

Sep 27th, 2020
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  1. from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events\n
  2. from import GetHistoryRequest, GetBotCallbackAnswerRequest\n
  3. from telethon.errors import SessionPasswordNeededError\n
  4. from telethon.errors import FloodWaitError
  5. from time import sleep
  6. import json,re,sys,os
  7. try:
  8. import requests
  9. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup \n
  10. except:
  11. print ("\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;31mHmmm Sepertinya Modul Requests Dan Bs4 Belum Terinstall\\n\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;31mTo install Please Type pip install requests and pip install bs4")
  12. sys.exit()
  14. c = requests.Session()
  16. banner = """\\033[0;35m __ _ __\n / /__ (_)___ _/ /______ _\n __ / / _ \\ / / __ `/ //_/ __ `/\n/ /_/ / __/ / / /_/ / ,< / /_/ /\n\\____/\\___/_/ /\\__,_/_/|_|\\__,_/\n /___/\n\\033[0;34m=========================================================\n\\033[1;32mAuthor By \\033[1;31m :\\033[1;0m Kadal15\n\\033[1;32mChannel Yt\\033[1;31m : \\033[1;0mJejaka Tutorial\n\\033[1;32mSupported By \\033[1;31m:\\033[1;0m ALFRED\xe2\x9d\xa4\xef\xb8\x8f"""
  17. if not os.path.exists("session"):\n
  18. os.makedirs("session")
  20. print (banner)
  21. if len(sys.argv)<2:
  22. print ("\\n\\n\\n\\033[1;32mUsage : python +62")
  23. sys.exit(1)
  24. def password():\n c = requests.Session()
  25. if not os.path.exists(".password"): os.makedirs(".password")
  26. print("\\033[1;32mSilahkan Ambil Password Pada Link Di Bawah Ini\\033[1;0m\\n")
  27. pw = c.get("")
  28. if not os.path.exists(".password/password.txt"):\n
  29. f = open(".password/password.txt", "w+")
  30. f.write("wkwkwkwkw")
  31. f.close()
  32. for i in range(99):
  33. f = open(".password/password.txt", "r")
  34. if f.readlines()[0] == pw.text:
  35. sys.stdout.write(\'\\r \\r\')
  36. sys.stdout.write(\'\\r\\033[1;32mUsing Exiting Password....!\')
  37. break
  38. pwin = input("\\033[1;32mEnter Password \\033[1;30m:\\033[1;0m ")
  39. if pwin == pw.text:
  40. f = open(".password/password.txt", "w+")
  41. f.write(pwin)
  42. f.close()
  43. break
  44. else:
  45. print("\\033[1;31mPassword Salah...!")
  46. if i > 1:
  47. print("\\033[1;33mSilahkan Check Password Pada Link Di Bawah Ini\\n\\033[1;0m")
  48. sys.exit()\n\n\n
  49. def tunggu(x):
  50. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  51. sys.stdout.write(" ") for remaining in range(x, 0, -1):\n
  52. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  53. sys.stdout.write("\\033[1;30m#\\033[1;0m{:2d} \\033[1;32mseconds remaining".format(remaining))
  54. sys.stdout.flush()
  55. sleep(1)
  56. ua={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1; A1603 Build/LMY47I; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/43.0.2357.121 Mobile Safari/537.36"}
  57. api_id = 717425
  58. api_hash = \'322526d2c3350b1d3530de327cf08c07\'
  59. phone_number = sys.argv[1]
  60. client = TelegramClient("session/"+phone_number, api_id, api_hash)
  61. client.connect()
  62. if not client.is_user_authorized():
  63. try:
  64. client.send_code_request(phone_number)
  65. me = client.sign_in(phone_number, input(\'\\n\\n\\n\\033[1;0mEnter Your Code : \'))
  66. except SessionPasswordNeededError:
  67. passw = input("\\033[1;0mYour 2fa Password : ")
  68. me = client.start(phone_number,passw)
  69. myself = client.get_me()
  70. os.system("clear")
  71. print (banner)
  72. print ("\\033[1;32mWelcome To TeleBot",myself.first_name,"\\n\\033[1;32mBot Ini Di Gunakan Untuk Menuyul LTC Click Bot")
  76. print ("\\n\\n\\033[1;37mMemulai Menuyul......!")
  77. try:
  78. channel_entity=client.get_entity("@Litecoin_click_bot")
  79. channel_username="@Litecoin_click_bot"
  80. for i in range(5000000):
  81. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  82. sys.stdout.write(" ")
  83. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  84. sys.stdout.write("\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;33mMencoba Mengambil URL")
  85. sys.stdout.flush()
  86. client.send_message(entity=channel_entity,message="\xf0\x9f\x96\xa5 Visit sites")
  87. sleep(3)
  88. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=1,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  89. if posts.messages[0].message.find("Sorry, there are no new ads available") != -1:
  90. print ("\\n\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;31mIklan Sudah Habis Coba Lagi Besok\\n")
  91. client.send_message(entity=channel_entity,message="\xf0\x9f\x92\xb0 Balance")
  92. sleep(5)
  93. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=1,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  94. message = posts.messages[0].message
  95. print (message)
  96. sys.exit()
  97. else:
  98. try:
  99. url = posts.messages[0].reply_markup.rows[0].buttons[0].url
  100. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  101. sys.stdout.write("\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;33mVisit "+url)
  102. sys.stdout.flush()
  103. id = posts.messages[0].id
  104. r = c.get(url, headers=ua, timeout=15, allow_redirects=True)
  105. soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,"html.parser")
  106. if soup.find("div",class_="g-recaptcha") is None and soup.find(\'div\', id="headbar") is None:
  107. sleep(2)
  108. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=1,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  109. message = posts.messages[0].message
  110. if posts.messages[0].message.find("You must stay") != -1 or posts.messages[0].message.find("Please stay on") != -1:
  111. sec = re.findall( r\'([\\d.]*\\d+)\', message)
  112. tunggu(int(sec[0]))
  113. sleep(1)
  114. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=2,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  115. messageres = posts.messages[1].message
  116. sleep(2)
  117. sys.stdout.write("\\r\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;32m"+messageres+"\\n")
  118. else:
  119. pass
  121. elif soup.find(\'div\', id="headbar") is not None:
  122. for dat in soup.find_all(\'div\',class_="container-fluid"):
  123. code = dat.get(\'data-code\')
  124. timer = dat.get(\'data-timer\')
  125. tokena = dat.get(\'data-token\')
  126. tunggu(int(timer))
  127. r ="",data={"code":code,"token":tokena}, headers=ua, timeout=15, allow_redirects=True)
  128. js = json.loads(r.text)
  129. sys.stdout.write("\\r\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;32mYou earned "+js[\'reward\']+" LTC for visiting a site!\\n")
  130. else:
  131. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  132. sys.stdout.write(" ")
  133. sys.stdout.write("\\r")
  134. sys.stdout.write("\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;31mCaptcha Detected")
  135. sys.stdout.flush()
  136. sleep(2)
  137. client(GetBotCallbackAnswerRequest(channel_username, id, data=posts.messages[0].reply_markup.rows[1].buttons[1].data))
  138. sys.stdout.write("\\r\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;31mSkip Captcha...! \\n")
  139. sleep(2)
  140. except:
  141. sleep(3)
  142. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=1,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  143. message = posts.messages[0].message
  144. if posts.messages[0].message.find("You must stay") != -1 or posts.messages[0].message.find("Please stay on") != -1:
  145. sec = re.findall( r\'([\\d.]*\\d+)\', message)
  146. tunggu(int(sec[0]))
  147. sleep(1)
  148. posts = client(GetHistoryRequest(peer=channel_entity,limit=2,offset_date=None,offset_id=0,max_id=0,min_id=0,add_offset=0,hash=0))
  149. messageres = posts.messages[1].message
  150. sleep(2)
  151. sys.stdout.write("\\r\\033[1;30m# \\033[1;32m"+messageres+"\\n")
  153. else:
  154. pass
  155. finally:
  156. client.disconnect()\n\n'
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