
Ch 5: Part 1: City of Illusion: Session 77

Oct 22nd, 2013
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  1. [15:42] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:42] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [15:42] <@Kilarra> \Part 1: City of Illusion/
  4. [15:43] <@Kilarra> -Session 77-
  5. [15:46] <@Kilarra> After spending a bit of time making their way through the Maerani Forest (including an encounter with a vicious green dragon), the party finally reunited with their Elven allies in Celwynvian. After a surprise in the morning from Aluthyra in the form of white, feathery wings, the party moved back to Eviana's tent in order to finally be debriefed.
  6. [15:49] * Kilarra keeps stealing glances at Aluthyra's lovely wings
  7. [15:50] <@Kilarra> Eviana nods to the group, "Now, I am certain that you have quite a lot to tell. Do not be afraid to go into detail, as I am certain just about anything you can tell us about drow society would be useful, in addition to the specifics of their plot against us on the surface."
  8. [15:56] <@Kilarra> Kjell begins by recounting what he can remember of the city, bot hit's layout and its customs. After that, he goes on to speak of the specifics of House Vonnarc, and what he knew of their Archmage, including their deal with her, and her ultimate betrayal of them.
  9. [15:57] * Kilarra chimes in and brings out the map to the elf-gate Alicavniss had told them about. "We took another way out because we figured she'd just have some sort of trap waiting there for us. Which is why it ended up taking us that much longer to return." She briefly recounts their trip to Elysium.
  10. [15:59] * Kahree details how much of a cunt Undamesta -was- and fills in any bits Kjell missed about how their society acted as a whole. Adding more, Kahree details what little they know about the hierarchy of the houses and the house that has now fallen out of favor with their surface excursion.
  11. [16:00] <@Kilarra> Eviana looks the map over and nods. "Actually, I think we know of this gate. There is a gate in Kyonin that we know is inactive, but connects to the darklands. There is a small settlement there that serves as an advance guard in case anything that might come through if it were to reopen."
  12. [16:05] * Aluthyra frowns. "So then, knowing that there is a possibility of it reactivating, I would assume that we shall continue through the darklands to contest or destroy it?"
  13. [16:06] <@Kilarra> Eviana shakes her head, "No. The gate is long dormant, and with out progress in the gate here, we might be able to sever the connection to this one as well before the drow can even discover how to reactivate it."
  14. [16:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "So... no plans to figure out what that group of dark elves is up to?"
  15. [16:09] <@Kilarra> Eviana notes, "We would only prefer to destroy the gates as a last resort, given their grand heritage. As you have said though, the other drow do not seem interested in the Azrinae's war on those of us up above. Therefore, we should turn our thoughts to this 'Land of Black Blood'."
  16. [16:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree grins. "Right, so, just us again, or elves too?"
  17. [16:14] <@Kilarra> Eviana smiles, "Mercifully, you need not be alone in this endeavor this time. Though our forces here at Celwynvian are occupied with recovery of the city, as well as diminished by losses within the battle to reclaim it, we have sufficient evidence now to present to Queen Telandia. Once she is informed, she can authorize an offensive against the Azrinaes. Of course, given all you have already done, shoudl you at that point choose to ret
  18. [16:23] <@Kilarra> -choose to retire from this quest, we would be understanding."
  19. [16:24] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Already gone this far, might as well finish. How long 'til you can get authorization though?"
  20. [16:26] <@Kilarra> Eviana smiles, "That is where we would like you to aid us again. We are busy here at Celwynvian, and althoug hwe could spare elves to deliver the message, you, I believe, would be able to deliver the most convicing persuasion, having the most first hand experience with the drow."
  21. [16:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "...Diplomats...?"
  22. [16:28] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "I do not think we are the -best- diplomats for this, but if you think we are your best chance, very well."
  23. [16:29] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to his companions, "It's not like we need to sell ourselves, or exaggerate or lie. We simply need to present the facts we have discovered."
  24. [16:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "Yeah, yeah...Easy enough."
  25. [16:33] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "The elven lands are probably quite lovely. It would be an enjoyable trip, political purposes aside."
  26. [16:35] * Aluthyra smiles. "Indeed it would." She nods. "Very well... it seems we are all willing."
  27. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Eviana chuckles, "As well, considering your encounter with yet another dragon, it seems prudent to inform you that our next teleport of supplies from Kyonin just so happens to be tomorrow. We shall arrange for you to return to the Elven capital with them. It should also be noted that, should you wish to make use of your financial windfall, Kyonin is a very affluent city."
  28. [16:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree fails at suppressing her wide grin.
  29. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Kjell just chuckles at Kahree. "It seems then that we have a plan."
  30. [16:41] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "If we have to wait till tomorrow, it'd be a good chance for you to try those out beyond just me feeling them over." She looks to Eviana, "I don't suppose you have any books on avian phsyiology, do you?"
  31. [16:42] * Kilarra notes to Aluthyra, "Want to make sure I know how to help you take care of them properly, in case they get injured."
  32. [16:43] * Aluthyra nods. "Of course. Care will certainly be important."
  33. [16:45] <@Kilarra> Eviana nods, "I shall see what I can get from the library for you. Whatever you wish to do today, just be sure to meet back here this time tomorrow."
  34. [16:46] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, then looks to Kjell. "Soooo... what's on your agenda today? I don't really have anything to do, so unless you do, and I can join in, I'll probably catch up on sleep."
  35. [16:47] <@Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Probably just some practise and research. Been a while since I had some down time to do either without it being under life threatening circumstances."
  36. [16:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Alright, well," She stands. "See you all here this time tomorrow!" Kahree heads out to catch up on sleep, and even train with her maces.
  37. [16:48] * Aluthyra smiles to Kilarra. "I do have laundry to do, so perhaps after that, Eviana will have the books ready?"
  38. [16:48] * Kilarra nods and stretches. "Sure." She accompanies Aluthyra to help out.
  39. [16:50] <@Kilarra> The day passes uneventfully for the group as they rest and run some more casual errands. The following day sees a bright, warm morning.
  40. [16:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree's up and ready as it draws near to the meeting time. She waits outside her tent for the others.
  41. [16:51] * Kilarra does her usual preparations and then gets dressed. She is quite curious about the Elven lands, wondering how they would compare to their twisted darklands countparts.
  42. [16:55] * Aluthyra slips on one of her recently-washed robes and waits for Kilarra to head out.
  43. [16:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell steps out of the tent after Kahree, after preparing his spells for the day
  44. [16:57] * Kilarra dons her outfit and armour, strapping on her mace and crossbow. She teases Aluthyra's wings quickly before stepping out.
  45. [16:57] * Aluthyra tries to clear her face of blush before she follows Kilarra out.
  46. [16:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods to her companions as they assemble and heads towards Eviana's tent.
  47. [16:59] <@Kilarra> Eviana and Kaerishiel are there waiting. Eviana looks up at the position of the sun and nods. "Should be any minute now."
  48. [17:04] <@Kilarra> Indeed, a few minutes later, There is a flash and a crack as an Elven wizard appears out of thin air, accompanied by a couple wagonloads of supplies. A few elves immediately move to unload the wagons, while Eviana greets the wizard. "Welcome back. I hope you do not mind, but we have a few passengers for your return trip."
  49. [17:04] <@Kilarra> Kjell steps forwards and gives the elven teleporter a polite bow. "Greetings and well met." He then glances to Kahree, "I'm gonna have to learn to do that, huh?"
  50. [17:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Mandatory, yeah."
  51. [17:07] * Aluthyra follows Kjell's bow with one of her own. "It is a pleasure... and thank you in advance."
  52. [17:08] * Kilarra nods to the elf and waits for Eviana to finish informing him of the situation.
  53. [17:11] <@Kilarra> The elf wizard looks to the group, "Eviana has informed me of the situation. I will speak with an emissary on your behalf once we return, and with luck it shouldn't take more than a couple days to arrange an audience with the Queen, given your plight. In the meantime, accomodations will be provided, and you will be free to explore Iadara."
  54. [17:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Sweet. Ready whenever, I guess."
  55. [17:18] <@Kilarra> The elf nods and teleports the group halfway across the continent.
  56. [17:19] <@Kilarra> The first thing the party would notice upon their arrival in Iadara is the light. Bright, glorious sunshine streaming through the leaves of trees high above and washing over the ground in waves of sun and soft shade. Here and there it glances off the windows of graceful towers and austere buildings with exquisitely carved wooden eaves.
  57. [17:19] <@Kilarra> The ground, too, is made up of thousands upon thousands of inlaid wooden tiles, polished and glowing the hue of a warm hearth, with designs as intricate as the most delicate gold jewelry.
  58. [17:20] <@Kilarra> Elves move to and fro, or gather to talk in light, carefree tones, and allβ€”from tradesmen to the elite of elven societyβ€”are dressed in elegant but functional garb, and adorned with understated gold and silver trinkets of the highest quality.
  59. [17:21] <@Kilarra> Colorful birds flit through the air, and you can just make out a recurring melody in their song that brings to mind lazy summer days and hours of indolent pleasure. The sound of countless burbling fountains fills the air, and the scents of pristine woodland and delicate wildflowers grace every intake of breath.
  60. [17:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree feels... slightly uncomfortable with such a grandiose city. Looking around, it certainly is beautiful, but... a far reach from what she is used to.
  61. [17:21] * Kilarra winces a bit at the more intense light, giving her eyes a moment to adjust. When they do however; "Wow. This place could give parts of Elysium a run for their money."
  62. [17:23] * Aluthyra blinks, looking around with awe. "It definitely could... such a different sight, comparing it to the drow city... even cities of man on the surface." She looks to and fro at the people. "Even the people, it seems, are all wealthy. Different..."
  63. [17:25] <@Kilarra> Kjell chuckles. "I can only hope the company and the refreshments are as wonderful as the sights."
  64. [17:25] <@Kilarra> The elf wizard looks to the party, "I will show you to your lodgings, after which I shall head to address one of the Queen's emmisaries for you."
  65. [17:31] * Aluthyra nods. "Thank you again. And when do you expect that we will be able to speak with the Queen?"
  66. [17:33] <@Kilarra> The elf wizard thinks a moment. "Well, givne your urgency, it might be as soon as tomorrow, but do remember that we elves are a long lived society, and often take longer to deliberate on matters of importance."
  67. [17:40] * Kilarra nods, "That'll work. We've got a bit of shopping to take care of anyways. Thanks for the lift."
  68. [17:40] <@Kilarra> Kjellgives the elf another bow, "Your service is most appreciated."
  69. [17:46] <@Kilarra> The elf teleports away with another crack and flash, leaving the party to their own devices
  70. [17:50] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks around. "Shopping?"
  71. [17:51] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Aye, I could use some scrolls and perhaps improvements to my magical fortifications."
  72. [17:52] * Kilarra flicks Aluthyra playfully with her tail. "Wann get the bird's eye view, or just go shopping with the others?"
  73. [17:52] * Aluthyra shrugs. "I think I would prefer to follow the others for now." She bumps one of her wingtips against Kilarra's side.
  74. [17:53] * Kilarra gigglesa bit, "Hey, that tickles!" She then gets a mischevious idea to put to use some other time.
  75. [17:56] <@Kilarra> The group is able to find pretty much anything they might like in Kyonin, elven artisans are capable of crafting and selling many items both mundane and magical.
  76. [17:58] <Aluthyra> Once they are done shopping, Kahree and Aluthyra begin to head back to their quarters... assuming Kjell or Kilarra don't have more sight-seeing in mind.
  77. [17:59] * Kilarra doesn't have any place specific she wants to visit, but is fine with meandering around for a little while to take in the sights as they come.
  78. [18:02] <@Kilarra> Kjell returns to their provided lodgings for a quiet evening of dinner and study.
  79. [18:02] * Kilarra might have less quiet intentions if she and Aluthyra had their own room, especially if it wasn't just a thin tent.
  80. [18:02] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
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