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a guest
Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. >> ActiveRecord::Base.logger = STDOUT
  2. => #<Logger:0x2b9b32bce1b8 @default_formatter=#<Logger::Formatter:0x2b9b32bce168 @datetime_format=nil>, prognamenil, logdev#<Logger::LogDevice:0x2b9b32bce118 @mutex=#<Logger::LogDevice::LogDeviceMutex:0x2b9b32bce0c8 @mon_count=0, @mon_owner=nil, @mon_waiting_queue=[], @mon_entering_queue=[]>, dev#<IO:0x2b9b2a2c9ed0, @shift_size=nil, @shift_age=nil, @filename=nil>, level0, formatternil
  3. >> reload!
  4. Reloading...
  5. => true
  6. >> user = User.find_by_slug 'mauriciolinhares'
  7. SQL (0.3ms) SET NAMES 'utf8'
  8. SQL (0.2ms) SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0
  9. User Load (0.7ms) SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE (`accounts`.`slug` = 'mauriciolinhares') AND (`accounts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL) AND ( (`accounts`.`type` = 'User' ) ) LIMIT 1
  10. => #<User id: 1226990, email: "", name: "Maurício Linhares", crypted_password: "c7b4ff3538e7f643befebf3a31fb53ecb292528d", salt: "3142ea7b2a611ebc7164cffd0ae859e926adbac5", created_at: "2009-09-09 17:21:23", updated_at: "2009-10-16 21:50:36", remember_token: "d1d98d0f2d201a9911ca205e74986512c692bd1c", remember_token_expires_at: "2009-10-29 22:02:24", gender: "Male", born_on: "1984-08-06", marketing_opt_out: false, confirmation_code: nil, slug: "mauriciolinhares", type: "User", followee_cache: [1001130], avatar_file_name: "thaiscblima_gmail.com_c1c84780.jpg", avatar_content_type: "image/jpeg", avatar_file_size: 32626, avatar_updated_at: "2009-09-09 17:21:22", amg_id: nil, city_id: 1107541, receives_following_notifications: true, websites: nil, entry_point_id: 11, color_header_bg: nil, color_main_font: nil, color_links: nil, color_bg: nil, private_profile: false, cell_index: nil, background_file_name: nil, background_content_type: nil, background_file_size: nil, background_updated_at: nil, background_align: nil, background_repeat: nil, background_fixed: nil, deleted_at: nil, created_by_id: nil, status: "registered", genre_id: nil, default_locale: nil, label_id: nil, song_play_count: 51, followee_count: 1, follower_count: 0, influences: nil, label_type: nil, management_email: nil, reset_code: nil, visit_count: 5, total_listen_count: 0, music_label: nil, msn_live_id: "d9ea977c6466a80a4961e0ab2376cae3", twitter_username: nil, twitter_id: nil, songs_count: 0, has_custom_profile: false>
  11. >> songs = Artist.find_by_slug( 'gravedigger' ).albums.first.songs
  12. Artist Load (2.5ms) SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE (`accounts`.`slug` = 'gravedigger') AND (`accounts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL) AND ( (`accounts`.`type` = 'Artist' ) ) LIMIT 1
  13. Album Load (0.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT `albums`.* FROM `albums` INNER JOIN `album_artists` ON `albums`.id = `album_artists`.album_id WHERE ((`album_artists`.artist_id = 129860)) AND (deleted_at IS NULL) ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 20
  14. Song Load (1.9ms) SELECT * FROM `songs` WHERE (`songs`.album_id = 340255) AND (`songs`.`deleted_at` IS NULL) ORDER BY position
  15. => [#<Song id: 1190774, title: "Liberty Or Death", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 393, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00001_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625537D", isrc: "ES6880602059", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190775, title: "Ocean f Blood", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 252, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00002_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625534J", isrc: "ES6880602060", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190776, title: "Highland Tears", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 375, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00003_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625529D", isrc: "ES6880602061", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190777, title: "The Terrible One", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 248, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00004_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625533L", isrc: "ES6880602062", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190778, title: "Until The Last King Died", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 346, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00005_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625532N", isrc: "ES6880602063", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190779, title: "March Of The Innocent", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 356, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00006_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625544F", isrc: "ES6880602064", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190780, title: "Silent Revolution", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 384, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00007_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625530R", isrc: "ES6880602065", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190781, title: "Shadowland", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 386, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00008_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625554B", isrc: "ES6880602066", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190782, title: "Hell", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 302, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00009_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625531P", isrc: "ES6880602067", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190783, title: "Massada", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 358, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00010_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625550J", isrc: "ES6880602068", buylink_count: 0>]
  16. >>
  17. ?> songs.each do |song|
  18. ?> options = { :remote_ip => '',
  19. ?> :user_id =>,
  20. ?> :timestamp =>,
  21. ?> :site_id => 11,
  22. ?> :type => 'listen',
  23. ?> :song_id =>,
  24. ?> :duration => song.duration,
  25. ?> :source => "ON-DEMAND"}
  26. >> BeanstalkProcessor.queue(:log_listen, options)
  27. >> end
  28. => [#<Song id: 1190774, title: "Liberty Or Death", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 393, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00001_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625537D", isrc: "ES6880602059", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190775, title: "Ocean f Blood", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 252, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00002_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625534J", isrc: "ES6880602060", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190776, title: "Highland Tears", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 375, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00003_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625529D", isrc: "ES6880602061", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190777, title: "The Terrible One", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 248, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00004_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625533L", isrc: "ES6880602062", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190778, title: "Until The Last King Died", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 346, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00005_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625532N", isrc: "ES6880602063", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190779, title: "March Of The Innocent", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 356, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00006_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625544F", isrc: "ES6880602064", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190780, title: "Silent Revolution", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 384, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00007_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625530R", isrc: "ES6880602065", buylink_count: 0>, #<Song id: 1190781, title: "Shadowland", artist_id: 129860, created_at: "2009-05-15 14:03:00", updated_at: "2009-10-11 19:33:21", duration: 386, copyright: "2006 Locomotivemusic", label: nil, distributor: "WML", file_name: "884463035898_00008_192.mp3", album_id: 340255, position: nil, deleted_at: nil, source: "Ingest", music_label: "Zebralution", available_countries: [11, 25, 33, 35, 41, 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74, 80, 81, 91, 99, 100, 101], label_id: 1, grid: "A10302B0000625550J", isrc: "ES6880602068", buylink_count: 0>]
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