
common cvars

Oct 22nd, 2016
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  1. //Commonly Used Cvars
  3. //Mouse, Crosshair & POV
  4. seta cg_crosshairSize "24x28"
  5. seta cg_drawCrosshair "12" //1-10 are 4:3. 11-19 are widescreen.
  6. seta cg_fov "130"
  7. seta cg_zoomfov "90"
  8. seta ch_crosshairColor "7" //Color of crosshair. Alpha-numeric.
  9. seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
  10. seta cl_mouseAccelLimit "0"
  11. seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5"
  12. seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0"
  13. seta sensitivity "2"
  16. //System & Display
  17. seta com_haxfps "250" //maxfps for dez's haxor client
  18. seta com_maxfps "250" //FPS cap
  19. seta r_customheight "1080" //Used when r_mode -1
  20. seta r_customwidth "1920" //Used when r_mode -1
  21. seta r_displayrefresh "144" //Set to monitor refresh rate
  22. seta r_mode "-1" //Controls game resolution. Type \modelist in console to list resolutions. -1 uses values of r_customheight/width
  23. seta r_modeFullscreen "-2" //dedicated mode string for fullscreen mode, set to -2 to use desktop resolution, leave empty for old behavior
  26. //Textures & Lighting
  27. seta r_gamma "1.5" //Brightness. <0.5 to 3> (default = 1)
  28. seta r_intensity "1.2" //Intensity of texture colors. <1.0 to infinity> (default = 1.0)
  29. seta r_mapoverbrightbits "2" //Brightens or darkens the map textures. <1-5> (default = 2)
  30. seta r_picmip "10" //Texture detail. Lower value equals higher detail. <0-10> (default = 1)
  31. seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //NEAREST - bilinear. LINEAR - trilinear.
  32. seta r_vertexlight "1" //Toggle. Static world lighting. No shadows.
  35. //Player Models
  36. seta cg_enemyColors "22222" //Railcore, Head, Shirt, Legs, Rail spiral. Uses alpha-numeric color code.
  37. seta cg_enemyModel "keel/pm" //Enemy model.
  38. seta color "77777" //Railcore, Head, Shirt, Legs, Rail spiral. Uses alpha-numeric color code.
  39. seta model "crash/pm" //Player's model. Also control teammate's model
  42. //Gun Models & Items
  43. seta cg_altLightning "2" //See Q3 folder/cpma/docs/client.txt for explanation
  44. seta cg_drawgun "0" //0 - gun off, 1 - gun on, 2 - gun on, no sway
  45. seta cg_gunOffset "-0-2.75--10" //Moves gun along axis. <x-y-z>. Values between -9, 9. (default = "")
  46. seta cg_itemFX "0" //See Q3 folder/cpma/docs/client.txt for explanation
  47. seta cg_marks "0" //Milliseconds marks after explosions are visible. (default = 2500)
  48. seta cg_nomip "1022" //See Q3 folder/cpma/docs/client.txt for explanation. Set to 1023 to nomip all weapons.
  49. seta cg_railCoreWidth "4" //Width of the Core. default = 2
  50. seta cg_railRingStep "1" //Distance between Rings. default = 32
  51. seta cg_railRingWidth "3" //Width of the Rings. default = 8
  52. seta cg_railStyle "1" //See Q3 folder/cpma/docs/client.txt for explanation
  53. seta cg_simpleItems "1" //Toggle 2d items.
  54. seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0" //Controls the size of the smoke trail for grenades. (default = 4)
  55. seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "0" //Controls the size of the smoke trail for rockets. (default = 6)
  56. seta cg_smoke_SG "0" //Toggle shotgun smoke.
  57. seta cg_brassTime "0" //Controls the time shell casings being discharged from MG+SG are visible. (default = 2500)
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