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Legacy comic ramblings

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Aug 4th, 2022
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  1. - Kickback: Kickback appears in a strange, new planet after an embarrassing defeat (LG comics). He notices the abundant amounts of local energon and samples it, receiving a huge boost in power and receiving new energy swords. Now seeing his ambitions for a multiveral banquet in sight, he starts raising an army to consume everything.
  3. -Laser Prime: Convoy is held captive by Quintesson. Having been ambushed in survey mission, they plan to send him into unspace due to their fear of his revival abilities and as retribution for what he did to them decades ago. The scientist handling the portal is puzzled, the location for the jump was changed, but before he can ponder the ramifications of this, he is slain by a Judge and the portal device destroyed. With this, Convoy is now trapped, forever. Sometime after, Convoy awakens injured but alive. After noticing the extent of his injuries, he uses his Reconfiguration Matrix to repair himself, but the process is incredibly painful. “Something isn't right”. He cancels the repair halfway, leaving him stuck in a partially formatted G2 Laser body. Kickbak, noticing Convoy, sends in his swarm but is repelled after Convoy unleashes his high power laser turret to hold the swarm back. Kickback moves in for the kill, screaming about wanting to consume his Matri and become all powerful, but is countered by Convoy’s Laser sword. Wanting to end this battle fast, the combines his weapons into the Laser Matrix blade, destroying most of the swarm, repelling Kickback and sending him packing After the battle, he decides to stop using the reconfiguration function for the time being since he believes this new location might be affecting him, but before he can catch his breath, a motorcycle and truck are heading right for him.. Are they friends or foes?
  5. -Hot Rod: In an unknown universe, transformers are large robots, but much smaller than their counterparts in other realities. Here they have begun the signing of the pax cybertronia, but during the proceedings, Skywarp and Iguanus try to kill Optimus Prime and G2 Megatron. Before they can reach them, Hot Rod leaps in and hits them with his built in fire blasters (all the while thanking them for coming unarmed, as stated by the terms drafted before the signing, there was no such clause for built in weapons). Skywarp attempts to teleport, but the heat seems to have damaged him too much, and after a flash, Iguanus, Skywarp and Hot Rod are gone. Meanwhile, an unseen cyclops has gathered some strange readings during the ceremony and is interested in what they might mean.
  6. -Skids: It feels likes decades since Skids has met an intelligent being. Ending up here after leaving a human friend behind to rejoin the Autobots, Skids was suddenly teleported to this death planet. Rivers that go towards the sky, pits that send you flying, floating islands and wild creatures wherever he goes. His exposure to the planets energon has granted him a new Axe Blaster, but his real weapon is his ability to cope with the situation. Ever since he lost his only friend (Wheelie) to a pack of bio rexes, he's had to fend for himself and use new skills just to survive. A plane passes over head, and Skids loses it, running towards it at full speed, but he's stopped by the local plant life, which he then slices apart with his axe, then vaporizes with a new weapon combination he made up on the spot. After the battle, Skids wonders if the plane he saw was even real or if the dreampt it up, then continues on his treck of the planet, wondering if his fellow Autobots even know he's gone.
  8. -Arcee: While helping Bulkhead repair a space bridge, they accidentally start it up and end up sucked in. When she awakes, she's greeted by a strange guy calling himself Hot Rod. While skeptical on his alliance, she figures him having the Autobrand means he’s a good guy and team up. While scouting their unfamiliar location, they stumble upon a temple that resembles a space bridge, but are then attacked by black robotic drones. During the fight, Hot Rod falls through a chasam and finds a disk and sword floating in mid air, hearing a strange voice telling him to pick the gun of truth, scepter of knowledge or the sword of power. Knowing Arcee’s in danger, he picks the sword, but… it turns out Arcee could handle herself just fine. After not finding anything else worthwhile, and the way to the other items blocked, they leave, but a black plane and motorcycle are seen leaving with the items…
  10. Bulkhead: Being sent into an unfamiliar reality didn’t seem to affect Bulkhead much. Despite a brush in with some Insecticons, some car guy, and a floating island, he’s not worse for wear his only concern is… he got lost and has no idea how to get back to the small base he set up. While trying to find his way back, he comes across a purple guy (conveniently in shadow) who offers to help him if he can repair him. Seeing as he has nothing better to do, he goes for it, and the guy then points him in the right direction. Bulkhead awakens hours later in his base, being cared for by Arcee and Hot Rod. Turns his brain module was damaged during the jump and he was fortunate Arcee got to him in time. This leaves Bulkhead wondering, how much of his Adventure was real? In the distance, the shadowed purple figure leaves, having repaid his dept.
  12. Iguanus: Cursing his poor luck, he wanders the landscape until he meets up with Skywapr… who he tries to kill almost immediately. Using his organic psisiology, he has limited stretching abilities and tires to crush Skywarp, who just teleports away and taunts him. Before they can continue, they hear fighting near a strange temple and, hoping to find Hot Rod, end up going. They didn’t find their enemy, but they did find strange artifacts and wonder if they make good weapons.
  14. -Skywarp: Their search finally bears fruit! Having spotted Hot Rod from the air, he signals Iguanus to the location and engages him. Despite holding his own with his teleportation powers, Hot Rod gets the better of him with his acrobatics and new sword, but when Iguanus shows up, all their weapons mysteriously glow, merging into the mythical Omega Blade. Before any of the combatants can grab it, a cyclops appears and steals the weapon, taking out all 3 Transformers with a single swipe, his name… is Shockwave!
  15. -Dragstrip: Dragstrip was once part of Menasor, a combiner that (he believes) was invincible… if only they didn’t need Motormaster for the combination. In any case, their recent fight with Star Saber ended with them being split into their five components after he used his sword to cut them apart, and the resulting explosion sent him crashing into wherever he is now… and he loves it! No one to boss him around, energon for miles and a planet all to himself, until he runs into a green bore that tries to crush him with a mace. He manages to escape with the help trusty gravito guns of his (which only slow Bulkhead down) and laments being so weak… but someone promises he can help him get stronger if only he joined him (Shockwave).
  17. -Galvatron: Galvatron has been called many things, but weak is not one of them. When Victory was within sight, he remembers being defeated by Transformers with strange powers… but his memories feel incomplete. After being helped by a disgusting Cybertron (Autobots, as they're called in his reality), he now plans to use this energy rich planet to get back to his world and raze it to the ground, but in the mist of his gloating he notices something…. his hated enemy is here, CONVOY! A few klicks head, Convoy is surprised to meet two unfamiliar faces, a blue Arcee and Bulkhead, both calling him “Optimus Prime”, despite trying to clear up this name misunderstanding, he decides to go by Optimus Prime to avoid confusion. Both parties quickly realize they are not from the same dimension, but before this discussion can continue, Galvatron appears and starts firing at them. Recognizing Convoy despite his change in appearance, he uses his new twin ship funnels to take them all at once. Realizing that Galvatron will kill them if they don’t work together, Optimus urges his friends to lend him their power and with that, their weapons combine into the Laser Matrix sword buster, damaging Galvatron’s cannon… which causes the mad tyrant to laugh. Amused by the days events, he retreats and spares the trio as thanks for Bulkhead’s assistance, but next time he will kill them. As the trio depart, they arrive at Bulkhead’s base, which turns out to be a gigantic machine, while Galvatron finds an unfamiliar transformer, who calls himself, Jhiaxus.
  19. -Blaster: Blaster doesn’t remember how he got here, only that he was on the Ark crashing towards Earth before waking in an unfamiliar location. His only companion at the time being Eject, they explored as much as they could to join up with his companions, but an accident in the energon river left Eject critical condition. After little success, he went into stasis to both help fix Eject and left a signal up waiting for help. Cycles later, he’s woken up by a fight between a Bio Rex and Skids. Eject quickly joins the fight and seem much stronger, glowing blue with power. Blaster almost joins the fight, but he then uses his tunes to calm the creature. Skids is overjoyed to finally meet someone else after so long, but before they an celebrate, a jet overhead swoops down on the attack!
  20. -Bulkhead log W1: After grouping the data from past cycles, several key points have been jotted down on the map. The planet we’re on, currently being called Energoa, has huge deposits of energon. Despite the high energy levels, most Autobots seem immune to their effects. More research on this is necessary. Current group has no idea why. Several key locations on our map are:
  21. -The plains of silence: a rock forest that seems to dampen all sound, considered too risk to explore at the moment.
  22. -The River of Solus: A river that goes towards the sky, freaky stuff.
  24. -Several floating islands: Currently counting 4 of them, Optimus said he noticed a tower on one of them, could the natives live on those islands?
  26. -The backdraft pits: Several pits that seem normal but get to close and you’re sent flying. Learned that the hard way.
  28. -Static Canyons: Strong electrical currents run though that canyon. Arcee almost got zapped going into it.
  30. -Autobase Alpha: A massive construction machine I found in my delirium. Seems fully functional, but we haven’t been able to activate it. Prime has mentioned he can feel lifeforce coming from the machine, but there’s no way this thing is alive, right?
  32. ???? report 1: After following Skywarps signal, I’ve arrived at this fascinating world. After a brief jaunt, I’ve discovered several opportunities for study among the local wildlife, currently I’ve seen:
  34. -Gigantic Ant: A giant red earth ant. Oddly enough, it spoke English but left before I could gather more data.
  36. -Bio Rex: A creature that resembles the T-Rex from Earth. Notable differences include a mostly mechanical constitution and energy spikes running up its spine. Scan’s also revealed strange readings on their skeletons, but I’ll require a better lab to research this phenomenon. One seemed to be ridden by a small creature, implying taming them is possible. More research is necessary.
  38. -Carnivorous plant: A plant with abundance of tentacles. Extremely dangerous, and capable of killing a Bio Rex in seconds. I found what appear to be seeds and plan on genetically modifying them for future plans.
  40. Currently setting up base in what appears to be the Nemesis, and must start analyzing this sword I came across. If only these fools I picked up were more useful.
  42. -Wildrider: Wildrider has seen better days, being in this crazy world has driven him bonkers. Despite having run ins with both Autobots, and Decepticons, he consistently runs from them out of pure fear. “They’ll eat my spark” he yells, ‘they took my transformation cog” he screams. After his brush in with some of the local wildlife, a hero has saved him from an untimely demise. He thanks his savior, Galvatron for his rescue, while Galvatron muses that he’s finally met someone crazier than himself.
  44. -G2 Megatron: Hot Rod awakes, injured after the attack by that one eyed freak. Before he leaves, he notices a familiar face… Megatron! Thinking he’s here to finish the job, he tries to melt him with his guns… only for Megatron to quickly knock him to the ground, “I’m here to help, you fool!”. Turns out Megatron followed Shockwave through his portal after detecting some Transwarp energy from his lab, and he’s not alone, he also brought Optimus along for back up “in the spirit of mutual cooperation”. Despite reservations, they venture towards Autobase Alpha.
  46. -Optimus: While on the way to the base, Hot Rod wonders why he trusts Megatron. After all that’s happened, after all the friends they’ve lost, how can he shake his hand? But Optimus believes Megatron has changed, after all, he was the one who proposed the peace treaty and has been instrumental in ending the war. Hot Rod doesn’t buy it, but before he can voice his reservations, Wild Rider appears, believing them to be Transhobbits, he tries to take them out with his twin guns, only to be taken aback at Megatron’s tank form. While Wild Rider avoids it, he ventures too close to the Static Canyons and is knocked out cold by the charge. Back at the base, the group introduces themselves while most of the cast is shocked at how small Megatron is, who promises to shoot Bulkhead in the face unless he apologizes.
  48. -Shockwave: Sickened by Megatron’s weak leadership, Shockwave hatched a plan to kill the defanged Tyrant and take over, however, while his lackies failed at accomplishing this task it gave him coordinates to a reality filled with energon and strange artifacts. While in the process of examining the Omega Blade, he discovers the weapon can give him insight on how this place came to be, but before he can do that, a giant tarantula steals the weapon and flees from the scene (leaving Iguanus and Skywarp stuck to a wall) With the opportunity to learn this planets secrets in his grasp, Shockwave won’t let some vermin steal what’s rightfully his!
  50. -Tarantulas: Tarantulas is sure he died. The last thing he remembers is the Vok going inside him and blowing him up, but now he’s here, in the Nemesis, stuck in some freaky planet. He’s spent the better of 60 cycles trying to start the ship, but it needs a new power core for it to work. In the mist of his search, Shockwave made a base on the ship, and to his shock, the strange artifact he’s brought could work as a perfect conduit for the makeshift core he’s made! After stealing it (webbing up Dragstrip, Iguanus and Skywarp) he makes his way to the core as Shockwave flies behind him. He manages to start the Nemesis, and takes off… only for the ship to stop after reaching a certain height. Before he can ponder more, Shockwave meets up with him, being civil enough make a deal with Tarantulas after seeing his stunt. He’ll provide him with a way to leave this planet if he returns the Omega Blade, but before he gets an answer, Shockwave detects his portal being used without authorization and discovers Megatron and Optimus have made their way here! He decides to change plans, before the deal with Tarantulas is done, he'll use the Nemesis to kill Megatron!
  52. -Elita-1: Elita-1 has been sent on a mission of outmost secrecy. After having her life saved by Alpha Trion and Optimus, she’s reformatted into a stronger body capable of letting her use her secret power for 7 seconds before it causes damage, any longer and it could be life threatening. She’s sent to another world in search of “an Optimus Prime, though he might go by another name”, leaving her confused. During her search, she encounters an Autobot called Knock Out, who she doesn’t trust entirely. While searching for Optimus, the duo stumble into a backdraft pit, sending them onto one of the islands. A Tower defense system kicks in, firing lasers in their direction. Using her power, Elita saves Knock Out, and slowly makes her way towards the tower. In the mist of disabling it, she’s kocked out cold by… well Knock Out! Turns out he’s a Decepticon and this tower could work as a base for his allies, Megatron and Jhiaxus!
  54. -Knock Out: While trying to interface with the tower, Knock Out is driven mad by the system and compelled to destroy anything that could be a threat to “him”. Flashes of how he got here are show, turns out he was also on the space bridge project Arcee and Bulkhead were working on. Galvatron, Kickback and Jhiaxus arrive at the tower and are immediately under siege by the frying fortress. Hatching a plan, they move to sneak into the tower… but before this happens, the Nemesis appears and tears into the island. Using the distraction, Jhiaxus flies in, and takes both Knock Out and Elita with him. After Knock Out is given a trashing by Galvatron, Shockwave’s group converges with Galvatron’s group, Shockwave needs more men, and Galvatron needs more firepower. Shockwave, of course, plans to “follow” Galvatron’s command. Accepting these terms, they decide to plan their assault on the Autobot base in a few days. In the background, Dragstrip and Wild Rider are having a fist fight.
  56. -Soundwave: Soundwave has never felt so alone. After the war broke out, Soundwave quickly allied himself with the Decepticons and had subordinates not long after. However, a failed attack by his forces forced him to retreat into an unstable Space Bridge, separating him from his men and stranding him here. In the mist of his exploring, he comes across a valley of spires, but no sooner does he step in that he’s attacked by bio mechanical Pterodactyl’s! Using his flight mode, he rams into one, then attacks the rest with his assortment of weapons. Despite his best effort, he’s surrounded, but is helped by an unexpected ally… Blaster! Blaster and Skids knock out the spires, which scare the Pterodactyl’s and retreat. While he’s annoyed to be saved by his rival, he wonders if this place has more surprises in store… just then, he’s greeted the third member of Blasters group, Starscream?
  58. -Blitzwing: Having left the Decepticons to explore the cosmos seemed so exciting to Blitzwing at the time… that is, until he fell into some wormhole and ended up lost. He ends up wandering near the Autobot Base and, is almost immediately attacked by Optimus and a small Megatron? He showcases his forms during the battle, giving a good sword fight to Prime, while matching Megatron’s firepower in tank mode and evading their attacks in Jet mode. In his frustration, he unleashes the new ability he gained after taking in some of the planets Energon, missile fists! Turning the tide in his favor, he readies to vaporize the duo until small Prime stops the fighting, Optimus and Megatron instigated the fight without even asking what Blitzwing was doing here, Blitzwing just bluntly answers he was lost. Turns out Laser Prime still remembers how his Blitzwing left the Destrons, but returned and did unspeakable things, but this Blitzwing hasn’t done that and doesn’t plan to. He does, however, decide it might be time to join a new team. They shake hands… and Blitzwing nearly crushes Convoy/Laser Prime’s hand in a comical fashion, Blitzwing then apologizes profusely.
  60. - Motormaster: While preparing for their assault, Shockwave is shown putting the finishing touches on an unseen Transformers, informing him he finished the upgrades on him, and his two comrades, but has not had successs in locating his remaining allies. The unseen figure laughs “they ain’t my allies, they’re my power ups!”. The assault on the Autobot base has begun! Galvatron takes on the core figure assortment, Shockwave flies the Nemesis flanked by his lackies, while Wild Rider and Dragstrip take on Bulkhead and Arcee. As they exchange banter, Jhiaxus appears before Knock Out on the bridge and plans to take him with him, since he finally got what he came for… As the assault rages on, Laser Optimus/Convoy heads out to assist along with Blitzwing, but are met by none other than Motormaster! While he’s not match for both by himself, his base mode and sword skills allow him to fight both at once. When Convoy finally manages to gain the upper hand with his own base, Motormaster reveals his new power, the ability to combine with his base without his team, shocking Dragstrip and Wildrider! All seems lost until Proto Menasor yells out he’ll rule over all of the Decepticons… angering Galvatron greatly, suddenly turning this assault into an all out fight against Menasor. Back at the base, the attack from the Nemesis has triggered a self repair system, awakening the sleeping giant.
  62. -Metroplex: As the fight rages on, the new Menasor proves to be too powerful, but as all hope seems lost, Autobase Alpha suddenly rams into him. It changes form into a robot holding giant tools and engages the fake combiner. When it seems like Menasor will fall to this tiny titan, he reveals another new feature, the ability to force the combination with his components! Despite Dragstrips and Wild Riders pleas, they are forcibly attached to Menasor and given a power up (meanwhile, Shockwave muses to himself “I did promise to give you a power up, I did not say it would be pleasant”). Now that Menasor has the upper hand, the robot reveals a new form and finally states his name, Metroplex leader of Gigantion! He remembers exploring the cosmos in his colony ship, only to teleport here against his will. While he could harvest the energon around him he had no way of using it since his partner Drill Bit wasn’t teleported with him, so to conseve energy he went into stasis, but the recent energy he’s received by these lost ones have brought him back online. Reving up his gigantic weapon, Spark Drinker, he makes short work of the unruly Menasor, and while the rest of the Decepticons try and put up a fight, they too are taken out with little fanfare. Shockwave realizes the battle is lost and attempts to retreat… only to discover he’s been betrayed, Jhiaxus, Tarantulas and Knock Out have taken Elita and the Omega Blade, leaving the ship dead in the air. Before he can escape, Metroplex breaks the ship apart with Spark Drinker, sending it crashing. In the confusion, the Decepticons have gotten away, and Metroplex has fallen silent, it seems this planet still has plenty of surprises in store… In the wreckage, Shockwave is pulled out of the Nemesis by Motormaster, who grins, saying his new lackey isn’t done upgrading him just yet. As the battle ends, a monitor showing the events flickers, and someone exclaims that his experiment is finally coming together
  64. Jhiaxus: After the battle is over, Galvatron is furious, he’s lost men (Kickback just bolted after the battle ended), a ship and his second in command was nowhere to be found, that is until Jhiaxus appears. Demanding answers, Jhiaxus replies that he only allied with Shockwave to gather certain artifacts and some strays (referring to Knock Out, Tarantulas and Elita), but Galvatron couldn’t care less, he was needed in the battle, and he’ll have his head! But Galvatron underestimates Jhiaxus, who disarms him using his mastery over cybertronian martial arts, proceeds to pummel him with his blasters, then finally just chokes him (until he’s unconscious). Turns out his alliance to Galvatron was also temporary, but he’s sure Galvatron will make a good lacky, so he’ll keep him alive. After the battle he tells everyone to prepare for the trip to his base, the Zarak Megalopolis! As Jhiaxus says this, an unseen spectral being appears behind him in the shape of a skull.
  66. Bulkhead Log 2: A lot has happened since the last log, several newcomers joined, including a tiny Green Megatron that really hates me. I’ve taken to calling him G2 Megatron (since he’s the second Megatron I’ve met and he’s green). We also have a new big friend… but we’ve mostly lost our base and he seems stuck in that form. He seems to be suffering from energon deficiency and Optimus has gone with Blitzwing to harvest some. We haven’t explored as many locations, but we’ve jotted down a few structures that might be interesting to check out:
  68. -Temple Arcee found: Looks like a space bridge, so who knows, it might be a way to get out once this is all over and we stop… whatever the Decepticons are doing.
  70. -Labyrinth: Too small for us to explore, so the core team will be checking this place out soon.
  72. -Spyres: Dangerous area, we don’t have many fliers, and it’s swarming with Bio Pterodactyl’s and what’s left of Kickback’s swarm.
  74. -Mysterious tracks: Could be more Cybertronians, but that area is rife with unstable energon so I’ve taken a new paintjob that protects me from most of the harmful effects. We didn’t have much of that stuff, so I’ll have to check it out, alone.
  76. Shockwave report 2:
  78. -After an embarrassing defeat, I’ve been reduced to a mechanic for this brute. Nevertheless, I’ve continued my studies and have added some data from my time on the Nemesis:
  80. -Skeleton Mammoth: I’ve only seen this specimen once, but it easily took out several Kickbacks. It had cybernetics in it’s Skeleton. I theorize that this could have some connection to the other bio mechanical beings on this planet.
  82. -Skeleton analysis: After analyzing the data in my lab, I discovered the bio creatures have what appear to be transformation cogs. It makes me wonder if the mammoth is the natural evolution path of these creatures. I would like to capture some for my experiments, but that doesn’t seem likely in these circumstances.
  84. That is all I can add at the moment. Hopefully, I’ll be able to rebuild my damaged controller disk to enact my contingency plan against Menasor….
  86. ????:
  87. -A: Contingency plan has failed.
  88. -B: Subjects continue to resist conditioning, must enact level 8 protocol
  89. -C: Unwise, protocol has proven dangerous.
  90. -B: Data stream is blocked, options low.
  91. -A: It shall be put to a vote…
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