

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. xXxVexusxXx: ((Lol sorry puppy if this is gunna be an entire session ima needa focus on my actual RPC ^_^))
  2. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((ha, I was just stretching my rp legs... I don't even know the heirachy around here?))
  3. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((hence why I came to get soem info))
  4. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((*some))
  5. xXxVexusxXx: ((Same))
  6. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((but Nasus here gave me a warning I don't understand - Nasus is a league champ and this guy kinda look like him))
  7. DarkHeru: ((I myself am curious))
  8. xXxVexusxXx: ((I am on your very same page ^_^))
  9. Ruska: ((You all can refer to me as Lord Wrath. As it stands, I am currently the highest ranking one present.))
  10. QnDebShadow: (Welcome to Kaz'Geroth, all)
  11. xXxVexusxXx: ((Wait so Haru, Nika? You're both guests as well?))
  12. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((not the guy who owns the room?))
  13. DarkHeru: ((yes))
  14. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((yep))
  15. QnDebShadow: (The King owns the room, and he is not here at the moment)
  16. xXxVexusxXx: ((Nice to meet ya, I am a newbie here too, hope to make friends with ya ^_^))
  17. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((he left but he said he wanted a hell hound))
  18. Ruska: ((Indeed. As I said, I am currently the highest ranking one present.))
  19. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((but what was the warning for?))
  20. Ruska: ((I misread what you two were doing; and for that I will didact my statement. ))
  21. Ruska: ((*Redact))
  22. NikaWickedWolfTongue: /me Is distracted by an itch in her rump and tries to chase it with her teeth, whimpering in frustration.
  23. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((ok, fair enough))
  24. xXxVexusxXx: Can I scratch it for you Dove ^_^
  25. QnDebShadow: (Welcome home Thayne)
  26. DarkHeru: ((am currently just watching/listening/reading))
  27. DaoVeroStar: ((Hey Miss Deb, He left just now. Said he went to Bed. As for Ranks... I am Lady Greed, or Lady Dao. ))
  28. xXxVexusxXx: ((Seems to be OOC Heru, I posted and am just waitin on response.))
  29. Ruska: ((He just got back online, Dao.))
  30. DarkHeru: ((same xD))
  31. ThayneLykens: (Those motherfuckers burned my chicken D:<)
  32. xXxVexusxXx: ((If you like I can repost ^_^))
  33. QnDebShadow: (Hello Lady Dao ^^ Ruska is also General)
  34. NikaWickedWolfTongue: /me Growls to him "Would you?" Presents her back end with a slightly waggy tail full of relief.
  35. Ruska: ((This is also true.))
  36. DaoVeroStar: ((That toooooo. Heya princess))
  37. DaoVeroStar: (9He said he went to bed. Lol))
  38. ThayneLykens: (Henlo Lady Dao)
  39. DarkHeru: ((so is it stricktly T-1 RP or are much shorter posts allowed?))
  40. ThayneLykens: (T-1)
  41. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((T-1 doesn't mean paras... I hate paras, it means people take it in turns to write))
  42. Ruska: ((Congrats. You walked into an entire group of them.))
  43. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((???????))
  44. ThayneLykens: (*waves*)
  45. Ruska: ((Our entire group, Kaz'geroth, are Paragraph based roleplayers.))
  46. DarkHeru: ((ah. other places i have been slmost demand paragraphs to RP there x.x got quite anooying))
  47. DarkHeru: *almost
  48. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((paragraphs just mean nobody reads your shit and everyone is skimming it))
  49. Ruska: ((Those that do that by choice are far from welcome.))
  50. xXxVexusxXx: -Smiling, Vexus would proceed to follow along conversation while gently stroking and scratching the behind of the Cerberus.- "A pet is a pet, I assume" ^_^
  51. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I don't mind 3/4 lines, but when people starting churning out double... it's hard to stay captivated))
  52. Ruska: ((If you do not like our method of roleplaying by paragraph. There is a little 'x' near the room tab. ))
  53. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((*start))
  54. ThayneLykens: (Not necessarily, Nika)
  55. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((ok, no need to be an ass, I am allowed an opinion, plus 3/4 lines counts as a paragraph, but long paras become a chore for all))
  56. ThayneLykens: (People only really skim through the details if they aren't invested. It doesn't really seem like you're the type to get invested.)
  57. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I have done rp on imvu for over 10 years in various formats... I just know the truth))
  58. Ruska: ((And I've roleplayed on multiple platforms for 17.))
  59. ThayneLykens: (Well, if that isn't something you're interested in, you're entitled to that opinion. Everyone else is here for that sort of format.)
  60. Ruska: ((If you are not invested. Feel free to leave.))
  61. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I am asking... how long are your paras?))
  62. xXxVexusxXx: ((She is saying 3 out of 4 lines I believe))
  63. Ruska: ((I cap.))
  64. Ruska: ((Sometimes twice.))
  65. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((jesus.... nobody is even reading my query, let alone any rp))
  66. xXxVexusxXx: ((Just saying, which means at least 3 sentances, which is a base paragraph))
  67. ThayneLykens: (I hit about 5-6 lines average. Maybe 4 if I can't come up with anything to say)
  68. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((ok... so is 3/4 lines acceptable as a para to you?))
  69. xXxVexusxXx: ((But you aren't everyone))
  70. xXxVexusxXx: ((Come come now everyone, lets not generalize))
  71. xXxVexusxXx: ((To produce better Rpers who wish to continue, educate and not redicule!))
  72. DarkHeru: ((-sighs- well this is turning out to be interesting i guess....))
  73. xXxVexusxXx: ((Please))
  74. ThayneLykens: (Well... there isn't really anything to educate about in this scenario, Vexus.)
  75. xXxVexusxXx: ((She has very decent skills and a want to RP. Very Rare, I would do my best as any mod to educate and recruit such an individual.))
  76. xXxVexusxXx: ((Though I am not so I may only give my opinion. ^_^))
  77. DaoVeroStar: ((Not everyone in this group os a great roleplayer, we do have some that cannot para, or barely do well. That is what trials are for. teaching. or learning. We do try not to discriminate. ))
  78. xXxVexusxXx: ((I mean RP in general, and the scape of it all ^_^ ))
  79. ThayneLykens: (Right. But in order to be able to get everyone to that level, they have to be invested in some form.)
  80. xXxVexusxXx: ((Than please I ask you to look upon miss Nika as the same sort of person. One whom would most better be placed in trial rather than shown a disrespect, for honestly, where does any disrespect get us? ))
  81. xXxVexusxXx: ^_^
  82. DarkHeru: (( am a standard RPer i dont Para as much as i use to. never got deeply into it))
  83. xXxVexusxXx: ((This way you can see her investment ^_^))
  84. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I am not a novice and have owned my own rp rooms and such, I just don't pretend to expect everyone to find what I write interesting and therefore do not want to bore people with excessively long paragraphs as long as those around do not mind me being shorter than others in the amount I write at once?))
  85. DaoVeroStar: ((She wasnt saying she wasnt she wasnt invested. She said some people find it hard to read long Para posts))
  86. DarkHeru: ((into Para rp that is))
  87. xXxVexusxXx: ((I by no means have the position to place such suggestions though.))
  88. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((it's easier to swallow a little at a time))
  89. ThayneLykens: (I see your points.)
  90. xXxVexusxXx: ((^_^))
  91. xXxVexusxXx: ((Yay, I love to see compromise and understanding. I apologize if my at all intervening may have complicated things.))
  92. QnDebShadow: (As long as there is enough detail in the post, detail is what makes it a bit longer, so no one questions what you are doing etc)
  93. ThayneLykens: (I suppose what I'm trying to say is.. Hm... I guess I wasn't really trying to make any real points about anything. I'll adapt as necessary ^.^)
  94. DaoVeroStar: ((Honestly? I am not a para rper. I just make my posts longer here than I usually ever do. Nika, we have a 2 line minimum for most day to day posts. When it comes to larger events, it is different. but we do not expect everyone to Para. ))
  95. xXxVexusxXx: ((But what I believe miss Nika is talking about is accessive unneeded detail))
  96. ThayneLykens: (Excessive*)
  97. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((no, fluff is what makes it longer and going on too long about your character like some dip in the pool of narcissism))
  98. xXxVexusxXx: ((Thank you friend ^_^ I knew I spelled it wrong))
  99. xXxVexusxXx: ((Just wasn't sure how to ^_^))
  100. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((exactly Vex))
  101. ThayneLykens: (I was in a lot of spelling bee's as a kid lol)
  102. xXxVexusxXx: ((Regardless I believe we are all on the same page ^_^))
  103. QnDebShadow: (As Lady Dao explained, we have special event rp's thats when they get longer, but day to day, 2/3 lines)
  104. DaoVeroStar: Nika, we have a 2 line minimum for most day to day posts. When it comes to larger events, it is different. but we do not expect everyone to Para. ) ((repost so it didnt get lost))
  105. xXxVexusxXx: ((I believe it Thayne ^_^ Impressive skill indeed to have))
  106. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I like people who appreciate comprehensive English))
  107. ThayneLykens: (I'll help the newcomers adapt well to our style the best I can ^^)
  108. xXxVexusxXx: ((-sits back and sips my tea now-))
  109. KorahBelle6784: Greetings.
  110. ThayneLykens: (Ah.. speaking of which, can I be thrown into the turn order? idc where really)
  111. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((but I believe your King spoke of wanting a hell hound or some such thing... so I guess I'll have to wait to speak about positions and limits/realistic content blah blah))
  112. Ruska: ((I am not going to dignify that with the third time I've said it.))
  113. DaoVeroStar: ((Nika, if you were still interested, can I invite you to the ooc room? we can chat a bit in there.))
  114. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((dude what is your deal with me?))
  115. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((you've had nothign but an attitude since I came in))
  116. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((*nothing))
  117. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((yes please Dao))
  118. ThayneLykens: (Blech... Out of all the meat that could be burnt, I think chicken is the worst...)
  119. DaoVeroStar: ((It wont let me invite you, says you are not online)
  120. xXxVexusxXx: ((Damn I gtg))
  121. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I dunno... it's a sad steak when it's well done, that shit needs to be bleeding for me))
  122. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((you might need to add me as a friend first?))
  123. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((take care Vex))
  124. ThayneLykens: (Ew, you like it rare? lol)
  125. DaoVeroStar: ((Have a laovely nioght Vex. I guess we can lose the brackets then
  126. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((fuck yes))
  127. ThayneLykens: (Or blue rare?)
  128. Ruska: First of all. Do not refer to me as "dude". I've already expressed to you that I am the highest ranking individual in this room right now. There is two people higher than I am. The Kings. That's it. There is a reason why. I am not nice. I am not your friend. I can be. But, when you have so little disregard for differences in roleplaying characteristics and issue that anything over a certain line count is nothing but fluff? You are not worth my attention. There is a lot of detail that goes into what I do as a roleplayer, because I tell stories. I paint a picture to make it vivid. But, instead you water it down into your own piss to consume. That's fine. But, disregarding me as someone of authority, when I have already expressed it to you, three times now. Irritates me. We respect each other here; period. If you don't. Leave.
  129. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((no just rare, not blue))
  130. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ((I can call you dude if it's OOC))
  131. Ruska: And you go to assume that it's acceptable once again.
  132. Ruska: You may talk to Dao, but I will not allow you entry.
  133. NikaWickedWolfTongue: you got some serious ego XD
  134. NikaWickedWolfTongue: Hey, if your rp is good, then I will enjoy reading it
  135. QnDebShadow: In this room, all are in their roles
  136. NikaWickedWolfTongue: well... then what is the point of OOC?
  137. QnDebShadow: we walked into it, well i did at least
  138. QnDebShadow: there is an ooc room
  139. ThayneLykens: Kaz'geroth is a serious group. We're almost like a family here.
  140. NikaWickedWolfTongue: well, the brackets just got lifted here
  141. NikaWickedWolfTongue: by Dao
  142. NikaWickedWolfTongue: so... it would seem this is now an OOC room for the time being
  143. NikaWickedWolfTongue: ?
  144. QnDebShadow: as i said, in this room, we are in our charas
  145. NikaWickedWolfTongue: OOC - Out Of Character
  146. NikaWickedWolfTongue: why is this even a discussion?
  147. NikaWickedWolfTongue: either you are OOC or you're not
  148. QnDebShadow: Lord Ruska, may I?
  149. NikaWickedWolfTongue: omg, fine
  150. Ruska: By all means.
  151. NikaWickedWolfTongue: I will message the owner to get a bloody answer
  152. Ruska: Go for it.
  153. QnDebShadow: getting on my damn nerves
  154. ThayneLykens: Jeez.. Quite the uh... "My way or the highway" type, eh?
  155. Ruska: Indeed.
  156. QnDebShadow: mhm
  157. ThayneLykens: Referring to Nika, I mean. It seemed like they had more complaints than anything...
  158. DarkHeru: hehe...
  159. DaoVeroStar: No she wasnt
  160. QnDebShadow: reminds me of someone
  161. ThayneLykens: That wouldn't have been eny fin
  162. ThayneLykens: any fun**
  163. DaoVeroStar: actually
  164. Ruska: I am quite glad you were able to find a way to boot her. I found no ways to for some reason..
  165. ThayneLykens: Maybe I'm missing something...
  166. QnDebShadow: I dont know whats so hard to understand, even if there is no rp going on, in this room, we are still in character
  167. Ruska: May I ask who booted?
  168. QnDebShadow: Theory? wasnt me
  169. QnDebShadow: i just looked back in here
  170. Ruska: Ah.
  171. Ruska: It seems Dao has something to say; I am all ears whenever you are ready.
  172. QnDebShadow: -pops her bubble to make her start over-
  173. Ruska: That would be in wolf culture, "A dick move"
  174. QnDebShadow: i feel evil tonight
  175. Ruska: I can see you wearing red.
  176. Ruska: I can tell.
  177. QnDebShadow: been in a bad mood since i got home from work, and no clue why
  178. Ruska: Are you hangry?
  179. QnDebShadow: i ate
  180. Ruska: Probably hangry.
  181. QnDebShadow: lol.
  182. ThayneLykens: I'm in a good mood. Well.. except for having to deal with burnt chicken. Otherwise I'm just sore
  183. QnDebShadow: i hate anything burnt
  184. ThayneLykens: Saaame
  185. Ruska: I don't mind blackened. But, not burnt.
  186. QnDebShadow: all you taste is the char
  187. Ruska: Indeed.
  188. Ruska: Blackened is rather difficult to master in my own learnings.
  189. QnDebShadow: cant stand any beef well done
  190. Ruska: Neither can I.
  191. Ruska: Red or blue.
  192. DaoVeroStar: She was asking a question for clarification. And we have been rreally trying to get our shit together in here. Yes, she didnt know we are mainly Para, but that doesnt mean we get to shit down her throat. No one had the chance to tell her the rules, or anyhting about the room at all. I am so beyond mad right now, its not even funny. We just made a really bad impression on a room full of newcomers and potential members of the group. I understand that you are not here to be liked, and you dont care Ruska, but I do. Both me and Kin have been putting effort in, and the ONE time I do something else, and get distracted in another room you guys do this. We dont need to all gang together on something like that either. Para rp is close to some, and not to others. Honestly, I a gree with some of the things she said about it. Im not a Para rper, I hate how long it takes, its hard to read and it is hardly easy to keep a flow going. But I do it here when we have important events sure. I have never seen you jump down my throat about it. Also, several times I tried to talk the situation down and better, as well as someone who never came to this room before. And when it was calm, you wouldnt let it go. Did you forget the rules of taking somoene aside to settle things? Because they apply to you too. Go ahead Ruska, pull rank on me, I dont even care. This is the first time all month I have seen you online, and I am on 5 days a week trying to make this a more fun and better rp, and this was the busiest it has been in weeks. And now its not. This is insanely stupid and Im very disapointed. Thankfully for me, my gf is home now and wants the computer. I need to go cool off. But honestly, that was uncalled for on all parts.
  193. DaoVeroStar: I am done for the day.
  194. DaoVeroStar: I will not respond on discord until tomorrow.
  195. Ruska: Hm..
  196. QnDebShadow: if i remember correctly, she was told only para on rp events
  197. ThayneLykens: Well. Nevertheless. It seemed to be dying down since I got in.
  198. Ruska: I am inclined to agree with her.. and have messaged her regarding it.
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