
Hunger Games Adventure Coding by Chloe Y6

Jan 30th, 2013
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  1. from time import sleep
  2. rucksack = ["live bunny"]
  3. print(rucksack[0])
  4. arrows=10
  5. lives=30
  6. name=input("chose your favouite hunger games character out of Katniss, Peeta, Gale or Prim")
  7. print("Welcome",name,"to the Hunger Games! You must make it though several threats or life choices to leave.To start with you have 30 life points and 10 arrows.You also have a rucksack with a live fluffy bunny.You have family and friends at home and if you die they will be deverstated.Yet you MUST kill lots.Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!!!")
  8. sleep(3.0)
  9. #event
  10. print("Cato, who is desperete to kill you,has found you!")
  11. #choice
  12. event1=input("Type a to shoot an arrow.Type b to run away.")
  13. #Consequence
  14. if event1=="a":
  15.     print("You shoot his leg.You run as he can not catch you.")
  16.     arrows=arrows-1
  17. else:
  18.     print("He see's you and throws a knife at your chest.Luckely you do not die.")
  19.     lives=lives-10
  20.     arrows=arrows-3
  21. print("You now have",arrows,"arrows left and",lives,"life points left.")
  22. sleep(3.0)
  23. #event
  24. print("You find Rue all alone dieing!")
  25. #choice
  26. event2=input("Type a to kill her.Type b help her.")
  27. #concequence
  28. if event2=="a":
  29.     print("You have killed her.How could you do that she was only 12.")
  30.     arrows=arrows-1
  31.     lives=lives-3
  32. else:
  33.     print("You go and help her.Well done.")
  34.     lives=lives+3
  35. print("You now have",arrows,"arrows left and",lives,"life points left.")
  36. sleep(3.0)
  37. #event
  38. print("You have a chance to blow up the strongest tributes food supply!")
  39. #choice
  40. event3=input("Type a to blow it up.Type b too take some to eat then blow it up.")
  41. #concequence
  42. if event3=="a":
  43.     print("Well done.But sadly you were caught in the blast.")
  44.     arrows=arrows-1
  45.     lives=lives-3
  46. else:
  47.     print("You are spotted taking some food and shot!")
  48.     lives=lives-4
  49. print("You now have",arrows,"arrows left and",lives,"life points left.")
  50. sleep(3.0)
  51. #event
  52. print("You see cato with a group of other tributes but they have not seen you!")
  53. #choice
  54. event4=input("Type a too follow him then kill him.Type b to kill him.")
  55. #concequence
  56. if event4=="a":
  57.     print("Well done!You just removed your greatest rivel!")
  58.     arrows=arrows-1
  59. else:
  60.     print("Well done!You just removed your greatest rivel!But the tributes he was around spotted you!")
  61.     lives=lives-3
  62. print("You now have",arrows,"arrows left and",lives,"life points left.")
  63. sleep(3.0)
  64. #event
  65. print("Suddenly, Mutt's jump out at you.They chase you too the cornacopia,a massive horn!")
  66. #choice
  67. event5=input("Type a to Get up onto the horn and throw them a live bunny to distract them.Type b to hitch a ride on a Mutt.")
  68. #concequence
  69. if event5=="a":
  70.     print("Well done!You distracted them then they go away!You saw the bunny being tared to bits!But your leg was injured when you where climbing up onto the cornacopia!")
  71.     rucksack.remove("live bunny")
  72.     lives=lives-20
  73. else:
  74.     print("The other Mutt's see you!You and the Mutt you were on are teared to bits!YOU ARE DEAD!!!")
  75.     lives=lives-lives
  76.     arrows=arrows-arrows
  77. print("You now have",arrows,"arrows left and",lives,"life points left.")
  78. print(rucksack)
  79. #End
  80. endgame=input("Lets see if you will go home or are you dead!!!")
  81. if lives<=0:
  82.     print("Your family is deverstated and starve to death as you are not there to feed them!Goodbye. You would NEVER servive in the Hunger Games :(")
  83. else:
  84.     ("Well done :)!You and your family are now all live very happily in a rich area and will never starve again!You are left with",lives,"lives left and",arrows,"arrows left!")
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