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pionoplayer Log

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Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. Fodonic: k
  2. Fodonic: lets du this boi
  3. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: heh
  4. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: RIP
  5. Creed8586: Oooooo
  6. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: but, at least Ill be here for the begining
  7. pionoplayer: *The few of you that are here file into the room with the Terminal*
  8. pionoplayer: *It seems to have recharged again, but two lights are blinking.*
  9. misterDoctor: Cool.
  10. pionoplayer: *Not just the power light.*
  11. Creed8586: Strange.
  12. Okktan251: hmm
  13. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: what's the other light?
  14. Okktan251: what *other light*, we haven't inspected the first!
  15. sometinykid413: Hey guys
  16. Fodonic: hi tiny
  17. sometinykid413: Glad I'm not late again!
  18. pionoplayer: *The other light appears to have an envelope symbol etched into the metal by it.*
  19. Creed8586: Hello
  20. pionoplayer: ((welcome tiny))
  21. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: ((hya Tiny))
  22. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: ((*Hya))
  23. Creed8586: Could it be a message?
  24. Creed8586: ((SupTiny
  25. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: probably
  26. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: check the things
  27. pionoplayer: *You have not powered the Terminal on yet*
  28. Okktan251: find the power button.
  29. Creed8586: I power on the terminal
  30. pionoplayer: *You press the power button.*
  31. pionoplayer: *The Terminal screen flickers to life.*
  32. Fodonic: im just gonna read ok? and not act alright?
  33. Fodonic: alright
  34. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: ((k))
  35. Okktan251: ((kk bro kk))
  36. Creed8586: ((kk
  37. pionoplayer: *Showing the folder labeled "Complete", and the three programs: Command, and Wanderer.oc.*
  38. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: ((same, except fot that reading part))
  39. pionoplayer: *It also has a flashing box in the bottom saying: INCOMING MESSAGE*
  40. DrizzleFurrShizzleTheMeowPimp: ((basically, Im gone now))
  41. Okktan251: check messages
  42. Creed8586: I was right
  43. Okktan251: must be important
  44. sometinykid413: Yeah
  45. pionoplayer: *You click the message.*
  46. pionoplayer: **ERROR: Clearance level 0 detected, Clearance level 1 required.**
  47. Creed8586: Is there a way to *get* clearance then?
  48. Creed8586: ((Asking the real questions.
  49. Okktan251: open
  50. pionoplayer: *You open*
  51. pionoplayer: **Please Input Password:**
  52. Okktan251: Yello there
  53. pionoplayer: **Error: Password not recognized.**
  54. pionoplayer: ((Hint: check the pins))
  55. Creed8586: Well. We saw something labeled "wanderer"
  56. Creed8586: ((I'm on mobile
  57. Okktan251: open Wanderer.oc
  58. pionoplayer: *You open Wanderer.oc*
  59. Fodonic: right click with your mouse
  60. pionoplayer: **Connection unstable: recipient not found**
  61. Fodonic: go into inspect element
  62. pionoplayer: **Contact unavailable**
  63. Okktan251: how confusing
  64. EntropifyingCreation413: Hm.
  65. Fodonic: search out for secrets
  66. pionoplayer: *The mouse does not seem to have a right click.*
  67. Creed8586: What?
  68. Okktan251: open Command Prompt
  69. Fodonic: ((shit man))
  70. pionoplayer: ((guys, the password has already been given to you.))
  71. Creed8586: ((I can't check.
  72. Fodonic: (((was it?)))
  73. pionoplayer: ((You got it at the end of Empty Inheritance))
  74. Creed8586: ((I am on mobile. And its in the pins.
  75. Fodonic: put password in
  76. Fodonic: "complete"
  77. pionoplayer: **Error: Password not recognized.**
  78. Fodonic: ((shit shit shit fuck shit))
  79. Okktan251: "St0len 1nher1tance"
  80. Creed8586: Insert password "St0len 1nher1tance."
  81. Creed8586: Damn
  82. pionoplayer: **Clearance Level 1 granted**
  83. pionoplayer: *The screen of the Terminal flashes*
  84. Okktan251: check Messages
  85. pionoplayer: *And flickers*
  86. pionoplayer: *Two new files have appeared*
  87. Creed8586: More files?
  88. pionoplayer: *Split Ends.ics and Terminal.wd are now available*
  89. Creed8586: But you are correct. Let's check the messages
  90. Okktan251: >Check Messages
  91. pionoplayer: *You click messages.*
  92. pionoplayer: **Incoming Call, contact: Trickster**
  93. pionoplayer: **Accept call?**
  94. Okktan251: y
  95. Creed8586: >Yes
  96. pionoplayer: *There is static...*
  97. pionoplayer: *And then a voice comes through.*
  98. pionoplayer: **???: Oh hello there!**
  99. pionoplayer: **???: I thought you'd never pick up!**
  100. Creed8586: "Um, hello?"
  101. Okktan251: >Who are you?
  102. pionoplayer: **???: My true name is shrouded in mystery and ancient enigma, but you can refer to me as the Trickster.**
  103. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, question, did you read the document?**
  104. Creed8586: "Ok Trickster, why did you call?"
  105. Creed8586: "Uh. No???"
  106. pionoplayer: **Trickster: No? You probably should.**
  107. Creed8586: "ok
  108. Okktan251: "what document?"
  109. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The one labeled "Terminal" I believe.**
  110. Okktan251: Open Terminal.wd
  111. Creed8586: "Ok. We shall do so."
  112. pionoplayer: *The chat program minimizes*
  113. pionoplayer: *You bring up what looks like a notepad document*
  114. Okktan251: how odd
  115. pionoplayer: **Terminal.wd:
  116. Hello there, chances are, if you are reading this, our mutual friend likely known to you only as the Wanderer has properly dropped off the package, and not only that, but you have begun to decode its mysteries.
  117. Now, even I don’t know how these terminals work, the kid really knows his stuff, but if what I DO know is correct (which, let’s be honest, it’s gonna be) then you’ve been getting… personalized content, so to speak.
  118. This is just a warning. Terminal not only means “central computer tower”, it also means “deadly”. Delving too far into this terminal just might be that for you, if not from the more dangerous of the programs contained within then from the… unwanted attention you will surely bring upon yourselves.
  119. The Multiverse is a dangerous place, you become a part of it at your own risk.
  120. Only the brave may proceed
  121. Only the wise will understand.
  122. Only the strong can survive.
  123. You have been warned.**
  124. Creed8586: "is this. A sort of threat?"
  125. Okktan251: "alright. kind of a strange warning to be honest."
  126. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Everything is strange.**
  127. pionoplayer: **Trickster: One merely grows accustomed to the curiosity.**
  128. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But yes, it is a warning.**
  129. Creed8586: "Are you sure it's not just that way because you might be. Tricking us?"
  130. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Ah, no, one of my associates left that,**
  131. Creed8586: ((I had to do it. His name is Trickster
  132. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And although a good prank is quite a laugh,**
  133. Creed8586: "Sure."
  134. pionoplayer: **Trickster: I have more important things to worry about at present.**
  135. Creed8586: "Such as ?"
  136. Okktan251: "prank? more important? how interesting."
  137. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Tell you a story.**
  138. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Do you know what this date is?**
  139. Creed8586: "No?""
  140. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Well I should hope you do, it's December the 7th. In the majority of universes in fact.**
  141. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It's a rather rare Voidic alignment.**
  142. Creed8586: "I thought-never mind"
  143. Creed8586: "Ok?"
  144. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It has great significance.**
  145. Creed8586: "How so"
  146. Okktan251: "how strange. your timezone doesn't match up with mine. would that mean that we were taken from differeing realities?"
  147. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It was the day that everything began to end. Or, that the beginning of everything stopped.**
  148. Creed8586: "What? how?"
  149. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Well, there's always some margin of error on scales this big.**
  150. pionoplayer: **Trickster: How is exactly what I am about to tell you.**
  151. Creed8586: "Ok, then continue
  152. pionoplayer: **Trickster: If you were to think of the "most important universe", which one would you think of?**
  153. Creed8586: "My own."
  154. Creed8586: "Even if that sounds egotistic
  155. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Eheheh, well spoken. In fact, you're only half wrong.**
  156. Creed8586: "????"
  157. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As although it is not your universe that is the greatest, it is another version of it.**
  158. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A version of Earth intertwined with the fates of countless other places.**
  159. Creed8586: "ok?"
  160. Okktan251: "how intriguing. what more have you to tell us?"
  161. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning.**
  162. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A long time ago, a few years from your perspective, countless eons for some others...**
  163. pionoplayer: **Trickster: There was a man.**
  164. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A sad, small man named Richard.**
  165. Creed8586: "Ok"
  166. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A petty coward with the power to rend worlds.**
  167. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And that was what he did.**
  168. pionoplayer: **Trickster: He had chosen a world, through the medium of a very popular video game, by which he could attack others.**
  169. Creed8586: "Intriguing"
  170. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Destroying entire planets and laying waste to their surfaces just to spite those few of his own world.**
  171. pionoplayer: **Trickster: He did it so much that it had become a job for him.**
  172. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Most of the pleasure he had once gotten out of it had long since drained away,**
  173. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But he kept going because that was who he thought he was.**
  174. Creed8586: "well it doesnt seem very pleasing"
  175. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Wanton destruction rarely is.**
  176. Okktan251: "true."
  177. Okktan251: "nonetheless, continue."
  178. Creed8586: "please do
  179. pionoplayer: **Trickster: He continued his path of destruction, ending many "servers", until he came to one in particular.**
  180. pionoplayer: **Trickster: There was nothing special about it visible from outside.**
  181. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It even had the word "Generic" in its title.**
  182. Creed8586: "ok?"
  183. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But as Richard entered it and began his onslaught,**
  184. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Something stopped him.**
  185. pionoplayer: **Trickster: You see, it's "Owner" was chosen.**
  186. Creed8586: "oh?"
  187. pionoplayer: **Trickster: To be the one to help put a stop to his rampage.**
  188. pionoplayer: **Trickster: How he was chosen was... unusual.**
  189. Creed8586: "how was it unusual?"
  190. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A being called The Operator. Technically a First Guardian, but much akin to a ghost, and FAR more powerful than any other, chose his body to inhabit, and through him to channel the power of the great forces of our reality.**
  191. pionoplayer: **Trickster: To write a story.**
  192. Creed8586: "A story?"
  193. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Yes. A story.**
  194. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The story that was unfolding on his server in fact.**
  195. pionoplayer: **Trickster: To guide it, manipulate it.**
  196. Creed8586: "oh?"
  197. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Guide it down the path the Narrative would dictate.**
  198. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so began a war.**
  199. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It was not the first,**
  200. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And it was not the last.**
  201. Creed8586: "What do you mean?"
  202. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The meanings behind that are... convoluted. Suffice it to say that CERTAIN people should not mess with things they do not understand, including the space-time continuum of the Multiverse.**
  203. Creed8586: ".Ok then. Noted."
  204. Creed8586: "Please continue"
  205. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The war was brutal. People suddenly found they had powers they could not have dreamed off.**
  206. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Almost as if they were gods, Descended from a higher realm.**
  207. Creed8586: "What kind of powers?"
  208. Creed8586: ((And where can ***I*** get some
  209. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Any.**
  210. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The power to mold reality.**
  211. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The ability to matter.**
  212. Creed8586: "That seems dangerous"
  213. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It is.**
  214. Creed8586: "Why would they do such a thing?
  215. pionoplayer: **Trickster: There is no power more dangerous.**
  216. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Because to some it is no more than a game,**
  217. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And once you learn it is more than that, the only way to remain alive is to discover that it still is one.**
  218. Creed8586: "What do you mean?"
  219. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Maybe one day you will learn for yourself.**
  220. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But that is a lesson only the Descended truly understand, and even then only some.**
  221. Creed8586: "Ok..."
  222. misterDoctor: What are the Descended?
  223. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They are the Gods among Gods, the Heroes and Villains of the Multiverse, those chosen by fate or chance or by force of will to be the players on the stage of eternity.**
  224. pionoplayer: **Trickster: None can stand in their way but others of their kind.**
  225. Creed8586: "Do we even play a role in this? And if we do. Why?"
  226. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Not yet.**
  227. Creed8586: "In the grand scheme"
  228. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And whether you will remains up to you.**
  229. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The option remains there for everyone.**
  230. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Though few will ever be able to choose it.**
  231. Creed8586: "ok."
  232. misterDoctor: During the war, you said people suddenly realized that they had these powers.
  233. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Yes?**
  234. misterDoctor: Is there a link between the war and the choice?
  235. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Yes, although the war forces it to be made.**
  236. Creed8586: "In what way where the people given the powers? You mentioned a game."
  237. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The game itself is merely a mental facilitator. Once one recognizes they have the powers, they can use them as they would.**
  238. Creed8586: "Why as a game though?
  239. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Because it is easier to accept that you can affect a reality you perceive to be imaginary than to do so for your own.**
  240. Creed8586: "Ok"
  241. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, where was I?**
  242. Creed8586: "Did the game have a name?"
  243. Creed8586: "if you don't mind my asking
  244. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Yes. Minecraft.**
  245. Creed8586: "ok"
  246. Creed8586: ((Damnit.
  247. misterDoctor: Is the game necessary? Or can the choice be made without it?
  248. Creed8586: ((Really.
  249. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The game is not necessary, in fact, others are frequently used, but that was the one this instance was relative to.**
  250. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It had certain... advantages, but almost any other could have been the one "selected" for this war.**
  251. pionoplayer: ((Yes, really.))
  252. pionoplayer: ((Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of 4&^@#%3$5))
  253. Creed8586: ((Sigh.
  254. Creed8586: "ok, please continue with the story.
  255. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, no war is without it's minor players.**
  256. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Such was the case here.**
  257. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The Descended summoned others to aid them in their battle.**
  258. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Warriors, kings, monsters, machines.**
  259. pionoplayer: **Trickster: From almost every universe imaginable.**
  260. Creed8586: "ok
  261. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Richard was not to be bested,**
  262. pionoplayer: **Trickster: and he summoned creatures to his own side.**
  263. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Great Terrors, abominations pulled from the code of the reality they fought within, and amplified in strength to great levels.**
  264. Creed8586: "???"
  265. pionoplayer: **Trickster: After even the standard methods of removing one such as he proved futile, it was decided that they should ju-**
  266. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Do you have a question?**
  267. Creed8586: "Just curious about the monsters."
  268. pionoplayer: **Trickster: In truth, there is nothing special about them. They are merely twisted mutations of the universe's native denizens.**
  269. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The same can be done by those of Richard's kind in any universe.**
  270. Creed8586: "ok."
  271. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so the War began.**
  272. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As the landscape was torn up, the Descended resorted to many tactics to fight Richard.**
  273. pionoplayer: **Trickster: After discovering that those without loyalty or inertia could be controlled by their opponent,**
  274. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They began to set stores of their own power,**
  275. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Charges, if you will, to strengthen a combatant when summoned to their side.**
  276. Okktan251: "interesting abilities. did this give them a true edge in combat?"
  277. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Sadly, no, although it closed the gap between them and their foe.**
  278. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It was a war of attrition, they had to wear down Richard before he could force them into despair.**
  279. pionoplayer: **Trickster: So the creation of †Ħ€ ḠḺℑ†℃♓ very muchly alarmed the combatants.**
  280. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Ahem, the Glitch. Apologies.**
  281. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It was the first of three appearances, and it nearly "crashed" the base code itself, which would have caused a large portion of the universe to implode.**
  282. pionoplayer: **Trickster: In short, if it had not been repaired it would have crashed the entirety of the game, online or offline, for several months.**
  283. Okktan251: "sounds horrible."
  284. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It is, and the fact that the Descended were foolish enough to summon it three times in one war is... frightening to say the least.**
  285. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Apologies, I must attend to something quickly.**
  286. pionoplayer: ((/afk))
  287. Creed8586: ((kk
  288. Creed8586: "ok.
  289. pionoplayer: ((back))
  290. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Apologies for my absence.**
  291. pionoplayer: **Trickster: I am taking time out of something else to provide this tale for you.**
  292. Okktan251: "out of what?"
  293. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Something I cannot share openly I am afraid.**
  294. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, where was I?**
  295. Okktan251: "failure of The Descended"
  296. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Ah, yes, the Glitch.**
  297. sometinykid413: So, I'm back...
  298. sometinykid413: What did I miss?
  299. pionoplayer: **Trickster: I believe the Terminal logs the conversation,**
  300. pionoplayer: **Trickster: You should be able to read it for yourself.**
  301. sometinykid413: I know
  302. sometinykid413: It's just so long, and I'm afraid I'll miss everything else!
  303. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Well, I suppose if you would rather go onwards without knowledge then miss a few more lines which you shall hear anyways, that is your decision.**
  304. sometinykid413: ...
  305. sometinykid413: I feel like you're trying to guilt me into reading it now nested of later
  306. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Not guilt, merely persuade.**
  307. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Willful ignorance is a dangerous thing.**
  308. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, I believe after the first appearance of the Glitch the first remarkable thing beyond the war's "standard" events was the appearance of The Gate.**
  309. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A massive construct introduced into the world by The Secret, a powerful being of the Void, to try and test the Descended.**
  310. sometinykid413: I'm also getting sick of missing literally everything cool, and looking back on it as a sort of a spectator
  311. sometinykid413: I would be more okay with it of this was the first time it has happened, but it always happens to me
  312. sometinykid413: With everything
  313. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Then if you wish to act, you may.**
  314. pionoplayer: **Trickster: I will do no more than advise caution.**
  315. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Now, The Gate was sent to the field with a great amount of power defending it, it would take many months for the Descended to open it, and in those months much would transpire.**
  316. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A number of great armies were called to the field of battle, iconic battlestations and warriors were called to either side.**
  317. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Even the great ancestor of the world they resided within.**
  318. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Many of the titans of the war were summoned, a powerful Book of Magic, given will to live on its own and added to repeatedly by those allied with its summoner.**
  319. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A powerful Combatant that towered above the landscape.**
  320. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Even a god.**
  321. sometinykid413: ((Ok, read everything))
  322. sometinykid413: ((Also XD I was considering playing minecraft instead of coming just now))
  323. pionoplayer: ((kek))
  324. Okktan251: ((banne))
  325. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As the great god of the beasts was felled, his armor stolen by the Descended's adversary, an army was stationed, pulled from a distant galaxy.**
  326. sometinykid413: What happened next?
  327. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And that was when it happened.**
  328. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The Gate was opened.**
  329. sometinykid413: Where did it go?
  330. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It led to the Void.**
  331. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Not far into it, just barely beyond the reaches of the universe.**
  332. pionoplayer: **Trickster: To a chamber of Trials, established by the Secret.**
  333. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Including Trials of Thought, Focus and Altruism.**
  334. pionoplayer: **Trickster: One by one, Descended were picked off by their own foolish choices and failures.**
  335. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Until three remained.**
  336. sometinykid413: Who were they?
  337. sometinykid413: ...
  338. pionoplayer: ((sorry, trying to do something))
  339. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A trio, a man of mathematical terms, the prodigy of a Spelunker, and a long time warrior of the fight.**
  340. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They met with the Secret, and it deemed them worthy.**
  341. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It promised them aid.**
  342. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And thus they returned to the conflict.**
  343. pionoplayer: **Trickster: By this point the war had entered its later stages.**
  344. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Richard, realizing that he was beginning to lose, pulled forth his greatest effort, and the Descended, to counter it, theirs.**
  345. pionoplayer: **Trickster: One of the Descended sacrificed the power of their mind and morals to empower themselves,**
  346. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And were stolen by Richard.**
  347. sometinykid413: O shit
  348. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A pair of great monstrosities, stronger and more horrible than any before them were summoned.**
  349. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And then destroyed.**
  350. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Machines were made and brought to fight him.**
  351. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And they were broken down.**
  352. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A vehicle was made, a dragon was summoned...**
  353. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And one Descended, destined for later greatness, abused an artifact.**
  354. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Upon his head, he wore an artifact of dimensional incongruity.**
  355. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Built to allow beings of lesser worlds to see those above and outside their own.**
  356. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And through its misuse he caused the third, final, and greatest arrival of The Glitch.**
  357. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The earlier merely echos of what was to come.**
  358. Creed8586: "wow."
  359. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The Glitch, now in its full form, with the Hexahedron, processor of the source code of reality for an entire swath of the Multiverse, scratched and damaged.**
  360. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It exploded out with power, corrupting the world to its farthest reaches.**
  361. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And suddenly the fight changed from one to rid themselves of a tyrant to one of survival.**
  362. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The world and game in which they played was at stake.**
  363. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Only by finding the damaged and lost pieces could they hope to undo the damage wrought by their own number.**
  364. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The ground turned against them.**
  365. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Their allies turned against them.**
  366. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Their very power failed them.**
  367. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But because heroes never fail.**
  368. Creed8586: "wow"
  369. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Because even in the darkest of nights, hope remains.**
  370. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They succeeded.**
  371. pionoplayer: **Trickster: In one fell swoop the removed the Glitch from the realm, and dealt a powerful blow to Richard.**
  372. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Wounded, but not defeated, he fell back.**
  373. pionoplayer: **Trickster: One place of refuge remained.**
  374. Creed8586: "Yay"
  375. pionoplayer: **Trickster: A great castle, a fortress considered impregnable and unfindable by all.**
  376. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Protected by walls reaching into the sky, powerful turrets with the capacity to shred armies, and factories to construct golems in the defense of the structure.**
  377. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But the Descended were not so easily dissuaded.**
  378. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Calling upon their greatest creations, and the denizens of the server which they fought for, they charged the might of the great castle.**
  379. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The walls held.**
  380. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But not for long.**
  381. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Descended can rarely be more than slowed, attempting to hold them at bay is a fool's errand.**
  382. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so the castle fell.**
  383. Creed8586: "Powerful"
  384. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Yes.**
  385. pionoplayer: **Trickster: When all it takes to instate your will on reality is the determination to do so, few things can stand in your way.**
  386. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Wall after wall fell.**
  387. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Each defensive construct crumbled before their army.**
  388. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Until Richard, pacing in his throne room, felt the rumbles, and the roof and walls of his stronghold caved in around him.**
  389. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But his plan was already in motion.**
  390. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As a structure was erected, tied to his dwindling life force...**
  391. pionoplayer: **Trickster: His message was winding down the electronic pathways to a very specific place.**
  392. Creed8586: "ok"
  393. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Recall, if you will, that official action failed to stall him. No attempts at banning or kicking removed him from the "server".**
  394. Creed8586: "I do."
  395. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Imagine now, if that absolute power over the basic code were supplemented by legitimacy.**
  396. Creed8586: "ok"
  397. sometinykid413: Alright
  398. pionoplayer: **Trickster: That is the might he was given.**
  399. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Whether through oversight or just monumental foolishness, he was given administrative powers.**
  400. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And with a laugh and a flick of his wrist the armies were destroyed.**
  401. Creed8586: "ok"
  402. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Perhaps he would have won, had he stopped to secure his victory,**
  403. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But he did not.**
  404. pionoplayer: **Trickster: He assumed himself infallible and immediately set about abusing his newfound position.**
  405. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so the Descended called upon the denizens of the area for aid.**
  406. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Having been known as Richard's enemies, their cries held no legitimacy with the other administrators.**
  407. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But the populace,**
  408. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Those who inhabited the server and occupied their time with whatever it is civilians do when not being mowed down by the forces of darkness.**
  409. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It was a hard fight. With no available preparation, with no way to be ready, they had to defend a city from his onslaught.**
  410. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But again, they did.**
  411. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And the cries were heard.**
  412. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And retribution came.**
  413. Creed8586: "ok
  414. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Richard's title was revoked, all but the last shreds of his health were eliminated, the Descended's armies were restored and everyone was arrayed against him.**
  415. sometinykid413: I'm guessing that's not really where it ends?
  416. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Of course not, Richard had one last trick up his sleeve.**
  417. pionoplayer: **Trickster: You see, he had a power prepared, an old weapon of his, unveiled at the start of the war.**
  418. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Built with the strength to repel a warrior of power so immense it bordered and even surpassed that of the memetic.**
  419. Creed8586: Ok
  420. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And it had been empowered.**
  421. pionoplayer: **Trickster: With a last flourish of power, he leveled the armies once more.**
  422. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And began preparing himself, a spell that would restore his energy to full and set everyone's progress to 0.**
  423. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As they rushed to stop him, they in turn were stopped by his great mechanical construct.**
  424. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so they attacked.**
  425. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They threw themselves at the machine.**
  426. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And attack after attack rebounded off of its invincible armor.**
  427. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Things looked hopeless.**
  428. Creed8586: Oh no
  429. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But a promise made long before was remembered.**
  430. pionoplayer: **Trickster: In their darkest hour, The Secret returned to their aid.**
  431. Creed8586: Yay
  432. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And so the final battle ensued.**
  433. pionoplayer: **Trickster: While the Secret and the machine battled.**
  434. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The Descended were tasked with keeping the Secret unmolested by other assaults.**
  435. pionoplayer: **Trickster: As Richard's Terrors had not just vanished.**
  436. pionoplayer: **Trickster: They flowed in for their creator's final hour of need.**
  437. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Washing the land and sky black.**
  438. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And the Descended were all that stood against them.**
  439. pionoplayer: **Trickster: So they brought forth memories.**
  440. pionoplayer: **Trickster: One, by one, replicas of the great warriors that had fought at their side throughout the war.**
  441. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Back for one final push.**
  442. pionoplayer: **Trickster: An army of light against an army of darkness.**
  443. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Push and shove, give and take, it was hard fought.**
  444. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But it was won.**
  445. pionoplayer: **Trickster: The Secret was able to focus its fire.**
  446. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And the machine fell.**
  447. Creed8586: Yay
  448. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Unable to fight the great power The Secret had brought to bear.**
  449. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And that was that.**
  450. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Richard, still within the power of his spell, was struck down.**
  451. pionoplayer: **Trickster: By the prodigy of a Captain.**
  452. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And the war was ended.**
  453. Creed8586: Yay
  454. sometinykid413: What happened next?
  455. sometinykid413: Was it really over?
  456. pionoplayer: **Trickster: No, sadly.**
  457. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Few things are truly new.**
  458. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Loops repeat themselves.**
  459. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And Richard returned just a few short months later.**
  460. pionoplayer: **Trickster: In a war that would shake all of reality to its foundation.**
  461. sometinykid413: Would it always happen this way?
  462. sometinykid413: Would anything ever really change?
  463. pionoplayer: **Trickster: It has happened slightly differently each time.**
  464. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But it is all about to change.**
  465. pionoplayer: **Trickster: That is, in part, why you are here.**
  466. pionoplayer: **Trickster: But my time is up.**
  467. pionoplayer: **Trickster: And I believe yours is for now as well.**
  468. pionoplayer: **Trickster: Farewell.**
  469. pionoplayer: *The Terminal runs out of the power.*
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