
SS raids Rubies place

Mar 6th, 2016
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  1. 19:33 Rubie Tuesday 's cellular device rings.
  2. 19:33 Rubie Tuesday *SS'
  3. 19:35 Sister-Sting answers "Uh, Hello?"
  4. 19:36 Rubie Tuesday A fiercely familiar voice rings out.. a honey-dipped one that's sure to boil the wasp woman's blood. "Is this the right number~?"
  5. 19:37 Sister-Sting "...I swear to god if this is who I think it is"
  6. 19:38 Rubie Tuesday "Ah, I have the right number after all~! I came to tell you that I'm custody and still don't know where those teeth of yours are. Though I think whatever search crew that goes through my abode will possibly find them~"
  7. 19:38 Sister-Sting was actually inside her house "...Yeah I doubt that"
  8. 19:43 Sister-Sting "look, just fucking. Give me back my shit!...Maybe I'll steal something of yours~!"
  9. 19:46 Rubie Tuesday "I can't give you back something I don't know the location of! And steal something from a person in custody if it makes you feel better.. actually. Do you know of one named, Gestalt~?"
  10. 19:47 Sister-Sting "Uh, kinda? Hes like Tink's son or some shit"
  11. 19:47 Rubie Tuesday "Actually, he's MY STEP-SON! With Tink being his aunt..."
  12. 19:48 Sister-Sting "Is he? Last I heard Eidolon fucked off"
  13. 19:48 Sister-Sting "Probably my fault"
  14. 19:49 Rubie Tuesday "....Hmph. Anyways, if you know where he is, tell me to contact him, I have something important to tell him."
  15. 19:49 Sister-Sting "Yeah again, I think he fucked, out of universe"
  16. 19:50 Rubie Tuesday "Gestalt couldn't have done that..."
  17. 19:50 Sister-Sting "Ges didn't Eid did"
  18. 19:51 Sister-Sting "He left you in the alter honey bun~"
  19. 19:51 Rubie Tuesday "....Your comment would've been somewhat decent had we not been engaged for at least a full month or two."
  20. 19:51 Sister-Sting "Yeah see, Engaged, not married."
  21. 19:52 Sister-Sting "He left you standing there, alone"
  22. 19:52 Rubie Tuesday "We spent quite a lot oftime together, that doesn't matter much..."
  23. 19:53 Sister-Sting "Yeah guy who was going to marry you leaving you in the dust, doesn't matter at all"
  24. 19:54 Rubie Tuesday "Well.. I did stave off the marriage process despite the both of us being in a relationship.. ooh, I remember why! Property sharing, what a cheat!"
  25. 19:55 Sister-Sting was looking around her room "For a gal who was getting married, you have a lot of...pleasure devises"
  26. 19:57 Rubie Tuesday "...They weren't just for me, you harlot."
  27. 19:58 Sister-Sting "...Eid is into some freaky stuff"
  28. 19:59 Rubie Tuesday "Yes, yes. Now are you going to tear up my abode or what?"
  29. 20:00 Sister-Sting stares at the largest one "..."
  30. 20:01 Sister-Sting "Y-Yeah, yeah I am"
  31. 20:02 Rubie Tuesday "...I swear if you try anything.."
  32. 20:03 Sister-Sting "What, only one bug girl can use it at a time~?"
  33. 20:04 Rubie Tuesday "I'm in jail, don't you dare!"
  34. 20:05 Sister-Sting gets onto Rubies bed "This thing is fucking huge, Its like...fuck I dont know Whips forearm?"
  35. 20:08 Rubie Tuesday "Whip?..."
  36. 20:08 Rubie Tuesday [And that's fighting words.]
  37. 20:09 Sister-Sting "Yeah, Whipple...Oh! I swear to god"
  38. 20:10 Rubie Tuesday "What!?"
  39. 20:10 Sister-Sting "Whipple, Cute guy in a full body suit, detective, I swear to god if you got to him!"
  40. 20:11 Rubie Tuesday "You mean that idiot who always pumps his chest out? I've never done anything with him.. he sounds like a bumbling fool!"
  41. 20:11 Sister-Sting "WHAT?!?!"
  42. 20:12 Rubie Tuesday "Is there a problem?..."
  43. 20:13 Sister-Sting "Yes! You take that back!"
  44. 20:14 Rubie Tuesday "Take back my comments? Why~? Are you offended~?"
  45. 20:15 Sister-Sting "Yes! You dont get to talk shit oh Whipple!"
  46. 20:15 Rubie Tuesday "...Have you fallen for that bumbling dope~? That's a riot~!"
  47. 20:17 Sister-Sting "N-No! We're friends at most! Hell of a lot better then you and Eidolon any day"
  48. 20:17 Rubie Tuesday "Right, right. Just keep telling yourself that~"
  49. 20:21 Sister-Sting was about to crush the phone in rage
  50. 20:22 Rubie Tuesday "Didn't he get wounded a fair while ago~? I remember seeing that in some small, forgettable news story before they got on to the real tragedies that occur~"
  51. 20:23 Sister-Sting grabbed Rubies funtoy
  52. 20:23 Sister-Sting smashes her tv with it
  53. 20:23 Rubie Tuesday ".....Lots of things could have that sound come from them..."
  54. 20:24 Sister-Sting opens Rubies closet "Lets see what you have hiding"
  55. 20:26 Rubie Tuesday There was.. clothing. Fair clothing, business like clothing, and.. gold.
  56. 20:28 Sister-Sting "...Gold? Really?"
  57. 20:29 Rubie Tuesday "H-Hello!?"
  58. 20:31 Sister-Sting "I'm still here, nothing in the closet it seems."
  59. 20:31 Rubie Tuesday "Right..." There was.. something in the closet's ceiling.
  60. 20:32 Sister-Sting "Whats this~?" SS goes up to get it
  61. 20:33 Rubie Tuesday It was.. a large, almost overstuffed folder~!
  62. 20:33 Sister-Sting "Oh~ho~ho?! Whats all this?" She opens the folder
  63. 20:35 Sister-Sting puts the phone down, setting it on speaker
  64. 20:36 Rubie Tuesday "What're you doing!?" The folder was.. filled with a whole lot of stuff! Plans for coming acts of thievery, bills, some small lists of things she's "acquired" and even a few pictures of herself with.. quite the different sheen of fur and fuzz. The most interesting part of this is the pen hiidden within made of... gold with a diamond tip!
  65. 20:38 Sister-Sting "What the? You use hair dye or something?" She looked at the Rubie Pictures "Planning robberies ay? This can be some damn good evidence~" Sting looked at the pen "...Why the pen? Does it write better or did you just like the shinny?"
  66. 20:39 Rubie Tuesday "...It makes me feel like I'm handling the same sort of stuff I'm going to take..."
  67. 20:40 Sister-Sting "...That doesn't make much sense but alright"
  68. 20:40 Sister-Sting [you know, I forgot she goes through changes. I wonder if her proportions change~?]
  69. 20:41 Rubie Tuesday [Possibly~]
  70. 20:42 Rubie Tuesday "Like you'd understand.. and I don't use dye!"
  71. 20:43 Sister-Sting "Sure Suurre." She looked at the bills " hair dye...then again you're a dirt thief"
  72. 20:44 Rubie Tuesday "Whatever! Hmph..."
  73. 20:46 Sister-Sting "This can't be all...I still need to snoop around"
  74. 20:47 Rubie Tuesday "Nnng.."
  75. 20:48 Sister-Sting "Any suggestions~? Maybe if I'll keep breaking your stuff you'll tell me"
  76. 20:55 Rubie Tuesday "What are you looking for!?
  77. 20:57 Sister-Sting "Well, now just embarrassing stuff. And the fucking teeth"
  78. 20:58 Rubie Tuesday "I don't know where the teeth are!"
  79. 21:01 Sister-Sting "Then I'll find stuff that'll make you remember!" She goes to the bed, going to look under it
  80. 21:02 Rubie Tuesday There's.. a large briefcase under the bed!
  81. 21:02 Sister-Sting "Now this what I'm talking about~!" She opens the case
  82. 21:05 Rubie Tuesday Surrounded by a foamy barrier from the rest of the case was.. glowing!
  83. 21:05 Sister-Sting "..The fuck?!"
  84. 21:06 Rubie Tuesday A glowing, hand crafted entirely out some chrome steel and studded with diamonds!
  85. 21:06 Rubie Tuesday *glowing, static
  86. 21:06 Sister-Sting "...Again, The fuck!?"
  87. 21:06 Rubie Tuesday "What are you gawking at!?"
  88. 21:07 Sister-Sting "Some fucking, gauntlet?"
  89. 21:08 Rubie Tuesday "O-Ooh.. that thing.. shame that buyer died..."
  90. 21:08 Sister-Sting puts it on "What does it do, look pretty?"
  91. 21:09 Rubie Tuesday "...It's made out of some of the hardest metal and studded with diamonds.. are you blind as well? I don't acquire scraps you know!"
  92. 21:11 Sister-Sting "...Whats the metal called?"
  93. 21:12 Rubie Tuesday "I think.. Mettalium or something of that nature..."
  94. 21:15 Sister-Sting "I'll need to remember that for Flam" She puts the hand back
  95. 21:15 Rubie Tuesday "Right..."
  96. 21:18 Sister-Sting "What else is there? Behind the fridge?"
  97. 21:19 Sister-Sting "Under the floor boards~?"
  98. 21:19 Rubie Tuesday "Pff!"
  99. 21:19 Sister-Sting "Dont you laugh I've never done this before!"
  100. 21:20 Rubie Tuesday "I'm surprised."
  101. 21:21 Sister-Sting stomps the floor, looking for a hollow sound
  102. 21:23 Rubie Tuesday There's kind of a hollow sound near the door.
  103. 21:25 Sister-Sting "Hah! yes!" She pries the floorboard open
  104. 21:27 Rubie Tuesday With the floorboards pried from the ground, there's a.. hole!
  105. 21:29 Sister-Sting "I swear this better have something!" She tries to get what was in the hole out
  106. 21:34 Rubie Tuesday Whatever was lodged in the hole was in tight, yet it's budging. "..."
  107. 21:35 Sister-Sting "...U-Uh..." Sting wasn't sure if she should bring it back up, but she continued
  108. 21:37 Rubie Tuesday Finally! Popping out of the hole was.. was.. a huge ball of stuff wrapped in silk!
  109. 21:37 Sister-Sting "ohthankgod...Well, time to open this up!" She sets it on the ground, ripping the silk
  110. 21:43 Rubie Tuesday As the silk was ripped away, the contents of the ball were revealed to be... old family pictures of a fuzzy moth girl and two awfully normal, albeit rich looking parents, moth shaped jewels, a few letters, and.. something that looked like metallic teeth!
  111. 21:44 Sister-Sting "..."
  112. 21:45 Sister-Sting "h-huh....Care to explain the teeth?"
  113. 21:45 Rubie Tuesday "...Handle the contents carefully. Especially the pictures... please."
  114. 21:46 Sister-Sting "Yeah yeah. I'm looking for my teeth, not personal life story stuff...You were kinda cute as a kid. Normal parents huh?"
  115. 21:49 Rubie Tuesday "Normal, doting parents~"
  116. 21:50 Sister-Sting "Consider yourself lucky" She places the stuff back...but keeps a picture and letter, being quiet to not let Rubie know
  117. 21:52 Rubie Tuesday "You didn't have the same experience?"
  118. 21:52 Sister-Sting "Hell no!...My parents left me for adoption"
  119. 21:53 Rubie Tuesday "Ah... well then."
  120. 21:54 Sister-Sting "Why am I telling you!? You're a thief, one that doesn't fucking need to be one! You're fucking rich!" She walks around more, checking every corner she can for something else
  121. 21:55 Rubie Tuesday "Are you really going to say that entire spiel again?"..." One of the corners she crosses has an interesting development in the corner.. a busted open silken cocoon!
  122. 21:56 Sister-Sting "Oh god! Gross!" SS looked inside it, freaking out somewhat
  123. 21:58 Rubie Tuesday There was.. fluff inside of it.. of a lighter shade.
  124. 22:00 Sister-Sting "...You fucking molt?"
  125. 22:03 Rubie Tuesday "...I change!"
  126. 22:03 Sister-Sting "Thats pretty fucking weird"
  127. 22:04 Sister-Sting looked around the apartment, place was torn up "God, I looked fucking everywhere!"
  128. 22:04 Rubie Tuesday "Couldn't find the teeth~?"
  129. 22:04 Sister-Sting "I'm going to TORTURE YOU!"
  130. 22:05 Rubie Tuesday "Well I don't know where they ARE!"
  131. 22:06 Sister-Sting "Bullshit!...Wait"
  132. 22:06 Sister-Sting "WAIT A GOD DAMN SECOND!"
  133. 22:06 Sister-Sting "YOU SAID THE BUYER DIED WITH THE ARM"
  134. 22:07 Rubie Tuesday "Mhm."
  135. 22:07 Sister-Sting "I swear to god if YOU SOLD MY SHIT!!"
  136. 22:07 Rubie Tuesday "Trust me dear, I would never!"
  137. 22:08 Sister-Sting "And how do i trust YOU?!"
  138. 22:09 Rubie Tuesday "Don't have much of a real choice, either you do or don't~"
  139. 22:14 Sister-Sting sits on the floor "I just want my fucking teeth back..." She sounds, devastated
  140. 22:14 Rubie Tuesday "I know..."
  141. 22:15 Sister-Sting "Do you?! Those were my only fucking defense from her"
  142. 22:16 Rubie Tuesday "Well yes, you sound rather down about it."
  143. 22:17 Sister-Sting "Of course I'm down!...Could you imagine, someone taking you into their home"
  144. 22:18 Rubie Tuesday "Not sure..."
  145. 22:19 Sister-Sting "But keeps you in a cage, barely feeding you for years! Then she does something to you that makes you a fucking monster. I'm just lucky I got out..."
  146. 22:19 Sister-Sting "Those teeth were my only defense from her. If she comes after me, I can't do anything"
  147. 22:21 Sister-Sting "Why do you think I wear them to bed?"
  148. 22:21 Rubie Tuesday "I thought you were odd that way!"
  149. 22:22 Sister-Sting "...Figures. Fucking bear my soul and all you do if make fun of me"
  150. 22:25 Rubie Tuesday "I'm sorry you took it that way~"
  151. 22:34 Sister-Sting "Yeah Yeah...if you remember where the teeth are, Please, tell me...I'll...I'll try my best to get you out of jail."
  152. 09:58 Sister-Sting waited for an answer? "...Rubie?...I swear if you left..."
  153. 09:58 Sister-Sting "...Her time must be up..." She hangs up the phone. Walking out of the apartment.
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