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a guest
Feb 7th, 2022
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  1. ┏━━━━━━━━━━ Tethers and Debuff ━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  2. North:  |  Check: Dont need Debuff? → Stack
  3. South:  |  Check: Dont need Tether? → Stack
  4. ┏━━ Pinax Lava ━━┓┏━━━ Water and Acid Combo ━━━┓
  5.  = towards middle → Use Anti-KB/Gapcloser to ensure position
  6.  = towards edge    For Lightning/Acid:
  7. Mark Healers /    Ranges prepos. in Fire/Edge
  8. and adjust   
  9. ┏━━ Orbs ━━━┓┏━━ Tower Positions ━━┓┏━━━ First Towers ━━━┓
  10.   A  / | /   Stack South → Take Tether
  11. A  A Tether pos.  rotate CW  Go to Tower pos.
  12. A    / | /   Go to Tether Cardinal pos.
  13. → Rotate CW  First Tower = Bloodrake  = No tether later
  14.  Second Towers = Bloodrake  = No debuff later
  15.  Repeat Tether-Debuff positions and Order!
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