
MRVERSE Chapter 6

Jul 4th, 2018
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  1. (Oct 1606)
  2. |Nohr Saga-Chapter 2|
  3. "" = Jalen
  4. [] = Colt
  5. ++ = Siegbert
  6. <> = Rhiannon
  7. {} = Lucina
  10. It's been a month since the Artemis Cup...So far, not much had happened besides the usual Media coverage. Whereas the Remmant media have portrayed Siegbert in a negative light(Well, as much as they can without facing major repercussions from King Xander...) while making Jalen seem like a hero, The Nohrian media does the opposite andshow Siegbert as someone who got dealt very unfairly by the 'scheming' Jalen with his 'cowardly' ways.
  12. They would had done worse had Rhiannon and Lady Camilla not caught wind of it and made them retract all the hurtful things they could had said about him and Colt. Speaking of, the 2 of them are on their ranch on top of a giant hill with a lot of boulders for them to push down towards Oswald for his SPD.
  14. [Have you seen the news outlet from Nohr?] Grunted Colt as she roll a giant boulder towards Jalen as he hold it in place at the top where Oswald is at the bottom awaiting for them to roll it down towards him, the 2 of them wearing autumn clothing with hoodies and sweatpants with the forest behind Oswald down at the hill missing many of their leaves, if not, all of them. "How have I not....Everywhere I turn the channel to, it seems like they are plying my interview with the media from both nations..." He roll his eyes in annoyance, he never did like how much the media could sway public's opinion of the trainers. Sure, it was nice that Valla seems to adore him more than usual, but he's sure that he and Colt are Public Enemy #1 there in Nohr...
  16. [Kinda sucks, I was hoping that we could compete in Nohr, but I don't think it would be safe for us to go there for the time being...]
  17. She sighs as she rest against the rock as Jalen shrugs."Well, The only thing we will be missing will be their food along with Rhiannon and her hot-ass MILF, Camilla..." He drools a bit before wiping his mouth...every person dreamed of banging the one and only Camilla Kalmte and experts are STILL tryiing to find out who the fuck got lucky on fucking her to make Rhiannon...crackpot theorists deduce that no one fucked Camilla and instead made a clone of herself in Rhiannon...
  19. But that's for another time..
  21. [Well anyway...] Colt decided to not delve into that subject lest they get lost and talk about how hot Camilla is...She look down at where Oswald is at and screamed..[YOU READY, OSWALD!?!?] The Scaled Hare thumbs up as Jalen then kick the rock down and watch it along with Colt as it pick up speed towards the monster...
  23. Oswald crouches low as the rock gets closer and closer until at the last second, he jumps out of the way and land on his feet as he watches the rock go on and eventually crashes into the forest behind them where many other rocks rest at...
  25. Oswald look up and give them a challenging look along with an obscene gesture, making Colt frown as Jalen smirks. "Cocky lil bastard, isn't he?" Colt squint her eyes at him, knowing that he isn't bothered by Oswald's more heel-like behavior. [It's your fault that he's like this....All of this for Stinking Gas...] "Hey, it was worth it to beat Julian last month!"Jalen chuckled as he roll up another rock, one that's more bigger than the last one and roll it down the hill towards Oswald.
  27. Oswald widen his eyes for a bit before he dodge the rock again like last time, although this one was just barely as he landed on his belly and get up to shake an angry fist at Jalen who snickered at him."I only do it cause I love you, Oswald!!!" Oswald grumbles and crosses his arms.
  29. "Allright, Take a 15 min break, Afterwards, go and set the Domino Drill." Oswald nods as he hop off towards his barn to lay down and rest as Colt and Jalen walk down the hill towards their home. The 2 enter it as Colt throw her hoodie on the rack where they hang their hats and jackets up..
  31. [Phew...I'm beat...] She lay down on the couch as Jalen groans and lay on the floor,seeing that she have beaten him to the couch....They turn on the tv just in time to see Raven and her Salamander(Zuum/Dragon), Garnet, land the winning Fireball on the opposing Gaboo to blast it to the wall in the Rank E tourney called the Kawrea Cup.
  33. "Everyone's getting better..." Muses Jalen as he sits up and watches as Garnet roars with pride as she takes the win in the finals of the cup while Raven smirks and take the prize money and the trophy from the officials as she hugs her Salamander in pride. [Well, they have you to thank, Both Soleil and Raven have made a lot of strides as breeders cause of their...] Colt bites her lips, trying to find the right word for this before finding it. [Amorous love for you.] "They love fucking me, is what you're saying." He smirks as she roll her eyes in annoyance. [Well, that's the blunt way of saying it..]
  35. [But back to the point...Those 2 love to prove themselves to you..As for Qrow and Inigo...they just see you as the biggest target to take down in Valla(Region change, from Remmant to Valla now.)]
  37. Jalen roll over to his back as he stare at the ceiling in thought, not finding any faults in Colt's reasoning before nodding. "I suppose you're right, although I doubt someone like Inigo will be a threat..." He sits up and head to the kitchen to get some snacks. As he get there, he look out the window and see Oswald setting up the domino drill to get ready, the 3 pillars standing in line as Oswald walk back with a basket of metal Baseballs to throw at one to knock it down.
  38. "Qrow will definitely be a thorn in our side, he's constantly training and even came close to beating us here and there...And for the girls...well, if there's one thing they are good that.." He speaks loud enough for Colt to hear as she channel surf the TV..."It's training monsters and sex with me!"
  40. He smiles with a rather perverted vibe as Colt raise an eyebrow at his remark. [Dude, that's 2 things..] He scowls as he comes back to her on the couch with a bag of sunflower kernals. "Close enough.." He open them up and begin to eat them as they watch the news.
  42. Turns out, Siegbert is on the news and is having a live press conference at the Krackenburg Hall in the capital of Nohr, Rome.
  45. ----------------------
  47. "...?"
  48. [Whatever this is..] Both of them share a look at one another before turning to the TV with attentive looks.[This won't be good for us.] Out of the camera and to the side stand Rhiannon against the wall with her arms crossed with a bored look. It's been one annoying month for her to deal with Siegbert whining consistently to his father and other nobles who would listen(Meaning every single one of them besides Camilla and her circle of small friends and Rhiannon herself).
  50. The media didn't help as they help sooth his egp and paint him as the victim of circumstances out of his control, Saying that had his battle with Jalen be in Nohr, they wouldn't had counted his win officially(A ridiculous notion thought by Camilla and Rin, yet Xander would had backed it up regardless of their opinions on the matter).
  52. At the moment, Siegbert seems to be winding down the media after answering some questions after winning the Larox Cup with Julius...and pick a news reporter to answer. This reporter asked will Julius takes part in the Official Rank E Cup this coming December..
  53. +To answer that, I will say yes!+ The crowd erupts with cheers and camera flashes as Rin roll her eyes...these people will eat up anything she thought as Siegbert smiles and calm the people down. +I feel Julius will be ready to head on to Rank D and shall prove it at the Official Rank E Cup here in the glorious city of Rome!"
  55. <You say every city you go to is glorious...> Rin muses to herself while Siegbert clears his throat and end the press conference there and walk towards her. The 2 of them walk down the hallway by themselves as Rin place her hands in her blue jacket to warm them from the coldness of the hallway before they step out to their limo and head home.
  57. <So...you think you're ready for Rank D?> She asked him with a hard glare which Siegbert confidently meet back with a smirk of his own. +Of course, Julius have trained very hard for this moment and shall not miss this chance to proceed to greatness!+
  59. <Greatness?> She crosses her arms and smugly smile as she look out the window. <I suppose one would need to train hard to get rid of the rancid smell of defeat...> Here, Siegbert scowls as he leans in his chair facing her. +I swear, if you bring up that batt-+ <YOU LOST TO JALEN CAUSE OF YOUR STUBBORN WAYS OF BATTLING, SIEGBERT!> Rin smiles like one would after springing their trap as he facepalms in shame..He hated when Rin was right cause she would usually rub it in the face of whoever argued against her in a very aggressive manner(Something that she inherited from her mom)
  61. +Listen, I ha-+ He leans back as she raise a hand to his face and continue on. <You clearly said that you were gonna win that tourney with no issues at all! You said that Valla had no great breeders to worry about! And what happened? You lose to not only what could be Valla's best..but in a way that I had to kiss my hand and give blessings to! By whithering your monster's guts AKA the ANTI-META I AND MOTHER DO!>
  63. Rhiannon laughs as Siegbert covers his face in shame on their way home to their multi-million dollar castle/ranch/mansion where the rest of their family resides in.
  65. ----------------------
  67. Meanwhile, within the country of Ylisse and in the castle grounds of Castle Leonhart...a young girl with her blue hair tied into a pony tail and wearing workout clothing is busy jogging around her ranch with her Antlan, Marx. This girl is Lucina Leonhart and she is currently the best breeder in her age group in Ylisse following Jalen's leaving of the nation. She have started her career 2 months after Jalen have yet those years ago and quickly became a rising star. Some say that she have her family's fortunes to thank as she got the best gadgets money can buy including the land.
  69. Others say that she's the reincarnation of her ancestor Marth himself, the best breeder not just in Ylisse, but in all the nations many eons ago...Regardless of whether that's true or not..one thing's for sure is that she is a very dedicated trainer.
  71. She and Marx stop at the door of their house after doing a 3 Kilometer run around their giant ranch and head inside as she tosses Marx a gatorade to drink after heading to the kitchen to the fridge and then head to the bathroom to wash up her sweaty and toned body.
  72. Soon, she step out and head downstairs as it is nighttime and she's reading the newspaper of today...she have heard of Jalen's victory over Siegbert...but the former's name bring up some ill feelings for her...
  74. You see...Lucina have long been a fan of Jalen's and even liked him at some point...but once she heard of him leaving Ylisse as well as her reasoning...
  76. Well, they say a woman scorned have unmatched fury...Now although her fury have long since quelled into a small ember, that doesn't mean that she have forgiven him entirely. Hell, she wish to even face him in battle to PROVE that Ylisse is a tough nation!
  78. Nope, she's not hurt that he left her...why should she? They never dated or met...nor did she cried on those cold and lonely nights when he left..nor did she vow to become Ylisse's best breeder to make him regret leaving.
  79. {....I need a vacation..} She groans as she scours the newspaper and see the Nohrian Official Rank Schedule..{Maybe I should head there to visit Rhiannon...Haven't seen her in a while...} She nods as she get up and head to bed where she soon fall asleep...dreaming of Jalen.
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