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- Links 56000
- Finchinator 40000
- SoulWind 33500
- McMeghan 31500
- eden 25000
- Caetano93 23500
- Hclat 23000
- Amaranth 22000
- Raiza 20500
- TC 20000
- z0mOG 20000
- ziloXX 19500
- Star 19500
- watermess 17500
- Vileman 16000
- John W 15000
- CKW 14500
- elodin 13500
- Raichy 12500
- Posho 12000
- Endill 11500
- watashi 11500
- Yami 11000
- PDC 11000
- Kristyl 10000
- Fear 10000
- Void 10000
- Genesis7 10000
- shawyu 1313 10000
- Raahel 9000
- CyberOdinβ 9000
- Hyogafodex 8500
- Gilbert arenas 8500
- frisoeva 8500
- Sharow 8000 (78k by mistake)
- vani 8000
- gorex 8000
- Bushtush 8000
- Mister Tim 8000
- Jhonx~ 7000
- Mr.378 7000
- SOMALIA 6500
- mc56556 6500
- kael 6000
- Charmflash 6000
- Alumn 6000
- dice 6000
- Koalacance 6000
- BluBirD252 6000
- Aliss 5500
- Oibaf 5500
- hellpowna 5500
- devin 5000
- MAX UND MAX 5000
- Expulso 5000
- peng 5000
- Shakur 5000
- Excal 5000
- egalvanc 4500
- Monsareeasy 4500
- choolio 4500
- Sakito 4000
- QWILY 4000
- Beraldinhoo 4000
- vivalospride 4000
- LuckOverSkill 4000
- Alkione 4000
- Sadlysius 4000
- TSR 4000
- Fakee 4000
- jonfilch 4000
- byronthewellwell 4000
- Diophantine 4000
- Thildema 4000
- Chaitanya 3500
- Nalorium 3500
- talah 3500
- Wait2Seconds 3500
- AM 3000
- TopLel TopKek 3000
- Splash 3000
- Ika Ika Musume 3000
- Spl4sh 3000
- Justamente 3000
- idiotfrommars 3000
- ForgottenOnes 3000
- Abyssal Ruins 3000
- avarice 3000
- Staxi 3000
- 64 Squares 3000
- StepC 3000
- Pak 3000
- Cynara 3000
- baddummy 3000
- Roxiee 3000
- zeefable 3000
- toytean 3000
- Morale 3000
- Stockings 3000
- Egor 3000
- Sageau 3000
- bruno 3000
- Plague von Karma 3000
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