
mouseclick - Sender object (C#)

Jun 12th, 2018
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  1. Method: get_Button System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons========Left
  2. Method: get_Clicks System.Int32========1
  3. Method: get_X System.Int32========582
  4. Method: get_Y System.Int32========328
  5. Method: get_Delta System.Int32========0
  6. Method: get_Location System.Drawing.Point========{X=582,Y=328}
  7. Method: ToString System.String========System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs
  8. Method: Equals System.Boolean--------------cant-Invoke
  9. Method: InternalEquals System.Boolean--------------cant-Invoke
  10. Method: ReferenceEquals System.Boolean--------------cant-Invoke
  11. Method: GetHashCode System.Int32========58343698
  12. Method: InternalGetHashCode System.Int32--------------cant-Invoke
  13. Method: GetType System.Type========System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs
  14. Method: Finalize System.Void
  15. Method: MemberwiseClone System.Object========System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs
  16. Constructor: .ctor params:System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]
  17. Property: Button Left
  18. Property: Clicks 1
  19. Property: X 582
  20. Property: Y 328
  21. Property: Delta 0
  22. Property: Location {X=582,Y=328}
  23. Field: button Left
  24. Field: clicks 1
  25. Field: x 582
  26. Field: y 328
  27. Field: delta 0
  28. Field: Empty System.EventArgs
  29. Constructor: .cctor params:System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]
  30. Method: FieldSetter System.Void
  31. Method: FieldGetter System.Void
  32. Method: GetFieldInfo System.Reflection.FieldInfo--------------cant-Invoke
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