

Nov 20th, 2018
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  1. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. #
  3. # K2R skript
  5. #
  6. # 使うとき俺にいってね必ず
  7. # 無断使用はやめてね DISCORD: k1Ok2R#5702
  8. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # configuration
  12. #
  13. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. options:
  15. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. #-----------------------------------Logo------------------------------------
  17. #Logo will display before each message!
  18. logo: &8[&6System&8] &7&l|
  19. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. #-----------------------------------Types-----------------------------------
  23. playerleveling: true
  24. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. #---------------------------------PLeveling---------------------------------
  28. #PlayerLeveling (Reward uses vault!)
  29. xpforlvlup: 800
  30. lvlupreward: iron_ingot
  31. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. #----------------------------------MaxLvL-----------------------------------
  35. maxlvl: 300 #MaxXp is used to mark max level of player (eg. 100 Bob[Lv100])
  36. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. variables:
  39. {lvl.%player%} = 0
  40. {xp.%player%} = 0
  41. {sp.%player%} = 0
  42. {power.%player%} = 0
  43. {def.%player%} = 0
  44. {hp.%player%} = 0
  45. #-------------------------------------------------------
  46. # side bar
  47. #-------------------------------------------------------
  49. every 2 second:
  50. loop all players:
  51. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  52. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&3&l======&a&lRPGやぞ&3&l======"
  53. set score " &b&lLV: %{lvl.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  54. set score " &a&lEXP: %{xp.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  55. set score " &e&lSP: %{sp.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  56. set score " &e" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  57. set score " &5&lお知らせ:" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  58. set score " &a&lβテスト中" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  59. set score " &a&lβテスト終了時刻" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  60. set score " &a&l12月20日" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  61. set score " &3&l====&a&lWELCOME&3&l====" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  62. #------------------------------------------------------------
  63. # Player Leveling System
  64. #------------------------------------------------------------
  66. on any movement:
  67. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  68. if {xp.%player%} is greater or equal to {@xpforlvlup}:
  69. if {lvl.%player%} is greater or equal to {@maxlvl}:
  70. stop
  71. else:
  72. remove {@xpforlvlup} from {xp.%player%}
  73. add 1 to {lvl.%player%}
  74. add 1 to {sp.%player%}
  75. send "{@logo} &e&lレベルUP!現在の&a&lLV: &b%{lvl.%player%}%" to player
  76. execute console command "/give %player% {@lvlupreward}"
  77. stop
  79. command /pointstatus:
  80. trigger:
  81. open chest with 1 row named "§e§lステータス割り振り" to player
  82. wait 1 tick
  83. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "§4力" with lore "§6%{power.%player%}%ポイント。攻撃力を上げます" to run [execute player command "statuspower"]
  84. format slot 1 of player with iron ingot named "§b守備" with lore "§6%{def.%player%}%ポイント。防御力を上げます" to run [execute player command "statusdef"]
  85. format slot 2 of player with apple named "§dHP" with lore "§6%{hp.%player%}%ポイント。HPを増やします" to run [execute player command "statushp"]
  86. format slot 8 of player with experience bottle named "§a残り%{sp.%player%}%ポイント" to close
  88. command /statuspower:
  89. trigger:
  90. if {sp.%player%} = 0:
  91. message "§aスキルポイントがたりません" to player
  92. stop
  93. else:
  94. add -1 to {sp.%player%}
  95. add 1 to {power.%player%}
  96. message "§ePOWERに1SP割り振りました" to player
  97. execute player command "pointstatus"
  99. command /statusdef:
  100. trigger:
  101. if {sp.%player%} = 0:
  102. message "§aスキルポイントがたりません" to player
  103. stop
  104. else:
  105. add -1 to {sp.%player%}
  106. add 1 to {def.%player%}
  107. message "§eDefに1SP割り振りました" to player
  108. execute player command "pointstatus"
  110. command /statushp:
  111. trigger:
  112. if {sp.%player%} = 0:
  113. message "§aスキルポイントがたりません" to player
  114. stop
  115. else:
  116. add -1 to {sp.%player%}
  117. add 1 to {hp.%player%}
  118. message "§eHPに1SP割り振りました" to player
  119. execute player command "pointstatus"
  121. command /playerstatus [<offline player>]:
  122. trigger:
  123. if arg-1 is not set:
  124. send "&e"
  125. send "&7&l-:=&6&l%player%&7&l=:-:=&b&lStatus&7&l=:-"
  126. send "&b&lLV: %{lvl.%player%}%"
  127. send "&a&lEXP: %{xp.%player%}%"
  128. send "&e&lSP: %{sp.%player%}%"
  129. send "&e"
  130. if arg-1 is set:
  131. send "&e"
  132. send "&7&l-:=&6&l%arg-1%&7&l=:-:=&b&lStatus&7&l=:-"
  133. send "&b&lLV: %{lvl.%arg-1%}%"
  134. send "&a&lEXP: %{xp.%arg-1%}%"
  135. send "&e&lSP: %{sp.%arg-1%}%"
  136. send "&e"
  138. command /resetstatus [<offline player>]:
  139. permission: skript.k2r
  140. trigger:
  141. if arg-1 is not set:
  142. set {lvl.%player%} to 1
  143. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  144. set {sp.%player%} to 1
  145. set {power.%player%} to 0
  146. set {def.%player%} to 0
  147. set {hp.%player%} to 0
  148. send "%player%のステータスをリセットしました"
  149. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  150. if arg-1 is set:
  151. set {lvl.%arg-1%} to 1
  152. set {xp.%arg-1%} to 0
  153. set {sp.%arg-1%} to 1
  154. set {power.%arg-1%} to 0
  155. set {def.%arg-1%} to 0
  156. set {hp.%arg-1%} to 0
  157. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  158. send "%arg-1%のステータスをリセットしました"
  160. command /upstatus [<offline player>] [<number>]:
  161. permission: skript.k2r
  162. trigger:
  163. if arg-2 is :
  164. add {arg-2} to {lvl.%arg-1%}
  168. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. #
  170. #Power
  171. #
  172. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. on any movement:
  174. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  175. if {power.%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  176. apply strength 0 to the player for 9999 seconds
  178. on any movement:
  179. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  180. if {power.%player%} is greater or equal to 10:
  181. apply strength 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  183. on any movement:
  184. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  185. if {power.%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  186. apply strength 2 to the player for 9999 seconds
  188. on any movement:
  189. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  190. if {power.%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  191. apply strength 3 to the player for 9999 seconds
  193. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. #
  195. # def
  196. #
  197. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. on any movement:
  199. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  200. if {def.%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  201. apply resistance 0 to the player for 9999 seconds
  203. on any movement:
  204. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  205. if {def.%player%} is greater or equal to 10:
  206. apply resistance 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  208. on any movement:
  209. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  210. if {def.%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  211. apply resistance 2 to the player for 9999 seconds
  213. on any movement:
  214. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  215. if {def.%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  216. apply resistance 3 to the player for 9999 seconds
  218. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. #
  220. # HP
  221. #
  222. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. on any movement:
  224. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  225. if {hp.%player%} is greater or equal to 1:
  226. apply health boost 0 to the player for 9999 seconds
  228. on any movement:
  229. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  230. if {hp.%player%} is greater or equal to 10:
  231. apply health boost 1 to the player for 9999 seconds
  233. on any movement:
  234. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  235. if {hp.%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
  236. apply health boost 2 to the player for 9999 seconds
  238. on any movement:
  239. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  240. if {hp.%player%} is greater or equal to 30:
  241. apply health boost 3 to the player for 9999 seconds
  246. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. #
  248. # モブ EXP 設定
  249. #
  250. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. #zombie(モンスターのID): (EXP量)
  253. options:
  254. zombie: 9
  255. skeleton: 15
  256. creeper: 18
  257. spider: 16
  258. enderman: 24
  259. witch: 18
  260. blaze: 25
  261. zombie pigman: 60
  262. slime: 3
  266. on death of a zombie:
  267. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  268. if attacker is a player:
  269. add {@zombie} to {xp.%attacker%}
  270. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@zombie}&3EXP" to the attacker
  272. on death of a skeleton:
  273. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  274. if attacker is a player:
  275. add {@skeleton} to {xp.%attacker%}
  276. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@skeleton}&3EXP" to the attacker
  278. on death of a creeper:
  279. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  280. if attacker is a player:
  281. add {@creeper} to {xp.%attacker%}
  282. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@creeper}&3EXP" to the attacker
  284. on death of a spider:
  285. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  286. if attacker is a player:
  287. add {@spider} to {xp.%attacker%}
  288. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@spider}&3EXP" to the attacker
  290. on death of a enderman:
  291. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  292. if attacker is a player:
  293. add {@enderman} to {xp.%attacker%}
  294. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@enderman}&3EXP" to the attacker
  296. on death of a witch:
  297. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  298. if attacker is a player:
  299. add {@witch} to {xp.%attacker%}
  300. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@witch}&3EXP" to the attacker
  302. on death of a blaze:
  303. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  304. if attacker is a player:
  305. add {@blaze} to {xp.%attacker%}
  306. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@blaze}&3EXP" to the attacker
  308. on death of a zombie pigman:
  309. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  310. if attacker is a player:
  311. add {@zombie pigman} to {xp.%attacker%}
  312. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@zombie pigman}&3EXP" to the attacker
  314. on death of a slime:
  315. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  316. if attacker is a player:
  317. add {@slime} to {xp.%attacker%}
  318. send "&f&l[&e&l+&f&l]&b{@slime}&3EXP" to the attacker
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