

Mar 28th, 2016
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text 2.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Ip:
  2. 336594356 total packets received
  3. 101 with invalid addresses
  4. 0 forwarded
  5. 0 incoming packets discarded
  6. 336494397 incoming packets delivered
  7. 334754635 requests sent out
  8. 312 dropped because of missing route
  9. Icmp:
  10. 973 ICMP messages received
  11. 604 input ICMP message failed.
  12. ICMP input histogram:
  13. destination unreachable: 949
  14. echo requests: 20
  15. echo replies: 4
  16. 976 ICMP messages sent
  17. 0 ICMP messages failed
  18. ICMP output histogram:
  19. destination unreachable: 952
  20. echo request: 4
  21. echo replies: 20
  22. IcmpMsg:
  23. InType0: 4
  24. InType3: 949
  25. InType8: 20
  26. OutType0: 20
  27. OutType3: 952
  28. OutType8: 4
  29. Tcp:
  30. 575479 active connections openings
  31. 26118 passive connection openings
  32. 0 failed connection attempts
  33. 6 connection resets received
  34. 2 connections established
  35. 13437909 segments received
  36. 32285535 segments send out
  37. 397 segments retransmited
  38. 0 bad segments received.
  39. 9 resets sent
  40. Udp:
  41. 322881454 packets received
  42. 4 packets to unknown port received.
  43. 0 packet receive errors
  44. 320087483 packets sent
  45. IgnoredMulti: 336919
  46. UdpLite:
  47. TcpExt:
  48. 4 ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window
  49. 577928 TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer
  50. 525129 delayed acks sent
  51. 60 delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket
  52. Quick ack mode was activated 279 times
  53. 80589 packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue.
  54. 81701832 bytes directly in process context from backlog
  55. 1101822328 bytes directly received in process context from prequeue
  56. 4505903 packet headers predicted
  57. 106641 packets header predicted and directly queued to user
  58. 3398480 acknowledgments not containing data payload received
  59. 2039320 predicted acknowledgments
  60. 2 times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements
  61. 8 congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack
  62. 2 fast retransmits
  63. 97 other TCP timeouts
  64. TCPLossProbes: 309
  65. TCPLossProbeRecovery: 21
  66. 279 DSACKs sent for old packets
  67. 187 DSACKs received
  68. 5 connections aborted due to timeout
  69. TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo: 176
  70. TCPSackShiftFallback: 2
  71. TCPRcvCoalesce: 153
  72. TCPAutoCorking: 428447
  73. TCPSynRetrans: 6
  74. TCPOrigDataSent: 24896659
  75. TCPHystartTrainDetect: 9
  76. TCPHystartTrainCwnd: 287
  77. TCPKeepAlive: 236
  78. IpExt:
  79. InMcastPkts: 20342489
  80. OutMcastPkts: 17426198
  81. InBcastPkts: 174061
  82. InOctets: 87895447719
  83. OutOctets: 82948701836
  84. InMcastOctets: 13042903508
  85. OutMcastOctets: 7075981960
  86. InBcastOctets: 30225321
  87. InNoECTPkts: 352847436
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