
Golden Tornado 5

Feb 25th, 2010
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  1. [01:24] <[GreenwichMean]> Another day in sunny Mexico!
  2. [01:25] <[GreenwichMean]> Another dollar spent by gambling schmucks.
  3. [01:25] <[GreenwichMean]> Life is good.
  4. [01:27] <[Atai]Temperance> Life is good.
  5. [01:27] * [Atai]Temperance glances at the paperwork scattered all over his desk.
  6. [01:27] <[Atai]Temperance> ...The people, though.
  7. [01:27] <[Atai]Temperance> Theeeey kinda suck.
  8. [01:28] * [Atai]Temperance kicks back in her chair, and scoot-scoot-scoots it over to look down at the main gambling hall.
  9. [01:28] <[Atai]Temperance> ...They suck, too, but at least they're doing something good for me.
  10. [01:29] <[Atai]Temperance> It is high time I go terrorize some of them.
  11. [01:29] <[Atai]Temperance> Or eat lunch.
  12. [01:30] <Ruth> Man. The Boss sure does talk to herself a lot.
  13. [01:30] * Ruth says to herself, behind Temperance.
  14. [01:30] <[Atai]Temperance> She totally does.
  15. [01:30] <[Atai]Temperance> The bitch is nuts.
  16. [01:31] * [Atai]Temperance nods in agreement with Ruth.
  17. [01:31] <[Atai]Temperance> ...
  18. [01:31] * [Tess]Soraya knocks on the office door from outside.
  19. [01:32] <Ruth> I wonder if the boss wants me to get that.
  20. [01:32] <[Atai]Temperance> ...aren't you supposed to be appearing imposing and threatening down at the fr-- WE DON'T WANT ANY OF YOUR DAMN CHURCH SCRIBBLES!
  21. [01:32] * [Atai]Temperance breaks off, and hollers at the door.
  22. [01:32] * [Tess]Soraya just opens the door and walks through it, ignoring the outburst completely.
  23. [01:33] <Ruth> I hope you don't have any damn church scribbles.
  24. [01:33] <[Atai]Temperance> Oh. Hi Sorie. Did you knife the missionary?
  25. [01:34] <[Tess]Soraya> Certainly I'd love to have done it if there was one. Actually I'm just back from drawing up the last accounting figures.
  26. [01:35] * [Atai]Temperance tenses up.
  27. [01:35] <[Atai]Temperance> It was Pete, wasn't it?
  28. [01:35] <[Atai]Temperance> That son of a bitch. I knew he looked shifty.
  29. [01:35] <[Atai]Temperance> Goddamn.
  30. [01:35] * [Atai]Temperance slumps back against her desk.
  31. [01:35] <[Atai]Temperance> How much did he take?
  32. [01:36] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Wait, Pete was Mother's accountant.
  33. [01:36] * [Atai]Temperance straightens up again.
  34. [01:36] * Ruth whirls a finger around her ear while giving the boss a nod.
  35. [01:36] <[Atai]Temperance> Never mind that, then.
  36. [01:37] <[Atai]Temperance> Are we going bankrupt?
  37. [01:37] <[Tess]Soraya> I'll get to the point. Simply put, business is good.
  38. [01:37] <[Atai]Temperance> Oooh~!
  39. [01:37] * [Atai]Temperance hops up and down like a gleeful child, even clapping her hands together.
  40. [01:38] <[Atai]Temperance> How good~?
  41. [01:40] <[Tess]Soraya> Well, keeping track's difficult this far out. No tickers for the price of the peso or dollar, but apparently the figures have gone up by somewhere between five and six percent since last month's figures.
  42. [01:41] <[Atai]Temperance> Hmmm... all right, all right...
  43. [01:42] * [Atai]Temperance nods.
  44. [01:43] <[Tess]Soraya> Friends of mine back in the capital have been making business quite good throughout, but we seem to be above the standard.
  45. [01:44] <[Atai]Temperance> So we're better than good?
  46. [01:44] <[Atai]Temperance> I like that.
  47. [01:44] * [Tess]Soraya smiles a little mischeviously.
  48. [01:46] <[Atai]Temperance> Let's go spread some good fortune around.
  49. [01:46] <[Tess]Soraya> Nothing wrong with that. By the way, I've ordered one of the new arithmometers from Russia; telegraph's gone out but the shipment may take a while. That going on the books or off my salary, boss?
  50. [01:47] <[Atai]Temperance> And by good fortune I mean alcohol.
  51. [01:47] <[Atai]Temperance> and by alcohol I mean them. drunk. bad-playing, and spending, and...
  52. [01:47] * [Atai]Temperance blinks.
  53. [01:47] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Huh?
  54. [01:47] <[Atai]Temperance> Aretha mwhatnow?
  55. [01:48] <[Atai]Temperance> what's it do?
  56. [01:49] <[Tess]Soraya> Simply does math for you. Useful little box.
  57. [01:49] <[Atai]Temperance> So...
  58. [01:49] <[Atai]Temperance> you
  59. [01:49] <[Atai]Temperance> in a box?
  60. [01:50] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Isn't that witchcraft?
  61. [01:50] <[Atai]Temperance> you'd be all tiny.
  62. [01:50] <[Atai]Temperance> and I'd have to feed you tiny-people food.
  63. [01:50] <[Tess]Soraya> The box doesn't talk politics, boss. Not quite the same, is it?
  64. [01:51] <Ruth> You're pretty tiny yourself, Boss. You could just feed us your food.
  65. [01:51] <[Atai]Temperance> This sounds dodgy. It's on your salary until you can show me what good tiny versions of you in a box are going to do.
  66. [01:52] * [K]Len , the tiny one, happen to pass by.
  67. [01:52] <[Tess]Soraya> Besides, still needs the me you're looking at to give instructions and do the actual analysis- aww.
  68. [01:52] <[Atai]Temperance> And if I catch you sacrificing goats or cavorting naked under a full moon, you are fucking fired.
  69. [01:52] <[Tess]Soraya> ...I thought cats were more common when it comes to that, but okay.
  70. [01:52] <Ruth> But didn't you-
  71. [01:53] * Ruth stops and whistles to herself
  72. [01:53] * [Atai]Temperance notices Len.
  73. [01:53] <[Atai]Temperance> Hey!
  74. [01:53] <[Atai]Temperance> Come in here.
  75. [01:53] * Ruth thinks she sees a speck in the distance. Is that the little girl?
  76. [01:54] <[K]Len> ?
  77. [01:54] * [K]Len obediently follow the instruction.
  78. [01:54] * [Atai]Temperance beckons her closer.
  79. [01:54] * [K]Len does so.
  80. [01:54] <[Atai]Temperance> ...What do you eat?
  81. [01:54] * [K]Len m..... milk?
  82. [01:54] <[K]Len> milk.
  83. [01:54] * [K]Len nods, satisfied with the answer.
  84. [01:55] <[Atai]Temperance> You eat milk?
  85. [01:55] <[Atai]Temperance> And I suppose you drink steak?
  86. [01:55] * [K]Len nods again to confirm.
  87. [01:55] * [Atai]Temperance frowns, puzzling over this quandary.
  88. [01:55] * [K]Len shake head.
  89. [01:55] <Ruth> I think you got it backwards, boss.
  90. [01:55] * [Tess]Soraya turns her eyes at Len in a bit of confusion, but doensn't say anything.
  91. [01:55] <[K]Len> Steak... too chunky. Can't drink.
  92. [01:55] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Yeah, I was figuring about as much.
  93. [01:55] <Ruth> Though I think steaks eat Len before she could eat them back.
  94. [01:56] <Ruth> Bulls're mean creatures, they are.
  95. [01:56] * [Atai]Temperance giggles.
  96. [01:56] <[Atai]Temperance> Well, in...
  97. [01:56] * [Atai]Temperance looks back at Soraya
  98. [01:56] * Ruth isn't laughing. No one knows where Ruth has been gored before, and no one ever will.
  99. [01:57] <[Atai]Temperance> ...when are they getting here?
  100. [01:58] <[Tess]Soraya> I got two on order, they're being sent through the post from the capital by a friend. One's to use and the other's to take apart to see if I can make something more complex.
  101. [02:00] * [Atai]Temperance turns back to Len
  102. [02:01] <[Atai]Temperance> whenever, you may have to share your tiny-people food with even tinier people. It's going to be tough, but Sorie here ASSURES me that this is somehow okay with God. Or something. There's math involved.
  103. [02:01] * [K]Len is not good with math at all.
  104. [02:01] <[K]Len> mu.
  105. [02:02] <[Atai]Temperance> Anyhow. I just want you to know, I'll make sure myself that you don't starve.
  106. [02:02] * [K]Len just nods. Where's the tiny-tinier people again?
  107. [02:02] * [Atai]Temperance ruffles her hair.
  108. [02:02] <[K]Len> Mm~
  109. [02:02] * [K]Len close her eyes and let herself being ruffled.
  110. [02:03] <[Atai]Temperance> All right, enough chit-chat. Where's Bianca?
  111. [02:03] <[Tess]Soraya> Don't think I've seen her.
  112. [02:03] * [Atai]Temperance looks at Ruth.
  113. [02:04] <[Atai]Temperance> Did you eat her?
  114. [02:04] * [K]Len deny!
  115. [02:04] <Ruth> Nah. People have too much bone and hair. Hard to skin'em, too.
  116. [02:05] <[Atai]Temperance> God, tell me about it.
  117. [02:05] <[Atai]Temperance> Don't eat a smoker, either.
  118. [02:05] <[Atai]Temperance> Well, hmm.
  119. [02:06] <[Atai]Temperance> There's always the old standby.
  120. [02:06] * [Atai]Temperance draws in a deep, deep breath.
  121. [02:07] * Ruth plugs her ears.
  122. [02:07] * [Tess]Soraya braces for the coming sound, holding one hand over an ear and the papers over another.
  123. [02:07] * [K]Len just look around being oblivious to the situation.
  124. [02:08] * [Atai]Temperance claps her hands over Len's ears at the last minute.
  125. [02:09] <[Atai]Temperance> | H E Y , B I A N C A ! |
  126. [02:10] * [K]Len flinches a bit, but thanks to the last minute savior, her eardrums are saved.
  127. [02:10] * [Atai]Temperance shouts for her favoritest toy^H^H^H slave ^H^H^H^H^H employee
  128. [02:11] * [Atai]Temperance Loudly.
  129. [02:12] * [GreenwichMean] A few bats fall out of the rafters.
  130. [02:13] <Ruth> I don't think she heard you.
  131. [02:14] * [Atai]Temperance pouts.
  132. [02:14] <[Tess]Soraya> How does that work? I think you could even hear that in the main hall.
  133. [02:15] * [Atai]Temperance taps her chest proudly.
  134. [02:15] <[Atai]Temperance> All Wisconsins have amazing lung capacity and vocal range.
  135. [02:15] <[Atai]Temperance> We come from hearty operatic stock.
  136. [02:15] * [K]Len wonder if that would disturb the customer?
  137. [02:20] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Awww. Well, maybe we'll run into her and Mercy on the way.
  138. [02:21] <[Tess]Soraya> Well, what's the next job? Need me to go deal again?
  139. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Hmm.
  140. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> No.
  141. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Wait.
  142. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Wait....
  143. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> ....
  144. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Yes.
  145. [02:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Maybe.
  146. [02:25] * [K]Len look back and forth between Temperance and Soraya.
  147. [02:25] <[Atai]Temperance> We're going to buy people drinks and be friendly and there. With there-itude.
  148. [02:26] <[Tess]Soraya> Very well. After all, the only difference between me and the rest you got is that I count. Put me in there in the interests of business or give me something else to do in the interests of fairness or customer behavior. Right?
  149. [02:28] <[Atai]Temperance> Wha? I, yes, that. Don't be afraid to show off a bit of the goods every now and then, either.
  150. [02:30] * [Pyg}Bianca finally arrives, stumbling into the room in her haste.
  151. [02:30] * [Tess]Soraya shrugs.
  152. [02:30] <[Pyg}Bianca> "Boss, you were calling?"
  153. [02:31] <[Atai]Temperance> Theeeeere we go!
  154. [02:32] * [Atai]Temperance bounds over to Bianca, hooks her arm around hers, and looks up, satisfied.
  155. [02:32] <[Atai]Temperance> NOW we can go.
  156. [02:33] <[Pyg}Bianca> "Go? Go where? Where are we going?"
  157. [02:34] <[Atai]Temperance> Down, down into the lowlands, to strike fear into the hearts of the unjust, or perhaps just slip booze into their kidneys.
  158. [02:35] <[Atai]Temperance> Let us ride!
  159. [02:35] <[No]Mercy> "I must interject."
  160. [02:36] * [No]Mercy enters, knocks twice, then closes the door behind her
  161. [02:36] * [Atai]Temperance comes to a screeching halt.
  162. [02:36] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Awww.
  163. [02:36] <[Atai]Temperance> What is it?
  164. [02:37] <[No]Mercy> "Oh, I merely heard the sound of a very bad idea, so I thought it best I come straight to you."
  165. [02:37] * [K]Len wonder if this counts as a meeting?
  166. [02:39] <[Tess]Soraya> And who are you trying to save?
  167. [02:39] <[No]Mercy> "Save? I wouldn't dare. I'm on the clock, after all."
  168. [02:39] <[Atai]Temperance> Thaaaat's my Mercy.
  169. [02:40] * [Atai]Temperance ducks past her, and throws open the door.
  170. [02:40] * [Atai]Temperance drags Bianca out of the office, and down the stairs, chatting to her about Soraya's crazy plan to put tiny versions of herself into a box for the purposes of doing sums.
  171. [02:41] * [Atai]Temperance pauses 2 steps down, and goes back up to her office.
  172. [02:41] * [Pyg]Bianca nods at her mistress's words, hardly listening.
  173. [02:41] <[Pyg]Bianca> "Ah."
  174. [02:41] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Y'all'a you get down here, too.
  175. [02:41] <[K]Len> !!
  176. [02:41] * [No]Mercy stands about, watching her master escape, then unescape, then conscript
  177. [02:41] * [Atai]Temperance resumes the downward spiral.
  178. [02:41] * [K]Len doesn't even consider that, but okay.
  179. [02:41] * [K]Len follows.
  180. [02:41] * [Atai]Temperance Er, trip.
  181. [02:41] * [Pyg]Bianca gets a little dizzy anyway.
  182. [02:42] * [Tess]Soraya leaves the papers on a shelf, following after the boss.
  183. [02:42] <[Atai]Temperance> Lessee...
  184. [02:43] * Ruth has been left alone.
  185. [02:43] * Ruth has foreseen this.
  186. [02:45] <[No]Mercy> "...He may have meant us."
  187. [02:45] <Ruth> No one knows what it's like...
  188. [02:46] * Ruth slowly steps out of the office, shutting the door behind her
  189. [02:48] * [Tess]Soraya hangs back, waiting for Ruth before proceeding down the stairs.
  190. [02:49] <Ruth> ...Behind blue ey- oh. Hey.
  191. [02:49] <[Tess]Soraya> Hey.
  192. [02:50] * [Atai]Temperance waits for everyone else on the middle landing to give instructions.
  193. [02:51] * Ruth stares.
  194. [02:51] * [No]Mercy stands around and looms, as good butlers do
  195. [02:52] <[Tess]Soraya> Thinking of anything at the moment?
  196. [02:52] <Ruth> Nope.
  197. [02:54] <[Tess]Soraya> Hrrm. Makes it harder to start a conversation. No wonder we haven't talked much.
  198. [02:54] <Ruth> Yep.
  199. [02:54] * [No]Mercy discreetly maneuvres herself to loom from behind Temperance, which is the optimal position
  200. [02:54] * [Pyg]Bianca makes sure her knife is where it should be.
  201. [02:54] * [Atai]Temperance calls from down below:
  202. [02:54] <[Atai]Temperance> GET DOWN HERE ALREADY!
  203. [02:55] * Ruth tilts her head a little.
  204. [02:55] * [K]Len rush over! hurry, hurry!
  205. [02:55] <Ruth> Did you hear something?
  206. [02:55] * [K]Len get there as fast as her short leg could!
  207. [02:55] * Ruth grinds the wax out of her ear with a spare pinky
  208. [02:55] <[K]Len> *huff*
  209. [02:55] * [Atai]Temperance remembers again why she had Ruth doing ground-floor bouncery.
  210. [02:56] <[Tess]Soraya> Apparently we're to follow them. Care to join me?
  211. [02:56] <Ruth> Sure.
  212. [02:56] <[Atai]Temperance> Nnnrrrgh.
  213. [02:56] * Ruth joins.
  214. [02:56] * [Atai]Temperance taps her booted feet on the marble.
  215. [02:57] * [Tess]Soraya walks down to join the rest with Ruth in tow.
  216. [02:57] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Thank you.
  217. [02:58] * [Atai]Temperance stops tap tap tapping.
  218. [02:58] <[Atai]Temperance> Okay.
  219. [02:58] <[Atai]Temperance> Ruth, wander about and glare intimidatingly at any loud drunks, or anyone a dealer signals needs glaring at. Unless the drunk is me, in which case, shuffle me back to Bianca.
  220. [02:58] <[Atai]Temperance> Sorie, shuffle, deal, and at your leisure, shake your ass.
  221. [02:59] <[Atai]Temperance> Mercy, don't you dare try to stop me now.
  222. [02:59] <[Atai]Temperance> Bianca, don't let anybody with a knife or that's juggling balls near me. Until then, stay with me.
  223. [02:59] * Ruth wanders around and glares at everybody
  224. [02:59] * [No]Mercy had already opened her mouth, so she shuts it again
  225. [02:59] <[Atai]Temperance> Len, you're free to do as you like. Taking drink orders wouldn't hurt. If somebody grabs your ass, you can slap them.
  226. [03:00] * [Tess]Soraya pulls a deck of cards from a back pocket and proceeds to shuffle it. Where to begin...
  227. [03:00] <[Atai]Temperance> If they persist, you can stab them in the thigh or the hand; don't worry about doing so, because it's house policy to do that.
  228. [03:00] * [Atai]Temperance points to the Golden Tornado's house rules above the door.
  229. [03:01] <[No]Mercy> "If you do stab them in the thigh, do try to miss a major artery, because that much blood is just not going to come out of Persian."
  230. [03:01] * [K]Len nods!
  231. [03:02] * [K]Len look around for stabby thing. Sadly she doesn't have one.
  232. [03:02] * [K]Len ORDER CONFLICT. CANNOT STAB.
  233. [03:02] <[Pyg]Bianca> "Hmmm."
  234. [03:02] * [K]Len confuse!
  235. [03:02] * [Atai]Temperance cracks her knuckles and turns to Bianca.
  236. [03:02] * [Tess]Soraya taps Len on the shoulder.
  237. [03:02] <[Tess]Soraya> Looking for something?
  238. [03:02] <[Atai]Temperance> And now, my dear, let us get drunk.
  239. [03:03] * [Atai]Temperance pauses.
  240. [03:03] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Let us..get OTHER people drunk.
  241. [03:03] <[No]Mercy> "Better."
  242. [03:03] <[K]Len> can I stab?
  243. [03:04] * [K]Len look up to Soraya, seeking instruction.
  244. [03:04] * [K]Len show her empty hands.
  245. [03:04] <[Pyg]Bianca> "A better idea."
  246. [03:04] <[Tess]Soraya> Need to get something sharp, eh? Let me see what I have. Tamping iron's too big, so...
  247. [03:04] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax comes up to Temperance, looking a little nervous, and whispers in her ear.
  248. [03:05] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax is a short bald man in his late 40s, of French-Scottish ancestry.
  249. [03:05] * [Tess]Soraya presents Len with a railroad spike, placing it gently in her hands.
  250. [03:05] * [No]Mercy tries to shuffle Soraya from Len
  251. [03:05] <[Atai]Temperance> What.
  252. [03:05] <[No]Mercy> "Don't start actually -encouraging- her. A stabbed customer is not a returning customer."
  253. [03:05] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax whispers some more.
  254. [03:06] <[Tess]Soraya> I didn't figure she'd be the type who's easy to provoke, you know.
  255. [03:06] * [K]Len carefully swing it around. Nice little pointy thing it is.
  256. [03:06] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Well, didn't you offer him an escort?
  257. [03:06] <[K]Len> ...ready!
  258. [03:06] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax whisper whisper whisper
  259. [03:06] <[Tess]Soraya> Oh, don't be waving that around. Put it away for now.
  260. [03:06] <[No]Mercy> "This is definitely the wrong image."
  261. [03:07] * [K]Len put it in her pocket as instructed.
  262. [03:08] <[Atai]Temperance> Check the other rooms on that floor, and question the staff. Double-check the logbook.
  263. [03:08] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax ...whisper?
  264. [03:09] * [No]Mercy meanwhile tries to eavesdrop on Temperance, if only to save time squeezing it out of the manager later
  265. [03:10] * [Atai]Temperance glares at McSchmeaux.
  266. [03:10] <[Tess]Soraya> Well, it's a certain kind of interaction. You call it... hm?
  267. [03:10] <[Atai]Temperance> Absolutely not.
  268. [03:10] * [No]Mercy eavesdrops harder
  269. [03:10] * [Tess]Soraya notices Mercy's sudden distraction. Something's amiss if she moved on this quick.
  270. [03:11] * Suite_Manager_McSchmueax nods, and makes his way back through the crowd to the hotel half of the establishment.
  271. [03:12] * [No]Mercy stops eavesdropping immediately once the manager breaks off
  272. [03:13] <[No]Mercy> "--If you're going to keep that in your pocket you'll have to pay for your own tetanus shots."
  273. [03:13] <[K]Len> ---!!
  274. [03:14] * [K]Len present it back to Soraya immediately. Tetanus is not a nice thing to have!
  275. [03:14] * [Atai]Temperance yanks on Mercy's lapel to keep her from de-eavesdropping.
  276. [03:14] <[No]Mercy> "...Yes?"
  277. [03:15] * [Tess]Soraya quickly grabs it and puts it away again, hidden neatly from sight.
  278. [03:15] * [No]Mercy bends at a very uncomfortable angle to get head to Temperance's eye level
  279. [03:15] * [K]Len practice stabbing with her finger like a martial artist! Duwah!
  280. [03:15] <[Atai]Temperance> Mercy, gonna need you to go round up the others and have them out of the way of the bar in the next five minutes. We have a bit of a Situation.
  281. [03:16] <[No]Mercy> "That's an Evacuate Bar, then?"
  282. [03:16] <[Atai]Temperance> Over by... the craps table.
  283. [03:17] <[Atai]Temperance> No, no. There's going to be an exodus TO the bar.
  284. [03:17] <[Atai]Temperance> I need all of you with me.
  285. [03:18] <[No]Mercy> "How much Chaos are we looking at?"
  286. [03:19] <[Pyg]Bianca> "That's all we're going to?"
  287. [03:19] <[Pyg]Bianca> "I thought it would be along trip."
  288. [03:20] <[Atai]Temperance> " 'Free drinks for the next ten minutes' level."
  289. [03:20] * [Atai]Temperance pauses.
  290. [03:20] <[Atai]Temperance> ...Five minutes.
  291. [03:20] * [Atai]Temperance turns to Bianca.
  292. [03:20] * [Tess]Soraya gets back to shuffling the deck. Whatever comes up she'll probably be notified if it's important.
  293. [03:21] * [No]Mercy crunches some numbers in her head
  294. [03:21] <[Atai]Temperance> I'm not sure WHERE we're going. We've got a missing bigshot.
  295. [03:21] * [No]Mercy glides away without a word
  296. [03:22] <[Pyg]Bianca> "Bigshot?"
  297. [03:24] <[Atai]Temperance> Big winner, in this case.
  298. [03:24] * [Atai]Temperance begins making for the craps table. She pauses, head back to the bar, gets a sasparilla and a ham sandwich, THEN goes for the gaming table.
  299. [03:24] <[GreenwichMean]> [END SCENE]
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