gorges Dam went, lot of people died. Not sure if it's true. Accurate news got even harder to get after the merge.
  371. >”town watch” meets us on the path down to the village
  372. >half dozen armed with Fudd tier weapons
  373. >can see about 7 or 8 more watching from the village
  374. >Gary and Sal do all the talking
  375. >village is happy to let us stay, minister, and trade
  376. >Gary goes to start the preaching
  377. >Sal unhooks the oxen and leads them to a small pasture
  378. >Veyra leads Molly to the same, either ignoring or unaware of the few townspeople staring
  379. >I borrow a long crate from the /k/onestoga
  380. >set it up on a couple barrels as a table
  381. >Open for business
  382. >maybe Gary's sermon will inspire them to ‘get strapped’
  383. >hopefully they'll have something decent to offer
  384. >I ain't running a charity here
  385. >I'm here to teach them about capitalism
  387. >they didn't have much
  388. >best deal I was able to make was packaging a Draco, Bubba’s SKS, a spam can and some mags for a steer
  389. >know of a couple of non-orc butchers who appreciate local organic livestock.
  390. >trade some shotgun ammo and 9mm for a couple pounds of raw wheat and a couple pounds of flower.
  391. >the one dude in the village with an AR traded me a cask of mead for a dozen PMAGs
  392. >swap the bags of clothes and pans for a half dozen loaves of fresh baked bread and stew for dinner.
  393. >hope it's enough for the centaur
  394. >not sure what she's like hangry
  395. >wonder what she'd be like drunk
  396. >might be time for some scientific experiments
  398. >set up camp with the two mon/k/s and the /k/leric in training at the edge of the village
  399. >place doesn't have an inn
  400. >Sal apparently found time to go fishing
  401. >sharing mead with the class
  402. >mainly as an excuse to attempt to get the centaur drunk
  403. >not going well
  404. >she likes it, but she's nine pints in and not showing any signs of even getting tipsy
  405. >my Irish ancestors are very impressed
  407. >Everyone gets quiet all the sudden
  408. >Veyra and Neiro start scanning the darkness
  409. >Sal seems to notice whatever it is next
  410. >goes into leader mode
  411. >”Gary, on the Browning. Neiro, fighting hole, right here. Centaur, go alert the village. Anon, there's a 40mm can under the bench at the back of the wagon, bring it to me.”
  412. >Neiro douses the fire with a pile of dirt
  413. >”What the fuck is going on?”
  414. >”Goblins, and quite a few by the stench.”
  415. >we all start following the old orc’s orders
  416. >by the time I get back with the can, Neiro already has hole dug for the 3 of us.
  417. >deep enough to crouch in
  418. >looking down a shallow slope
  419. >can was full of, unsurprisingly, 40mm grenades
  420. >Sal is unloading sponge rounds from his MGL
  421. >loading ‘More-Lethal’ options
  422. >hear Veyra returning, Gary telling her to post up opposite side of the wagon from him, plug anything that tries to get by
  423. >good, no cover for her up here
  424. >”Anon, cover right. Give any empty mags to Neiro.”
  425. >Sal aims high, firing twice
  426. >parachute flares light up the moonless night.
  427. >goblins scurrying like roaches when the lights come on, looks like a few dozen, maybe more
  428. >Gary opens up with some belt fed pest control
  429. >smart gobos hit the dirt
  430. >dumb ones stand there firing
  431. >really dumb ones charge
  432. >Gary cuts down the really dumb ones
  433. >Sal lobs HEDP at the any clustered together
  434. >I start picking off the dumb ones
  435. >dumb ones start getting smart, smart ones getting smarter
  436. >they spread out
  437. >Gary is putting short bursts wherever the wheat moves or muzzles flash
  438. >flares are getting low
  439. >”Anon, Cover. Reloading”
  440. >I swing around
  441. >line the chevron of my ACOG on a goblin barking orders
  442. >spread his brain over the field as the flares go down
  443. >start firing where I had seen them
  444. >bolt locks back
  445. >drop the mag, toss it to the /k/leric
  446. >Sal gets his first flare up
  447. >see a gobo charging from the right as it lights up
  448. >turn while reloading
  449. >too slow
  450. >Sal fires
  451. >hits the green fuck in the chest
  452. >flare ignites and he becomes his own funeral pyre
  453. >”Fuck, Browning is jammed.”
  454. >”Clear it!”
  455. >hear Gary shouts pain and couple rounds ping off wagon
  456. >”Man Down!”
  457. >Neiro climbs out of the hole to go help
  458. >see some small flames in the fields
  459. >something sparking flies by my head
  460. >Dynamite, not much fuse left
  461. >Oh Fug
  462. >Neiro dives back into the hole
  463. >grab Orc’s drag handle and pull him down
  464. >BOOM
  465. >dirt rains down on us
  466. >couple goblins poke their heads over the rim
  467. >Orc has my riafu pinned, can't get the release for my Glock
  468. >Is this how it ends, in a hole in the ground, looking like an interspecies fuckpile?
  469. >Goblins get turned into red mist from .30-06
  470. >Veyra trots forward, hip firing an M1919
  471. >the light of the burning goblin and parachute flare illuminates a face of pure joy, as she fires bursts into retreating goblins
  473. Happiness is Belt Fed, friends.
  475. >Take stock of casualties
  476. >Gary has been shot in the forearm
  477. >knocked himself out somehow
  478. >Veyra has some minor burns on her left hand from holding the barrel jacket of the M1919
  479. >everyone else is unhurt
  480. >some of the villagers finally arrive
  481. >apparently a smaller group had attacked the other side of town right when we opened up here.
  482. >fought them off, but took a few serious casualties
  483. >Sal and Neiro offer to help with the wounded
  484. >Veyra volunteers us to join a couple hunters tracking the fleeing goblins
  485. >Make sure they aren't regrouping nearby
  486. >trail goes cold after a mile and some change
  487. >small road bridge over a creek
  488. >either went on the hard asphalt or upstream in the creek
  489. >head back to village
  490. >between the adrenaline and the noise of a couple goblins dying loudly in the field sleep doesn't come easy.
  491. >a short walk to calm down and a couple 10mm rounds solve both problems.
  493. Day 3
  496. >Villagers are claiming all the weapons and ammo from the goblins
  497. >most were shit, cut down fudd guns and milsurps, but still
  498. >we did most of the killing, we should get first pick of the salvage
  499. >I even offered medical supplies at cost, expecting i could make up the difference in guns and ammo
  500. >being an honest merchant is difficult
  501. >no wonder the jews resort to jewish trickery
  502. >at least managed to get a sack full of goblin ears
  503. >bounty might cover ammo costs and let me restock on meds
  504. >Fuck this village
  506. >riding in the /K/onestoga
  507. >Gary is chasing dragons with some very good pharmaceuticals
  508. >We’re all enjoying the silence for most of the morning
  509. >start chatting with Sal
  510. >curious how a clearly experienced orc leader becomes a Mon/k/
  511. >His clan was pulled through in the merge
  512. >he was second to the chief, his older brother
  513. >They decided to do what orcs do and raid a human settlement
  514. >unfortunately for them, the first “settlement” they came to was Mountain Home AFB
  515. >say what you will about Air Force SF, against spears and swords, they still had a significant advantage
  516. >few survivors, Sal abdicates, decides to learn about the weapons of our world, which leads him to the /k/ube
  518. >”So, in all your time in both worlds, you ever seen a group of goblins use a feint to expose a weaker flank like they did last night?”
  519. >”Never on their own, and especially not in a simple village raid. It was very strange indeed. You said you lost the trail a mile north of town?”
  520. >“Yeah”
  521. >never said “I” lost anything
  522. >Veyra and the ungrateful hunters did the tracking
  523. >I was just along for the ride, and to bring more gun
  524. >”Very strange, you’d expect them to retreat west, back to the mountains.”
  525. >“Unless they are based somewhere out here”
  526. >”They’d need somewhere to shelter during the day, and big enough to support the kind of numbers we saw last night.”
  527. >That would be hard to miss
  528. >Anyone seen an abandoned sports arena in the middle of nowhere, eastern Colorado?
  530. >Hit outskirts of Denver Metro by midday
  531. >Population of nearly 3 million pre merge, barely 900,000 now
  532. >humans at least
  533. >mostly to the south
  534. >where the federal government can still pretend to be relevant
  535. >based at Cheyenne Mountain and Ft Carson
  536. >I don’t go there, way too civilized
  537. >Boulder tho
  538. >turns out Orcs take “Hate Has No Home Here” signs as an invitation
  539. >You wanted diversity, you got it now
  540. >plus great trading town
  541. >Anywhere you can buy slaves, you can buy pretty much anything
  542. >coincidently, most people decided to move away from it
  543. >which is why we’re riding through pretty much ghost towns
  544. >couple hours out, Molly the Mule throws a shoe
  545. >now I have to find a fucking farrier
  546. >and she probably shouldn’t carry the pack barefoot
  547. >fuck
  548. >”I believe one of our /K/ongregation is a blacksmith. If you like, we could have him reshoe your mule. Consider it payment for your help last night.”
  549. >Thanks Sal, you’re a bro of an Orc.
  550. >Half my problem is solved
  551. >See Veyra already undoing the pack saddle from Molly
  552. >”Just temporary, not beast of burden. Help you, you help me, deal?”
  553. >Takes a little while to adjust everything to fit her
  554. >bit thinner than the mule
  555. >doesn’t seem to mind the weight of the pack
  556. >bid goodbye to Sal, Neiro, and a semi conscious Gary
  557. >give me directions to the San/k/tum
  559. >first things first, sell this steer for some motherfucking money
  560. >head to former Whole Foods
  561. >now just le Foods
  562. >not sure where the Who went
  563. >head around back to the delivery entrance
  564. >nearly get run over by an ice cream truck pulling out of the dock
  565. >skeleton hanging his head out the window shouts ”DRINK MILK, NIGGERS!” as tires squeal around the corner
  566. >”Anon, what is ‘Niggers’?
  567. >did i really not go over racial shit when teaching her swearing?
  568. >also, does she think milk shilling skellies are a normal thing?
  569. >”Imagine if Orcs blamed all the problems they caused on the other races, and demanded they all give them stuff.”
  570. >”They sound dumb.”
  571. >now she’s getting it
  572. >lead steer into storeroom of grocery store
  573. >two Orcs standing around looking at a couple pallets of milk jugs
  574. >every bottle has “FREE” in red paint
  575. >probably paint
  576. >maybe
  577. >ask the one that looks smarter if Dwalin is in
  578. >takes a few minutes to come back with the Dwarf who runs the place
  579. >”Anon, my old friend, what have you brought me today?”
  580. >”Locally raised, organic, grass fed beef!”
  581. >he looks over the steer and we negotiate on a price
  582. >probably could have done better getting offers from other places
  583. >but leading a steer around a town full of carnivorous fantasy creatures seemed like an unnecessary risk
  584. >barter most of the grains from village as well for some canned food, MREs, and Jerky
  585. >Veyra specifically requests more hardtack
  586. >Why?
  587. >Hit a few more stops around town
  588. >Turn in the sack of goblin ears for some more coin
  589. >buy Veyra a proper backpack
  590. >Medium ALICE Ruck with frame
  591. >She starts asking about buying a belt fed
  592. >/K/ube help any who piss off the horse gunner if she finds one
  594. >Getting late though
  595. >Trying find a hotel
  596. >after two weeks on the road a shower sounds like paradise
  597. >Most in town have a humanoids only policy
  598. >Finally find one with a sign
  602. >asterisks have never been bad, right?
  603. >looks like the kind of place you’d have gone to bang your mistress on your lunch break
  604. >or score some meth
  605. >or meet a hooker
  606. >or all of the above
  607. >pass what looks like a Hyena-man in a suit in the parking lot
  608. >leaning against a black Escalade while smoking
  609. >Gnome at the front desk is surprised when we come in
  610. >probably surprised by Veyra
  611. >ask about a room for the night
  612. >he is hurriedly looking through a chart
  613. >Says his manager doesn’t have a set deposit for Centaurs
  614. >says he can charge me five nights up front for an XL room and work things out with the boss tomorrow
  615. >there’s the *
  616. >smallHappyMerchant.jpg
  617. >fucking Gnomes
  618. >High Density Jews
  619. >More jew per cubic foot than Dachau
  620. >pay him almost half of the money I made today
  621. >get key to room
  622. >ground floor
  623. >probably good, not sure how Veyra would handle stairs
  624. >inside is pretty spacious
  625. >huge bed set almost completely into the floor
  626. >”couch” with what looks like a concrete base nearer to the door
  627. >call dibs on the couch and help Veyra unload the pack saddle
  628. >shower calls though
  630. >weird using a shower designed for huge creatures
  631. >damn near prison cell sized
  632. >takes up half the bathroom
  633. >multiple shower heads
  634. >water pressure is amazing though
  635. >yet towels are still normal hotel size
  636. >so too small for even a regular sized anon
  637. >Veyra is intrigued by the shower
  638. >I may have been making some almost lewd noises while showering
  639. >don’t judge me
  640. >explain how to turn the water on and hand her the tiny hotel soap
  641. >relax on the couch in just a t-shirt and shorts
  642. >flip on the TV to drown out the sounds of fucking in the next room
  643. >Mistress or Meth fueled hooker fucking?
  644. >Die Hard is on
  645. >Cuddle AUG-Waifu
  646. >let her know that I know she didn’t choose to fight for the terrorists
  647. >Sounds of fucking have been replaced by arguing
  648. >Do you fucking mind, I’m trying to have a romantic moment with my gun here
  649. >then the shooting starts
  650. >3 rounds go into the back of the couch
  651. >1 goes through my calf first
  652. >then the door opens, well more comes into the room
  653. >Hyena-Man from the parking lot has a Desert Eagle in one hand, looking like a subcompact, door in the other
  654. >What the hell is going on
  655. >Hear a shout from the other room
  657. >he leaves
  658. >I limp to the door
  659. >the door to the other room is open, but still on its hinges
  660. >naked elf on the bed has a knife in his hand
  661. >bleeding from scratches on his face
  662. >harpy is at the end of the bed, black wings spread, skirt hiked up, holding a Beretta 93
  663. >Hyena-Man is pointing the Deagle at the Elf
  664. >”Who the fuck shot me?”
  666. >My question is ignored
  667. >”You’re going to regret this, I have powerful friends.”
  668. >Fucking High Elves
  669. >Harpy puts on the fakest Italian accent I have ever heard
  670. >Imagine Don Corleone but higher pitched
  671. >”You will regret getting rough with one of my girls. You should count yourself lucky I have let you off with the honor of carrying the message of what happens to those who disrespect my organization.”
  672. >”YOU CRAZY BITCH!”
  673. >elf lunges at the harpy
  674. >Harpy grabs his knife hand with one of her foot-claw-things, rolls back off the bed, and throws the elf against the wall
  675. >”Benny, take out the trash.”
  676. >Hyena-Man drags unconscious elf towards the door
  677. >Harpy finally notices me
  678. >”Who the fuck are you, and are you aware you’re bleeding?”
  679. >”YOU SHOT ME!”
  680. >She looks at my leg and then the Beretta in her hand.
  681. >”Oh, I assure you it was unintentional. I have a business associate that can fix you up right as rain.”
  682. >she writes a couple addresses down on the hotel notepad
  683. >”The first is for my “doctor”, tell her Raf sent you, the second is mine. I would hate for this unfortunate occurance to sour your impression of me, come by in the morning and we can discuss things. Benny! Start the car, we are leaving.”
  684. >”Boss”
  685. >turn to see a dripping wet naked Centaur with her Ithaca in the Hyena-Man’s chest
  686. >wet long hair stuck to her chest is the only thing keeping things PG-13
  688. >explain to Veyra concepts like dignity and covering yourself with a towel
  689. >bandage leg well enough to not create a blood trail everywhere I go
  690. >wound isn’t too bad, through and through, didn’t hit any arteries
  691. >lol9mm.png
  692. >pop a few vicodin for the pain
  693. >door is able to be put back in the frame
  694. >mini(((merchant))) is never gonna give me my money back
  695. >will at least look like its secure from the outside when its locked
  696. >sold most of my trade goods already anyway
  697. >take the money and the guns
  698. >judging by the address she gave me, it's going to be a long walk
  699. >well, limp
  700. >unless…
  701. >”No, not beast of burden. Not ridden like your livestock. Have pride.”
  702. >All fair points, but I still can barely walk
  703. >Start limping, making myself as pathetic as possible
  704. >doesn’t take too long
  705. >she scoops me up like she’s carrying an injured child
  706. >so her pride matters, but not mine?
  707. >only takes twenty minutes to get there traveling like a damsel in distress
  708. >was a nice residential neighborhood, before the merge
  709. >now most of them are boarded up
  710. >except the house of the “Doctor”
  711. >I think the harpy left off the “Witch” part before the doctor
  712. >Animal bone talismans on posts leading upto the double doors
  713. >Wreath of flowers and chicken skulls decorates the doors
  714. >I knock
  715. >probably should have asked the harpy if we should have waited until morning
  716. >hear several locks click and the door opens
  717. >pale woman in a typical witch’s hat, sleeveless black robe, and long gloves
  718. >all adorned with bones
  719. >skin that I can see is covered in runes and glyph tattoos
  720. >”Raf sent us, after she shot me”
  721. >hold out my leg
  722. >”That girl needs to learn to watch her fire, or she’ll never get out of debt to me. Come in.”
  723. >house smells like a pet store
  724. >see one room full of animal cages
  725. >another full of potted plants and grow lights
  726. >leads us through to the back yard
  727. >patio is centered around a raised concrete slab
  728. >torches surround it in a circle
  729. >Witch Doctor begins drawing glyphs and runes on the slab
  730. >”You sit here, place your wound at the center of the glyph.”
  731. >She goes back into the house
  732. >Veyra helps me up onto the slab
  733. >Witch Doctor returns with a chicken
  734. >”late night snack?”
  735. >”To heal flesh, flesh must be destroyed. Life must pay for life, blood for blood.”
  736. >She takes a crude looking knife covered in more runes
  737. >Stabs the chicken and places it on another glyph
  738. >the knife seems to hold the blood to it
  739. >she holds it over my wounded leg
  740. >the knife releases the blood
  741. >this is not sanitary
  742. >she pours a vial of something on the chicken and strikes her knife against a flint
  743. >as the chicken burns, I feel a stinging pain in my calf
  744. >like thousands of needles stabbing me
  745. >I prefered the gunshot wound
  746. >chicken is now a pile of ash and bones
  747. >Leg now just throbs, but no sign of the bullet hole
  748. >”It will be sore for a few days, but you will be fine. Now leave me, I will settle things with Raf later. And take this.”
  749. >hands me chicken skull
  750. >”Why?”
  751. >”Luck? Conversation starter? Gratitude for it dying for you? It’s life is a part of you now, perhaps it can be a reminder of your mortality.”
  752. Fucking Witch-Doctors man. Blood magic is fucking creepy. Is my leg now part chicken?
  754. >On the way back from the witch doctor
  755. >start pushing for Veyra to open up a bit more
  756. >my help isn’t free, especially since I might lose my ass on the hotel room
  757. >I’ll take a good story and some mutual trust as a down payment for now
  758. >Basic gist is, her tribe/family/herd (words she uses interchangably) got pulled through in the merge
  759. >ended up on some ranchers property in Eastern Colorado
  760. >She, as second child of the chief, is assigned as “the voice” of the tribe
  761. >supposed to learn languages, negotiate agreements, and deliver messages to other species
  762. >explains the elvish, apparently knows basics of other fantasy languages too
  763. >also why she started learning English from the rancher’s kids
  764. >apparently they had been learning elvish in school
  765. >her tribe helped protect the rancher’s herd
  766. >he shared food and supplies with them
  767. >that’s all she was willing to give me
  769. >slept pretty good at the motel
  770. >for having a concrete base, couch was pretty comfy
  771. >Veyra seemed to enjoy a real bed
  772. >tell her it’s time to go meet the psycho harpy that shot me
  773. >AngryHorsegirlNoises
  774. >ignore her, focus on the miracle of coffee from the shitty hotel coffee maker
  775. >scent seems to intrigue her
  776. >offer her some
  777. >”So bitter!”
  778. >don't tell her you can add sugar or milk
  779. >more for me, plus if caffeine affects her like alcohol, it would take a gallon to have any effect on her
  780. >gather all our shit
  781. >debate whether to deal with the “deposit” the tiny fuck at the desk charged me before heading to Don Birdleone
  782. >gnome at the front desk is identical to the one last night, except a different colored hat
  783. >probably just as jewey
  784. >probably have better luck getting my money from the mobster-LARPing harpy
  785. >LARPy?
  787. >arrive at the address ‘Raf’ gave us
  788. >on the old university campus
  789. >two Orcs at the door armed with G3s
  790. >probably not interested in higher education
  791. >one announces us on a radio
  792. >don't understand the reply
  793. >few minutes later, Hyena man from the motel comes out
  794. >”The boss didn't expect you this early, please follow me.”
  795. >Maybe she should have told us a time to be here
  796. >leads us to an elevator that we barely fit into
  797. >Veyra has to duck
  798. >ride to the fourth floor
  799. >short walk down the hall
  800. >another orc is guarding the door
  801. >sign says “409 - Film Department”
  802. >three empty name placards under it
  803. >small waiting room through the door, with a desk, some chairs and a door in each wall
  804. >Hyena-Man leads us in, locks door behind us
  805. >tells us to leave our weapons on the desk that probably belonged to a secretary.
  806. >oblige him because his inflection said he'd remove our heads if we didn't.
  807. >he knocks on the center door
  808. >”Send them in, Benny.”
  809. >Same the harpy is seated at a desk, sipping from a coffee cup
  810. >short black hair is gelled up in a Faux-Hawk
  811. >wearing a white dress shirt and charcoal grey pinstriped vest
  812. >Model 93R in black leather shoulder holster
  813. >speaks with the same fake Italian accent
  814. >”Good morning, I trust my associate took care of the results of our unfortunate accident last night?”
  815. >I don't see how her blindly firing through a wall is an accident, but I let her continue.
  816. >”My organization does not need the kind of attention your peoples law enforcement brings when a human is injured by one of our kind. May I see her handiwork?”
  817. >She gets up
  818. >see she's now wearing a pinstripe pleated skirt in place of last night's denim one.
  819. >Role up the leg of my ATACS-FG cammies
  820. >spot from the wound is still slightly pink, and free of hair
  821. >Harpy squats and grabs my leg
  822. >try not to think about how she was in a similar position last night
  823. >do not lewd the fantasy creatures
  824. >”I see she has not lost her touch. Please, have a seat.”
  825. >she gestures to a chair an a number of cushions on the floor in front of her desk
  827. >”Now for introductions. I am Raffica, but my friends call me Raf. My enemies call me all manor of names that aren't proper for polite company. You have already met my second in command, Benny.”
  828. >”About him, what the hell is he?”
  829. >”You’ve never seen a Gnoll? They're not the brightest, but loyal to a fault.”
  830. >A harpies best friend I guess
  831. >”I'm Anon, and this is Veyra.”
  832. >”I must say again how sorry I am for ruining your evening last night. I'm afraid my temper sometimes gets the best of me when dealing with those who don't respect the order of things in this town. Those high elves have been causing more and more trouble since they arrived.”
  833. >I'm pretty sure Keeblers only respect orders where they are on top.
  834. >”Fucking Knife ears.”
  835. >”Indeed. Speaking of fucking, how is it between you two.”
  836. >”I… err… what…?”
  837. >Veyra looks disgusted at the the thought
  838. >”It appears I have misinterpreted the situation. Please, I meant no disrespect. The Inn at which we met has a certain reputation.”
  839. >”It was the only place that would rent a room for a centaur. Speaking of, I have a feeling the manager isn't going to refund the deposit, what with the broken door, blood, and bullet holes.”
  840. >”Ah, I see. I will take care of everything. Let the manager know to bill me for your stay and all the damages. But now I am curious what brought you two here to Boulder. You are certainly an odd pair, especially you, Anon.”
  841. >”What makes you say that?”
  842. >”Centaurs are a rare sight in a town of any size, but especially a centaur alone, and traveling with one of another race. As for you, you are dressed and armed like the adventurous humans who have already traveled through the portals to the other world, yet you are here. Most humans who have stayed try to pretend nothing strange is happening, and go on with their lives as they did before.”
  843. >Seeing the perfect opportunity to avoid talking about my past, I start recounting the last few days
  844. >Veyra pipes up a few times to fill in details and correct mistranslations I make.
  845. >”Well, if information is what you seek, I believe I can help you. My organization has a fair bit of reach, and something like a herd of Centaurs would certainly be talked about. Let me cast my net and see what we can catch.”
  846. >She picks up the desk phone and dials
  847. >confused look on her face
  848. >attempts to dial again
  849. >”Phone is out.”
  850. >Suspicious
  851. >lights go out
  852. >Ominous
  853. >Benny opens the door
  854. >”Ma’am, lookouts are reporting several vehicles approaching the building at high speed.”
  855. >well fuck
  859. 3/16/19
  861. >”It appears we may need to reschedule this meeting. If you will excuse me, it sounds like this is something I will need to deal with.”
  862. >Benny leads us to the outer office
  863. >gather weapons and gear
  864. >Raf comes out of her office a few minutes later, unfolding the stock on a Spectre M4
  865. >Mobster LARP and a Pastaboo?
  866. >Benny has retrieved an RPD from one of the other offices
  867. >”Elevators down, sent Gorak and Nels to check stairs. Graza and rest of orcs will try to hold front door.”
  868. >”Anon, I would recommend you two leave through the back door. Follow us.”
  869. >follow harpy and gnoll
  870. >make sure AUG has a round in the chamber
  871. >hear the sound of gunfire below
  872. >lots of gunfire
  873. >Benny puts a finger to his ear
  874. >I notice the cord of an earpiece
  875. >”Graza says about two dozen, well armed. He not sure they can hold front door.”
  876. >”Have Graza pull back and attempt to lead them north and buy us time, more cover out that door. We will proceed down to the garage and leave in the car. And tell Gorak to meet us here, him and Nels will accompany us.”
  877. >reach southwest stairwell
  878. >orc with an AK trained down the stairs
  879. >hear the heavy footfalls of another coming behind us
  880. >Benny leads AK orc down the stairs
  881. >Nels I assume
  882. >Raf and Gorak follow after Benny signals it's clear
  883. >go to follow
  884. >hand on my shoulder stops me
  885. >Veyra is looking at the stairs with a mixture of confusion and concern
  886. >Awkward.
  888. >apparently horses can't go down stairs
  889. >Centaurs however can, and it would be hilarious to watch if it wasn't for the armed men storming the building
  890. >basically a slow backwards diagonal shuffle
  891. >Veyra has reached the third floor landing when the building is rocked by a couple explosions
  892. >sudden reduction in volume of gunfire
  893. >assume this means the front door has been lost
  894. >reach second floor
  895. >Raf is there
  896. >Gorak is on the landing below, I assume covering the door
  897. >About to ask who would be attacking her like this
  898. >she presses a finger to her lips in a “shush” gesture
  899. >I wave for Veyra to wait before starting the next flight of stairs
  900. >quietly move past Raf down the next flight
  901. >can see Nels on the right side of the double doors
  902. >assume Benny is on the left
  903. >hear muffled voices from the hall
  904. >”...Secure…proceed…target…upper floor…capture…possible…”
  905. >left door swings outward
  906. >first man through in full multimeme camo
  907. >massive striped hand grabs him by the face
  908. >Benny throws him towards the stairs
  909. >he cartwheels when he hits the railing
  910. >strikes the wall and collapses in a heap on the landing next to Gorak
  911. >second man is cut down in the doorway by Gorak
  912. >Benny fires a burst from his RPD out the door
  913. >Nels fires a couple rounds through the small window in the open door and it swings shut
  914. >”Clear”
  915. >I'll say
  917. >start looting while waiting for Veyra to clear the last floor and a half
  918. >guys have some Gucci fucking gear
  919. >shame half of it is now busted or soaked in blood
  920. >salvaged a plate carrier and the suppressed Mk18 upper off ragdoll on the landing
  921. >impact with the wall or railing cracked his Ops Core helmet and snapped the buffer off his lower
  922. >second body yields an undamaged helmet, a couple mags and not much else
  923. >most of Goraks rounds hit his PC or rifle before one got him in the throat
  924. >notice a suppressed G17 on a drop leg
  925. >snag it just as Veyra and Raf join us at the bottom floor
  926. >”It appears our enemies have deep pockets, and they want me alive. I can't wait to disappoint them.”
  927. >”Sure to notice this team missing, we must leave.”
  928. >but there's still two bodies I can loot
  929. >stow my treasures in the nearly empty packs on Veyra
  930. >she looks on the edge of panic
  931. >is she claustrophobic?
  932. >gently grab her arm to try to reassure her
  933. >”We’ll get out of this and find your people.”
  934. >doesn't seem to help much
  936. >Nels moves out
  937. >covering the corner where the hall turns toward the front of the building
  938. >louder but sporadic gunfire echoes down the hall
  939. >Gorak and Benny move the opposite way
  940. >Benny covers while Gorak fumbles with a set of keys at a door down the hall
  941. >meanwhile, I snag a suppressed SCAR-L, PC, and helmet off the guy Nels shot
  942. >little bloody, but salvageable
  943. >Raf steps into the hall as Gorak finally unlocks the door
  944. >”And humans call my kind ‘filthy vultures’ while you pick the bones of the dead”
  945. >probably because we don't have a word for opportunistic bird-rapists
  946. >Veyra follows behind the harpy
  947. >I offer her the SCAR
  948. >”Bit more power than your shotgun against body armor.”
  949. >follow the harpy through the door marked ‘Maintenance’
  950. >most of the room is occupied by the black Escalade behind a large roll up door
  951. >smaller walk-through door in the wall beside it
  952. >another door in the side wall, chained and padlocked
  953. >”Gorak, check outside, make sure path is clear.”
  954. >he barely peeks out the door before taking a round in the shoulder and falls
  955. >fuck
  956. >the distinct sound of an AK begins from the hallway, loud even through the closed door
  957. >double fuck
  959. >don’t want to die at a college
  960. >like some kind of punk ass freshman who can’t handle his liquor
  961. >doors one and two lead to a good chance of death
  962. >lets try door number three
  963. >notice several pipes coming through the wall above it
  964. >one leads to a radiator on the wall
  965. >Fuck yeah, steam tunnels!
  966. >”Benny, can you unlock this door?”
  967. >Gnoll comes over and rips the padlock off with his bare hands
  968. >not what I meant, but it works
  969. >room is sunken into the ground
  970. >filled with pipes, valves, and electrical boxes
  971. >ramp raps down from the door to the floor below, hugging the wall
  972. >another short ramp drops further into the tunnel where all the pipes and conduit lead
  973. >Veyra and Raf follow me into the utility room
  974. >”Well Anon, this looks to be where we part ways. This isn’t your fight.”
  975. >before she can turn and leave, door slams shut behind her
  976. >can hear the sound of the chain being wrapped back through the handles
  977. >”Benny, what are you doing?”
  978. >Fake accent is suddenly gone
  979. >Gnoll’s deep voice is barely audible through the door
  980. >”This safer way out. I buy time. Lead them away. Human, keep boss safe.”
  981. >last part almost sounds like a threat
  982. >Harpy bangs on the door
  984. >”no, no time, go now”
  986. >only light in the utility room is from emergency lights
  987. >hear the sound of the Escalade starting and the garage door opening
  988. >tires squeal and the bullets rip
  989. >time to go
  990. >have to drag Raf from the door
  991. >we tunnel rats now
  992. >now I start to wonder why the door was locked
  993. >and wonder why I don’t have earpro
  994. >really hope we’re alone down here
  995. >sling AUG and fish out the suppressed glockinade from the dead guy
  996. >flip on the TLR and take point
  997. >Harpy sullenly follows
  998. >Veyra takes up the rear
  999. >a couple yards into the tunnel, sound of hooves is replaced by heavy breathing
  1000. >tunnel is barely wide enough to squeeze past Raf
  1001. >Veyra’s eyes are darting between the tunnel walls
  1002. >fuck, claustrophobia, right
  1003. >”Hey, Veyra, look at me.”
  1004. >still panicking
  1005. >plan B
  1006. >smack her in the face
  1007. >works in the movies
  1008. >at least gets her attention
  1009. >anger has now replaced panic
  1010. >”Don’t look at the walls, keep the light pointed at the floor. We’re just on a narrow road is all, fences on either side, only way to go is forward. Just gotta keep going.”
  1011. >did I miss my calling as a therapist?
  1012. >seems to help a bit
  1013. >her breathing slows
  1014. >we proceed into the darkness
  1015. >tunnel is a lot more humid than expected
  1016. >smells dank and musty
  1017. >maybe one of the steam pipes is leaking
  1018. >come to a T intersection
  1019. >probably should have looked for a map in the utility room
  1020. >make it a couple yards into the left tunnel
  1021. >sudden pain
  1022. >feels everywhere and nowhere all at once
  1023. >fall against the wall
  1024. >”Anon, what’s wron.... AHHHHH”
  1025. >harpy collapses near me
  1026. >can’t move
  1027. >all my nerves feel like they’re on fire
  1028. >sudden feeling of being dragged
  1029. >Veyra grimacing through the pain
  1030. >dragging me by my ankle, Raf by her wrist
  1031. >pain starts to subside once we reach the intersection
  1032. >pat myself down
  1033. >no singed flesh, no visible wounds
  1034. >”What in the fucking fuck was that?”
  1036. >Both are similarly confused
  1037. >”So, should we try the other tunnel?”
  1038. >No, Pasta-Pigeon, we’ll just sit here and die
  1039. >volunteer to try the other tunnel first
  1040. >make it a little further than we did down the left with no pain
  1041. >signal for the others to follow
  1042. >beams from our two weapon lights don’t penetrate very far through the darkness
  1043. >advanceddarkness.png
  1044. >come to another intersection, 4 way this time
  1045. >left tunnel ends in a pile of rubble a short way down
  1046. >turn towards the tunnel opposite the way we came
  1047. >pain returns
  1048. >fall to one knee
  1049. >I guess we keep going
  1050. >”We’re being herded.”
  1051. >Tell Raf to shush
  1052. >we all realize it
  1053. >Veyra is already on edge, maybe over it
  1054. >and I don’t like walking into traps
  1055. >traps are gay
  1056. >try to cut the tension
  1057. >”So, what the hell was with that fake accent, Raf?”
  1058. >”It was from one of your ‘movees’ about families of criminals. I thought it was intimidating.”
  1059. >maybe for creatures from her world
  1060. >most humans would probably laugh at how bad it was
  1061. >”Is Raffica even your real name? Or did you decide to name yourself after your gun?
  1062. >she looks at both her SPECTRE and her 93r
  1063. >”One of these is called a Raffica? I just translated my old name from elven to ‘Eyetalian.’ I think it means Gust in your language.”
  1064. >[Facepalms internally]
  1065. >Further we walk, the more humid it gets
  1066. >it also starts to stink
  1067. >smells like rotting flesh
  1068. >find the sources of the smell
  1069. >giant rats in various states of decay
  1070. >nearly trip over one in the dark
  1071. >swear it wasn’t there before I moved the light further down the tunnel
  1072. >hear the sounds of machinery clang echo through the tunnel
  1073. >lights spaced along the tunnel flicker on
  1074. >then go out all together
  1075. >probably tripped the breaker
  1076. >the sound of steam hissing through the pipes continues though
  1077. >”If the shooting starts, try not to hit the pipes. High pressure steam will kill you just as dead as a bullet.”
  1078. >Raf and Veyra nod in understanding
  1080. >keep working our way through the tunnel
  1081. >herded like cattle
  1082. >stench of the dead rats seems to be stuck to us
  1083. >notice a slight multicolored glow up ahead when I lower the TLR
  1084. >hear the drip of water
  1085. >what now
  1086. >another intersection, glow is coming from the right tunnel
  1087. >tunnel stops being a tunnel after a couple yards
  1088. >looks like its been carved out into a chamber
  1089. >somewhat circular, maybe 20 ft high, 40 feet across
  1090. >water from a broken pipe trickles into a pool in the center
  1091. >all along the terraced sides of the chamber are giant, glowing mushrooms
  1092. >wait, mushrooms aren’t supposed to have limbs
  1093. >or move
  1094. >enormous mushroom near the top of the chamber opposite of us stands up
  1095. >bolt of pain like before, but shorter
  1096. >the word “COME” seems to echo in my head despite not hearing it
  1097. >look back at the others
  1098. >notice that the smell of the rats wasn’t the only thing following us
  1099. >about a dozen in various states of decay fill the intersection behind us
  1101. >move down into the chamber
  1102. >the path widens midway between the two tunnels near the pool
  1103. >King Toadstool steps forward
  1104. >More noiseless words and the pain that accompanies them
  1105. >”ENEMY. KILL? STEAL?”
  1106. >look to Raf
  1107. >”What the fuck are these and what do they want?”
  1108. >”Myconids, but these ones seem different. All the stories I’ve heard they’re, well, smarter.”
  1109. >so the shouting words into our brains is the abnormal part, not the sentient mushrooms
  1110. >fuck you fantasy world
  1111. >”Hey, Big-Chungus-Fungus, we aren’t here to hurt you or steal anything. Just passing through.”
  1112. >no reaction
  1113. >”Can they understand us?”
  1114. >”They don’t have ears, they communicate telepathically.”
  1115. >”So what, I have to think my words at them?”
  1116. >Raf shrugs
  1117. >focus on the big one and think my message to it
  1118. >[No hurt, no steal, travel]
  1120. >before?
  1121. >”Raf, what would people steal from mushrooms, and did you have anything to do with this?”
  1122. >she attempts to look as nonchalant as possible
  1123. >”Me? Never, but I heard rumors that some alchemists used some of their body parts for hallucinogens and stuff like that. Usually willing to pay a good price.”
  1124. >give her a look that tells her I’m not buying it
  1125. >”Were you going to let us know that there was a colony of mushrooms who might be pissed off at you down here?”
  1126. >”I didn’t know they were here, and I was only a middleman for these deals. I just connected buyers and sellers.”
  1127. >worst mob boss ever
  1128. >[didn’t hurt, didn’t steal, different people]
  1130. >[won’t, keep secret]
  1131. >”NO. YOU DIE.”
  1133. >Pain is more intense than before
  1134. >Fall to my knees, unable to stay standing
  1135. >Raf collapses to all fours next to me
  1136. >see the zombie rats closing in to finish the job
  1137. >vision starts to get red and fuzzy
  1138. >”DIE. DIE. DIE NOW”
  1139. >never thought shrooms would kill me
  1140. >I don’t even get to hallucinate
  1141. >The Snozberries taste like blood
  1142. >or is that just my brain leaking into my sinuses
  1143. >Pain suddenly becomes more focused
  1144. >actually, just in my ears
  1146. >vision starts coming back
  1147. >less red, still fuzzy
  1148. >not fuzzy, the room is filling with steam
  1149. >get hauled to my feet by Veyra
  1150. >she’s trying to tell me something
  1151. >all I hear is “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
  1152. >notice she has her Ithaca out
  1153. >explains a lot
  1154. >she gives up on talking, starts pointing
  1155. >points at Raf on the ground
  1156. >facedown in what looks like vomit
  1157. >then points toward the tunnel we came from
  1158. >I grab the unconscious harpy
  1159. >sling her over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry
  1160. >follow the centaur as quickly as i can through the poorly lit, steam filled, cavern and back into the tunnels
  1161. >she doesn’t slow down at the intersection
  1162. >doesn’t slow down for the zombie rats that try to get in her way
  1163. >if I could hear, I’m sure they made a wonderful sound as they were crushed by her hooves
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