
The Case of Guy Fawkes

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. ====Sequel to
  3. >He stared into the window, there it was in all it's glory.
  4. >It was beautiful.
  5. >A fucking pawn shop.
  6. >And threw the window?
  7. >Records
  8. >He wanted to shed a tear at how beautiful it was.
  9. >Sure, any other day you would have just passed, it would have been nothing, but here in Outer Reality? It was like spotting a unicorn.
  10. >He was reaching for the door store when-
  11. YANK!
  12. >You were nearly pulled off your balance from the leash as Monika continued walking.
  13. >She turned around, gasping.
  14. >"Oh my God, Guy! I-I'm so sorry! You know I didn't mean to."
  15. >He let off an annoyed sigh, tugging at your fuzzy collar.
  16. >Sure, it was a hassle, but for Monika to be comfortable? He'd put up with it.
  17. "It's-...Whatever. Would be better if I didn't have the leash though."
  18. >Monika folder her arms, stomping her foot with a pout.
  19. >"Well maybe we wouldn't need it if you didn't follow every Monika who walked passed you! It's just for till you get use to Outer Reality, that's all, I promise! Besides, you look kinda cute in it, ahaha~"
  20. >She teased, knowing it would get on your nerves slightly.
  21. >Though, she did find the red face you got to be legitimately adorable.
  22. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
  23. >He shoved his hands into his pocket following after.
  24. >She stopped in front of the shop next door.
  25. >A Starbucks, of course.
  26. >Opening the door you two started to walk in, halted by a feminine.
  27. >"Ahaha~ /What/ do you think /you're/ doing?"
  28. >From the Monika working the front desk.
  29. >Guy's Monika looks confused, taken back a bit.
  30. >"What do you mean?"
  31. >Coffee Monika points to Guy, disgust laid plain on her face as clear as the sky.
  32. >"We don't allow their kind here. Not after the war."
  33. >Grip tightened around his leash.
  34. >Oh no...
  35. >"Excuse me?!? I'll-"
  36. >He place a hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm his Monika down before she makes a scene.
  37. "Easy. It's cool, I wanted to check out the pawn shop anyway."
  38. >She suddenly turns around, emerald eyes filled with worry.
  39. >"But Guy, what if some other Monika comes in?!?"
  40. >He shrug his shoulders, taking hold of the leash from her.
  41. "Say dinkle finkle heimer when you walk up to me and I'll know it's you."
  42. >He pointed to the collar, offering up a reassuring smile to her to ease her worry.
  43. "I'm the one wearing the dumb collar no one else would be caught dead in."
  44. >Still hesitant, her eyes start to dart back and forth.
  45. >"W-Well...Okay, but stay near the window! P-Please don't get hurt, I wouldn't forgive myself."
  46. >He leaned down offering her a peck on the lips.
  47. "I swear, you get lost once and suddenly you're a lost puppy."
  48. >As he exited the store a Monika sits in the far corner.
  49. >Hands held up a magazine to cover her face.
  50. >They shook as she breathed heavily.
  51. >One hand moved to her face, pushing up her glasses.
  52. >It would be easy.
  53. >After all, she deserved happiness too, right?
  54. >Being one of the poor unfortunate souls caught up in the streamer fiasco she deserved something, right?
  55. >It's not like she was a bad Monika or anything.
  56. >Oh, she'd do lots of things.
  57. >Like hug him.
  58. >Make him all his favorite foods.
  59. >She wouldn't even scold him for staying up late or not following his diet.
  60. >He'd probably even be happier with her!
  61. >Her head creaked back, watching the anon pass through the cafe window.
  62. >She had to act now before her chances at an anon were gone.
  63. >She pulled the glasses from her face, tucking it into her pocket and setting down the magazine.
  64. >She followed after the person moving into the pawn store.
  65. >The man began shifting through the albums.
  66. >She walked directly over to the anon, looking up at him.
  67. >He stared down, a confused look plastered on his face.
  68. >This Monika just stood there for a good ten seconds, staring at you while breathing heavily
  69. >He could have sworn she was drooling
  70. >Guy took a moment to look around.
  71. >Yep, she was definitely here for you.
  72. "Ummm, can I help you?"
  73. >She flinched as if he were going to hit her.
  74. >But then returned to her normal state, enthusiastically nodding.
  75. >"D-D-D-D-D-Dinkle finkle heimer."
  76. >He sighed in relief, putting back one of the records.
  77. "Jesus, how much coffee did you drink? I thought you were one of those weirdos."
  78. >He said as he handed off the leash to her.
  79. >Her face grows red, stuttering over her words.
  80. >"N-No! No way! I'm not weird! I'm fun! I'm super chill! Ahaha~
  81. "....Oookay."
  82. >He decides to let the awkward behavior subside as she leads him out the shop with her.
  83. >"S-So what's your name."
  84. >He stared at her funny, thinking this is some kind of joke.
  85. "Don't be silly, Monika! You know it's Guy Fawkes!"
  86. >"Yeah! O-Of course I know! Guy and Monika!"
  87. >She reaches a shaky head up, patting the back of his head slightly.
  88. >"Yes~ Good Guy. You're good. Ahaha~"
  89. >He simply shot her another awkward stare as they move down the street together.
  90. "...And you complain about my diet. We've gotta get you off that stuff."
  92. A week later
  93. >Groceries day.
  94. >You usually split the work up with Monika to get the chores done faster.
  95. >Sadly after moving you didn't get your mint flavored ice cream for free anymore, so that was a weight on your wallet.
  96. >You look over the milk section, trying to find the organic kind Monika liked.
  97. >Your attention was torn away from the oh so pressing matter of your food consumption by a tugging on your sleeve.
  98. >You look down, finding a Monika.
  99. >Not yours though.
  100. >When you spend so much time with someone you love you get a second nature of the sort of thing.
  101. >This girl may have been a Monika, but she certainly wasn't the woman you love.
  102. "Yo..."
  103. >She flashed a charming, toothy smile at you.
  104. >"C'mon, silly! We have to go! I want to go for a jog before the day ends. Ahaha~"
  105. >Oh, one of these.
  106. >You pull your arm away, diverting your attention to the frozen goods again.
  107. "Cute. Your friends hiding behind the isles to get a good video for Monichan?"
  108. >She gave a slightly offended look, tapping her chin as she tried to find some way to salvage her ebin epic prank
  109. >"Wh-what's wrong? Don't you love me anymore?"
  110. >You sigh in annoyance, putting the milk back.
  111. >You turn to face her.
  112. >Knowing full well your Monika was a cinemaphile you sing your best,
  113. "Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain."
  114. >She just stared up at you giving the most confused expression.
  115. >If you weren't already in a committed relationship you'd find it cute.
  116. >"....Huh?"
  117. >She simply said, clearly not getting the reference.
  118. >Suddenly a warmth grabbed you from the side.
  119. >A familiar warmth.
  120. >YOUR warmth.
  121. >Your Monika sang in to finish the song.
  122. >"For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston."
  123. >You smile, facing your now wife and sing in unison with her.
  125. >You exchange a laugh, pulling your Monika in close for a hug.
  126. >As you kiss the top of her head she shoots the prankster Monika a look.
  127. >"Whatever, dweebs. Would've been a dumb video anyway, ahaha~"
  128. >Monika looks back up to you, pulling away from the hug.
  129. >"All set?"
  130. >You hold up the bag
  131. "All organic and no junk food, just like you said."
  132. >Her arms crossed, a brow moving up her forehead.
  133. "....All organic and a bag of cheesy chips."
  134. >She was like some kind of damn lie detector, you couldn't get anything past her.
  135. >"Anon! You know it's not good for you! Do you realize how hurt I'd be if you got sick or something?!?"
  136. >She sighs, reassuring you with a warm smile.
  137. >She wouldn't want you to think she hated you or anything.
  138. >"Oh well, I guess it can't be helped. I'll let it pass, but I'm monitoring your chip consumption!"
  139. >She wagged a finger in your face so you knew she was serious.
  140. "Deal!"
  141. >You soundly agree to the compromise as you both start to head for the cash register to pay for your groceries.
  142. >The Monika at the cash register scowls at you as you pay for the food
  143. >You learned to ignore those ever since coming here.
  144. >In fact, you kind of figured there'd be some people turning their nose at you here, especially with the events prior.
  145. >Meanwhile, your Monika began to read the Daily Doki she bought along with the food.
  146. >Register Monika tells you how much it would be and you gladly pay.
  147. >Or, rather, you would gladly, if you wife didn't slightly shove you to the side to ask her sister a very important message.
  148. >"'Scuse me! I couldn't help but notice you were out of mint flavored ice cream."
  149. >Register Monika blew a bubble before popping it.
  150. >Her attitude quickly changed when talking to a fellow Monika.
  151. >"Yep! It's our most popular one! Ahaha! Hard to keep them in stalk, especially when they're so delicious. It's like every bite is biting you back! You don't get that with other ice creams!"
  152. >Your Monika went silent for a moment, lip nearly quivering.
  153. >"Out?..."
  154. >Her sweet face turned to a scowl, before speaking in a low grovely voice.
  155. >"....This reality....."
  156. "No!"
  157. >You snap, paying for the food.
  158. >You grab Monika by the arm practically dragging her out with you.
  159. >She quickens her pace to keep up with you.
  160. >"C'moooon, it was fun last time! I'll let you be my charming assistant~ Ahaha~"
  161. >Her attempts to egg you on caused you to smile a bit, breaking your stern look.
  162. "No, no more wacky film inspired adventures."
  163. >"Why not?"
  164. >She asked in a near whine.
  165. "Gee, maybe because we moved here from you causing so much trouble by then."
  166. >Monika crossed her arms, turning her head as if she was offended, though she knew exactly what you were talking about.
  167. >"I have no idea what you're on about!"
  168. "Really? Well, lets go through all the times we moved. You beat up a homeless person while dressed up like Batman, walked into a bar with toy guns while screaming 'reach for the skies', and I still don't think we're allowed back in Washington DC after the stunt you pulled when I showed you National Treasure. And if you /are/ going to immediately embarrass us after we move, at /least/ do it for something that isn't completely silly."
  169. >That's when it struck Monika.
  170. >You were right.
  171. >It was childish to pull these stunts for minor transgressions.
  172. >She stared down to the news paper for a moment, a bewildered grin growing on her face.
  173. "Sorry if that came across as a bit harsh, I'm just- I'm just a bit stressed from unpacking into the house."
  174. >You turn to face Monika, offering her a smile.
  175. "You get what I mean though, right?"
  176. >Monika quickly looks up bobbing her head rather enthusiastically.
  177. >"Oh, don't worry, Anon! I know exactly what you mean, ahaha~"
  178. >...something that isn't completely silly.....
  181. >Long days at work.
  182. >Always a pain in the ass.
  183. >But at least you had someone to come home to, someone to care about.
  184. >For her?
  185. >You could manage putting up with constant crap her sisters scream your way whenever you're walking down the street.
  186. >You had a bag in your hand, bringing home your wife a special treat.
  187. >The Cornetto trilogy, always been one of your favorites
  188. >Hopefully she wouldn't get the usual craze she got from viewing these films.
  189. >You push open the door, assaulted by a wall of smoke beating against your body.
  190. >"Outer Reality...."
  191. >You hear in the faint distance.
  192. >For fuck's sake....
  193. "Moni!"
  194. >You call out, slightly annoyed.
  195. >You really didn't want to have to move again.
  196. >As you ventured deeper into the new house the sounds of her voice echoed more.
  197. >"The nights are ripe with the scent of bad consciences and the bitter taste of loneliness."
  198. "Can you wait till we're settled for at least three months before working on us moving agian?"
  199. >"An island founded on the back of lonely Monikas, headed by a mega corporation. My curiosity turns to obsession, my obsession turns to addiction. It's my crack, I must tear back the old mask of this land and reveal the truth to everyone. Ahaha~ What else did they expect?"
  200. "Here's the truth, not everyone is lucky. Now can you ple-"
  201. >You step into the room to find not one, but two Monikas.
  202. >Naturally, yours was the one in her old detective get up, puffing away at a cigar.
  203. "Oh, uhhh, hi. Wasn't expecting any company."
  204. >The woman extends her hand, to shake yours. She attempted to smile, but you could tell it was false.
  205. >"Hi, I'm Monika."
  206. >You shake the hand, nodding your head in turn.
  207. "Yeeeaaahh, figured as much."
  208. >Your Monika pulls the cigar from her mouth, adding in on the conversation.
  209. >"Monika, I'd like you to meet Anon. A candle in this dark world, shining the path so all the vermin scurry in its radiance. He'll be helping with the case."
  210. >You double take, eyes shifting between your Monika and the stranger in your house.
  211. "Case?!?"
  212. >The stranger quickly buries her head into chest, wrapping arms around you.
  213. >Tears streamed down her face as she spoke into it
  214. >"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
  215. >Attention is drawn towards your wife, who puffs out a ball of smoke.
  216. >"Poor Monika's boyfriend was Moninapped. She came to us because of the ad I put in the paper."
  217. >Your eyes narrow at her, while Detective Monika simply smiled back.
  218. >She rested her chin in her interlocked fingers.
  219. >Her smile was slightly smug.
  220. >She knew if anyone was going to call the case off it was you, but she also knew you don't have the heart.
  221. >You shake your head, looking down at the poor girl.
  222. "We'll.....We'll see what we can do. You should go home and get some rest..."
  223. >The Monika wiped a tear from her cheek, nodding before making her way out, with a,
  224. >"Thanks."
  225. >You turn to your wife, arms crossed as you gave an upset look.
  226. >"And she fades away in the dark. The cruel world that chewed her up and spat her back out. I can't help but shake an unease though, as my beautiful assistant stares at me with beady eyes."
  227. "What the hell was that?!?"
  228. >"You said I could do the detective thing if I had a good enough reason. I doubt you can find a better reason than this, ahaha~ Besides, we could always use the money."
  229. "We're not detectives!"
  230. >"Not with that attitude!"
  231. >She simply said with the wag of the finger.
  232. >"I even already have a lead!"
  236. >"H-Here we are, Guy. Home sweet home, ahaha~. W-We can have fun here. Do you like jogs, I-I bet you like jogs. What am I saying, of course you like jogs ahah~"
  237. >The door to the house slowly opened.
  238. >It reeked of something fierce.
  239. >Tons of discarded coffee cups, Doritos, and bird seeds.
  240. >Guy gave her a confused look, eyes moving the Monika towards the surrounding area.
  241. "Uhhh....This is /not/ our home."
  242. >The girl grew flustered.
  243. >Face turning a deep red as she tried to think of something.
  244. >"N-No! I-I moved! Ahaha~ Yeah, SURPRISE!"
  245. "You moved to a house that was completely trashed with empty cups and"
  246. SQUISH
  247. >Something sticky was felt as Guy placed a hand on the counter, eyes widening slightly.
  248. "...What the fuck was that?"
  249. >"I-If it's too dirty I can clean it up for you! I-I'll even have a nice little corner for the bird food so it doesn't get anywhere!"
  250. >He snatched the leash away from her, shaking his head as he pushed himself past her towards the door.
  251. "Great, just what I needed, something to egg her on to get the one that shocks."
  252. >He made his way past the door to the outside.
  253. >Sweat would begin to roll down his neck, having no clue of where he could find her or if any other of the Monikas would try fucking with him again.
  254. >Not that he has to worry about it though.
  255. >One step onto the pavement and there was a quick, painful strike.
  256. >Everything went white as he fell forward, slipping into unconsciousness.
  257. >The Monika how abducted him just stood there, breathing hard as she held up shovel she used to hit him.
  258. >She stared down, heavy breathes as her hands started to shake, attempting to reason what exactly she has just done.
  259. >"I-It's okay, h-he'll understand, right? Y-Yeah, I'm sure he will, ahaha~"
  260. >She grabbed a hold of the man's legs, dragging him back into the house
  264. >"The bells of the shop ring in my hallow ears. It smells of lost dreams and misery. I see past the cheerful faces and busy shoppers. Outer Reality's grace might fool the others, but not me."
  265. >The Monika at the front desk of the pawn shop simply stared at the detective, blinking twice.
  266. >Your wife has been on this for a good ten minuets.
  267. >You attempt to try and be the reasonable one and bring the conversation back to the topic at hand.
  268. "We're looking for someone. He went missing a few weeks ago. His name was Guy Fawkes."
  269. >The Monika continued her dead pan, having no clue who you were talking about.
  270. "He was wearing a REALLY stupid leash."
  271. >"Oh!"
  272. >Pawn Monika suddenly called.
  273. >"Yeah, he was over by the records. Lots of your kind come by here actually. I guess it's because of the junk some Monikas in relationships through away. One man's trash, right? Ahaha~. His Monika came by and picked him up. Strange Monika for a strange guy."
  274. >Detective Monika shoves her hands deep into her trench coat.
  275. >Emerald eyes wander over to the records.
  276. >"Her laugh rings hallow. A joyous notion in this cruel nation? It's all fake, superficial. All meaningless. Perhaps she knows what this place is, perhaps she doesn't realize. This place is cheese, big cheese. All meant to lure innocent citizens of Outer Reality, thinking they'll get a nice nibble. Then bam. Neck snapped, blood spilled, and another Monika left to toil in the misery the rest of the people here live."
  277. >You figure this is going to go on for a while, so you move over to the records.
  278. >"Even now I watch Anon fearlessly walk about, unafraid of the traps laid before him. Is he stupid? Is he brave? Or maybe he's trying to tell me something?"
  279. "I'll do my best to avoid giant mouse traps, thank you very much."
  280. >You honestly had no clue what you were doing, but evidently, you doubt you wife had much of a better clue either.
  281. >You circled the area, attempting to find any clue you could use to find out what happened to this person.
  282. >Perhaps there was a wrapper, or a stain.
  283. >Your Monika moves up beside you, a brow pushed up on her forehead as she watched you.
  284. >"Anon, what are you doing?"
  285. "Searching for clues? I don't- I don't know. Sure beats sitting around thinking of things to do."
  286. >Monika couldn't help but let up a giggle when she saw this, figuring it to be kind of adorable.
  287. >"Ahaha~ Silly Anon! You're asking the wrong question!"
  288. "Wrong question?"
  289. >Monika nods, leaning forward with her hands behind her back.
  290. >"Maybe instead can lead us to them you can ask WHY she found Guy in the first place. That way we can begin back tracing."
  291. >You look up to your wife, slightly shocked at her reasoning.
  292. >Was she working this out the entire time?
  293. >Did she know the answer?
  294. >You tap your chin, contemplating on the puzzle.
  295. "Well....She had to know he was in here alone. Considering he was leashed she had to be sure his Monika wouldn't be back any time soon."
  296. >"Mmmhmmm."
  297. >Monika started.
  298. >"And the only way to do that iiiiiissss~"
  299. "To have followed! Or at least been somewhere where they were before he left."
  300. >"See, anon? You're a lot more smart than you think!"
  301. "But where would that be?"
  302. >And just as fast as it had gone, Monika entered her detective persona again.
  303. >"In an establishment that perfectly represents Outer Reality. Its drinks dark and hot like the empty souls who wonder this barren land searching for purpose in this grimdark reality."
  304. >You both make your way into the Starbucks
  305. >Personally, you couldn't stand the sugary crap, but Monika seemed to enjoy it, so you didn't mind.
  306. >A harsh voice shouts to the both of you as you enter the shop.
  307. >"HEY! Leave him outside!"
  308. >You couldn't help but give a confused look, head tilting as you pointed towards yourself.
  309. >"Yeah, you. We don't allow non-Monikas here. It's in our right to refuse any customers we want. Ahaha~"
  310. >She pointed to the sign on your right
  311. >Only Monikas Allowed Entry.
  312. >Your attention moved away from the sign, back over to Coffee Monika.
  313. "It'll only be a second, I just want to ask a few questions."
  314. >"Sorry, but your kind is the last people I'd want to give seconds to. I already saw what a year leads to."
  315. >You wanted to argue.
  316. >Quite frankly, you were started to get fed up with this Monika.
  317. >But then you attention diverted to your wife.
  318. >Maybe throwing a shit fit WASN'T the worse punishment you could give her.
  319. >You just nod your head, motioning for your your Monika to go ahead.
  320. "You know what, honey? I'll just wait outside, not worth it, you know?"
  321. >You give a wave as you exit the shop, allowing for the two sisters to talk.
  322. >Detective Monika moved directly towards the counter, slamming down some money on the counter.
  323. >"Cafe Frape, cold with the ice winds of crime that keeps me up at night."
  324. >Coffee Monika ignored the odd words after, working on the drink.
  325. >"Every day I live in this country I wonder if we made the right decision. Outer Reality is teaming with so much evil. Like a balloon filling with air it's sure to burst. And when it does the loud ring caused from the explosion will echo through the entire world, showing everyone just how ugly we all are down deep beneath."
  326. >Coffee Monika was growing increasingly annoyed, glancing from the cup towards Detective Monika.
  327. >"And what lies beneath you may ask? Beneath the cracks on every building? Beneath the minds of the dark figures moving through the nights? Corruption. Their murders and fornication stain the side walk and everyone turns their noses up and pretends it's not happening. Pretending that they're better than the rest of the world. Well, let me tell you something, sister."
  328. >Monika took the cup as it was handed to her.
  329. >"Everyone's just an edge away from the trigger. From staring at someone they really don't like."
  330. >She jerked her hand forward, throwing the frappuccino on Coffee Monika.
  331. >Coffee Monika yelped, looking over at the other in shock.
  332. >"What's wrong with you?!?"
  333. >Dropping her detective act, Monika gave a bit of a smug smile.
  334. >"Oops! I guess you let the wrong kind in, didn't you? Ahaha~"
  335. >She waltzed right now, thinking very little of the experience.
  336. >You see her leave, having watched the entire thing unfold.
  337. "You figure anything out?"
  338. >"Nope, but I have a better idea."
  339. >She grabbed onto your sleeve quickly tugging you into the alley between the Starbucks and the Pawn Shop.
  340. "Oh no, not this again..."
  344. >Light fills into the room as the door slowly creaked open.
  345. >Guy winced slightly at it, scratching the hair that had been growing on the side of his face.
  346. >The bars from the cage, which was clearly not meant for someone his size, cast a shadow over his face.
  347. >"G-Guy?"
  348. >She called, moving into the house.
  349. >It was a lot more noticeably clean
  350. >Not like how it was when she first found Guy.
  351. >He was already making her such a great person.
  352. >There were a few discarded wires she had to step over, but change took time didn't it?
  353. >"Hey there, Guy! Have a good day without me? I best you really missed me. Ahaha~"
  354. >She spoke as she crouched to get eye level with him.
  355. >His eyes met the eyes of his captor, letting out a slight sigh.
  356. "It'd be better if I was allowed out of this thing."
  357. >She again grew nervous, sweat building as her eyes began to dart around the room.
  358. >"I-I can't let you go! Y-You might try to escape again like last time. I-It's only till I can trust you enough to stay."
  359. "Maybe I wouldn't leave if my diet didn't consist entirely of chips..."
  360. >"Y-You want other foods?!? Y-Yeah, I can do that. W-wait here!"
  361. >She quickly got to her feet, hurrying over towards the kitchen.
  362. >With her gone, he began to inspect the cage, wrapping fingers around the bar.
  363. >The pad lock in place stopped him from getting out easily.
  364. >Hope was lost, but then he caught something out of the corner of his eyes.
  365. >There on the table was his captor's car keys.
  366. >The same chain that had the keys to the padlock.
  367. >She'd be back soon, so he'd have to act quickly.
  368. >Guy shifted his weight, moving the cage along with him.
  369. >Inch by inch he'd hop some more, moving the cage closer and closer to the table.
  370. >WHACK
  371. >He'd hit against it, keys slightly dragging on the table as he did so.
  372. >With one grunt after the other the cage hit against the table more, till finally the keys dropped in front of him.
  373. >He reached out, taking hold of them.
  374. >Fumbling with the lock he managed to undo the damn thing.
  375. >YES! He was finally free!
  376. >"Guy?"
  377. >His captor called out, worried of the noise.
  378. >But it was too late.
  379. >He was in a mad sprint, bolting for the door.
  380. >He reached out, grabbing a hold of the handle.
  381. ZAP!
  382. >He gave a shriek of pain as electricity coursed through his body.
  383. >Apparently she had made a few adjustments after his last attempt at escape.
  384. >He fell back, twitching on the ground
  385. >"Guy! This is why we keep you in the cage!"
  386. >Was all he heard before fading into unconsciousness.
  390. >The large metal door swung open, Monika practically dragging anon with her into the security room.
  391. >"It's quiet, leaving me alone to my dark thoughts. Man can play God from up here, screens serving as eyes. It unnerves me, reminding me of the dark days I was in such a screen. But I remain calm, focusing on breathing and remember my meditation to help me through these times. I notice boxes for footage lined neatly. Days, weeks, months, reduced to mere organized stacks. Maybe a sociopath would be obsessed with this type of neatness."
  392. "Or someone who didn't want to lose their job."
  393. >You said in a hushed voice, digging through the files to find the right tapes.
  394. "Now keep quiet. I don't want us to get caught...."
  395. >"His attempts to calm me are humerus. Aahah~ I remember when I was like him. The rookie. Thinking playing by the rules and keeping your nose clean will keep you out of trouble. Sick truth is you don't find trouble, trouble finds you. You can't win unless you get your hands dirty in the blood of some punk with a knife."
  396. >Figuring you had no idea what she was on at this point, you eventually pulled up the log from when the Moninapping happened.
  397. >Sliding it in you both observed the tape.
  398. >You notice the girl in the back, hands shaking.
  399. >Soon she'd leave after Guy
  400. >You press you index finger to the screen, pointing it out to Monika
  401. "There!"
  402. >You call.
  403. >She leans forward, Emerald eyes glued to the screen.
  404. >"The flicker of the screen fills my vision. Thoughts scattering like a flock of birds into the sky. With one piece of the puzzle found so many others seem to take it's place in the box set, waiting to be put together into a full picture. Do I even want to see the full picture? I must, it scratches on the back of my skull, an itch I can't deal with a-"
  405. >You interrupt, tone slightly irritated.
  406. "Are you going to keep doing this shtick? It wasn't exactly funny the first dozen times and it's honestly wearing thin. We didn't even watch a movie this ti-"
  407. >You stop, hearing a familiar voice coming from behind the door.
  408. >It was that of your wife.
  409. >A Monika
  410. >But the annoyed infliction you had a pretty good feeling which one it was.
  411. >You grab the tape, pulling your wife the arm out of the room before you two are caught.
  412. >While she was busy monologing, you had a pretty good idea on where to go to help put this nightmare behind you.
  414. >Shortly after the escape you and your wife walk into a building.
  415. >"Anon, why are we here?"
  416. >Monika started to question as you moved into the Optometrist's office.
  417. "My, I thought /you/ were the detective."
  418. >You teased, only to be met by Monika turning her nose up slightly.
  419. "It's a Monika with a distinct feature, right? They're rare, which means our list of suspects were narrowed down"
  420. >"I still think I make a pretty good detective. Besides, you haven't done in impression ONCE since you got here!"
  421. >Your eyes shift towards her, moving towards the front desk.
  422. "Yeah, I'm sure that's how Holmes solved all his cases, by talking them into submission."
  423. >You moved over to receptionist Monika, placing an arm on the table.
  424. >You could tell from her glare she wasn't too fond of you, but it's something you were accustomed to.
  425. >Regardless, you gave a smile and asked,
  426. "Hey, I just had a-"
  427. >Your Monika nearly shoved you out of the way, both hands slamming down onto the counter.
  428. >"SPILL!"
  429. >She called out shining the light directly in the other Monika's face.
  430. >Receptionist Monika quickly covered her eyes, blocking out the beams of light beating on her.
  431. >"Where were you three weeks ago?!? Answer me or I swear to Dan!"
  432. >You lower the lamp, moving back into your original position.
  433. "Sorry, about that."
  434. >You said, lightly shooing your wife away from the desk.
  435. >You placed a photo taken of the tape on the table, pointing out the Monika in question.
  436. "We're looking for a Monika with glasses."
  437. >The receptionist just gave you a funny look.
  438. >"Ahaha~ We sort of get a lot of those here. That's kinda what we do.."
  439. >You shook you head slightly, mentally kicking yourself for your dumb mistake.
  440. "Yeah, of course. I mean- She was kind of jumpy? Twitches a bit, likes reading magazines."
  441. >The Monika gave a nod.
  442. >"Oh, yeah, her! She's kinda weird, ahaha~. Must have really gotten to her when the 3-D she liked rejected her when she got here. I think she fell on some rough times before Monika Aid found her."
  443. "Do you think we could get an address or something?"
  444. >The Monika shot you another look, clearly offended by the notion.
  445. >"Excuse me! But that's confidential information!"
  446. >Slowly your hand reached into your wife's trench coat, as she protested with a loud, "HEY!"
  447. >Pulling from it was a single zebra cake, which you placed on the counter.
  448. "How about now?"
  451. >"Our hallow steps sing me to my final confrontation. Is this the end? My reward for being a good detective? I've pulled off Outer Reality's mask, revealed it's dark secrets to the world. Now it reals back in horror and kicks at me like a bull shaking off a rider. I sit and ponder, will I ever get to see anon's face again in my final moments."
  452. "Well, considering I'm right here I'd assume so."
  453. >You said with a rather annoyed town, stuffing your phone into your pockets.
  454. "Why did I have to call the cops after we got here again?"
  455. >"Don't be silly, Anon, ahaha~. Police have sirens and sirens make a lot of noise. Giving her a chance to get away. Besides, we could use the credit we use to have."
  456. >You simply look on slightly confused.
  457. "Credit?"
  458. >"Oh! You didn't know? Ahaha~ You really are adorable."
  459. >She lowered her head, letting the shadow cast by her hat lay on her face.
  460. >Hands moved up to the doorknob, picking at the lock again.
  461. >"Deep dark secrets run through the gutters in the streets. There's something bigger at stake here, there always was. A web of crimes and I the fly that lays in the center of it, waiting for the next big bug to come and devour me for my curiosity...."
  462. >A slight clicking sound was heard, causing a smile to form on Monika's face.
  463. >She turned around to you, pausing for a moment.
  464. >The smile dissolved into a worried look.
  465. >"...Please don't get hurt...."
  466. >An arm slams into the door, causing it to burst open.
  467. >The place seemed neat enough.
  468. >The man in the cage was the most obvious thing that caught your attention however.
  469. "Jesus..."
  470. >You mutter slightly
  471. >Guy looks over, his bearded voice growing with joy as he caught sight of you two.
  472. "FINALLY!"
  473. >He called out in joy at the saviors.
  474. >The Moninapper glanced out from another room, catching sight of you two.
  475. >Her face grew a deep red, mostly from another guy being inside of her house.
  476. >She pushed her glasses up her face, giving out loud pants.
  477. >"I-I didn't...Wh-who are you people?!?"
  478. >Your wife flashed up what she tried to pass as a badge quickly, but you knew it was just a pack of cigarettes.
  479. >"The rain that comes down and washes the blood. You're the cancer eating away a the soul of all that's right with this place and I'm here to remove it...."
  480. >Tears would start to well in the moninappers eyes, motioning at the cage.
  481. >"Why?!? Why can't I be happy?!?"
  482. >Your wife simply started to walk calmly, moving towards the kitchen.
  483. >"Oh...And for the case of Guy Fawkes, but I was talking about something a lot more sinister."
  484. >Everyone in the room exchanged a puzzled brow.
  485. >Eventually you decide to be the one who breaks the silence.
  486. "Wait...I don't get it, aren't we here for him?"
  487. >"Oh, honey. It already told you it runs a lot deeper than just him."
  488. >She flings open the fridge, revealing it filled to the brim with mint flavored ice cream.
  490. >You stand dumb founded.
  491. >This shit again?
  492. >The moninapper grew distressed, visibly shaking as her breaths grew deeper and more rapid.
  493. >"NO NO NO NO NO!"
  494. >You saw horror grow on your wife's emerald eyes as she turned around to see the moninapper brandishing a knife.
  496. >The arm thrusted forward, but something caught it before it could reach her.
  497. >You wrapped your arms around the other Monika, staving off the blade from hitting your wife.
  498. >The moninapper struggled for a moment with the weapon, hand eye coordination not being her strong suit.
  499. >In a final last ditch effort, she jabs the weapon into your shoulder.
  500. "GAAH!"
  501. >You call out as the blade sinks into your arm, letting go of your opponent.
  502. >She had moments to act.
  503. >Yanking the blade out of your arm she gave one fluid motion at your wife
  504. >There was a loud shriek of pain coming from the woman you loved, as the weapon protruded out of her.
  505. >You almost forget about the criminal in the room as time slowed for you.
  506. >You dove in, catching her in your arms before hitting the ground.
  507. "NO!"
  508. >Is all your able to say as you put your hands on the wound fruitlessly trying to apply pressure to the wound as she slumps over on the ground.
  509. >Your vision goes blury with your salty tears as her empty green eyes look up at.
  510. >"Anon..."
  511. >She says weakly.
  512. >The moninapper takes a step back, clutching the knife unsure of what to do.
  513. >She had to get rid of witnesses right?
  514. >As she held up the weapon though, loud, obnoxious sirens sounded off in the distance.
  515. >She looked up, seeing the blinding red and blue flashes in the distance.
  516. >She gave a curse under her breath, looking from the cage to the door.
  517. >With no time to think of what to do, she bolts out the back, attempting to make an escape.
  518. >You let her, too focus on your wife.
  519. "P-Please don't die.."
  520. >You manage to force out, hugging her close to you.
  521. "Please don't."
  526. >The door slowly creaked open
  527. >You glance around, finding your wife in the hospital bed enjoying a book.
  528. >"Anon!"
  529. >She calls out with joy when she turns her head to you.
  530. >She held out her arms, expecting a warm hug.
  531. >You gladly give it to her, holding a bag in one hand.
  532. "How're you holding up?"
  533. >Monika crossed her arms slightly when you pulled away.
  534. >"Weeellll, not too good actually. Hospital food is terrible, Ahaha~"
  535. "Yeah, well, I have the antidote for that."
  536. >You pull from the bag some mint flavored ice cream!
  537. >Her emerald eyes fill with glee as she take the ice cream from your hands
  538. >You take a seat by the bed as she digs away at the food.
  539. "Doctors say you'll be out of here in a few days!"
  540. >Monika pulled the spoon from her mouth, looking down slightly.
  541. >You are taken back by this expression, putting your hand on her shoulders.
  542. "Hey, Moni, what's wrong? I thought you'd be thrilled to be out of here."
  543. >She looks up at you, eyes meeting yours.
  544. >"Anon...Did they ever actually catch her?"
  545. >You shrug slightly.
  546. "Don't think so, pretty sure it would have been reported on or something, but it's not our problem anymore. Guy's safe."
  547. >She takes your attention away from you, looking to the side.
  548. >"Anon...."
  549. >You placed a hand on her chin, pointing her face towards you.
  550. "They'll find her, it's their job. Can we just drop the detective thing now and go back to us?"
  551. >Monika gave a slight chuckle.
  552. >"Yeah, it's sort of out of my system now, ahaha~."
  553. >She shifted her weight slightly, holding up the book.
  554. >"Anon, do you mind reading with me?"
  555. >You smile, shifting your chair over next to her to share the book.
  556. THE END.
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